meauxdal 32e223ac31
Correct aspect ratio, update sys, update readme (#10)
* Correct aspect ratio

Early compact Macintoshes (including the Plus) use 512 by 342 resolution monochrome monitors with 1:1 PAR and 256:171 DAR.

* Update

Bring readme up-to-date with latest core

* Update sys

Update sys to latest version

* Update sys & readme
2024-04-06 20:14:31 +08:00

74 lines
2.0 KiB

module vga_out
input clk,
input ypbpr_en,
input hsync,
input vsync,
input csync,
input de,
input [23:0] din,
output [23:0] dout,
output reg hsync_o,
output reg vsync_o,
output reg csync_o,
output reg de_o
wire [7:0] red = din[23:16];
wire [7:0] green = din[15:8];
wire [7:0] blue = din[7:0];
// Y = 0.301*R + 0.586*G + 0.113*B (Y = 0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B)
// Pb = 128 - 0.168*R - 0.332*G + 0.500*B (Pb = -0.169*R - 0.331*G + 0.500*B)
// Pr = 128 + 0.500*R - 0.418*G - 0.082*B (Pr = 0.500*R - 0.419*G - 0.081*B)
reg [7:0] y, pb, pr;
reg [23:0] rgb;
always @(posedge clk) begin
reg [18:0] y_1r, pb_1r, pr_1r;
reg [18:0] y_1g, pb_1g, pr_1g;
reg [18:0] y_1b, pb_1b, pr_1b;
reg [18:0] y_2, pb_2, pr_2;
reg [23:0] din1, din2;
reg hsync2, vsync2, csync2, de2;
reg hsync1, vsync1, csync1, de1;
y_1r <= {red, 6'd0} + {red, 3'd0} + {red, 2'd0} + red;
pb_1r <= 19'd32768 - ({red, 5'd0} + {red, 3'd0} + {red, 1'd0});
pr_1r <= 19'd32768 + {red, 7'd0};
y_1g <= {green, 7'd0} + {green, 4'd0} + {green, 2'd0} + {green, 1'd0};
pb_1g <= {green, 6'd0} + {green, 4'd0} + {green, 2'd0} + green;
pr_1g <= {green, 6'd0} + {green, 5'd0} + {green, 3'd0} + {green, 1'd0};
y_1b <= {blue, 4'd0} + {blue, 3'd0} + {blue, 2'd0} + blue;
pb_1b <= {blue, 7'd0};
pr_1b <= {blue, 4'd0} + {blue, 2'd0} + blue;
y_2 <= y_1r + y_1g + y_1b;
pb_2 <= pb_1r - pb_1g + pb_1b;
pr_2 <= pr_1r - pr_1g - pr_1b;
y <= y_2[18] ? 8'd0 : y_2[16] ? 8'd255 : y_2[15:8];
pb <= pb_2[18] ? 8'd0 : pb_2[16] ? 8'd255 : pb_2[15:8];
pr <= pr_2[18] ? 8'd0 : pr_2[16] ? 8'd255 : pr_2[15:8];
hsync_o <= hsync2; hsync2 <= hsync1; hsync1 <= hsync;
vsync_o <= vsync2; vsync2 <= vsync1; vsync1 <= vsync;
csync_o <= csync2; csync2 <= csync1; csync1 <= csync;
de_o <= de2; de2 <= de1; de1 <= de;
rgb <= din2; din2 <= din1; din1 <= din;
assign dout = ypbpr_en ? {pr, y, pb} : rgb;