**************************************** * Basic Error Macro * **************************************** _Err mac bcc NoErr do ]0 ; (DO if true) Mu jsr PgmDeath ; this is conditionally compiled if str ]1 ; we pass in an error statement else ; (ELSE) jmp PgmDeath0 ; we just call the simpler error handler fin ; (FIN) NoErr eom ; ; Dereference a handle that is on the top of the stack ; _Deref MAC phb ; save caller's data bank register pha ; push high word of handle on stack plb ; sets B to the bank byte of the pointer lda |$0002,x ; load the high word of the master pointer pha ; and save it on the stack lda |$0000,x ; load the low word of the master pointer tax ; and return it in X pla ; restore the high word in A plb ; pull the handle's high word high byte off the ; stack plb ; restore the caller's data bank register <<< _Mul128 mac asl asl asl asl asl asl asl <<< ; Possible optimization (assumes accumulator is <512). 8 cycles/5 bytes vs 14 cycles/7 bytes ; cmp #$0100 ; xba ; ror _Div16 mac lsr lsr lsr lsr <<< _R0W0 mac ; Read Bank 0 / Write Bank 0 ldal STATE_REG and #$FFCF stal STATE_REG <<< _R0W1 mac ; Read Bank 0 / Write Bank 1 ldal STATE_REG ora #$0010 stal STATE_REG <<< _R1W1 mac ; Read Bank 0 / Write Bank 1 ldal STATE_REG ora #$0030 stal STATE_REG <<< _PushReg mac ; Used to save/restore registers when calling subroutines. pha phx phy <<< _PullReg mac ply plx pla <<< _PushReg2 mac ; Variation to also save the P-register to preserve m/x pha phx phy php <<< _PullReg2 mac plp ply plx pla <<< jne mac beq *+5 jmp ]1 <<< jeq mac bne *+5 jmp ]1 <<< jcc mac bcs *+5 jmp ]1 <<< jcs mac bcc *+5 jmp ]1 <<< min mac cmp ]1 bcc mout lda ]1 mout <<< ; Increment a value mod some number. incmod mac inc cmp ]1 bcc out lda #0 out <<< decmod mac dec bpl out lda ]1 dec out <<< adcmod mac adc ]1 cmp ]2 bcc out sbc ]2 out <<< sbcmod mac sbc ]1 bpl out clc adc ]2 out <<< asr16 mac cmp #$8000 ror <<< asr8 mac cmp #$80 ror <<< ; Macro to define script steps ScriptStep MAC IF #=]5 dw {]1+{{]5&#$000F}<<8}},]2,]3,]4 ELSE dw ]1,]2,]3,]4 FIN <<<