using System; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using SpriteCompiler.Problem; using SpriteCompiler.AI; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace SpriteCompiler.Test { [TestClass] public class Tests { [TestMethod] public void TestEmptySprite() { // Arrange var problem = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.CreateSearchProblem(); var search = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.Create(); // Act : solve the problem var solution = search.Search(problem, SpriteGeneratorState.Init(Enumerable.Empty())); // Assert : The initial state IS the goal state Assert.AreEqual(1, solution.Count()); } [TestMethod] public void TestSingleByteSprite() { Trace.WriteLine("Testing a sprite with just one byte"); // Arrange var problem = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.CreateSearchProblem(); var search = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.Create(); // Act : solve the problem var solution = search.Search(problem, SpriteGeneratorState.Init(new byte[] { 0xAA })); // Assert // // The fastest way to draw a single byte at the current location should be // // TCS // SHORT A // LDA #$AA // STA 0,s // LONG A = 14 cycles // Write out the solution WriteOutSolution(solution); Assert.AreEqual(5, solution.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(14, (int)solution.Last().PathCost); } [TestMethod] public void TestSingleWordSprite() { // Arrange var problem = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.CreateSearchProblem(); var search = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.Create(); // Act : solve the problem var solution = search.Search(problem, SpriteGeneratorState.Init(new byte[] { 0xAA, 0x55 })); // Assert // // The fastest way to draw a single word at the current location should be // // TCS // LDA #$55AA // STA 0,s = 10 cycles // Write out the solution WriteOutSolution(solution); Assert.AreEqual(3, solution.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(10, (int)solution.Last().PathCost); } [TestMethod] public void TestOverlappingWrite() { // Arrange var problem = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.CreateSearchProblem(); var search = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.Create(); // Act : solve the problem var solution = search.Search(problem, SpriteGeneratorState.Init(new byte[] { 0x11, 0x22, 0x22 })); // Assert // // Solution should be 18 cycles // // TCS // LDA #$2211 // STA 0,s // LDA #$2222 // STA 1,s = 18 cycles // Write out the solution WriteOutSolution(solution); Assert.AreEqual(18, (int)solution.Last().PathCost); } [TestMethod] public void TestSingleByteWithMask() { // Arrange var problem = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.CreateSearchProblem(); var search = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.Create(); // Act : solve the problem var data = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x11 }; var mask = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0x00 }; var solution = search.Search(problem, SpriteGeneratorState.Init(data, mask)); // Assert // // Solution should be same as regular single-byte sprite, except // the store happens at offset 1, instead of 0. // Write out the solution WriteOutSolution(solution); Assert.AreEqual(5, solution.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(14, (int)solution.Last().PathCost); } [TestMethod] public void TestSinglePixelMask() { // Arrange var problem = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.CreateSearchProblem(); var search = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.Create(); // Act : solve the problem var data = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x11 }; var mask = new byte[] { 0xF0, 0x00 }; var solution = search.Search(problem, SpriteGeneratorState.Init(data, mask)); // Assert // // Solution should be a single 16-bit RMW // // TCS // LDA 0,s // AND #$00F0 // ORA #$1101 // STA 0,s = 18 cycles // Write out the solution WriteOutSolution(solution); Assert.AreEqual(18, (int)solution.Last().PathCost); } [TestMethod] public void TestConsecutiveWordSprite() { // Arrange var problem = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.CreateSearchProblem(); var search = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.Create(); // Act : solve the problem var solution = search.Search(problem, SpriteGeneratorState.Init(new byte[] { 0xAA, 0x55, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66 })); // Assert // // The fastest way to draw a consecutive words should be // // ADC #7 // TCS // PEA $6655 // PEA $4433 // PEA $2211 // PEA $55AA = 25 cycles // Write out the solution WriteOutSolution(solution); Assert.AreEqual(6, solution.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(25, (int)solution.Last().PathCost); } [TestMethod] public void TestConsecutiveWordSpriteWithMask() { // Arrange var problem = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.CreateSearchProblem(); var search = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.Create(); // Act : solve the problem var data = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x11, 0x22, 0x11, 0x33 }; var mask = new byte[] { 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; var solution = search.Search(problem, SpriteGeneratorState.Init(data, mask)); // Assert // // The fastest way to render this data should be // // ADC #4 // TCS // PEA $3311 // PEA $2211 // LDA 0,s // AND #$00F0 // ORA #$1101 // STA 0,s = 31 cycles // Write out the solution WriteOutSolution(solution); Assert.AreEqual(31, (int)solution.Last().PathCost); } [TestMethod] public void TestThreeLineSprite() { // Arrange var problem = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.CreateSearchProblem(); var search = SpriteGeneratorSearchProblem.Create(); // Act : solve the problem var data = new[] { new SpriteByte(0x11, 0), new SpriteByte(0x11, 160), new SpriteByte(0x11, 320) }; var solution = search.Search(problem, SpriteGeneratorState.Init(data)); // Current best solution // // TCS ; 2 cycles // SEP #$10 ; 3 cycles // LDA #$11 ; 2 cycles // PHA ; 3 cycles // STA A1,s ; 4 cycles // REP #$10 ; 3 cycles // TSC ; 2 cycles // ADC #321 ; 3 cycles // TCS ; 2 cycles // SEP #$10 ; 3 cycles // LDA #$11 ; 2 cycles // PHA ; 3 cycles // REP #$10 ; 3 cycles //; Total Cost = 35 cycles // // Once other register caching becomes available, this should be able to be improved to // // TCS ; 2 cycles // SEP #$20 ; 3 cycles // LDX #$11 ; 2 cycles // PHX ; 3 cycles // ADC #160 ; 3 cycles // TCS ; 2 cycles // PHX ; 3 cycles // ADC #161 ; 3 cycles // TCS ; 2 cycles // PHX ; 3 cycles // REP #$20 ; 3 cycles //; Total Cost = 29 cycles // Write out the solution WriteOutSolution(solution); Assert.AreEqual(35, (int)solution.Last().PathCost); } private void WriteOutSolution(IEnumerable solution) { foreach (var step in solution.Skip(1)) { Trace.WriteLine(step.Action.Emit()); } Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("; Total Cost = {0} cycles", (int)solution.Last().PathCost)); } } }