add support for the APM32F103C8T6 chip, a clone of the STM32F103

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Eric Helgeson 2022-05-18 19:43:56 -05:00
parent bbd91936fb
commit 69e69cad3a

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@ -29,6 +29,14 @@ board = genericSTM32F103C8
board_build.mcu = stm32f103c8t6 board_build.mcu = stm32f103c8t6
board_build.core = maple board_build.core = maple
# The APM32F1's default clock is 96MHz and runs unstable at 72MHz(STM32F1's default)
extends = env:STM32F103C8
# Explicilty define the multiplier as maple only handles a few cases.
build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -DBOARD_RCC_PLLMUL=RCC_PLLMUL_12 #96000000L
# Or go all out at 128Mhz, your call :)
#board_build.f_cpu = 128000000L
[env:STM32F103C8-XCVR] [env:STM32F103C8-XCVR]
extends = env:STM32F103C8 extends = env:STM32F103C8
build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -DXCVR build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -DXCVR