; Test driver to exercise graphics routines. REL DSK MAINSEG use Load.Macs.s use Locator.Macs.s use Misc.Macs.s use EDS.GSOS.MACS.s use Tool222.Macs.s use Util.Macs.s use CORE.MACS.s use ../../src/GTE.s use ../../src/Defs.s mx %00 ; Feature flags NO_INTERRUPTS equ 0 ; turn off for crossrunner debugging NO_MUSIC equ 1 ; turn music + tool loading off ; Keycodes LEFT_ARROW equ $08 RIGHT_ARROW equ $15 UP_ARROW equ $0B DOWN_ARROW equ $0A ; Typical init phk plb jsl EngineStartUp lda #^MyPalette ; Fill Palette #0 with our colors ldx #MyPalette ldy #0 jsl SetPalette ldx #256 ldy #176 jsl SetScreenMode ; Set up our level data jsr BG0SetUp ; Initialize the sprite's global position (this is tracked outside of the tile engine) stz PlayerX stz PlayerY stz MapScreenX stz MapScreenY ; Add a sprite to the engine and save it's sprite ID SPRITE_ID equ {SPRITE_16X16+1} OKTOROK equ {SPRITE_16X16+79} lda #SPRITE_ID ; 16x16 sprite ldx PlayerX ldy PlayerY jsl AddSprite bcc :sprite_ok brl Exit ; If we could not allocate a sprite, exit :sprite_ok sta PlayerID brl Exit ; Add 4 octoroks lda #OKTOROK ldx #32 ldy #48 jsl AddSprite lda #OKTOROK ldx #96 ldy #32 jsl AddSprite lda #OKTOROK ldx #56 ldy #96 jsl AddSprite lda #OKTOROK ldx #72 ldy #96 jsl AddSprite ; Draw the initial screen lda #DIRTY_BIT_BG0_REFRESH ; Redraw all of the tiles on the next Render tsb DirtyBits jsl Render ; Set up a very specific test. First, we draw a sprite into the sprite plane, and then ; leave it alone. We are just testing the ability to merge sprite plane data into ; the play field tiles. EvtLoop jsl ReadControl ; Check the buttons first pha bit #$0100 beq :no_sword :no_sword ; Enable/disable v-sync lda 1,s bit #$0400 beq :no_key_down and #$007F cmp #'v' bne :not_v lda #$0001 eor vsync sta vsync :not_v :no_key_down pla and #$007F ; Ignore the buttons for now cmp #'q' bne :not_q brl Exit :not_q cmp #'d' bne :not_d inc PlayerX lda PlayerX cmp #128-8 bcc *+5 jsr TransitionRight lda PlayerID ldx #SPRITE_16X16+5 jsl UpdateSprite bra :do_render :not_d cmp #'a' bne :not_a dec PlayerX bpl *+5 jsr TransitionLeft lda PlayerID ldx #SPRITE_16X16+SPRITE_HFLIP+5 jsl UpdateSprite bra :do_render :not_a cmp #'s' bne :not_s inc PlayerY lda PlayerID ldx #SPRITE_16X16+1 jsl UpdateSprite bra :do_render :not_s cmp #'w' bne :not_w dec PlayerY lda PlayerID ldx #SPRITE_16X16+9 jsl UpdateSprite bra :do_render :not_w :do_render lda PlayerID ldx PlayerX ldy PlayerY jsl MoveSprite ; Move the sprite to the current position ; Let's see what it looks like! lda vsync beq :no_vsync :vsyncloop jsl GetVerticalCounter ; 8-bit value cmp ScreenY1 bcc :vsyncloop sec sbc ScreenY1 cmp #8 bcs :vsyncloop ; Wait until we're within the top 8 scanlines lda #1 jsl SetBorderColor :no_vsync jsl RenderDirty lda vsync beq :no_vsync2 lda #0 jsl SetBorderColor :no_vsync2 brl EvtLoop ; Exit code Exit jsl EngineShutDown _QuitGS qtRec bcs Fatal Fatal brk $00 TransitionRight lda MapScreenX ; Only two screens cmp #1 bcs :done lda StartX ; Scroll 128 bytes to the right clc adc #128 sta TransitionX :loop lda StartX cmp TransitionX bcs :out clc adc #4 jsl SetBG0XPos lda PlayerX sec sbc #4 bmi :nosprite sta PlayerX lda PlayerID ldx PlayerX ldy PlayerY jsl MoveSprite :nosprite jsl Render ; Do full renders since the playfield is scrolling bra :loop :out lda #0 ; Move the player back to the left edge sta PlayerX inc MapScreenX ; Move the index to the next screen :done rts TransitionLeft lda MapScreenX cmp #0 beq :done lda StartX ; Scroll 128 bytes to the left sec sbc #128 sta TransitionX :loop lda StartX cmp TransitionX beq :out sec sbc #4 jsl SetBG0XPos lda PlayerX clc adc #4 cmp #128-8+1 bcs :nosprite sta PlayerX lda PlayerID ldx PlayerX ldy PlayerY jsl MoveSprite :nosprite jsl Render bra :loop :out ; lda #128-8 ; Move the player back to the right edge ; sta PlayerX dec MapScreenX ; Move the index to the next screen :done rts ; Color palette ;MyPalette dw $068F,$0EDA,$0000,$0000,$0BF1,$00A0,$0EEE,$0456,$0FA4,$0F59,$0E30,$01CE,$02E3,$0870,$0F93,$0FD7 MyPalette dw $0FDA,$08C1,$0C41,$0F93,$0777,$0FDA,$00A0,$0000,$0D20,$0FFF,$023E,$01CE,$02E3,$0870,$0F93,$0FD7 MapScreenX ds 2 MapScreenY ds 2 PlayerID ds 2 PlayerX ds 2 PlayerY ds 2 TransitionX ds 2 TransitionY ds 2 oldOneSecondCounter ds 2 frameCount ds 2 qtRec adrl $0000 da $00 vsync dw $8000 PUT gen/App.TileMapBG0.s ANGLEBNK ENT