Lucas Scharenbroich 87ded17e20 Initial Tiled tile animation export support
* Tiled tile animations read from TSX files
* Hooks for initialization generated by the tiled export tool
* Animated tiles implements with dynamic tiles backed by 2KB of direct
  page space in Bank 00
* Animation resolution limited to 1/60th incremenents

* Fix crasher in the _DoScriptSequ timer callback
* Fix single-line of garbage on the top line of the dynamic tiles
2021-10-06 07:10:09 -05:00

696 lines
27 KiB

; Template and equates for GTE blitter
mx %00
DP_ADDR equ entry_1-base+1 ; offset to patch in the direct page for dynamic tiles
BG1_ADDR equ entry_2-base+1 ; offset to patch in the Y-reg for BG1 (dp),y addressing
STK_ADDR equ entry_3-base+1 ; offset to patch in the stack (SHR) right edge address
DP_ENTRY equ entry_1-base
TWO_LYR_ENTRY equ entry_2-base
ONE_LYR_ENTRY equ entry_3-base
CODE_ENTRY_OPCODE equ entry_jmp-base
CODE_ENTRY equ entry_jmp-base+1 ; low byte of the page-aligned jump address
ODD_ENTRY equ odd_entry-base+1
CODE_TOP equ loop-base
CODE_LEN equ top-base
CODE_EXIT equ even_exit-base
OPCODE_SAVE equ odd_save-base ; spot to save the code field opcode when patching exit BRA
OPCODE_HIGH_SAVE equ odd_save-base+2 ; save the third byte
FULL_RETURN equ full_return-base ; offset that returns from the blitter
ENABLE_INT equ enable_int-base ; offset that re-enable interrupts and continues
SNIPPET_BASE equ snippets-base
; Locations that need the page offset added
PagePatches da {long_0-base+2}
da {long_1-base+2}
da {long_2-base+2}
da {long_3-base+2}
da {long_4-base+2}
da {long_5-base+2}
da {long_6-base+2}
da {odd_entry-base+2}
da {loop_exit_1-base+2}
da {loop_exit_2-base+2}
da {loop_back-base+2}
da {loop_exit_3-base+2}
da {even_exit-base+2}
PagePatchNum equ *-PagePatches
BankPatches da {long_0-base+3}
da {long_1-base+3}
da {long_2-base+3}
da {long_3-base+3}
da {long_4-base+3}
da {long_5-base+3}
da {long_6-base+3}
BankPatchNum equ *-BankPatches
; Set the physical location of the virtual screen on the physical screen. The
; screen size must by a multiple of 8
; A = XXYY where XX is the left edge [0, 159] and YY is the top edge [0, 199]
; X = width (in bytes)
; Y = height (in lines)
; This subroutine stores the screen positions in the direct page space and fills
; in the double-length ScreenAddrR table that holds the address of the right edge
; of the playfield. This table is used to set addresses in the code banks when the
; virtual origin is changed.
; We are not concerned about the raw performance of this function because it should
; usually only be executed once during app initialization. It doesn't get called
; with any significant frequency.
SetScreenRect sty ScreenHeight ; Save the screen height and width
stx ScreenWidth
tax ; Temp save of the accumulator
and #$00FF
sta ScreenY0
adc ScreenHeight
sta ScreenY1
txa ; Restore the accumulator
and #$00FF
sta ScreenX0
adc ScreenWidth
sta ScreenX1
lda ScreenHeight ; Divide the height in scanlines by 8 to get the number tiles
sta ScreenTileHeight
lda ScreenWidth ; Divide width in bytes by 4 to get the number of tiles
sta ScreenTileWidth
lda ScreenY0 ; Calculate the address of the first byte
asl ; of the right side of the playfield
lda ScreenAddr,x ; This is the address for the left edge of the physical screen
adc ScreenX1
pha ; Save for second loop
ldx #0
ldy ScreenHeight
jsr :loop
pla ; Reset the address and continue filling in the
ldy ScreenHeight ; second half of the table
:loop clc
sta RTable,x
adc #160
bne :loop
; Clear the SHR screen and then infill the defined field
FillScreen lda #0
jsr _ClearToColor
ldy ScreenY0
asl a
lda ScreenAddr,x
adc ScreenX0
lda ScreenWidth
lda #$FFFF
:xloop stal $E10000,x ; X is the absolute address
bne :xloop
cpy ScreenY1
bcc :yloop
; Special subroutine to divide the accumulator by 164 and return remainder in the Accumulator
; 164 = $A4 = 1010_0100
Mod164 cmp #%1010010000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%1010010000000000
cmp #%0101001000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0101001000000000
cmp #%0010100100000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0010100100000000
cmp #%0001010010000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0001010010000000
cmp #%0000101001000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000101001000000
cmp #%0000010100100000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000010100100000
cmp #%0000001010010000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000001010010000
cmp #%0000000101001000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000000101001000
cmp #%0000000010100100
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000000010100100
; Special subroutine to divide the accumulator by 208 and return remainder in the Accumulator
; 208 = $D0 = 1101_0000
; There are probably faster hacks to divide a 16-bit unsigned value by 208
; https://www.drdobbs.com/parallel/optimizing-integer-division-by-a-constan/184408499
; https://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2009/06/division-of-integers-by-constants/
Mod208 cmp #%1101000000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%1101000000000000
cmp #%0110100000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0110100000000000
cmp #%0011010000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0011010000000000
cmp #%0001101000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0001101000000000
cmp #%0000110100000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000110100000000
cmp #%0000011010000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000011010000000
cmp #%0000001101000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000001101000000
cmp #%0000000110100000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000000110100000
cmp #%0000000011010000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000000011010000
; Patch an 8-bit or 16-bit valueS into the bank. These are a set up unrolled loops to
; quickly patch in a constanct value, or a value from an array into a given set of
; templates.
; Because we have structured everything as parallel code blocks, most updates to the blitter
; reduce to storing a constant value and have an amortized cost of just a single store.
; The utility of these routines is that they also handle setting just a range of lines
; within a single bank.
; X = number of lines * 2, 0 to 32
; Y = starting line * $1000
; A = value
; Set M to 0 or 1
SetConst ; Need a blank line here, otherwise the :tbl local variable resolveds backwards
jmp (:tbl,x)
:tbl da :bottom-00,:bottom-03,:bottom-06,:bottom-09
da :bottom-12,:bottom-15,:bottom-18,:bottom-21
da :bottom-24,:bottom-27,:bottom-30,:bottom-33
da :bottom-36,:bottom-39,:bottom-42,:bottom-45
da :bottom-48
:top sta $F000,y
sta $E000,y
sta $D000,y
sta $C000,y
sta $B000,y
sta $A000,y
sta $9000,y
sta $8000,y
sta $7000,y
sta $6000,y
sta $5000,y
sta $4000,y
sta $3000,y
sta $2000,y
sta $1000,y
sta: $0000,y
:bottom rts
; SetDPAddrs
; A = absolute address (largest)
; Y = offset
; Initializes a bank of direct page offsets
lda #$0800
sta $F000,y
lda #$0700
sta $E000,y
lda #$0600
sta $D000,y
lda #$0500
sta $C000,y
lda #$0400
sta $B000,y
lda #$0300
sta $A000,y
lda #$0200
sta $9000,y
lda #$0100
sta: $8000,y
lda #$0800
sta $7000,y
lda #$0700
sta $6000,y
lda #$0600
sta $5000,y
lda #$0500
sta $4000,y
lda #$0400
sta $3000,y
lda #$0300
sta $2000,y
lda #$0200
sta $1000,y
lda #$0100
sta: $0000,y
; SetAbsAddrs
; A = absolute address (largest)
; Y = offset
; X = number of lines
; Stores a value and decrements by $1000 for each line
SetAbsAddrs sec
jmp (:tbl,x)
:tbl da :bottom-00,:bottom-03,:bottom-09,:bottom-15
da :bottom-21,:bottom-27,:bottom-33,:bottom-39
da :bottom-45,:bottom-51,:bottom-57,:bottom-63
da :bottom-69,:bottom-75,:bottom-81,:bottom-87
da :bottom-93
:top sta $F000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $E000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $D000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $C000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $B000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $A000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $9000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $8000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $7000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $6000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $5000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $4000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $3000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $2000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $1000,y
sbc #$1000
sta: $0000,y
:bottom rts
; Fill up a full bank with blitter templates. Currently we can fit 16 lines per bank, so need
; a total of 13 banks to hold the 208 lines for full-screen support
; A = high word of bank table
; Y = index * 4 of the bank to initialize
:bankArray equ tmp0
:target equ tmp2
:nextBank equ tmp4
stx :bankArray
sta :bankArray+2
stz :target
lda [:bankArray],y
sta :target+2
iny ; move to the next item
iny ; middle byte
cpy #4*13 ; if greater than the array length, wrap back to zero
bcc :ok
ldy #1
:ok lda [:bankArray],y ; Get the middle and high bytes of the address
sta :nextBank
jsr :BuildLine2
lda :target
adc #$1000
sta :target
bcc :next
pei :target+1
; Change the patched value to one of DP_ENTRY, TWO_LYR_ENTRY or ONE_LYR_ENTRY based on the capabilities
; that the engine needs.
lda #$F000+{DP_ENTRY} ; Set the address from each line to the next
ldy #CODE_EXIT+1
ldx #15*2
jsr SetAbsAddrs
ldy #DP_ADDR
jsr SetDPAddrs
ldy #$F000+CODE_EXIT ; Patch the last line with a JML to go to the next bank
lda #{$005C+{TWO_LYR_ENTRY}*256}
sta [:target],y
ldy #$F000+CODE_EXIT+2
lda :nextBank
sta [:target],y
ldy #$8000+CODE_EXIT ; Patch one line per bank to enable interrupts
lda #{$004C+{ENABLE_INT}*256}
sta [:target],y
; This is the relocation subroutine, it is responsible for copying the template to a
; memory location and patching up the necessary instructions.
; X = low word of address (must be a multiple of $1000)
; A = high word of address (bank)
stx :target
sta :target+2
lda #CODE_LEN ; round up to an even number of bytes
and #$FFFE
beq :nocopy
:loop lda base,y
sta [:target],y
bpl :loop
:nocopy lda #0 ; copy is complete, now patch up the addresses
sep #$20
ldx #0
lda :target+2 ; patch in the bank for the absolute long addressing mode
:dobank ldy BankPatches,x
sta [:target],y
cpx #BankPatchNum
bcc :dobank
ldx #0
:dopage ldy PagePatches,x ; patch the page addresses by adding the page offset to each
lda [:target],y
adc :target+1
sta [:target],y
cpx #PagePatchNum
bcc :dopage
rep #$20
; Start of the template code. This code is replicated 16 times per bank and spans
; 13 banks for a total of 208 lines, which is what is required to render 26 tiles
; to cover the full screen vertical scrolling.
; The 'base' location is always assumed to be on a 4kb ($1000) boundary
entry_1 ldx #0000 ; Used for LDA 00,x addressing
entry_2 ldy #0000 ; Used for LDA (00),y addressing
entry_3 lda #0000 ; Sets screen address (right edge)
entry_jmp jmp $0100
dfb $00 ; if the screen is odd-aligned, then the opcode is set to
; $AF to convert to a LDA long instruction. This puts the
; first two bytes of the instruction field in the accumulator
; and falls through to the next instruction.
; We structure the line so that the entry point only needs to
; update the low-byte of the address, the means it takes only
; an amortized 4-cycles per line to set the entry point break
right_odd bit #$000B ; Check the bottom nibble to quickly identify a PEA instruction
beq r_is_pea ; This costs 6 cycles in the fast-path
bit #$0040 ; Check bit 6 to distinguish between JMP and all of the LDA variants
bne r_is_jmp
long_1 stal *+4-base ; Everything else is a two-byte LDA opcode + PHA
dfb $00,$00
bra r_jmp_rtn
r_is_pea xba ; fast code for PEA
r_jmp_rtn sep #$20 ; shared return code path by all methods
rep #$20
odd_entry jmp $0100 ; unconditionally jump into the "next" instruction in the
; code field. This is OK, even if the entry point was the
; last instruction, because there is a JMP at the end of
; the code field, so the code will simply jump to that
; instruction directly.
; As with the original entry point, because all of the
; code field is page-aligned, only the low byte needs to
; be updated when the scroll position changes
r_is_jmp sep #$41 ; Set the C and V flags which tells a snippet to push only the low byte
long_2 ldal entry_jmp+1-base
long_3 stal *+5-base
jmp $0000 ; Jumps into the exception code, which returns to r_jmp_rtn
; The next labels are special, in that they are entry points into special subroutines. They are special
; because they are within the first 256 bytes of each code field, which allows them to be selectable
; by patching the low byte of the JMP instructions.
; Return to caller -- the even_exit JMP from the previous line will jump here when a render is complete
full_return jml blt_return ; Full exit
; Re-enable interrupts and continue -- the even_exit JMP from the previous line will jump here every
; 8 or 16 lines in order to give the system some extra time to handle interrupts.
enable_int ldal stk_save+1 ; restore the stack
sep #$20 ; 8-bit mode
ldal STATE_REG ; Read Bank 0 / Write Bank 0
and #$CF
nop ; Give a couple of cycles
ora #$10 ; Read Bank 0 / Write Bank 1
rep #$20
bra entry_1
; This is the spot that needs to be page-aligned. In addition to simplifying the entry address
; and only needing to update a byte instad of a word, because the code breaks out of the
; code field with a BRA instruction, we keep everything within a page to avoid the 1-cycle
; page-crossing penalty of the branch.
ds 166
loop_exit_1 jmp odd_exit-base ; +0 Alternate exit point depending on whether the left edge is
loop_exit_2 jmp even_exit-base ; +3 odd-aligned
loop lup 82 ; +6 Set up 82 PEA instructions, which is 328 pixels and consumes 246 bytes
pea $0000 ; This is 41 8x8 tiles in width. Need to have N+1 tiles for screen overlap
loop_back jmp loop-base ; +252 Ensure execution continues to loop around
loop_exit_3 jmp even_exit-base ; +255
odd_exit ldal l_is_jmp+1-base
bit #$000B
bne :chk_jmp
sep #$20
long_6 ldal l_is_jmp+3-base ; get the high byte of the PEA operand
; Fall-through when we have to push a byte on the left edge. Must be 8-bit on entry. Optimized
; for the PEA $0000 case -- only 19 cycles to handle the edge, so pretty good
rep #$20
; JMP opcode = $4C, JML opcode = $5C
even_exit jmp $1000 ; Jump to the next line.
ds 1 ; space so that the last line in a bank can be patched into a JML
bit #$0040
bne l_is_jmp
long_4 stal *+4-base
dfb $00,$00
l_jmp_rtn xba
sep #$20
rep #$20
bra even_exit
l_is_jmp sec ; Set the C flag (V is always cleared at this point) which tells a snippet to push only the high byte
odd_save dfb $00,$00,$00 ; The odd exit 3-byte sequence is always stashed here
; Special epilogue: skip a number of bytes and jump back into the code field. This is useful for
; large, floating panels in the attract mode of a game, or to overlay solid
; dialog while still animating the play field
epilogue_1 tsc
sbc #0
jmp $0000 ; This jumps back into the code field
:out jmp $0000 ; This jumps to the next epilogue chain element
ds 1
; These are the special code snippets -- there is a 1:1 relationship between each snippet space
; and a 3-byte entry in the code field. Thus, each snippet has a hard-coded JMP to return to
; the next code field location
; The snippet is required to handle the odd-alignment in-line; there is no facility for
; patching or intercepting these values due to their complexity. The only requirements
; are:
; 1. Carry Clear -> 16-bit write and return to the next code field operand
; 2. Carry Set
; a. Overflow set -> Low 8-bit write and return to the next code field operand
; b. Overflow clear -> High 8-bit write and exit the line
; c. Always clear the Carry flags. It's actually OK to leave the overflow bit in
; its passed state, because having the carry bit clear prevents evaluation of
; the V bit.
; Snippet Samples:
; Standard Two-level Mix (23 bytes)
; Optimal = 18 cycles (LDA/AND/ORA/PHA/JMP)
; 16-bit write = 21 cycles
; 8-bit low = 30 cycles
; 8-bit high = 29 cycles
; start lda (00),y ; 6
; and #MASK ; 3
; ora #DATA ; 3 = 12 cycles to load the data
; bcs alt_exit ; 2/3
; pha ; 4
; out brl next ; 4 Fast-path completes in 5 additional cycles
; alt_exit bvs r_edge ; 2/3
; clc ; 2
; brl l_jmp_rtn ; 3
; r_edge rep #$41
; brl r_jmp_rtn ; 3
; For dynamic masked tiles, we re-write bytes 2 - 8 as this, which mostly
; avoids an execution speed pentaly for having to fill in the two extra bytes
; with an instruction
; start lda (00),y ; 6
; and $80,x ; 5
; ora $00,x ; 5 = 16 cycles to load the data
; bcc *+4 ;
; bcs alt_exit ; 2/3
; pha
; ...
ds \,$00 ; pad to the next page boundary
]index equ 0
snippets lup 82
ds 2 ; space for a 2-byte sequence; LDA (00),y LDA 00,x LDA 0,s
and #$0000 ; the mask operand will be set when the tile is drawn
ora #$0000 ; the data operand will be set when the tile is drawn
bcs *+6
brl loop+3+{3*]index} ; use relative branch for convenience
bvs *+6 ; overflow set means this is the right edge (entry)
clc ; carry is set only for edge operations; force clear
brl l_jmp_rtn
rep #$41 ; clear V and C
brl r_jmp_rtn ; 25 bytes
ds 7 ; padding
]index equ ]index+1