2021-03-20 20:16:45 +08:00

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// FX68K
// M68000 cycle accurate, fully synchronous
// Copyright (c) 2018,2021 by Jorge Cwik
// TODO:
// - Everything except bus retry already implemented.
// altera message_off 10030
// altera message_off 10230
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
`define USE_E_CLKEN
Define USE_E_CLKEN will output two signals that generate a single cycle pulse just before the raising and falling edges of E.
Use this when you need to generate changes that must be simultaneous with these edges.
Most systems don't need this. Note that these signals are not registered.
// Define this to run a self contained compilation test build
// `define FX68K_TEST
localparam CF = 0, VF = 1, ZF = 2, NF = 3, XF = 4, SF = 13;
localparam UADDR_WIDTH = 10;
localparam UROM_WIDTH = 17;
localparam UROM_DEPTH = 1024;
localparam NADDR_WIDTH = 9;
localparam NANO_WIDTH = 68;
localparam NANO_DEPTH = 336;
localparam BSER1_NMA = 'h003;
localparam RSTP0_NMA = 'h002;
localparam HALT1_NMA = 'h001;
localparam TRAC1_NMA = 'h1C0;
localparam ITLX1_NMA = 'h1C4;
localparam TVN_SPURIOUS = 12;
localparam TVN_AUTOVEC = 13;
localparam TVN_INTERRUPT = 15;
localparam NANO_DOB_DBD = 2'b01;
localparam NANO_DOB_ADB = 2'b10;
localparam NANO_DOB_ALU = 2'b11;
// Clocks, phases and resets
typedef struct {
logic clk;
logic extReset; // External sync reset on emulated system
logic pwrUp; // Asserted together with reset on emulated system coldstart
logic enPhi1, enPhi2; // Clock enables. Next cycle is PHI1 or PHI2
} s_clks;
// IRD decoded signals
typedef struct {
logic isPcRel;
logic isTas;
logic implicitSp;
logic toCcr;
logic rxIsDt, ryIsDt;
logic rxIsUsp, rxIsMovem, movemPreDecr;
logic isByte;
logic isMovep;
logic [2:0] rx, ry;
logic rxIsAreg, ryIsAreg;
logic [15:0] ftuConst;
logic [5:0] macroTvn;
logic inhibitCcr;
} s_irdecod;
// Nano code decoded signals
typedef struct {
logic permStart;
logic waitBusFinish;
logic isWrite;
logic busByte;
logic isRmc;
logic noLowByte, noHighByte;
logic updTpend, clrTpend;
logic tvn2Ftu, const2Ftu;
logic ftu2Dbl, ftu2Abl;
logic abl2Pren, updPren;
logic inl2psw, ftu2Sr, sr2Ftu, ftu2Ccr, pswIToFtu;
logic ird2Ftu, ssw2Ftu;
logic initST;
logic Ir2Ird;
logic auClkEn, noSpAlign;
logic [2:0] auCntrl;
logic todbin, toIrc;
logic dbl2Atl, abl2Atl, atl2Abl, atl2Dbl;
logic abh2Ath, dbh2Ath;
logic ath2Dbh, ath2Abh;
logic db2Aob, ab2Aob, au2Aob;
logic aob2Ab, updSsw;
// logic adb2Dob, dbd2Dob, alu2Dob;
logic [1:0] dobCtrl;
logic abh2reg, abl2reg;
logic reg2abl, reg2abh;
logic dbh2reg, dbl2reg;
logic reg2dbl, reg2dbh;
logic ssp, pchdbh, pcldbl, pclabl, pchabh;
logic rxh2dbh, rxh2abh;
logic dbl2rxl, dbh2rxh;
logic rxl2db, rxl2ab;
logic abl2rxl, abh2rxh;
logic dbh2ryh, abh2ryh;
logic ryl2db, ryl2ab;
logic ryh2dbh, ryh2abh;
logic dbl2ryl, abl2ryl;
logic rz;
logic rxlDbl;
logic [2:0] aluColumn;
logic [1:0] aluDctrl;
logic aluActrl;
logic aluInit, aluFinish;
logic abd2Dcr, dcr2Dbd;
logic dbd2Alue, alue2Dbd;
logic dbd2Alub, abd2Alub;
logic alu2Dbd, alu2Abd;
logic au2Db, au2Ab, au2Pc;
logic dbin2Abd, dbin2Dbd;
logic extDbh, extAbh;
logic ablAbd, ablAbh;
logic dblDbd, dblDbh;
logic abdIsByte;
} s_nanod;
module fx68k(
input clk,
input HALTn, // Used for single step only. Force high if not used
// input logic HALTn = 1'b1, // Not all tools support default port values
// These two signals don't need to be registered. They are not async reset.
input extReset, // External sync reset on emulated system
input pwrUp, // Asserted together with reset on emulated system coldstart
input enPhi1, enPhi2, // Clock enables. Next cycle is PHI1 or PHI2
output eRWn, output ASn, output LDSn, output UDSn,
output logic E, output VMAn,
`ifdef USE_E_CLKEN
// divide the E clock by two
input E_div,
// Next cycle would be raising/falling edge of E output
output E_PosClkEn, E_NegClkEn,
output FC0, output FC1, output FC2,
output BGn,
output oRESETn, output oHALTEDn,
input DTACKn, input VPAn,
input BERRn,
input BRn, BGACKn,
input IPL0n, input IPL1n, input IPL2n,
input [15:0] iEdb, output [15:0] oEdb,
output [23:1] eab
// wire clock = Clks.clk;
s_clks Clks;
assign Clks.clk = clk;
assign Clks.extReset = extReset;
assign Clks.pwrUp = pwrUp;
assign Clks.enPhi1 = enPhi1;
assign Clks.enPhi2 = enPhi2;
wire wClk;
// Internal sub clocks T1-T4
enum int unsigned { T0 = 0, T1, T2, T3, T4} tState;
wire enT1 = Clks.enPhi1 & (tState == T4) & ~wClk;
wire enT2 = Clks.enPhi2 & (tState == T1);
wire enT3 = Clks.enPhi1 & (tState == T2);
wire enT4 = Clks.enPhi2 & ((tState == T0) | (tState == T3));
// T4 continues ticking during reset and group0 exception.
// We also need it to erase ucode output latched on T4.
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.pwrUp)
tState <= T0;
else begin
case( tState)
T0: if( Clks.enPhi2) tState <= T4;
T1: if( Clks.enPhi2) tState <= T2;
T2: if( Clks.enPhi1) tState <= T3;
T3: if( Clks.enPhi2) tState <= T4;
T4: if( Clks.enPhi1) tState <= wClk ? T0 : T1;
// The following signals are synchronized with 3 couplers, phi1-phi2-phi1.
// Will be valid internally one cycle later if changed at the rasing edge of the clock.
// DTACK valid at S6 if changed at the rasing edge of S4 to avoid wait states.
// SNC (sncClkEn) is deasserted together (unless DTACK asserted too early).
// We synchronize some signals half clock earlier. We compensate later
reg rDtack, rBerr;
reg [2:0] rIpl, iIpl;
reg Vpai, BeI, Halti, BRi, BgackI, BeiDelay;
// reg rBR, rHALT;
wire BeDebounced = ~( BeI | BeiDelay);
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.pwrUp) begin
rBerr <= 1'b0;
BeI <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi2) begin
rDtack <= DTACKn;
rBerr <= BERRn;
rIpl <= ~{ IPL2n, IPL1n, IPL0n};
iIpl <= rIpl;
// Needed for cycle accuracy but only if BR or HALT are asserted on the wrong edge of the clock
// rBR <= BRn;
// rHALT <= HALTn;
else if( Clks.enPhi1) begin
Vpai <= VPAn;
BeI <= rBerr;
BeiDelay <= BeI;
BgackI <= BGACKn;
BRi <= BRn;
Halti <= HALTn;
// BRi <= rBR;
// Halti <= rHALT;
// Instantiate micro and nano rom
logic [NANO_WIDTH-1:0] nanoLatch;
logic [NANO_WIDTH-1:0] nanoOutput;
logic [UROM_WIDTH-1:0] microLatch;
logic [UROM_WIDTH-1:0] microOutput;
logic [UADDR_WIDTH-1:0] microAddr, nma;
logic [NADDR_WIDTH-1:0] nanoAddr, orgAddr;
wire rstUrom;
// For the time being, address translation is done for nanorom only.
microToNanoAddr microToNanoAddr( .uAddr( nma), .orgAddr);
// Output of these modules will be updated at T2 at the latest (depending on clock division)
nanoRom nanoRom( .clk( Clks.clk), .nanoAddr, .nanoOutput);
uRom uRom( .clk( Clks.clk), .microAddr, .microOutput);
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
// uaddr originally latched on T1, except bits 6 & 7, the conditional bits, on T2
// Seems we can latch whole address at either T1 or T2
// Originally it's invalid on hardware reset, and forced later when coming out of reset
if( Clks.pwrUp) begin
microAddr <= RSTP0_NMA;
nanoAddr <= RSTP0_NMA;
else if( enT1) begin
microAddr <= nma;
nanoAddr <= orgAddr; // Register translated uaddr to naddr
if( Clks.extReset) begin
microLatch <= '0;
nanoLatch <= '0;
else if( rstUrom) begin
// Originally reset these bits only. Not strictly needed like this.
// Can reset the whole register if it is important.
{ microLatch[16], microLatch[15], microLatch[0]} <= '0;
nanoLatch <= '0;
else if( enT3) begin
microLatch <= microOutput;
nanoLatch <= nanoOutput;
// Decoded nanocode signals
s_nanod Nanod;
// IRD decoded control signals
s_irdecod Irdecod;
reg Tpend;
reg intPend; // Interrupt pending
reg pswT, pswS;
reg [ 2:0] pswI;
wire [7:0] ccr;
wire [15:0] psw = { pswT, 1'b0, pswS, 2'b00, pswI, ccr};
reg [15:0] ftu;
reg [15:0] Irc, Ir, Ird;
wire [15:0] alue;
wire [15:0] Abl;
wire prenEmpty, au05z, dcr4, ze;
wire [UADDR_WIDTH-1:0] a1, a2, a3;
wire isPriv, isIllegal, isLineA, isLineF;
// IR & IRD forwarding
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( enT1) begin
if( Nanod.Ir2Ird)
Ird <= Ir;
else if(microLatch[0]) // prevented by IR => IRD !
Ir <= Irc;
wire [3:0] tvn;
wire waitBusCycle, busStarting;
wire BusRetry = 1'b0;
wire busAddrErr;
wire bciWrite; // Last bus cycle was write
wire bgBlock, busAvail;
wire addrOe;
wire busIsByte = Nanod.busByte & (Irdecod.isByte | Irdecod.isMovep);
wire aob0;
reg iStop; // Internal signal for ending bus cycle
reg A0Err; // Force bus/address error ucode
reg excRst; // Signal reset exception to sequencer
reg BerrA;
reg Spuria, Avia;
wire Iac;
reg rAddrErr, iBusErr, Err6591;
wire iAddrErr = rAddrErr & addrOe; // To simulate async reset
wire enErrClk;
// Reset micro/nano latch after T4 of the current ublock.
assign rstUrom = Clks.enPhi1 & enErrClk;
uaddrDecode uaddrDecode( .opcode( Ir), .a1, .a2, .a3, .isPriv, .isIllegal, .isLineA, .isLineF, .lineBmap());
sequencer sequencer( .Clks, .enT3, .microLatch, .Ird,
.A0Err, .excRst, .BerrA, .busAddrErr, .Spuria, .Avia,
.Tpend, .intPend, .isIllegal, .isPriv, .isLineA, .isLineF,
.nma, .a1, .a2, .a3, .tvn,
.psw, .prenEmpty, .au05z, .dcr4, .ze, .alue01( alue[1:0]), .i11( Irc[ 11]) );
excUnit excUnit( .Clks, .Nanod, .Irdecod, .enT1, .enT2, .enT3, .enT4,
.Ird, .ftu, .iEdb, .pswS,
.prenEmpty, .au05z, .dcr4, .ze, .AblOut( Abl), .eab, .aob0, .Irc, .oEdb,
.alue, .ccr);
nDecoder3 nDecoder( .Clks, .Nanod, .Irdecod, .enT2, .enT4, .microLatch, .nanoLatch);
irdDecode irdDecode( .ird( Ird), .Irdecod);
busControl busControl( .Clks, .enT1, .enT4, .permStart( Nanod.permStart), .permStop( Nanod.waitBusFinish), .iStop,
.aob0, .isWrite( Nanod.isWrite), .isRmc( Nanod.isRmc), .isByte( busIsByte), .busAvail,
.bciWrite, .addrOe, .bgBlock, .waitBusCycle, .busStarting, .busAddrErr,
.rDtack, .BeDebounced, .Vpai,
.ASn, .LDSn, .UDSn, .eRWn);
busArbiter busArbiter( .Clks, .BRi, .BgackI, .Halti, .bgBlock, .busAvail, .BGn);
// Output reset & halt control
wire [1:0] uFc = microLatch[ 16:15];
logic oReset, oHalted;
assign oRESETn = !oReset;
assign oHALTEDn = !oHalted;
// FC without permStart is special, either reset or halt
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.pwrUp) begin
oReset <= 1'b0;
oHalted <= 1'b0;
else if( enT1) begin
oReset <= (uFc == 2'b01) & !Nanod.permStart;
oHalted <= (uFc == 2'b10) & !Nanod.permStart;
logic [2:0] rFC;
assign { FC2, FC1, FC0} = rFC; // ~rFC;
assign Iac = {rFC == 3'b111}; // & Control output enable !!
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.extReset)
rFC <= '0;
else if( enT1 & Nanod.permStart) begin // S0 phase of bus cycle
rFC[2] <= pswS;
// If FC is type 'n' (0) at ucode, access type depends on PC relative mode
// We don't care about RZ in this case. Those uinstructions with RZ don't start a bus cycle.
rFC[1] <= microLatch[ 16] | ( ~microLatch[ 15] & Irdecod.isPcRel);
rFC[0] <= microLatch[ 15] | ( ~microLatch[ 16] & ~Irdecod.isPcRel);
// IPL interface
reg [2:0] inl; // Int level latch
reg updIll;
reg prevNmi;
wire nmi = (iIpl == 3'b111);
wire iplStable = (iIpl == rIpl);
wire iplComp = iIpl > pswI;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.extReset) begin
intPend <= 1'b0;
prevNmi <= 1'b0;
else begin
if( Clks.enPhi2)
prevNmi <= nmi;
// Originally async RS-Latch on PHI2, followed by a transparent latch on T2
// Tricky because they might change simultaneously
// Syncronous on PHI2 is equivalent as long as the output is read on T3!
// Set on stable & NMI edge or compare
// Clear on: NMI Iack or (stable & !NMI & !Compare)
if( Clks.enPhi2) begin
if( iplStable & ((nmi & ~prevNmi) | iplComp) )
intPend <= 1'b1;
else if( ((inl == 3'b111) & Iac) | (iplStable & !nmi & !iplComp) )
intPend <= 1'b0;
if( Clks.extReset) begin
inl <= '1;
updIll <= 1'b0;
else if( enT4)
updIll <= microLatch[0]; // Update on any IRC->IR
else if( enT1 & updIll)
inl <= iIpl; // Timing is correct.
// Spurious interrupt, BERR on Interrupt Ack.
// Autovector interrupt. VPA on IACK.
// Timing is tight. Spuria is deasserted just after exception exception is recorded.
if( enT4) begin
Spuria <= ~BeiDelay & Iac;
Avia <= ~Vpai & Iac;
assign enErrClk = iAddrErr | iBusErr;
assign wClk = waitBusCycle | ~BeI | iAddrErr | Err6591;
// E clock and counter, VMA
reg [3:0] eCntr;
reg rVma;
assign VMAn = rVma;
// Internal stop just one cycle before E falling edge
wire xVma = ~rVma & (eCntr == 8) & en_E;
`ifdef USE_E_CLKEN
assign E_PosClkEn = (Clks.enPhi2 & (eCntr == 5) & en_E);
assign E_NegClkEn = (Clks.enPhi2 & (eCntr == 9) & en_E);
reg en_E;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.pwrUp) begin
E <= 1'b0;
eCntr <='0;
rVma <= 1'b1;
en_E <= 1;
if( Clks.enPhi1)
if (E_div) en_E <= !en_E; else en_E <= 1'b1;
if( Clks.enPhi2 & en_E) begin
if( eCntr == 9)
E <= 1'b0;
else if( eCntr == 5)
E <= 1'b1;
if( eCntr == 9)
eCntr <= '0;
eCntr <= eCntr + 1'b1;
if( Clks.enPhi2 & addrOe & ~Vpai & (eCntr == 3) & en_E)
rVma <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi1 & eCntr == '0 & en_E)
rVma <= 1'b1;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
// This timing is critical to stop the clock phases at the exact point on bus/addr error.
// Timing should be such that current ublock completes (up to T3 or T4).
// But T1 for the next ublock shouldn't happen. Next T1 only after resetting ucode and ncode latches.
if( Clks.extReset)
rAddrErr <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi1) begin
if( busAddrErr & addrOe) // Not on T1 ?!
rAddrErr <= 1'b1;
else if( ~addrOe) // Actually async reset!
rAddrErr <= 1'b0;
if( Clks.extReset)
iBusErr <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi1) begin
iBusErr <= ( BerrA & ~BeI & ~Iac & !BusRetry);
if( Clks.extReset)
BerrA <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi2) begin
if( ~BeI & ~Iac & addrOe)
BerrA <= 1'b1;
// else if( BeI & addrOe) // Bad, async reset since addrOe raising edge
else if( BeI & busStarting) // So replaced with this that raises one cycle earlier
BerrA <= 1'b0;
// Signal reset exception to sequencer.
// Originally cleared on 1st T2 after permstart. Must keep it until TVN latched.
if( Clks.extReset)
excRst <= 1'b1;
else if( enT2 & Nanod.permStart)
excRst <= 1'b0;
if( Clks.extReset)
A0Err <= 1'b1; // A0 Reset
else if( enT3) // Keep set until new urom words are being latched
A0Err <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi1 & enErrClk & (busAddrErr | BerrA)) // Check bus error timing
A0Err <= 1'b1;
if( Clks.extReset) begin
iStop <= 1'b0;
Err6591 <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi1)
Err6591 <= enErrClk;
else if( Clks.enPhi2)
iStop <= xVma | (Vpai & (iAddrErr | ~rBerr));
// PSW
logic irdToCcr_t4;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.pwrUp) begin
Tpend <= 1'b0;
{pswT, pswS, pswI } <= '0;
irdToCcr_t4 <= '0;
else if( enT4) begin
irdToCcr_t4 <= Irdecod.toCcr;
else if( enT3) begin
if( Nanod.updTpend)
Tpend <= pswT;
else if( Nanod.clrTpend)
Tpend <= 1'b0;
if( Nanod.ftu2Sr & !irdToCcr_t4)
{pswT, pswS, pswI } <= { ftu[ 15], ftu[13], ftu[10:8]};
else begin
if( Nanod.initST) begin
pswS <= 1'b1;
pswT <= 1'b0;
if( Nanod.inl2psw)
pswI <= inl;
// FTU
reg [4:0] ssw;
reg [3:0] tvnLatch;
logic [15:0] tvnMux;
reg inExcept01;
// Seems CPU has a buglet here.
// Flagging group 0 exceptions from TVN might not work because some bus cycles happen before TVN is updated.
// But doesn't matter because a group 0 exception inside another one will halt the CPU anyway and won't save the SSW.
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
// Updated at the start of the exception ucode
if( Nanod.updSsw & enT3) begin
ssw <= { ~bciWrite, inExcept01, rFC};
// Update TVN on T1 & IR=>IRD
if( enT1 & Nanod.Ir2Ird) begin
tvnLatch <= tvn;
inExcept01 <= (tvn != 1);
if( Clks.pwrUp)
ftu <= '0;
else if( enT3) begin
unique case( 1'b1)
Nanod.tvn2Ftu: ftu <= tvnMux;
// 0 on unused bits seem to come from ftuConst PLA previously clearing FBUS
Nanod.sr2Ftu: ftu <= {pswT, 1'b0, pswS, 2'b00, pswI, 3'b000, ccr[4:0] };
Nanod.ird2Ftu: ftu <= Ird;
Nanod.ssw2Ftu: ftu[4:0] <= ssw; // Undoc. Other bits must be preserved from IRD saved above!
Nanod.pswIToFtu: ftu <= { 12'hFFF, pswI, 1'b0}; // Interrupt level shifted
Nanod.const2Ftu: ftu <= Irdecod.ftuConst;
Nanod.abl2Pren: ftu <= Abl; // From ALU or datareg. Used for SR modify
default: ftu <= ftu;
always_comb begin
if( inExcept01) begin
// Unique IF !!!
if( tvnLatch == TVN_SPURIOUS)
tvnMux = {9'b0, 5'd24, 2'b00};
else if( tvnLatch == TVN_AUTOVEC)
tvnMux = {9'b0, 2'b11, pswI, 2'b00}; // Set TVN PLA decoder
else if( tvnLatch == TVN_INTERRUPT)
tvnMux = {6'b0, Ird[7:0], 2'b00}; // Interrupt vector was read and transferred to IRD
tvnMux = {10'b0, tvnLatch, 2'b00};
tvnMux = { 8'h0, Irdecod.macroTvn, 2'b00};
// Nanorom (plus) decoder for die nanocode
module nDecoder3( input s_clks Clks, input s_irdecod Irdecod, output s_nanod Nanod,
input enT2, enT4,
input [UROM_WIDTH-1:0] microLatch,
input [NANO_WIDTH-1:0] nanoLatch);
localparam NANO_IR2IRD = 67;
localparam NANO_TOIRC = 66;
localparam NANO_ALU_COL = 63; // ALU operator column order is 63-64-65 !
localparam NANO_ALU_FI = 61; // ALU finish-init 62-61
localparam NANO_TODBIN = 60;
localparam NANO_ALUE = 57; // 57-59 shared with DCR control
localparam NANO_DCR = 57; // 57-59 shared with ALUE control
localparam NANO_DOBCTRL_1 = 56; // Input to control and permwrite
localparam NANO_LOWBYTE = 55; // Used by MOVEP
localparam NANO_HIGHBYTE = 54;
localparam NANO_DOBCTRL_0 = 53; // Input to control and permwrite
localparam NANO_ALU_DCTRL = 51; // 52-51 databus input mux control
localparam NANO_ALU_ACTRL = 50; // addrbus input mux control
localparam NANO_DBD2ALUB = 49;
localparam NANO_ABD2ALUB = 48;
localparam NANO_DBIN2DBD = 47;
localparam NANO_DBIN2ABD = 46;
localparam NANO_ALU2ABD = 45;
localparam NANO_ALU2DBD = 44;
localparam NANO_RZ = 43;
localparam NANO_BUSBYTE = 42; // If *both* this set and instruction is byte sized, then bus cycle is byte sized.
localparam NANO_PCLABL = 41;
localparam NANO_RXL_DBL = 40; // Switches RXL/RYL on DBL/ABL buses
localparam NANO_PCLDBL = 39;
localparam NANO_ABDHRECHARGE = 38;
localparam NANO_REG2ABL = 37; // register to ABL
localparam NANO_ABL2REG = 36; // ABL to register
localparam NANO_ABLABD = 35;
localparam NANO_DBLDBD = 34;
localparam NANO_DBL2REG = 33; // DBL to register
localparam NANO_REG2DBL = 32; // register to DBL
localparam NANO_ATLCTRL = 29; // 31-29
localparam NANO_FTUCONTROL = 25;
localparam NANO_SSP = 24;
localparam NANO_RXH_DBH = 22; // Switches RXH/RYH on DBH/ABH buses
localparam NANO_AUOUT = 20; // 21-20
localparam NANO_AUCLKEN = 19;
localparam NANO_AUCTRL = 16; // 18-16
localparam NANO_DBLDBH = 15;
localparam NANO_ABLABH = 14;
localparam NANO_EXT_ABH = 13;
localparam NANO_EXT_DBH = 12;
localparam NANO_ATHCTRL = 9; // 11-9
localparam NANO_REG2ABH = 8; // register to ABH
localparam NANO_ABH2REG = 7; // ABH to register
localparam NANO_REG2DBH = 6; // register to DBH
localparam NANO_DBH2REG = 5; // DBH to register
localparam NANO_AOBCTRL = 3; // 4-3
localparam NANO_PCH = 0; // 1-0 PchDbh PchAbh
localparam NANO_NO_SP_ALGN = 0; // Same bits as above when both set
localparam NANO_FTU_UPDTPEND = 1; // Also loads FTU constant according to IRD !
localparam NANO_FTU_INIT_ST = 15; // Set S, clear T (but not TPEND)
localparam NANO_FTU_CLRTPEND = 14;
localparam NANO_FTU_TVN = 13;
localparam NANO_FTU_ABL2PREN = 12; // ABL => FTU & ABL => PREN. Both transfers enabled, but only one will be used depending on uroutine.
localparam NANO_FTU_SSW = 11;
localparam NANO_FTU_RSTPREN = 10;
localparam NANO_FTU_IRD = 9;
localparam NANO_FTU_2ABL = 8;
localparam NANO_FTU_RDSR = 7;
localparam NANO_FTU_INL = 6;
localparam NANO_FTU_PSWI = 5; // Read Int Mask into FTU
localparam NANO_FTU_DBL = 4;
localparam NANO_FTU_2SR = 2;
localparam NANO_FTU_CONST = 1;
reg [3:0] ftuCtrl;
logic [2:0] athCtrl, atlCtrl;
assign athCtrl = nanoLatch[ NANO_ATHCTRL+2: NANO_ATHCTRL];
assign atlCtrl = nanoLatch[ NANO_ATLCTRL+2: NANO_ATLCTRL];
wire [1:0] aobCtrl = nanoLatch[ NANO_AOBCTRL+1:NANO_AOBCTRL];
wire [1:0] dobCtrl = {nanoLatch[ NANO_DOBCTRL_1], nanoLatch[NANO_DOBCTRL_0]};
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( enT4) begin
// Reverse order!
ftuCtrl <= { nanoLatch[ NANO_FTUCONTROL+0], nanoLatch[ NANO_FTUCONTROL+1], nanoLatch[ NANO_FTUCONTROL+2], nanoLatch[ NANO_FTUCONTROL+3]} ;
Nanod.auClkEn <= !nanoLatch[ NANO_AUCLKEN];
Nanod.auCntrl <= nanoLatch[ NANO_AUCTRL+2 : NANO_AUCTRL+0];
Nanod.noSpAlign <= (nanoLatch[ NANO_NO_SP_ALGN + 1:NANO_NO_SP_ALGN] == 2'b11);
Nanod.extDbh <= nanoLatch[ NANO_EXT_DBH];
Nanod.extAbh <= nanoLatch[ NANO_EXT_ABH];
Nanod.todbin <= nanoLatch[ NANO_TODBIN];
Nanod.toIrc <= nanoLatch[ NANO_TOIRC];
// ablAbd is disabled on byte transfers (adbhCharge plus irdIsByte). Not sure the combination makes much sense.
// It happens in a few cases but I don't see anything enabled on abL (or abH) section anyway.
Nanod.ablAbd <= nanoLatch[ NANO_ABLABD];
Nanod.ablAbh <= nanoLatch[ NANO_ABLABH];
Nanod.dblDbd <= nanoLatch[ NANO_DBLDBD];
Nanod.dblDbh <= nanoLatch[ NANO_DBLDBH];
Nanod.dbl2Atl <= (atlCtrl == 3'b010);
Nanod.atl2Dbl <= (atlCtrl == 3'b011);
Nanod.abl2Atl <= (atlCtrl == 3'b100);
Nanod.atl2Abl <= (atlCtrl == 3'b101);
Nanod.aob2Ab <= (athCtrl == 3'b101); // Used on BSER1 only
Nanod.abh2Ath <= (athCtrl == 3'b001) | (athCtrl == 3'b101);
Nanod.dbh2Ath <= (athCtrl == 3'b100);
Nanod.ath2Dbh <= (athCtrl == 3'b110);
Nanod.ath2Abh <= (athCtrl == 3'b011);
Nanod.alu2Dbd <= nanoLatch[ NANO_ALU2DBD];
Nanod.alu2Abd <= nanoLatch[ NANO_ALU2ABD];
Nanod.abd2Dcr <= (nanoLatch[ NANO_DCR+1:NANO_DCR] == 2'b11);
Nanod.dcr2Dbd <= (nanoLatch[ NANO_DCR+2:NANO_DCR+1] == 2'b11);
Nanod.dbd2Alue <= (nanoLatch[ NANO_ALUE+2:NANO_ALUE+1] == 2'b10);
Nanod.alue2Dbd <= (nanoLatch[ NANO_ALUE+1:NANO_ALUE] == 2'b01);
Nanod.dbd2Alub <= nanoLatch[ NANO_DBD2ALUB];
Nanod.abd2Alub <= nanoLatch[ NANO_ABD2ALUB];
// Originally not latched. We better should because we transfer one cycle later, T3 instead of T1.
Nanod.dobCtrl <= dobCtrl;
// Nanod.adb2Dob <= (dobCtrl == 2'b10); Nanod.dbd2Dob <= (dobCtrl == 2'b01); Nanod.alu2Dob <= (dobCtrl == 2'b11);
// Update SSW at the start of Bus/Addr error ucode
assign Nanod.updSsw = Nanod.aob2Ab;
assign Nanod.updTpend = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_UPDTPEND);
assign Nanod.clrTpend = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_CLRTPEND);
assign Nanod.tvn2Ftu = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_TVN);
assign Nanod.const2Ftu = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_CONST);
assign Nanod.ftu2Dbl = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_DBL) | ( ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_INL);
assign Nanod.ftu2Abl = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_2ABL);
assign Nanod.inl2psw = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_INL);
assign Nanod.pswIToFtu = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_PSWI);
assign Nanod.ftu2Sr = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_2SR);
assign Nanod.sr2Ftu = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_RDSR);
assign Nanod.ird2Ftu = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_IRD); // Used on bus/addr error
assign Nanod.ssw2Ftu = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_SSW);
assign Nanod.initST = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_INL) | (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_CLRTPEND) | (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_INIT_ST);
assign Nanod.abl2Pren = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_ABL2PREN);
assign Nanod.updPren = (ftuCtrl == NANO_FTU_RSTPREN);
assign Nanod.Ir2Ird = nanoLatch[ NANO_IR2IRD];
// ALU control better latched later after combining with IRD decoding
assign Nanod.aluDctrl = nanoLatch[ NANO_ALU_DCTRL+1 : NANO_ALU_DCTRL];
assign Nanod.aluActrl = nanoLatch[ NANO_ALU_ACTRL];
assign Nanod.aluColumn = { nanoLatch[ NANO_ALU_COL], nanoLatch[ NANO_ALU_COL+1], nanoLatch[ NANO_ALU_COL+2]};
wire [1:0] aluFinInit = nanoLatch[ NANO_ALU_FI+1:NANO_ALU_FI];
assign Nanod.aluFinish = (aluFinInit == 2'b10);
assign Nanod.aluInit = (aluFinInit == 2'b01);
// FTU 2 CCR encoded as both ALU Init and ALU Finish set.
// In theory this encoding allows writes to CCR without writing to SR
// But FTU 2 CCR and to SR are both set together at nanorom.
assign Nanod.ftu2Ccr = ( aluFinInit == 2'b11);
assign Nanod.abdIsByte = nanoLatch[ NANO_ABDHRECHARGE];
// Not being latched on T4 creates non unique case warning!
assign Nanod.au2Db = (nanoLatch[ NANO_AUOUT + 1: NANO_AUOUT] == 2'b01);
assign Nanod.au2Ab = (nanoLatch[ NANO_AUOUT + 1: NANO_AUOUT] == 2'b10);
assign Nanod.au2Pc = (nanoLatch[ NANO_AUOUT + 1: NANO_AUOUT] == 2'b11);
assign Nanod.db2Aob = (aobCtrl == 2'b10);
assign Nanod.ab2Aob = (aobCtrl == 2'b01);
assign Nanod.au2Aob = (aobCtrl == 2'b11);
assign Nanod.dbin2Abd = nanoLatch[ NANO_DBIN2ABD];
assign Nanod.dbin2Dbd = nanoLatch[ NANO_DBIN2DBD];
assign Nanod.permStart = (| aobCtrl);
assign Nanod.isWrite = ( | dobCtrl);
assign Nanod.waitBusFinish = nanoLatch[ NANO_TOIRC] | nanoLatch[ NANO_TODBIN] | Nanod.isWrite;
assign Nanod.busByte = nanoLatch[ NANO_BUSBYTE];
assign Nanod.noLowByte = nanoLatch[ NANO_LOWBYTE];
assign Nanod.noHighByte = nanoLatch[ NANO_HIGHBYTE];
// Not registered. Register at T4 after combining
// Might be better to remove all those and combine here instead of at execution unit !!
assign Nanod.abl2reg = nanoLatch[ NANO_ABL2REG];
assign Nanod.abh2reg = nanoLatch[ NANO_ABH2REG];
assign Nanod.dbl2reg = nanoLatch[ NANO_DBL2REG];
assign Nanod.dbh2reg = nanoLatch[ NANO_DBH2REG];
assign Nanod.reg2dbl = nanoLatch[ NANO_REG2DBL];
assign Nanod.reg2dbh = nanoLatch[ NANO_REG2DBH];
assign Nanod.reg2abl = nanoLatch[ NANO_REG2ABL];
assign Nanod.reg2abh = nanoLatch[ NANO_REG2ABH];
assign Nanod.ssp = nanoLatch[ NANO_SSP];
assign Nanod.rz = nanoLatch[ NANO_RZ];
// Actually DTL can't happen on PC relative mode. See IR decoder.
wire dtldbd = 1'b0;
wire dthdbh = 1'b0;
wire dtlabd = 1'b0;
wire dthabh = 1'b0;
wire dblSpecial = Nanod.pcldbl | dtldbd;
wire dbhSpecial = Nanod.pchdbh | dthdbh;
wire ablSpecial = Nanod.pclabl | dtlabd;
wire abhSpecial = Nanod.pchabh | dthabh;
// Combine with IRD decoding
// Careful that IRD is updated only on T1! All output depending on IRD must be latched on T4!
// PC used instead of RY on PC relative instuctions
assign Nanod.rxlDbl = nanoLatch[ NANO_RXL_DBL];
wire isPcRel = Irdecod.isPcRel & !Nanod.rz;
wire pcRelDbl = isPcRel & !nanoLatch[ NANO_RXL_DBL];
wire pcRelDbh = isPcRel & !nanoLatch[ NANO_RXH_DBH];
wire pcRelAbl = isPcRel & nanoLatch[ NANO_RXL_DBL];
wire pcRelAbh = isPcRel & nanoLatch[ NANO_RXH_DBH];
assign Nanod.pcldbl = nanoLatch[ NANO_PCLDBL] | pcRelDbl;
assign Nanod.pchdbh = (nanoLatch[ NANO_PCH+1:NANO_PCH] == 2'b01) | pcRelDbh;
assign Nanod.pclabl = nanoLatch[ NANO_PCLABL] | pcRelAbl;
assign Nanod.pchabh = (nanoLatch[ NANO_PCH+1:NANO_PCH] == 2'b10) | pcRelAbh;
// Might be better not to register these signals to allow latching RX/RY mux earlier!
// But then must latch Irdecod.isPcRel on T3!
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( enT4) begin
Nanod.rxl2db <= Nanod.reg2dbl & !dblSpecial & nanoLatch[ NANO_RXL_DBL];
Nanod.rxl2ab <= Nanod.reg2abl & !ablSpecial & !nanoLatch[ NANO_RXL_DBL];
Nanod.dbl2rxl <= Nanod.dbl2reg & !dblSpecial & nanoLatch[ NANO_RXL_DBL];
Nanod.abl2rxl <= Nanod.abl2reg & !ablSpecial & !nanoLatch[ NANO_RXL_DBL];
Nanod.rxh2dbh <= Nanod.reg2dbh & !dbhSpecial & nanoLatch[ NANO_RXH_DBH];
Nanod.rxh2abh <= Nanod.reg2abh & !abhSpecial & !nanoLatch[ NANO_RXH_DBH];
Nanod.dbh2rxh <= Nanod.dbh2reg & !dbhSpecial & nanoLatch[ NANO_RXH_DBH];
Nanod.abh2rxh <= Nanod.abh2reg & !abhSpecial & !nanoLatch[ NANO_RXH_DBH];
Nanod.dbh2ryh <= Nanod.dbh2reg & !dbhSpecial & !nanoLatch[ NANO_RXH_DBH];
Nanod.abh2ryh <= Nanod.abh2reg & !abhSpecial & nanoLatch[ NANO_RXH_DBH];
Nanod.dbl2ryl <= Nanod.dbl2reg & !dblSpecial & !nanoLatch[ NANO_RXL_DBL];
Nanod.abl2ryl <= Nanod.abl2reg & !ablSpecial & nanoLatch[ NANO_RXL_DBL];
Nanod.ryl2db <= Nanod.reg2dbl & !dblSpecial & !nanoLatch[ NANO_RXL_DBL];
Nanod.ryl2ab <= Nanod.reg2abl & !ablSpecial & nanoLatch[ NANO_RXL_DBL];
Nanod.ryh2dbh <= Nanod.reg2dbh & !dbhSpecial & !nanoLatch[ NANO_RXH_DBH];
Nanod.ryh2abh <= Nanod.reg2abh & !abhSpecial & nanoLatch[ NANO_RXH_DBH];
// Originally isTas only delayed on T2 (and seems only a late mask rev fix)
// Better latch the combination on T4
if( enT4)
Nanod.isRmc <= Irdecod.isTas & nanoLatch[ NANO_BUSBYTE];
// IRD execution decoder. Complements nano code decoder
// IRD updated on T1, while ncode still executing. To avoid using the next IRD,
// decoded signals must be registered on T3, or T4 before using them.
module irdDecode( input [15:0] ird,
output s_irdecod Irdecod);
wire [3:0] line = ird[15:12];
logic [15:0] lineOnehot;
// This can be registered and pipelined from the IR decoder !
onehotEncoder4 irdLines( line, lineOnehot);
wire isRegShift = (lineOnehot['he]) & (ird[7:6] != 2'b11);
wire isDynShift = isRegShift & ird[5];
assign Irdecod.isPcRel = (& ird[ 5:3]) & ~isDynShift & !ird[2] & ird[1];
assign Irdecod.isTas = lineOnehot[4] & (ird[11:6] == 6'b101011);
assign Irdecod.rx = ird[11:9];
assign Irdecod.ry = ird[ 2:0];
wire isPreDecr = (ird[ 5:3] == 3'b100);
wire eaAreg = (ird[5:3] == 3'b001);
// rx is A or D
// movem
always_comb begin
unique case( 1'b1)
// MOVE: RX always Areg except if dest mode is Dn 000
Irdecod.rxIsAreg = (| ird[8:6]);
lineOnehot[4]: Irdecod.rxIsAreg = (& ird[8:6]); // not CHK (LEA)
lineOnehot['h8]: Irdecod.rxIsAreg = eaAreg & ird[8] & ~ird[7]; // SBCD
lineOnehot['hc]: Irdecod.rxIsAreg = eaAreg & ird[8] & ~ird[7]; // ABCD/EXG An,An
lineOnehot['hd]: Irdecod.rxIsAreg =
(ird[7] & ird[6]) | // SUBA/CMPA/ADDA
(eaAreg & ird[8] & (ird[7:6] != 2'b11)); // SUBX/CMPM/ADDX
Irdecod.rxIsAreg = Irdecod.implicitSp;
// RX is movem
always_comb begin
Irdecod.rxIsMovem = lineOnehot[4] & ~ird[8] & ~Irdecod.implicitSp;
assign Irdecod.movemPreDecr = Irdecod.rxIsMovem & isPreDecr;
// RX is DT.
// but SSP explicit or pc explicit has higher priority!
// addq/subq (scc & dbcc also, but don't use rx)
// Immediate including static bit
assign Irdecod.rxIsDt = lineOnehot[5] | (lineOnehot[0] & ~ird[8]);
// RX is USP
assign Irdecod.rxIsUsp = lineOnehot[4] & (ird[ 11:4] == 8'he6);
// RY is DT
// rz or PC explicit has higher priority
wire eaImmOrAbs = (ird[5:3] == 3'b111) & ~ird[1];
assign Irdecod.ryIsDt = eaImmOrAbs & ~isRegShift;
// RY is Address register
always_comb begin
logic eaIsAreg;
// On most cases RY is Areg expect if mode is 000 (DATA REG) or 111 (IMM, ABS,PC REL)
eaIsAreg = (ird[5:3] != 3'b000) & (ird[5:3] != 3'b111);
unique case( 1'b1)
// MOVE: RY always Areg expect if mode is 000 (DATA REG) or 111 (IMM, ABS,PC REL)
// Most lines, including misc line 4, also.
default: Irdecod.ryIsAreg = eaIsAreg;
lineOnehot[5]: // DBcc is an exception
Irdecod.ryIsAreg = eaIsAreg & (ird[7:3] != 5'b11001);
lineOnehot[7]: Irdecod.ryIsAreg = 1'b0;
Irdecod.ryIsAreg = ~isRegShift;
// Byte sized instruction
// Original implementation sets this for some instructions that aren't really byte size
// but doesn't matter because they don't have a byte transfer enabled at nanocode, such as MOVEQ
wire xIsScc = (ird[7:6] == 2'b11) & (ird[5:3] != 3'b001);
wire xStaticMem = (ird[11:8] == 4'b1000) & (ird[5:4] == 2'b00); // Static bit to mem
always_comb begin
unique case( 1'b1)
Irdecod.isByte =
( ird[8] & (ird[5:4] != 2'b00) ) | // Dynamic bit to mem
( (ird[11:8] == 4'b1000) & (ird[5:4] != 2'b00) ) | // Static bit to mem
( (ird[8:7] == 2'b10) & (ird[5:3] == 3'b001) ) | // Movep from mem only! For byte mux
( (ird[8:6] == 3'b000) & !xStaticMem ); // Immediate byte
lineOnehot[1]: Irdecod.isByte = 1'b1; // MOVE.B
lineOnehot[4]: Irdecod.isByte = (ird[7:6] == 2'b00) | Irdecod.isTas;
lineOnehot[5]: Irdecod.isByte = (ird[7:6] == 2'b00) | xIsScc;
lineOnehot['he]: Irdecod.isByte = (ird[7:6] == 2'b00);
default: Irdecod.isByte = 1'b0;
// Need it for special byte size. Bus is byte, but whole register word is modified.
assign Irdecod.isMovep = lineOnehot[0] & ird[8] & eaAreg;
// rxIsSP implicit use of RX for actual SP transfer
// This logic is simple and will include some instructions that don't actually reference SP.
// But doesn't matter as long as they don't perform any RX transfer.
always_comb begin
unique case( 1'b1)
lineOnehot[6]: Irdecod.implicitSp = (ird[11:8] == 4'b0001); // BSR
// Misc like RTS, JSR, etc
Irdecod.implicitSp = (ird[11:8] == 4'b1110) | (ird[11:6] == 6'b1000_01);
default: Irdecod.implicitSp = 1'b0;
// Modify CCR (and not SR)
// Probably overkill !! Only needs to distinguish SR vs CCR
// RTR, MOVE to CCR, xxxI to CCR
assign Irdecod.toCcr = ( lineOnehot[4] & ((ird[11:0] == 12'he77) | (ird[11:6] == 6'b010011)) ) |
( lineOnehot[0] & (ird[8:6] == 3'b000));
// FTU constants
// This should not be latched on T3/T4. Latch on T2 or not at all. FTU needs it on next T3.
// Note: Reset instruction gets constant from ALU not from FTU!
logic [15:0] ftuConst;
wire [3:0] zero28 = (ird[11:9] == 0) ? 4'h8 : { 1'b0, ird[11:9]}; // xltate 0,1-7 into 8,1-7
always_comb begin
unique case( 1'b1)
lineOnehot[6], // Bcc short
lineOnehot[7]: ftuConst = { { 8{ ird[ 7]}}, ird[ 7:0] }; // MOVEQ
lineOnehot['h5], // addq/subq/static shift double check this
lineOnehot['he]: ftuConst = { 12'b0, zero28};
lineOnehot['hc]: ftuConst = 16'h0f;
lineOnehot[4]: ftuConst = 16'h80; // TAS
default: ftuConst = '0;
assign Irdecod.ftuConst = ftuConst;
// TRAP Vector # for group 2 exceptions
always_comb begin
if( lineOnehot[4]) begin
case ( ird[6:5])
2'b00,2'b01: Irdecod.macroTvn = 6; // CHK
2'b11: Irdecod.macroTvn = 7; // TRAPV
2'b10: Irdecod.macroTvn = {2'b10, ird[3:0]}; // TRAP
Irdecod.macroTvn = 5; // Division by zero
wire eaAdir = (ird[ 5:3] == 3'b001);
wire size11 = ird[7] & ird[6];
// Opcodes variants that don't affect flags
assign Irdecod.inhibitCcr =
( (lineOnehot[9] | lineOnehot['hd]) & size11) | // ADDA/SUBA
( lineOnehot[5] & eaAdir) | // ADDQ/SUBQ to An (originally checks for line[4] as well !?)
( (lineOnehot[2] | lineOnehot[3]) & ird[8:6] == 3'b001); // MOVEA
Execution unit
Executes register transfers set by the microcode. Originally through a set of bidirectional buses.
Most sources are available at T3, but DBIN only at T4! CCR also might be updated at T4, but it is not connected to these buses.
We mux at T1 and T2, then transfer to the destination at T3. The exception is AOB that need to be updated earlier.
module excUnit( input s_clks Clks,
input enT1, enT2, enT3, enT4,
input s_nanod Nanod, input s_irdecod Irdecod,
input [15:0] Ird, // ALU row (and others) decoder needs it
input pswS,
input [15:0] ftu,
input [15:0] iEdb,
output logic [7:0] ccr,
output [15:0] alue,
output prenEmpty, au05z,
output logic dcr4, ze,
output logic aob0,
output [15:0] AblOut,
output logic [15:0] Irc,
output logic [15:0] oEdb,
output logic [23:1] eab);
localparam REG_USP = 15;
localparam REG_SSP = 16;
localparam REG_DT = 17;
// Register file
reg [15:0] regs68L[ 18];
reg [15:0] regs68H[ 18];
// synthesis translate off
It is bad practice to initialize simulation registers that the hardware doesn't.
There is risk that simulation would be different than the real hardware. But in this case is the other way around.
Some ROM uses something like sub.l An,An at powerup which clears the register
Simulator power ups the registers with 'X, as they are really undetermined at the real hardware.
But the simulator doesn't realize (it can't) that the same value is substracting from itself,
and that the result should be zero even when it's 'X - 'X.
initial begin
for( int i = 0; i < 18; i++) begin
regs68L[i] <= '0;
regs68H[i] <= '0;
// For simulation display only
wire [31:0] SSP = { regs68H[REG_SSP], regs68L[REG_SSP]};
// synthesis translate on
wire [15:0] aluOut;
wire [15:0] dbin;
logic [15:0] dcrOutput;
reg [15:0] PcL, PcH;
reg [31:0] auReg, aob;
reg [15:0] Ath, Atl;
// Bus execution
reg [15:0] Dbl, Dbh;
reg [15:0] Abh, Abl;
reg [15:0] Abd, Dbd;
assign AblOut = Abl;
assign au05z = (~| auReg[5:0]);
logic [15:0] dblMux, dbhMux;
logic [15:0] abhMux, ablMux;
logic [15:0] abdMux, dbdMux;
logic abdIsByte;
logic Pcl2Dbl, Pch2Dbh;
logic Pcl2Abl, Pch2Abh;
// RX RY muxes
// RX and RY actual registers
logic [4:0] actualRx, actualRy;
logic [3:0] movemRx;
logic byteNotSpAlign; // Byte instruction and no sp word align
// IRD decoded signals must be latched. See comments on decoder
// But nanostore decoding can't be latched before T4.
// If we need this earlier we can register IRD decode on T3 and use nano async
logic [4:0] rxMux, ryMux;
logic [3:0] rxReg, ryReg;
logic rxIsSp, ryIsSp;
logic rxIsAreg, ryIsAreg;
always_comb begin
// Unique IF !!
if( Nanod.ssp) begin
rxMux = REG_SSP;
rxIsSp = 1'b1;
rxReg = 1'bX;
else if( Irdecod.rxIsUsp) begin
rxMux = REG_USP;
rxIsSp = 1'b1;
rxReg = 1'bX;
else if( Irdecod.rxIsDt & !Irdecod.implicitSp) begin
rxMux = REG_DT;
rxIsSp = 1'b0;
rxReg = 1'bX;
else begin
if( Irdecod.implicitSp)
rxReg = 15;
else if( Irdecod.rxIsMovem)
rxReg = movemRx;
rxReg = { Irdecod.rxIsAreg, Irdecod.rx};
if( (& rxReg)) begin
rxMux = pswS ? REG_SSP : 15;
rxIsSp = 1'b1;
else begin
rxMux = { 1'b0, rxReg};
rxIsSp = 1'b0;
// RZ has higher priority!
if( Irdecod.ryIsDt & !Nanod.rz) begin
ryMux = REG_DT;
ryIsSp = 1'b0;
ryReg = 'X;
else begin
ryReg = Nanod.rz ? Irc[15:12] : {Irdecod.ryIsAreg, Irdecod.ry};
ryIsSp = (& ryReg);
if( ryIsSp & pswS) // No implicit SP on RY
ryMux = REG_SSP;
ryMux = { 1'b0, ryReg};
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( enT4) begin
byteNotSpAlign <= Irdecod.isByte & ~(Nanod.rxlDbl ? rxIsSp : ryIsSp);
actualRx <= rxMux;
actualRy <= ryMux;
rxIsAreg <= rxIsSp | rxMux[3];
ryIsAreg <= ryIsSp | ryMux[3];
if( enT4)
abdIsByte <= Nanod.abdIsByte & Irdecod.isByte;
// Set RX/RY low word to which bus segment is connected.
wire ryl2Abl = Nanod.ryl2ab & (ryIsAreg | Nanod.ablAbd);
wire ryl2Abd = Nanod.ryl2ab & (~ryIsAreg | Nanod.ablAbd);
wire ryl2Dbl = Nanod.ryl2db & (ryIsAreg | Nanod.dblDbd);
wire ryl2Dbd = Nanod.ryl2db & (~ryIsAreg | Nanod.dblDbd);
wire rxl2Abl = Nanod.rxl2ab & (rxIsAreg | Nanod.ablAbd);
wire rxl2Abd = Nanod.rxl2ab & (~rxIsAreg | Nanod.ablAbd);
wire rxl2Dbl = Nanod.rxl2db & (rxIsAreg | Nanod.dblDbd);
wire rxl2Dbd = Nanod.rxl2db & (~rxIsAreg | Nanod.dblDbd);
// Buses. Main mux
logic abhIdle, ablIdle, abdIdle;
logic dbhIdle, dblIdle, dbdIdle;
always_comb begin
{abhIdle, ablIdle, abdIdle} = '0;
{dbhIdle, dblIdle, dbdIdle} = '0;
unique case( 1'b1)
ryl2Dbd: dbdMux = regs68L[ actualRy];
rxl2Dbd: dbdMux = regs68L[ actualRx];
Nanod.alue2Dbd: dbdMux = alue;
Nanod.dbin2Dbd: dbdMux = dbin;
Nanod.alu2Dbd: dbdMux = aluOut;
Nanod.dcr2Dbd: dbdMux = dcrOutput;
default: begin dbdMux = 'X; dbdIdle = 1'b1; end
unique case( 1'b1)
rxl2Dbl: dblMux = regs68L[ actualRx];
ryl2Dbl: dblMux = regs68L[ actualRy];
Nanod.ftu2Dbl: dblMux = ftu;
Nanod.au2Db: dblMux = auReg[15:0];
Nanod.atl2Dbl: dblMux = Atl;
Pcl2Dbl: dblMux = PcL;
default: begin dblMux = 'X; dblIdle = 1'b1; end
unique case( 1'b1)
Nanod.rxh2dbh: dbhMux = regs68H[ actualRx];
Nanod.ryh2dbh: dbhMux = regs68H[ actualRy];
Nanod.au2Db: dbhMux = auReg[31:16];
Nanod.ath2Dbh: dbhMux = Ath;
Pch2Dbh: dbhMux = PcH;
default: begin dbhMux = 'X; dbhIdle = 1'b1; end
unique case( 1'b1)
ryl2Abd: abdMux = regs68L[ actualRy];
rxl2Abd: abdMux = regs68L[ actualRx];
Nanod.dbin2Abd: abdMux = dbin;
Nanod.alu2Abd: abdMux = aluOut;
default: begin abdMux = 'X; abdIdle = 1'b1; end
unique case( 1'b1)
Pcl2Abl: ablMux = PcL;
rxl2Abl: ablMux = regs68L[ actualRx];
ryl2Abl: ablMux = regs68L[ actualRy];
Nanod.ftu2Abl: ablMux = ftu;
Nanod.au2Ab: ablMux = auReg[15:0];
Nanod.aob2Ab: ablMux = aob[15:0];
Nanod.atl2Abl: ablMux = Atl;
default: begin ablMux = 'X; ablIdle = 1'b1; end
unique case( 1'b1)
Pch2Abh: abhMux = PcH;
Nanod.rxh2abh: abhMux = regs68H[ actualRx];
Nanod.ryh2abh: abhMux = regs68H[ actualRy];
Nanod.au2Ab: abhMux = auReg[31:16];
Nanod.aob2Ab: abhMux = aob[31:16];
Nanod.ath2Abh: abhMux = Ath;
default: begin abhMux = 'X; abhIdle = 1'b1; end
// Source starts driving the bus on T1. Bus holds data until end of T3. Destination latches at T3.
// These registers store the first level mux, without bus interconnections.
// Even when this uses almost to 100 registers, it saves a lot of comb muxing and it is much faster.
reg [15:0] preAbh, preAbl, preAbd;
reg [15:0] preDbh, preDbl, preDbd;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
// Register first level mux at T1
if( enT1) begin
{preAbh, preAbl, preAbd} <= { abhMux, ablMux, abdMux};
{preDbh, preDbl, preDbd} <= { dbhMux, dblMux, dbdMux};
// Process bus interconnection at T2. Many combinations only used on DIV
// We use a simple method. If a specific bus segment is not driven we know that it should get data from a neighbour segment.
// In some cases this is not true and the segment is really idle without any destination. But then it doesn't matter.
if( enT2) begin
if( Nanod.extAbh)
Abh <= { 16{ ablIdle ? preAbd[ 15] : preAbl[ 15] }};
else if( abhIdle)
Abh <= ablIdle ? preAbd : preAbl;
Abh <= preAbh;
if( ~ablIdle)
Abl <= preAbl;
Abl <= Nanod.ablAbh ? preAbh : preAbd;
Abd <= ~abdIdle ? preAbd : ablIdle ? preAbh : preAbl;
if( Nanod.extDbh)
Dbh <= { 16{ dblIdle ? preDbd[ 15] : preDbl[ 15] }};
else if( dbhIdle)
Dbh <= dblIdle ? preDbd : preDbl;
Dbh <= preDbh;
if( ~dblIdle)
Dbl <= preDbl;
Dbl <= Nanod.dblDbh ? preDbh : preDbd;
Dbd <= ~dbdIdle ? preDbd: dblIdle ? preDbh : preDbl;
Dbl <= dblMux; Dbh <= dbhMux;
Abd <= abdMux; Dbd <= dbdMux;
Abh <= abhMux; Abl <= ablMux; */
// AOB
// Originally change on T1. We do on T2, only then the output is enabled anyway.
// AOB[0] is used for address error. But even when raises on T1, seems not actually used until T2 or possibly T3.
// It is used on T1 when deasserted at the BSER exception ucode. Probably deassertion timing is not critical.
// But in that case (at BSER), AOB is loaded from AU, so we can safely transfer on T1.
// We need to take directly from first level muxes that are updated and T1
wire au2Aob = Nanod.au2Aob | (Nanod.au2Db & Nanod.db2Aob);
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( enT1 & au2Aob) // From AU we do can on T1
aob <= auReg;
else if( enT2) begin
if( Nanod.db2Aob)
aob <= { preDbh, ~dblIdle ? preDbl : preDbd};
else if( Nanod.ab2Aob)
aob <= { preAbh, ~ablIdle ? preAbl : preAbd};
assign eab = aob[23:1];
assign aob0 = aob[0];
// AU
logic [31:0] auInpMux;
// `ifdef ALW_COMB_BUG
// Old Modelsim bug. Doesn't update ouput always. Need excplicit sensitivity list !?
// always @( Nanod.auCntrl) begin
always_comb begin
unique case( Nanod.auCntrl)
3'b000: auInpMux = 0;
3'b001: auInpMux = byteNotSpAlign | Nanod.noSpAlign ? 1 : 2; // +1/+2
3'b010: auInpMux = -4;
3'b011: auInpMux = { Abh, Abl};
3'b100: auInpMux = 2;
3'b101: auInpMux = 4;
3'b110: auInpMux = -2;
3'b111: auInpMux = byteNotSpAlign | Nanod.noSpAlign ? -1 : -2; // -1/-2
default: auInpMux = 'X;
// Simulation problem
// Sometimes (like in MULM1) DBH is not set. AU is used in these cases just as a 6 bits counter testing if bits 5-0 are zero.
// But when adding something like 32'hXXXX0000, the simulator (incorrectly) will set *all the 32 bits* of the result as X.
// synthesis translate_off
`define SIMULBUGX32 1
wire [16:0] aulow = Dbl + auInpMux[15:0];
wire [31:0] auResult = {Dbh + auInpMux[31:16] + aulow[16], aulow[15:0]};
// synthesis translate_on
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.pwrUp)
auReg <= '0;
else if( enT3 & Nanod.auClkEn)
`ifdef SIMULBUGX32
auReg <= auResult;
auReg <= { Dbh, Dbl } + auInpMux;
// Main A/D registers
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( enT3) begin
if( Nanod.dbl2rxl | Nanod.abl2rxl) begin
if( ~rxIsAreg) begin
if( Nanod.dbl2rxl) regs68L[ actualRx] <= Dbd;
else if( abdIsByte) regs68L[ actualRx][7:0] <= Abd[7:0];
else regs68L[ actualRx] <= Abd;
regs68L[ actualRx] <= Nanod.dbl2rxl ? Dbl : Abl;
if( Nanod.dbl2ryl | Nanod.abl2ryl) begin
if( ~ryIsAreg) begin
if( Nanod.dbl2ryl) regs68L[ actualRy] <= Dbd;
else if( abdIsByte) regs68L[ actualRy][7:0] <= Abd[7:0];
else regs68L[ actualRy] <= Abd;
regs68L[ actualRy] <= Nanod.dbl2ryl ? Dbl : Abl;
// High registers are easier. Both A & D on the same buses, and not byte ops.
if( Nanod.dbh2rxh | Nanod.abh2rxh)
regs68H[ actualRx] <= Nanod.dbh2rxh ? Dbh : Abh;
if( Nanod.dbh2ryh | Nanod.abh2ryh)
regs68H[ actualRy] <= Nanod.dbh2ryh ? Dbh : Abh;
// PC & AT
reg dbl2Pcl, dbh2Pch, abh2Pch, abl2Pcl;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.extReset) begin
{ dbl2Pcl, dbh2Pch, abh2Pch, abl2Pcl } <= '0;
Pcl2Dbl <= 1'b0;
Pch2Dbh <= 1'b0;
Pcl2Abl <= 1'b0;
Pch2Abh <= 1'b0;
else if( enT4) begin // Must latch on T4 !
dbl2Pcl <= Nanod.dbl2reg & Nanod.pcldbl;
dbh2Pch <= Nanod.dbh2reg & Nanod.pchdbh;
abh2Pch <= Nanod.abh2reg & Nanod.pchabh;
abl2Pcl <= Nanod.abl2reg & Nanod.pclabl;
Pcl2Dbl <= Nanod.reg2dbl & Nanod.pcldbl;
Pch2Dbh <= Nanod.reg2dbh & Nanod.pchdbh;
Pcl2Abl <= Nanod.reg2abl & Nanod.pclabl;
Pch2Abh <= Nanod.reg2abh & Nanod.pchabh;
// Unique IF !!!
if( enT1 & Nanod.au2Pc)
PcL <= auReg[15:0];
else if( enT3) begin
if( dbl2Pcl)
PcL <= Dbl;
else if( abl2Pcl)
PcL <= Abl;
// Unique IF !!!
if( enT1 & Nanod.au2Pc)
PcH <= auReg[31:16];
else if( enT3) begin
if( dbh2Pch)
PcH <= Dbh;
else if( abh2Pch)
PcH <= Abh;
// Unique IF !!!
if( enT3) begin
if( Nanod.dbl2Atl)
Atl <= Dbl;
else if( Nanod.abl2Atl)
Atl <= Abl;
// Unique IF !!!
if( enT3) begin
if( Nanod.abh2Ath)
Ath <= Abh;
else if( Nanod.dbh2Ath)
Ath <= Dbh;
// Movem reg mask priority encoder
wire rmIdle;
logic [3:0] prHbit;
logic [15:0] prenLatch;
// Invert reg order for predecrement mode
assign prenEmpty = (~| prenLatch);
pren rmPren( .mask( prenLatch), .hbit (prHbit));
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
// Cheating: PREN always loaded from DBIN
// Must be on T1 to branch earlier if reg mask is empty!
if( enT1 & Nanod.abl2Pren)
prenLatch <= dbin;
else if( enT3 & Nanod.updPren) begin
prenLatch [prHbit] <= 1'b0;
movemRx <= Irdecod.movemPreDecr ? ~prHbit : prHbit;
// DCR
wire [15:0] dcrCode;
wire [3:0] dcrInput = abdIsByte ? { 1'b0, Abd[ 2:0]} : Abd[ 3:0];
onehotEncoder4 dcrDecoder( .bin( dcrInput), .bitMap( dcrCode));
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.pwrUp)
dcr4 <= '0;
else if( enT3 & Nanod.abd2Dcr) begin
dcrOutput <= dcrCode;
dcr4 <= Abd[4];
reg [15:0] alub;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( enT3) begin
if( Nanod.dbd2Alub)
alub <= Dbd;
else if( Nanod.abd2Alub)
alub <= Abd; // abdIsByte affects this !!??
wire alueClkEn = enT3 & Nanod.dbd2Alue;
logic [15:0] dobInput;
wire dobIdle = (~| Nanod.dobCtrl);
always_comb begin
unique case (Nanod.dobCtrl)
NANO_DOB_ADB: dobInput = Abd;
NANO_DOB_DBD: dobInput = Dbd;
NANO_DOB_ALU: dobInput = aluOut;
default: dobInput = 'X;
dataIo dataIo( .Clks, .enT1, .enT2, .enT3, .enT4, .Nanod, .Irdecod,
.iEdb, .dobIdle, .dobInput, .aob0,
.Irc, .dbin, .oEdb);
fx68kAlu alu(
.clk( Clks.clk), .pwrUp( Clks.pwrUp), .enT1, .enT3, .enT4,
.ird( Ird),
.aluColumn( Nanod.aluColumn), .aluAddrCtrl( Nanod.aluActrl),
.init( Nanod.aluInit), .finish( Nanod.aluFinish), .aluIsByte( Irdecod.isByte),
.ftu2Ccr( Nanod.ftu2Ccr),
.alub, .ftu, .alueClkEn, .alue,
.aluDataCtrl( Nanod.aluDctrl), .iDataBus( Dbd), .iAddrBus(Abd),
.ze, .aluOut, .ccr);
// Data bus I/O
// At a separate module because it is a bit complicated and the timing is special.
// Here we do the low/high byte mux and the special case of MOVEP.
// Original implementation is rather complex because both the internal and external buses are bidirectional.
// Input is latched async at the EDB register.
// We capture directly from the external data bus to the internal registers (IRC & DBIN) on PHI2, starting the external S7 phase, at a T4 internal period.
module dataIo( input s_clks Clks,
input enT1, enT2, enT3, enT4,
input s_nanod Nanod, input s_irdecod Irdecod,
input [15:0] iEdb,
input aob0,
input dobIdle,
input [15:0] dobInput,
output logic [15:0] Irc,
output logic [15:0] dbin,
output logic [15:0] oEdb
reg [15:0] dob;
// Timing is different than any other register. We can latch only on the next T4 (bus phase S7).
// We need to register all control signals correctly because the next ublock will already be started.
// Can't latch control on T4 because if there are wait states there might be multiple T4 before we latch.
reg xToDbin, xToIrc;
reg dbinNoLow, dbinNoHigh;
reg byteMux, isByte_T4;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
// Byte mux control. Can't latch at T1. AOB might be not ready yet.
// Must latch IRD decode at T1 (or T4). Then combine and latch only at T3.
// Can't latch at T3, a new IRD might be loaded already at T1.
// Ok to latch at T4 if combination latched then at T3
if( enT4)
isByte_T4 <= Irdecod.isByte; // Includes MOVEP from mem, we could OR it here
if( enT3) begin
dbinNoHigh <= Nanod.noHighByte;
dbinNoLow <= Nanod.noLowByte;
byteMux <= Nanod.busByte & isByte_T4 & ~aob0;
if( enT1) begin
// If on wait states, we continue latching until next T1
xToDbin <= 1'b0;
xToIrc <= 1'b0;
else if( enT3) begin
xToDbin <= Nanod.todbin;
xToIrc <= Nanod.toIrc;
// Capture on T4 of the next ucycle
// If there are wait states, we keep capturing every PHI2 until the next T1
if( xToIrc & Clks.enPhi2)
Irc <= iEdb;
if( xToDbin & Clks.enPhi2) begin
// Original connects both halves of EDB.
if( ~dbinNoLow)
dbin[ 7:0] <= byteMux ? iEdb[ 15:8] : iEdb[7:0];
if( ~dbinNoHigh)
dbin[ 15:8] <= ~byteMux & dbinNoLow ? iEdb[ 7:0] : iEdb[ 15:8];
// DOB
logic byteCycle;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
// Originaly on T1. Transfer to internal EDB also on T1 (stays enabled upto the next T1). But only on T4 (S3) output enables.
// It is safe to do on T3, then, but control signals if derived from IRD must be registered.
// Originally control signals are not registered.
// Wait states don't affect DOB operation that is done at the start of the bus cycle.
if( enT4)
byteCycle <= Nanod.busByte & Irdecod.isByte; // busIsByte but not MOVEP
// Originally byte low/high interconnect is done at EDB, not at DOB.
if( enT3 & ~dobIdle) begin
dob[7:0] <= Nanod.noLowByte ? dobInput[15:8] : dobInput[ 7:0];
dob[15:8] <= (byteCycle | Nanod.noHighByte) ? dobInput[ 7:0] : dobInput[15:8];
assign oEdb = dob;
// Provides ucode routine entries (A1/A3) for each opcode
// Also checks for illegal opcode and priv violation
// This is one of the slowest part of the processor.
// But no need to optimize or pipeline because the result for a1-a3 is not needed until at least 4 cycles.
// IR updated at the least one microinstruction earlier.
// Just need to configure the timing analizer correctly.
// isPriv, isIllegal might be needed as soon as two cycles later
module uaddrDecode(
input [15:0] opcode,
output [UADDR_WIDTH-1:0] a1, a2, a3,
output logic isPriv, isIllegal, isLineA, isLineF,
output [15:0] lineBmap);
wire [3:0] line = opcode[15:12];
logic [3:0] eaCol, movEa;
onehotEncoder4 irLineDecod( line, lineBmap);
assign isLineA = lineBmap[ 'hA];
assign isLineF = lineBmap[ 'hF];
pla_lined pla_lined( .movEa( movEa), .col( eaCol),
.opcode( opcode), .lineBmap( lineBmap),
.palIll( isIllegal), .plaA1( a1), .plaA2( a2), .plaA3( a3) );
// ea decoding
assign eaCol = eaDecode( opcode[ 5:0]);
assign movEa = eaDecode( {opcode[ 8:6], opcode[ 11:9]} );
// EA decode
function [3:0] eaDecode;
input [5:0] eaBits;
unique case( eaBits[ 5:3])
case( eaBits[ 2:0])
3'b000: eaDecode = 7; // Absolute short
3'b001: eaDecode = 8; // Absolute long
3'b010: eaDecode = 9; // PC displacement
3'b011: eaDecode = 10; // PC offset
3'b100: eaDecode = 11; // Immediate
default: eaDecode = 12; // Invalid
default: eaDecode = eaBits[5:3]; // Register based EAs
Privileged instructions:
MOVE to/from USP
always_comb begin
unique case( lineBmap)
// ori/andi/eori SR
'h01: isPriv = ((opcode & 16'hf5ff) == 16'h007c);
// No priority !!!
if( (opcode & 16'hffc0) == 16'h46c0) // move to sr
isPriv = 1'b1;
else if( (opcode & 16'hfff0) == 16'h4e60) // move usp
isPriv = 1'b1;
else if( opcode == 16'h4e70 || // reset
opcode == 16'h4e73 || // rte
opcode == 16'h4e72) // stop
isPriv = 1'b1;
isPriv = 1'b0;
default: isPriv = 1'b0;
// bin to one-hot, 4 bits to 16-bit bitmap
module onehotEncoder4( input [3:0] bin, output reg [15:0] bitMap);
always_comb begin
case( bin)
'b0000: bitMap = 16'h0001;
'b0001: bitMap = 16'h0002;
'b0010: bitMap = 16'h0004;
'b0011: bitMap = 16'h0008;
'b0100: bitMap = 16'h0010;
'b0101: bitMap = 16'h0020;
'b0110: bitMap = 16'h0040;
'b0111: bitMap = 16'h0080;
'b1000: bitMap = 16'h0100;
'b1001: bitMap = 16'h0200;
'b1010: bitMap = 16'h0400;
'b1011: bitMap = 16'h0800;
'b1100: bitMap = 16'h1000;
'b1101: bitMap = 16'h2000;
'b1110: bitMap = 16'h4000;
'b1111: bitMap = 16'h8000;
// priority encoder
// used by MOVEM regmask
// this might benefit from device specific features
// MOVEM doesn't need speed, will read the result 2 CPU cycles after each update.
module pren( mask, hbit);
parameter size = 16;
parameter outbits = 4;
input [size-1:0] mask;
output reg [outbits-1:0] hbit;
// output reg idle;
always @( mask) begin
integer i;
hbit = 0;
// idle = 1;
for( i = size-1; i >= 0; i = i - 1) begin
if( mask[ i]) begin
hbit = i;
// idle = 0;
// Microcode sequencer
module sequencer( input s_clks Clks, input enT3,
input [UROM_WIDTH-1:0] microLatch,
input A0Err, BerrA, busAddrErr, Spuria, Avia,
input Tpend, intPend, isIllegal, isPriv, excRst, isLineA, isLineF,
input [15:0] psw,
input prenEmpty, au05z, dcr4, ze, i11,
input [1:0] alue01,
input [15:0] Ird,
input [UADDR_WIDTH-1:0] a1, a2, a3,
output logic [3:0] tvn,
output logic [UADDR_WIDTH-1:0] nma);
logic [UADDR_WIDTH-1:0] uNma;
logic [UADDR_WIDTH-1:0] grp1Nma;
logic [1:0] c0c1;
reg a0Rst;
wire A0Sel;
wire inGrp0Exc;
// assign nma = Clks.extReset ? RSTP0_NMA : (A0Err ? BSER1_NMA : uNma);
// assign nma = A0Err ? (a0Rst ? RSTP0_NMA : BSER1_NMA) : uNma;
// word type I: 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
// NMA : .. .. 09 08 01 00 05 04 03 02 07 06 .. .. .. .. ..
wire [UADDR_WIDTH-1:0] dbNma = { microLatch[ 14:13], microLatch[ 6:5], microLatch[ 10:7], microLatch[ 12:11]};
// Group 0 exception.
// Separated block from regular NMA. Otherwise simulation might depend on order of assigments.
always_comb begin
if( A0Err) begin
if( a0Rst) // Reset
nma = RSTP0_NMA;
else if( inGrp0Exc) // Double fault
nma = HALT1_NMA;
else // Bus or address error
nma = BSER1_NMA;
nma = uNma;
always_comb begin
// Format II (conditional) or I (direct branch)
if( microLatch[1])
uNma = { microLatch[ 14:13], c0c1, microLatch[ 10:7], microLatch[ 12:11]};
case( microLatch[ 3:2])
0: uNma = dbNma; // DB
1: uNma = A0Sel ? grp1Nma : a1;
2: uNma = a2;
3: uNma = a3;
// Format II, conditional, NMA decoding
wire [1:0] enl = { Ird[6], prenEmpty}; // Updated on T3
wire [1:0] ms0 = { Ird[8], alue01[0]};
wire [3:0] m01 = { au05z, Ird[8], alue01};
wire [1:0] nz1 = { psw[ NF], psw[ ZF]};
wire [1:0] nv = { psw[ NF], psw[ VF]};
logic ccTest;
wire [4:0] cbc = microLatch[ 6:2]; // CBC bits
always_comb begin
unique case( cbc)
'h0: c0c1 = {i11, i11}; // W/L offset EA, from IRC
'h1: c0c1 = (au05z) ? 2'b01 : 2'b11; // Updated on T3
'h11: c0c1 = (au05z) ? 2'b00 : 2'b11;
'h02: c0c1 = { 1'b0, ~psw[ CF]}; // C used in DIV
'h12: c0c1 = { 1'b1, ~psw[ CF]};
'h03: c0c1 = {psw[ ZF], psw[ ZF]}; // Z used in DIVU
'h04: // nz1, used in DIVS
case( nz1)
'b00: c0c1 = 2'b10;
'b10: c0c1 = 2'b01;
'b01,'b11: c0c1 = 2'b11;
'h05: c0c1 = {psw[ NF], 1'b1}; // N used in CHK and DIV
'h15: c0c1 = {1'b1, psw[ NF]};
// nz2, used in DIVS (same combination as nz1)
'h06: c0c1 = { ~nz1[1] & ~nz1[0], 1'b1};
'h07: // ms0 used in MUL
case( ms0)
'b10, 'b00: c0c1 = 2'b11;
'b01: c0c1 = 2'b01;
'b11: c0c1 = 2'b10;
'h08: // m01 used in MUL
case( m01)
'b0000,'b0001,'b0100,'b0111: c0c1 = 2'b11;
'b0010,'b0011,'b0101: c0c1 = 2'b01;
'b0110: c0c1 = 2'b10;
default: c0c1 = 2'b00;
// Conditional
'h09: c0c1 = (ccTest) ? 2'b11 : 2'b01;
'h19: c0c1 = (ccTest) ? 2'b11 : 2'b10;
// DCR bit 4 (high or low word)
'h0c: c0c1 = dcr4 ? 2'b01: 2'b11;
'h1c: c0c1 = dcr4 ? 2'b10: 2'b11;
// DBcc done
'h0a: c0c1 = ze ? 2'b11 : 2'b00;
// nv, used in CHK
'h0b: c0c1 = (nv == 2'b00) ? 2'b00 : 2'b11;
// V, used in trapv
'h0d: c0c1 = { ~psw[ VF], ~psw[VF]};
// enl, combination of pren idle and word/long on IRD
case( enl)
2'b00: c0c1 = 'b10;
2'b10: c0c1 = 'b11;
// 'hx1 result 00/01 depending on condition 0e/1e
c0c1 = { 1'b0, microLatch[ 6]};
default: c0c1 = 'X;
// CCR conditional
always_comb begin
unique case( Ird[ 11:8])
'h0: ccTest = 1'b1; // T
'h1: ccTest = 1'b0; // F
'h2: ccTest = ~psw[ CF] & ~psw[ ZF]; // HI
'h3: ccTest = psw[ CF] | psw[ZF]; // LS
'h4: ccTest = ~psw[ CF]; // CC (HS)
'h5: ccTest = psw[ CF]; // CS (LO)
'h6: ccTest = ~psw[ ZF]; // NE
'h7: ccTest = psw[ ZF]; // EQ
'h8: ccTest = ~psw[ VF]; // VC
'h9: ccTest = psw[ VF]; // VS
'ha: ccTest = ~psw[ NF]; // PL
'hb: ccTest = psw[ NF]; // MI
'hc: ccTest = (psw[ NF] & psw[ VF]) | (~psw[ NF] & ~psw[ VF]); // GE
'hd: ccTest = (psw[ NF] & ~psw[ VF]) | (~psw[ NF] & psw[ VF]); // LT
'he: ccTest = (psw[ NF] & psw[ VF] & ~psw[ ZF]) |
(~psw[ NF] & ~psw[ VF] & ~psw[ ZF]); // GT
'hf: ccTest = psw[ ZF] | (psw[ NF] & ~psw[VF]) | (~psw[ NF] & psw[VF]); // LE
// Exception logic
logic rTrace, rInterrupt;
logic rIllegal, rPriv, rLineA, rLineF;
logic rExcRst, rExcAdrErr, rExcBusErr;
logic rSpurious, rAutovec;
wire grp1LatchEn, grp0LatchEn;
// Originally control signals latched on T4. Then exception latches updated on T3
assign grp1LatchEn = microLatch[0] & (microLatch[1] | !microLatch[4]);
assign grp0LatchEn = microLatch[4] & !microLatch[1];
assign inGrp0Exc = rExcRst | rExcBusErr | rExcAdrErr;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( grp0LatchEn & enT3) begin
rExcRst <= excRst;
rExcBusErr <= BerrA;
rExcAdrErr <= busAddrErr;
rSpurious <= Spuria;
rAutovec <= Avia;
// Update group 1 exception latches
// Inputs from IR decoder updated on T1 as soon as IR loaded
// Trace pending updated on T3 at the start of the instruction
// Interrupt pending on T2
if( grp1LatchEn & enT3) begin
rTrace <= Tpend;
rInterrupt <= intPend;
rIllegal <= isIllegal & ~isLineA & ~isLineF;
rLineA <= isLineA;
rLineF <= isLineF;
rPriv <= isPriv & !psw[ SF];
// exception priority
always_comb begin
grp1Nma = TRAC1_NMA;
if( rExcRst)
tvn = '0; // Might need to change that to signal in exception
else if( rExcBusErr | rExcAdrErr)
tvn = { 1'b1, rExcAdrErr};
// Seudo group 0 exceptions. Just for updating TVN
else if( rSpurious | rAutovec)
tvn = rSpurious ? TVN_SPURIOUS : TVN_AUTOVEC;
else if( rTrace)
tvn = 9;
else if( rInterrupt) begin
grp1Nma = ITLX1_NMA;
else begin
unique case( 1'b1) // Can't happen more than one of these
rIllegal: tvn = 4;
rPriv: tvn = 8;
rLineA: tvn = 10;
rLineF: tvn = 11;
default: tvn = 1; // Signal no group 0/1 exception
assign A0Sel = rIllegal | rLineF | rLineA | rPriv | rTrace | rInterrupt;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.extReset)
a0Rst <= 1'b1;
else if( enT3)
a0Rst <= 1'b0;
// DMA/BUS Arbitration
module busArbiter( input s_clks Clks,
input BRi, BgackI, Halti, bgBlock,
output busAvail,
output logic BGn);
enum int unsigned { DRESET = 0, DIDLE, D1, D_BR, D_BA, D_BRA, D3, D2} dmaPhase, next;
always_comb begin
DIDLE: begin
if( bgBlock)
next = DIDLE;
else if( ~BgackI)
next = D_BA;
else if( ~BRi)
next = D1;
next = DIDLE;
D_BA: begin // Loop while only BGACK asserted, BG negated here
if( ~BRi & !bgBlock)
next = D3;
else if( ~BgackI & !bgBlock)
next = D_BA;
next = DIDLE;
D1: next = D_BR; // Loop while only BR asserted
D_BR: next = ~BRi & BgackI ? D_BR : D_BA; // No direct path to IDLE !
D3: next = D_BRA;
D_BRA: begin // Loop while both BR and BGACK asserted
case( {BgackI, BRi} )
2'b11: next = DIDLE; // Both deasserted
2'b10: next = D_BR; // BR asserted only
2'b01: next = D2; // BGACK asserted only
2'b00: next = D_BRA; // Stay here while both asserted
// Might loop here if both deasserted, should normally don't arrive here anyway?
// D2: next = (BgackI & BRi) | bgBlock ? D2: D_BA;
D2: next = D_BA;
default: next = DIDLE; // Should not reach here normally
logic granting;
always_comb begin
unique case( next)
D1, D3, D_BR, D_BRA: granting = 1'b1;
default: granting = 1'b0;
reg rGranted;
assign busAvail = Halti & BRi & BgackI & ~rGranted;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.extReset) begin
dmaPhase <= DRESET;
rGranted <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi2) begin
dmaPhase <= next;
// Internal signal changed on PHI2
rGranted <= granting;
// External Output changed on PHI1
if( Clks.extReset)
BGn <= 1'b1;
else if( Clks.enPhi1)
BGn <= ~rGranted;
module busControl( input s_clks Clks, input enT1, input enT4,
input permStart, permStop, iStop,
input aob0,
input isWrite, isByte, isRmc,
input busAvail,
output bgBlock,
output busAddrErr,
output waitBusCycle,
output busStarting, // Asserted during S0
output logic addrOe, // Asserted from S1 to the end, whole bus cycle except S0
output bciWrite, // Used for SSW on bus/addr error
input rDtack, BeDebounced, Vpai,
output ASn, output LDSn, output UDSn, eRWn);
reg rAS, rLDS, rUDS, rRWn;
assign ASn = rAS;
assign LDSn = rLDS;
assign UDSn = rUDS;
assign eRWn = rRWn;
//reg dataOe;
reg bcPend;
reg isWriteReg, bciByte, isRmcReg, wendReg;
assign bciWrite = isWriteReg;
reg addrOeDelay;
reg isByteT4;
wire canStart, busEnd;
wire bcComplete, bcReset;
wire isRcmReset = bcComplete & bcReset & isRmcReg;
assign busAddrErr = aob0 & ~bciByte;
// Bus retry not really supported.
// It's BERR and HALT and not address error, and not read-modify cycle.
wire busRetry = ~busAddrErr & 1'b0;
enum int unsigned { SRESET = 0, SIDLE, S0, S2, S4, S6, SRMC_RES} busPhase, next;
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.extReset)
busPhase <= SRESET;
else if( Clks.enPhi1)
busPhase <= next;
always_comb begin
case( busPhase)
SRMC_RES: next = SIDLE; // Single cycle special state when read phase of RMC reset
S0: next = S2;
S2: next = S4;
S4: next = busEnd ? S6 : S4;
S6: next = isRcmReset ? SRMC_RES : (canStart ? S0 : SIDLE);
SIDLE: next = canStart ? S0 : SIDLE;
default: next = SIDLE;
// Idle phase of RMC bus cycle. Might be better to just add a new state
wire rmcIdle = (busPhase == SIDLE) & ~ASn & isRmcReg;
assign canStart = (busAvail | rmcIdle) & (bcPend | permStart) & !busRetry & !bcReset;
wire busEnding = (next == SIDLE) | (next == S0);
assign busStarting = (busPhase == S0);
// term signal (DTACK, BERR, VPA, adress error)
assign busEnd = ~rDtack | iStop;
// bcComplete asserted on raising edge of S6 (together with SNC).
assign bcComplete = (busPhase == S6);
// Clear bus info latch on completion (regular or aborted) and no bus retry (and not PHI1).
// bciClear asserted half clock later on PHI2, and bci latches cleared async concurrently
wire bciClear = bcComplete & ~busRetry;
// Reset on reset or (berr & berrDelay & (not halt or rmc) & not 6800 & in bus cycle) (and not PHI1)
assign bcReset = Clks.extReset | (addrOeDelay & BeDebounced & Vpai);
// Enable uclock only on S6 (S8 on Bus Error) or not bciPermStop
assign waitBusCycle = wendReg & !bcComplete;
// Block Bus Grant when starting new bus cycle. But No need if AS already asserted (read phase of RMC)
// Except that when that RMC phase aborted on bus error, it's asserted one cycle later!
assign bgBlock = ((busPhase == S0) & ASn) | (busPhase == SRMC_RES);
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.extReset) begin
addrOe <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi2 & ( busPhase == S0)) // From S1, whole bus cycle except S0
addrOe <= 1'b1;
else if( Clks.enPhi1 & (busPhase == SRMC_RES))
addrOe <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi1 & ~isRmcReg & busEnding)
addrOe <= 1'b0;
if( Clks.enPhi1)
addrOeDelay <= addrOe;
if( Clks.extReset) begin
rAS <= 1'b1;
rUDS <= 1'b1;
rLDS <= 1'b1;
rRWn <= 1'b1;
//dataOe <= '0;
else begin
if( Clks.enPhi2 & isWriteReg & (busPhase == S2))
dataOe <= 1'b1;
else if( Clks.enPhi1 & (busEnding | (busPhase == SIDLE)) )
dataOe <= 1'b0;
if( Clks.enPhi1 & busEnding)
rRWn <= 1'b1;
else if( Clks.enPhi1 & isWriteReg) begin
// Unlike LDS/UDS Asserted even in address error
if( (busPhase == S0) & isWriteReg)
rRWn <= 1'b0;
// AS. Actually follows addrOe half cycle later!
if( Clks.enPhi1 & (busPhase == S0))
rAS <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi2 & (busPhase == SRMC_RES)) // Bus error on read phase of RMC. Deasserted one cycle later
rAS <= 1'b1;
else if( Clks.enPhi2 & bcComplete & ~SRMC_RES)
if( ~isRmcReg) // Keep AS asserted on the IDLE phase of RMC
rAS <= 1'b1;
if( Clks.enPhi1 & (busPhase == S0)) begin
if( ~isWriteReg & !busAddrErr) begin
rUDS <= ~(~bciByte | ~aob0);
rLDS <= ~(~bciByte | aob0);
else if( Clks.enPhi1 & isWriteReg & (busPhase == S2) & !busAddrErr) begin
rUDS <= ~(~bciByte | ~aob0);
rLDS <= ~(~bciByte | aob0);
else if( Clks.enPhi2 & bcComplete) begin
rUDS <= 1'b1;
rLDS <= 1'b1;
// Bus cycle info latch. Needed because uinstr might change if the bus is busy and we must wait.
// Note that urom advances even on wait states. It waits *after* updating urom and nanorom latches.
// Even without wait states, ublocks of type ir (init reading) will not wait for bus completion.
// Originally latched on (permStart AND T1).
// Bus cycle info latch: isRead, isByte, read-modify-cycle, and permStart (bus cycle pending). Some previously latched on T4?
// permStop also latched, but unconditionally on T1
// Might make more sense to register this outside this module
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( enT4) begin
isByteT4 <= isByte;
// Bus Cycle Info Latch
always_ff @( posedge Clks.clk) begin
if( Clks.pwrUp) begin
bcPend <= 1'b0;
wendReg <= 1'b0;
isWriteReg <= 1'b0;
bciByte <= 1'b0;
isRmcReg <= 1'b0;
else if( Clks.enPhi2 & (bciClear | bcReset)) begin
bcPend <= 1'b0;
wendReg <= 1'b0;
else begin
if( enT1 & permStart) begin
isWriteReg <= isWrite;
bciByte <= isByteT4;
isRmcReg <= isRmc & ~isWrite; // We need special case the end of the read phase only.
bcPend <= 1'b1;
if( enT1)
wendReg <= permStop;
// microrom and nanorom instantiation
// There is bit of wasting of resources here. An extra registering pipeline happens that is not needed.
// This is just for the purpose of helping inferring block RAM using pure generic code. Inferring RAM is important for performance.
// Might be more efficient to use vendor specific features such as clock enable.
module uRom( input clk, input [UADDR_WIDTH-1:0] microAddr, output logic [UROM_WIDTH-1:0] microOutput);
reg [UROM_WIDTH-1:0] uRam[ UROM_DEPTH];
initial begin
$readmemb("microrom.mem", uRam);
always_ff @( posedge clk)
microOutput <= uRam[ microAddr];
module nanoRom( input clk, input [NADDR_WIDTH-1:0] nanoAddr, output logic [NANO_WIDTH-1:0] nanoOutput);
reg [NANO_WIDTH-1:0] nRam[ NANO_DEPTH];
initial begin
$readmemb("nanorom.mem", nRam);
always_ff @( posedge clk)
nanoOutput <= nRam[ nanoAddr];
// Translate uaddr to nanoaddr
module microToNanoAddr(
input [UADDR_WIDTH-1:0] uAddr,
output [NADDR_WIDTH-1:0] orgAddr);
wire [UADDR_WIDTH-1:2] baseAddr = uAddr[UADDR_WIDTH-1:2];
logic [NADDR_WIDTH-1:2] orgBase;
assign orgAddr = { orgBase, uAddr[1:0]};
always @( baseAddr)
// nano ROM (136 addresses)
case( baseAddr)
'h00: orgBase = 7'h0 ;
'h01: orgBase = 7'h1 ;
'h02: orgBase = 7'h2 ;
'h03: orgBase = 7'h2 ;
'h08: orgBase = 7'h3 ;
'h09: orgBase = 7'h4 ;
'h0A: orgBase = 7'h5 ;
'h0B: orgBase = 7'h5 ;
'h10: orgBase = 7'h6 ;
'h11: orgBase = 7'h7 ;
'h12: orgBase = 7'h8 ;
'h13: orgBase = 7'h8 ;
'h18: orgBase = 7'h9 ;
'h19: orgBase = 7'hA ;
'h1A: orgBase = 7'hB ;
'h1B: orgBase = 7'hB ;
'h20: orgBase = 7'hC ;
'h21: orgBase = 7'hD ;
'h22: orgBase = 7'hE ;
'h23: orgBase = 7'hD ;
'h28: orgBase = 7'hF ;
'h29: orgBase = 7'h10 ;
'h2A: orgBase = 7'h11 ;
'h2B: orgBase = 7'h10 ;
'h30: orgBase = 7'h12 ;
'h31: orgBase = 7'h13 ;
'h32: orgBase = 7'h14 ;
'h33: orgBase = 7'h14 ;
'h38: orgBase = 7'h15 ;
'h39: orgBase = 7'h16 ;
'h3A: orgBase = 7'h17 ;
'h3B: orgBase = 7'h17 ;
'h40: orgBase = 7'h18 ;
'h41: orgBase = 7'h18 ;
'h42: orgBase = 7'h18 ;
'h43: orgBase = 7'h18 ;
'h44: orgBase = 7'h19 ;
'h45: orgBase = 7'h19 ;
'h46: orgBase = 7'h19 ;
'h47: orgBase = 7'h19 ;
'h48: orgBase = 7'h1A ;
'h49: orgBase = 7'h1A ;
'h4A: orgBase = 7'h1A ;
'h4B: orgBase = 7'h1A ;
'h4C: orgBase = 7'h1B ;
'h4D: orgBase = 7'h1B ;
'h4E: orgBase = 7'h1B ;
'h4F: orgBase = 7'h1B ;
'h54: orgBase = 7'h1C ;
'h55: orgBase = 7'h1D ;
'h56: orgBase = 7'h1E ;
'h57: orgBase = 7'h1F ;
'h5C: orgBase = 7'h20 ;
'h5D: orgBase = 7'h21 ;
'h5E: orgBase = 7'h22 ;
'h5F: orgBase = 7'h23 ;
'h70: orgBase = 7'h24 ;
'h71: orgBase = 7'h24 ;
'h72: orgBase = 7'h24 ;
'h73: orgBase = 7'h24 ;
'h74: orgBase = 7'h24 ;
'h75: orgBase = 7'h24 ;
'h76: orgBase = 7'h24 ;
'h77: orgBase = 7'h24 ;
'h78: orgBase = 7'h25 ;
'h79: orgBase = 7'h25 ;
'h7A: orgBase = 7'h25 ;
'h7B: orgBase = 7'h25 ;
'h7C: orgBase = 7'h25 ;
'h7D: orgBase = 7'h25 ;
'h7E: orgBase = 7'h25 ;
'h7F: orgBase = 7'h25 ;
'h84: orgBase = 7'h26 ;
'h85: orgBase = 7'h27 ;
'h86: orgBase = 7'h28 ;
'h87: orgBase = 7'h29 ;
'h8C: orgBase = 7'h2A ;
'h8D: orgBase = 7'h2B ;
'h8E: orgBase = 7'h2C ;
'h8F: orgBase = 7'h2D ;
'h94: orgBase = 7'h2E ;
'h95: orgBase = 7'h2F ;
'h96: orgBase = 7'h30 ;
'h97: orgBase = 7'h31 ;
'h9C: orgBase = 7'h32 ;
'h9D: orgBase = 7'h33 ;
'h9E: orgBase = 7'h34 ;
'h9F: orgBase = 7'h35 ;
'hA4: orgBase = 7'h36 ;
'hA5: orgBase = 7'h36 ;
'hA6: orgBase = 7'h37 ;
'hA7: orgBase = 7'h37 ;
'hAC: orgBase = 7'h38 ;
'hAD: orgBase = 7'h38 ;
'hAE: orgBase = 7'h39 ;
'hAF: orgBase = 7'h39 ;
'hB4: orgBase = 7'h3A ;
'hB5: orgBase = 7'h3A ;
'hB6: orgBase = 7'h3B ;
'hB7: orgBase = 7'h3B ;
'hBC: orgBase = 7'h3C ;
'hBD: orgBase = 7'h3C ;
'hBE: orgBase = 7'h3D ;
'hBF: orgBase = 7'h3D ;
'hC0: orgBase = 7'h3E ;
'hC1: orgBase = 7'h3F ;
'hC2: orgBase = 7'h40 ;
'hC3: orgBase = 7'h41 ;
'hC8: orgBase = 7'h42 ;
'hC9: orgBase = 7'h43 ;
'hCA: orgBase = 7'h44 ;
'hCB: orgBase = 7'h45 ;
'hD0: orgBase = 7'h46 ;
'hD1: orgBase = 7'h47 ;
'hD2: orgBase = 7'h48 ;
'hD3: orgBase = 7'h49 ;
'hD8: orgBase = 7'h4A ;
'hD9: orgBase = 7'h4B ;
'hDA: orgBase = 7'h4C ;
'hDB: orgBase = 7'h4D ;
'hE0: orgBase = 7'h4E ;
'hE1: orgBase = 7'h4E ;
'hE2: orgBase = 7'h4F ;
'hE3: orgBase = 7'h4F ;
'hE8: orgBase = 7'h50 ;
'hE9: orgBase = 7'h50 ;
'hEA: orgBase = 7'h51 ;
'hEB: orgBase = 7'h51 ;
'hF0: orgBase = 7'h52 ;
'hF1: orgBase = 7'h52 ;
'hF2: orgBase = 7'h52 ;
'hF3: orgBase = 7'h52 ;
'hF8: orgBase = 7'h53 ;
'hF9: orgBase = 7'h53 ;
'hFA: orgBase = 7'h53 ;
'hFB: orgBase = 7'h53 ;
orgBase = 'X;
// For compilation test only
`ifdef FX68K_TEST
module fx68kTop( input clk32,
input extReset,
// input pwrUp,
input DTACKn, input VPAn,
input BERRn,
input BRn, BGACKn,
input IPL0n, input IPL1n, input IPL2n,
input [15:0] iEdb,
output [15:0] oEdb,
output eRWn, output ASn, output LDSn, output UDSn,
output logic E, output VMAn,
output FC0, output FC1, output FC2,
output BGn,
output oRESETn, output oHALTEDn,
output [23:1] eab
// Clock must be at least twice the desired frequency. A 32 MHz clock means a maximum 16 MHz effective frequency.
// In this example we divide the clock by 4. Resulting on an effective processor running at 8 MHz.
reg [1:0] clkDivisor = '0;
always @( posedge clk32) begin
clkDivisor <= clkDivisor + 1'b1;
These two signals must be a single cycle pulse. They don't need to be registered.
Same signal can't be asserted twice in a row. Other than that there are no restrictions.
There can be any number of cycles, or none, even variable non constant cycles, between each pulse.
wire enPhi1 = (clkDivisor == 2'b11);
wire enPhi2 = (clkDivisor == 2'b01);
fx68k fx68k( .clk( clk32),
.extReset, .pwrUp( extReset), .enPhi1, .enPhi2,
.DTACKn, .VPAn, .BERRn, .BRn, .BGACKn,
.IPL0n, .IPL1n, .IPL2n,
.eRWn, .ASn, .LDSn, .UDSn,
.E, .VMAn,
.FC0, .FC1, .FC2,
.oRESETn, .oHALTEDn, .eab);