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/getting-started page

Getting Started

  • Set Up
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Native

This tutorial page will walk through the process of setting up your computer to build Apple IIgs applications that leverage the GTE toolset.

Set Up




If you are developing directly on an Apple IIgs machine, dowload the GTE-1.0.shk archive into your GS/OS environment. There are several ways of getting the file onto your system.

  1. Use the NetDisk utility to mount to the remote disk image directly from GS/OS and copy the Tool160 file
  2. Use ADTPro to transfer the disk image to the apple IIgs and write it onto a physical floppy disk

Installing GTE

Copy the Tool160 file into the System:Tools folder of your GS/OS boot volume. It is also possible to load the toolset from the application's folder (or any file system location), which will be covered later.

Your First Program

#include <loader.h>
#include <locator.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <misctool.h>
#include <gte.h>

/* create two solid tiles */
extern Byte tiles[] = { STATIC_TILE(0x00), STATIC_TILE(0xFF) };

/* define a couple of key codes for the arrow keys */
#define LEFT_ARROW  0x08
#define RIGHT_ARROW 0x15
#define UP_ARROW    0x0B
#define DOWN_ARROW  0x0A

Word userId;
Handle dpHandle;

void startUp(void) {
    userId = MMStartUp();

    LoadOneTool(160, 0x0100);
    dpHandle = NewHandle(0x200L, userId, attrBank + attrPage + attrFixed + attrLocked + attrNoCross, 0);
    GTEStartUp((Word) *dpHandle, (Word) 0, userId);

void shutDown(void) {

void main(void) {
    Word keyPress;
    int x, y;

    /* Start up GTE and its dependencies */

    /* Create a 256x160 playfield (128 bytes x 160 lines) */
    GTESetScreenMode(128, 160);

    /* Load in two tiles */
    GTELoadTileSet(0, 2, tiles);

    /* Fill the tile store with a checkerboard pattern */
    for (y = 0; y < GTE_TILE_STORE_HEIGHT; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < GTE_TILE_STORE_WIDTH; x++) {
            GTESetTile(x, y, (x + y) & 1);

    /* Enter into the main loop */
    x = y = 0;
    do {
        keyPress = GTEReadControl() & PAD_KEY_CODE;

        if (keyPress == LEFT_ARROW && x > 0) x--;
        if (keyPress == RIGHT_ARROW && x < 1000) x++;
        if (keyPress == UP_ARROW && y > 0) y--;
        if (keyPress == DOWN_ARROW && y < 1000) y++;

        /* Position the screen and render */
        GTESetBG0Origin(x, y);
    while (keyPress != 'Q' && keyPress != 'q');
