REL DSK MAINSEG use EDS.GSOS.MACS.s use Tool222.Macs.s use ../../src/GTE.s use ../../src/Defs.s mx %00 ; Space for player position variables PlayerX equ AppSpace PlayerY equ AppSpace+2 ; Timer handle TimerHndl dw $FFFF IntroCounter ds 2 phk plb jsl EngineStartUp stz PlayerX stz PlayerY ldx #0 ; Use full-screen mode jsl SetScreenMode bcs *+5 sta TimerHndl stz IntroCounter ldx #^IntroTask lda #IntroTask ldy #10 ; Play at 6 fps jsl AddTimer bcs *+5 sta TimerHndl :loop jsl DoTimers jsl ReadControl and #$007F ; Ignore the buttons for now cmp #'q' beq :exit ; Just keep drawing the player. The timer task will animate the position jsr DrawPlayer bra :loop :moveup lda PlayerY dec bpl *+5 lda #0 sta PlayerY jmp DrawPlayer :movedown lda PlayerY inc cmp #160 bcc *+5 lda #160 sta PlayerY jmp DrawPlayer :moveleft lda PlayerX dec bpl *+5 lda #0 sta PlayerX jmp DrawPlayer :moveright lda PlayerX inc cmp #140 bcc *+5 lda #140 sta PlayerX jmp DrawPlayer ; Clean up and do a GS/OS Quit :exit jsl EngineShutDown :quit _QuitGS qtRec bcs :fatal :fatal brk $00 qtRec adrl $0000 da $00 ; Play a scripted animation IntroTask phb phk plb lda IntroCounter and #$0007 asl asl tax lda IntroPath,x ; X coordinate sta PlayerX lda IntroPath+2,x ; Y coordinate sta PlayerY inc IntroCounter plb rtl IntroPath dw 0,0,10,0,20,0,20,5,20,7,35,15,50,17,80,20 DrawPlayer rts ; lda PlayerY ; asl ; tax ; ldal ScreenAddr,x ; clc ; adc PlayerX ; tay ; jsl Spr_001 ; rts ; Storage for tiles (not used in this demo) tiledata ENT ; Storage for sprites ;StackAddress ds 2 ; PUT sprites/Ships.s