# BlueSCSI BlueSCSI & ArdSCSino are hardware that reproduces SCSI devices (hard disks) with an Arduino STM32F103C (aka Blue Pill.) `BlueSCSI` created by [erichelgeson](https://github.com/erichelgeson) is a fork of `ArdSCSino-stm32` which adds: * Mac specific functionality * Passive SCSI termination * An alternative power source if not able to be powered by the SCSI bus `ArdSCSino-stm32` created by [ztto](https://github.com/ztto/ArdSCSino-stm32) is the STM32 version of `ArdSCSino` `ArdSCSino` created by [Tambo (TNB Seisakusho)](https://twitter.com/h_koma2) # Questions? Join us in #bluescsi on [Discord](https://discord.gg/sTTYbGYy) Or open an issue on this repo. # Setup [Wiki](https://github.com/erichelgeson/ArdSCSino-stm32/wiki#setup-arduino-ide) # Parts List [Wiki](https://github.com/erichelgeson/ArdSCSino-stm32/wiki#parts)