#include "A4Stuff.h" #include "SetupA4.h" #include #include #include #include "NuBusFPGA_HW.h" #define kINITid 0 #define _BitBlt 0xAB00 // #define QEMU //extern pascal void CopyBits(const BitMap *srcBits, const BitMap *dstBits, const Rect *srcRect, const Rect *dstRect, short mode, RgnHandle maskRgn) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA8EC); //extern pascal void StdBits(const BitMap *srcBits, const Rect *srcRect, const Rect *dstRect, short mode, RgnHandle maskRgn) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA8EB); #if 0 typedef pascal void (*StdBitsProc)(BitMap *srcBits, Rect *srcRect, Rect *dstRect, short mode, RgnHandle maskRgn); StdBitsProc oldStdBits; #endif typedef pascal void (*BitBltProc)(BitMap *srcBits, BitMap *maskBits, BitMap *dstBits, Rect *srcRect, Rect *maskRect, Rect *dstRect, short mode, Pattern *pat, RgnHandle rgnA, RgnHandle rgnB, RgnHandle rgnC, short multColor); static BitBltProc oldBitBlt; void* fb_base; void* bt_base; void* accel_base; static inline unsigned long brev(const unsigned long r) { return (((r&0xFF000000)>>24) | ((r&0xFF0000)>>8) | ((r&0xFF00)<<8) | ((r&0xFF)<<24)); } #define WAIT_FOR_HW(accel) \ while (accel->reg_status & brev(1<reg_status & (1< // RGNBUFFER-4 uint16_t BUFLEFT; // // RUNBUF-2 uint16_t BUFSIZE; // // BUFLEFT-2 uint32_t EXRTN; // // BUFSIZE-4 uint32_t RUNRTN; // // EXRTN-4 uint32_t SEEKMASK; // // RUNRTN-4 uint32_t DSTMASKBUF; // // SEEKMASK-4 uint32_t DSTMASKALIGN; // // DSTMASKBUF-4 uint8_t STATEA[24]; // STATE RECORD // DSTMASKALIGN-RGNREC uint8_t STATEB[24]; // STATE RECORD // STATEA-RGNREC uint8_t STATEC[24]; // STATE RECORD // STATEB-RGNREC uint16_t MINRECT[4]; // // STATEC-8 uint16_t DSTSHIFT; // // MINRECT-2 uint16_t RUNBUMP; // // DSTSHIFT-2 uint32_t DSTROW; // // RUNBUMP-4 uint32_t GoShow; // Go home and show crsr // DSTROW-4 uint32_t STACKFREE; // -> // GoShow-4 // STACK FRAME VARS USED BY PATEXPAND, COLORMAP, DRAWSLAB // (CALLED BY STRETCHBITS, RGNBLT, BITBLT, DRAWARC, DRAWLINE) // SET UP FOR BITBLT FOR RGNBLT uint32_t EXPAT; // YES // STACKFREE-4 uint16_t PATVMASK; // (must follow expat) // EXPAT-2 uint16_t PATHMASK; // (must follow PATVMASK) // PATVMASK-2 uint16_t PATROW; // (must follow PATHMASK) // PATHMASK-2 uint16_t PATHPOS; // YES // PATROW-2 uint8_t filler5; // <8> YES // PATHPOS-1 uint8_t alphaMode; // <8> // filler5-1 uint32_t PATVPOS; // <8> YES // alphaMode-4 uint16_t LOCMODE; // YES // PATVPOS-2 uint32_t LOCPAT; // YES // LOCMODE-4 uint32_t FCOLOR; // YES // LOCPAT-4 uint32_t BCOLOR; // YES // FCOLOR-4 uint8_t useDither; // // BCOLOR-1 ;(was pixsrc) reclaimed 07Jul88 uint8_t NEWPATTERN; // YES // useDither-1 uint8_t DSTPIX[78]; // +COLOR TABLE YES -> STACKFREE -54-(50+8) // NEWPATTERN- uint16_t weight[3]; // weight for averaging // DSTPIX-6 //uint16_t pin[3]; // used by max, min // weight uint16_t notWeight[3]; // complement of weight (for average) // weight-6 uint8_t multiColor; // set if source contains nonblack/white colors // notWeight-1 uint8_t MMUsave; // MMU mode on entry to QD // multiColor-1 uint8_t FGnotBlack; // / true if forecolor - black // MMUsave-1 uint8_t BGnotWhite; // \ true if backcolor - white (must follow FGBlack) // FGnotBlack-1 uint32_t colorTable; // pointer to color table // BGnotWhite-4 uint32_t invColor; // pointer to inverse color table // colorTable-4 uint16_t invSize; // resolution of inverse color table // invColor-2 uint16_t rtShift; // used by average how far to shift // invSize-2 uint32_t transColor; // copy of backcolor for transparent // rtShift-4 uint32_t hilitColor; // hilite color pixels-> DSTPIX-36 // transColor-4 // MORE SHARED STACK FRAME VARS (STRETCHBITS, RGNBLT, BITBLT) uint16_t alignSrcPM; // // hilitColor-2 uint8_t SRCPIX[78]; // YES // alignSrcPM- uint16_t alignMaskPM; // // SRCPIX-2 uint8_t MASKPIX[78]; // YES // alignMaskPM- uint32_t SRCROW; // YES // MASKPIX-4 uint32_t MASKROW; // YES // SRCROW-4 uint16_t SRCSHIFT; // YES // MASKROW-2 uint16_t MASKSHIFT; // YES // SRCSHIFT-2 uint32_t INVERTFLAG; // YES // MASKSHIFT-4 uint32_t SAVESTK; // YES // INVERTFLAG-4 uint32_t SAVEA5; // YES // SAVESTK-4 uint32_t SRCBUF; // // SAVEA5-4 uint32_t DSTBUF; // // SRCBUF-4 uint32_t SCALEBUF; // // DSTBUF-4 uint32_t dstBufBump; // // SCALEBUF-4 uint32_t scaleBufBump; // // dstBufBump-4 uint32_t SRCMASKBUF; // // scaleBufBump-4 uint16_t filler1; // // SRCMASKBUF-2 uint16_t SRCLONGS; // // filler1-2 uint16_t SRCMASKLONGS; // // SRCLONGS-2 uint16_t DSTMASKLONGS; // // SRCMASKLONGS-2 uint16_t DSTLONGS; // // DSTMASKLONGS-2 uint16_t SCALELONGS; // // DSTLONGS-2 uint32_t SRCADDR; // // SCALELONGS-4 uint32_t MASKADDR; // // SRCADDR-4 uint32_t DSTADDR; // // MASKADDR-4 uint32_t SRCLIMIT; // // DSTADDR-4 uint16_t NUMER[2]; // // SRCLIMIT-4 uint16_t DENOM[2]; // // NUMER-4 uint16_t MASKNUMER[2]; // // DENOM-4 uint16_t MASKDENOM[2]; // // MASKNUMER-4 uint32_t MODECASE; // -> hilitColor-140-2*(PMREC+CTREC) (50+8) -> -256 -> DSTPIX -292 // MASKDENOM-4 // STACK FRAME VARS USED BY STRETCHBITS ONLY uint32_t RATIOCASE; // // MODECASE-4 uint32_t MASKCASE; // // RATIOCASE-4 uint16_t HORIZFRACTION; // // MASKCASE-2 uint16_t MASKFRACT; // // HORIZFRACTION-2 uint32_t SCALECASE; // // MASKFRACT-4 uint16_t SRCSCANS; // // SCALECASE-2 uint16_t SRCPIXCNT; // // SRCSCANS-2 uint32_t SRCALIGN; // // SRCPIXCNT-4 uint32_t DSTALIGN; // // SRCALIGN-4 uint32_t MASKALIGN; // // DSTALIGN-4 uint32_t ScaleTbl; // // MASKALIGN-4 uint16_t VERROR; // // ScaleTbl-2 uint16_t CRSRFLAG; // // VERROR-2 uint32_t REALBOUNDS; // -> MODECASE-44 -> DSTPIX-336 // CRSRFLAG-4 // STACK FRAME VARS USED BY RGNBLT ONLY uint16_t FIRSTV; // // REALBOUNDS-2 uint16_t LASTV; // // FIRSTV-2 uint16_t VBUMP; // , MUST BE ABOVE HBUMP // LASTV-2 uint16_t HBUMP; // // VBUMP-2 uint32_t RGNADDR; // // HBUMP-4 uint16_t filler2; // // RGNADDR-2 uint16_t SRCSIZE; // // filler2-2 uint32_t SAVESTK2; // -> REALBOUNDS-20 -> DSTPIX-356 // SRCSIZE-4 // STACK FRAME VARS USED BY BITBLT ONLY uint16_t SRCV; // // SAVESTK2-2 uint16_t DSTV; // // SRCV-2 uint16_t SRCBUMP; // // DSTV-2 uint16_t HEIGHT; // // SRCBUMP-2 uint16_t SRCRECT2[4]; // -> SAVESTK2-16 -> DSTPIX-372 // HEIGHT-8 uint32_t FIRSTMASK; // // SRCRECT2-4 uint16_t LONGCNT; // // FIRSTMASK-2 // STACK FRAME VARS USED BY RGNBLT/BITBLT uint8_t doneMid; // two flags used to control loop // LONGCNT-1 uint8_t endSwitch; // three-way switch chooses from src, pat, bigpat // doneMid-1 uint32_t lastMask; // mask for last long blitted on line // endSwitch-4 uint16_t midCount; // # of pixels on line less mask longs - 1 // lastMask-2 uint16_t pixInLong; // # of pixels in a long - 1 // midCount-2 uint32_t patOffset; // pattern horizontal initial offset // pixInLong-4 uint16_t patPos; // pattern vertical offset // patOffset-2 uint16_t destPixCnt; // 1-based cnt of pixels to blit<02Mar89 BAL> // patPos-2 uint32_t destPixOffset; // destination pixel offset <08Jan89 BAL> // destPixCnt-4 uint16_t pixInLong1; // same as pixInLong, 1 based (for transparent) // destPixOffset-2 uint16_t longBump; // 32 signed direction of blit (for transparent) // pixInLong1-2 }; // same as above, but lines are in reverse order so it can be used directly once the pointer to the stack frame is known // some types have been hand-converted (e.g. MINRECT to Rect) struct qdstuff { uint16_t longBump; // 32 signed direction of blit (for transparent) // pixInLong1-2 uint16_t pixInLong1; // same as pixInLong, 1 based (for transparent) // destPixOffset-2 uint32_t destPixOffset; // destination pixel offset <08Jan89 BAL> // destPixCnt-4 uint16_t destPixCnt; // 1-based cnt of pixels to blit<02Mar89 BAL> // patPos-2 uint16_t patPos; // pattern vertical offset // patOffset-2 uint32_t patOffset; // pattern horizontal initial offset // pixInLong-4 uint16_t pixInLong; // # of pixels in a long - 1 // midCount-2 uint16_t midCount; // # of pixels on line less mask longs - 1 // lastMask-2 uint32_t lastMask; // mask for last long blitted on line // endSwitch-4 uint8_t endSwitch; // three-way switch chooses from src, pat, bigpat // doneMid-1 uint8_t doneMid; // two flags used to control loop // LONGCNT-1 // STACK FRAME VARS USED BY RGNBLT/BITBLT uint16_t LONGCNT; // // FIRSTMASK-2 uint32_t FIRSTMASK; // // SRCRECT2-4 uint16_t SRCRECT2[4]; // -> SAVESTK2-16 -> DSTPIX-372 // HEIGHT-8 uint16_t HEIGHT; // // SRCBUMP-2 uint16_t SRCBUMP; // // DSTV-2 uint16_t DSTV; // // SRCV-2 uint16_t SRCV; // // SAVESTK2-2 // STACK FRAME VARS USED BY BITBLT ONLY uint32_t SAVESTK2; // -> REALBOUNDS-20 -> DSTPIX-356 // SRCSIZE-4 uint16_t SRCSIZE; // // filler2-2 uint16_t filler2; // // RGNADDR-2 uint32_t RGNADDR; // // HBUMP-4 uint16_t HBUMP; // // VBUMP-2 uint16_t VBUMP; // , MUST BE ABOVE HBUMP // LASTV-2 uint16_t LASTV; // // FIRSTV-2 uint16_t FIRSTV; // // REALBOUNDS-2 // STACK FRAME VARS USED BY RGNBLT ONLY uint32_t REALBOUNDS; // -> MODECASE-44 -> DSTPIX-336 // CRSRFLAG-4 uint16_t CRSRFLAG; // // VERROR-2 uint16_t VERROR; // // ScaleTbl-2 uint32_t ScaleTbl; // // MASKALIGN-4 uint32_t MASKALIGN; // // DSTALIGN-4 uint32_t DSTALIGN; // // SRCALIGN-4 uint32_t SRCALIGN; // // SRCPIXCNT-4 uint16_t SRCPIXCNT; // // SRCSCANS-2 uint16_t SRCSCANS; // // SCALECASE-2 uint32_t SCALECASE; // // MASKFRACT-4 uint16_t MASKFRACT; // // HORIZFRACTION-2 uint16_t HORIZFRACTION; // // MASKCASE-2 uint32_t MASKCASE; // // RATIOCASE-4 uint32_t RATIOCASE; // // MODECASE-4 // STACK FRAME VARS USED BY STRETCHBITS ONLY uint32_t MODECASE; // -> hilitColor-140-2*(PMREC+CTREC) (50+8) -> -256 -> DSTPIX -292 // MASKDENOM-4 uint16_t MASKDENOM[2]; // // MASKNUMER-4 uint16_t MASKNUMER[2]; // // DENOM-4 uint16_t DENOM[2]; // // NUMER-4 uint16_t NUMER[2]; // // SRCLIMIT-4 uint32_t SRCLIMIT; // // DSTADDR-4 uint32_t DSTADDR; // // MASKADDR-4 uint32_t MASKADDR; // // SRCADDR-4 uint32_t SRCADDR; // // SCALELONGS-4 uint16_t SCALELONGS; // // DSTLONGS-2 uint16_t DSTLONGS; // // DSTMASKLONGS-2 uint16_t DSTMASKLONGS; // // SRCMASKLONGS-2 uint16_t SRCMASKLONGS; // // SRCLONGS-2 uint16_t SRCLONGS; // // filler1-2 uint16_t filler1; // // SRCMASKBUF-2 uint32_t SRCMASKBUF; // // scaleBufBump-4 uint32_t scaleBufBump; // // dstBufBump-4 uint32_t dstBufBump; // // SCALEBUF-4 uint32_t SCALEBUF; // // DSTBUF-4 uint32_t DSTBUF; // // SRCBUF-4 uint32_t SRCBUF; // // SAVEA5-4 uint32_t SAVEA5; // YES // SAVESTK-4 uint32_t SAVESTK; // YES // INVERTFLAG-4 uint32_t INVERTFLAG; // YES // MASKSHIFT-4 uint16_t MASKSHIFT; // YES // SRCSHIFT-2 uint16_t SRCSHIFT; // YES // MASKROW-2 uint32_t MASKROW; // YES // SRCROW-4 uint32_t SRCROW; // YES // MASKPIX-4 uint8_t MASKPIX[78]; // YES // alignMaskPM- uint16_t alignMaskPM; // // SRCPIX-2 uint8_t SRCPIX[78]; // YES // alignSrcPM- uint16_t alignSrcPM; // // hilitColor-2 // MORE SHARED STACK FRAME VARS (STRETCHBITS, RGNBLT, BITBLT) uint32_t hilitColor; // hilite color pixels-> DSTPIX-36 // transColor-4 uint32_t transColor; // copy of backcolor for transparent // rtShift-4 uint16_t rtShift; // used by average how far to shift // invSize-2 uint16_t invSize; // resolution of inverse color table // invColor-2 uint32_t invColor; // pointer to inverse color table // colorTable-4 uint32_t colorTable; // pointer to color table // BGnotWhite-4 uint8_t BGnotWhite; // \ true if backcolor - white (must follow FGBlack) // FGnotBlack-1 uint8_t FGnotBlack; // / true if forecolor - black // MMUsave-1 uint8_t MMUsave; // MMU mode on entry to QD // multiColor-1 uint8_t multiColor; // set if source contains nonblack/white colors // notWeight-1 uint16_t notWeight[3]; // complement of weight (for average) // weight-6 uint16_t weight[3]; // weight for averaging // DSTPIX-6 //uint16_t pin[3]; // used by max, min // weight uint8_t DSTPIX[78]; // +COLOR TABLE YES -> STACKFREE -54-(50+8) // NEWPATTERN- uint8_t NEWPATTERN; // YES // useDither-1 uint8_t useDither; // // BCOLOR-1 ;(was pixsrc) reclaimed 07Jul88 uint32_t BCOLOR; // YES // FCOLOR-4 uint32_t FCOLOR; // YES // LOCPAT-4 uint32_t LOCPAT; // YES // LOCMODE-4 uint16_t LOCMODE; // YES // PATVPOS-2 uint32_t PATVPOS; // <8> YES // alphaMode-4 uint8_t alphaMode; // <8> // filler5-1 uint8_t filler5; // <8> YES // PATHPOS-1 uint16_t PATHPOS; // YES // PATROW-2 uint16_t PATROW; // (must follow PATHMASK) // PATHMASK-2 uint16_t PATHMASK; // (must follow PATVMASK) // PATVMASK-2 uint16_t PATVMASK; // (must follow expat) // EXPAT-2 uint32_t* EXPAT; // YES // STACKFREE-4 // SET UP FOR BITBLT FOR RGNBLT // (CALLED BY STRETCHBITS, RGNBLT, BITBLT, DRAWARC, DRAWLINE) // STACK FRAME VARS USED BY PATEXPAND, COLORMAP, DRAWSLAB uint32_t STACKFREE; // -> // GoShow-4 uint32_t GoShow; // Go home and show crsr // DSTROW-4 uint32_t DSTROW; // // RUNBUMP-4 uint16_t RUNBUMP; // // DSTSHIFT-2 uint16_t DSTSHIFT; // // MINRECT-2 Rect MINRECT; // // STATEC-8 uint8_t STATEC[24]; // STATE RECORD // STATEB-RGNREC uint8_t STATEB[24]; // STATE RECORD // STATEA-RGNREC uint8_t STATEA[24]; // STATE RECORD // DSTMASKALIGN-RGNREC uint32_t DSTMASKALIGN; // // DSTMASKBUF-4 uint32_t DSTMASKBUF; // // SEEKMASK-4 uint32_t SEEKMASK; // // RUNRTN-4 uint32_t RUNRTN; // // EXRTN-4 uint32_t EXRTN; // // BUFSIZE-4 uint16_t BUFSIZE; // // BUFLEFT-2 uint16_t BUFLEFT; // // RUNBUF-2 uint32_t RUNBUF; // // RGNBUFFER-4 uint32_t RGNBUFFER; // // VERT-4 uint16_t VERT; // // RECTFLAG-2 uint16_t RECTFLAG; // // EQU -2 ;WORD // (NOT USED IN PATEXPAND) // STACK FRAME VARS USED BY SEEKMASK (CALLED BY STRETCHBITS, RGNBLT, DRAWARC, DRAWLINE) }; int hwblit(char* stack, char* p_fb_base, /* short dstshift, */ short mode, Pattern* pat, PixMapPtr dstpix, PixMapPtr srcpix, Rect *dstrect, Rect *srcrect) { struct goblin_bt_regs* bt = (struct goblin_bt_regs*)(p_fb_base + GOBLIN_BT_OFFSET); struct goblin_accel_regs* accel_le = (struct goblin_accel_regs*)(p_fb_base + GOBLIN_ACCEL_OFFSET_LE); struct qdstuff* qdstack = (struct qdstuff*)(stack - sizeof(struct qdstuff)); short height = qdstack->MINRECT.bottom - qdstack->MINRECT.top; short dstshift = qdstack->DSTSHIFT; short srcshift = qdstack->SRCSHIFT; if ((mode != 0) && (mode != 8)) { // only copy handled for now #ifdef QEMU bt->debug = -2L; bt->debug = mode; if (mode == 8) { bt->debug = qdstack->PATROW; #if 0 bt->debug = pat->pat[0]; bt->debug = pat->pat[1]; bt->debug = pat->pat[2]; bt->debug = pat->pat[3]; bt->debug = pat->pat[4]; bt->debug = pat->pat[5]; bt->debug = pat->pat[6]; bt->debug = pat->pat[7]; #endif } #endif return 0; } if (mode == 8) { register int i; register unsigned long expat0 = qdstack->EXPAT[0]; if (qdstack->PATROW != 0) { bt->debug = -6L; return 0; } if ((expat0 & 0xFFFF) != ((expat0 >> 16) & 0xFFFF)) return 0; if ((expat0 & 0xFF) != ((expat0 >> 8) & 0xFF)) return 0; for (i = 1 ; i < 16 ; i++) if (expat0 != qdstack->EXPAT[i]) { bt->debug = -7L; bt->debug = i; bt->debug = expat0; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[i]; return 0; } } if (dstshift < 3) { // only 8/16/32 bits for now #ifdef QEMU bt->debug = -3L; bt->debug = dstshift; #endif return 0; } dstshift -= 3; if (srcshift < 3) { // only 8/16/32 bits for now #ifdef QEMU bt->debug = -8L; bt->debug = srcshift; #endif return 0; } srcshift -= 3; if (srcshift != dstshift) { bt->debug = -9L; bt->debug = srcshift; bt->debug = dstshift; return 0; } if (height < 0) { // no height return 0; } if (dstpix->baseAddr != p_fb_base) { // we're not destination #ifdef QEMU bt->debug = -4L; bt->debug = (unsigned long)dstpix->baseAddr; #endif return 0; } if ((srcpix->baseAddr != p_fb_base) // && ((unsigned long)srcpix->baseAddr >= 0x40000000) // and neither is main memory ){ #ifdef QEMU bt->debug = -5L; bt->debug = (unsigned long)srcpix->baseAddr; #endif return 0; } { Rect realrect, srcv, dstv; short width = qdstack->MINRECT.right - qdstack->MINRECT.left; //*debug_ptr = -1L; realrect.top = qdstack->MINRECT.top; realrect.left = qdstack->MINRECT.left; //realrect.bottom = qdstack->MINRECT.bottom; //realrect.right = qdstack->MINRECT.right; realrect.top += (srcrect->top - dstrect->top); realrect.left += (srcrect->left - dstrect->left); /* A2 */ /* qdstack->MINRECT is A3 */ srcv.top = realrect.top - srcpix->bounds.top; srcv.left = realrect.left - srcpix->bounds.left; dstv.top = qdstack->MINRECT.top - dstpix->bounds.top; dstv.left = qdstack->MINRECT.left - dstpix->bounds.left; /* if .baseAddr of both pix are different, no overlap */ /* // the HW can handle that for us if (dstpix->baseAddr == srcpix->baseAddr) { } */ #ifdef QEMU #if 0 if ((mode == 8) && (qdstack->PATROW == 0)) { bt->debug = 0x87654321; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[ 0]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[ 1]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[ 2]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[ 3]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[ 4]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[ 5]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[ 6]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[ 7]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[ 8]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[ 9]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[10]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[11]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[12]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[13]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[14]; bt->debug = qdstack->EXPAT[15]; } #endif bt->debug = -1L; bt->debug = srcpix->rowBytes; bt->debug = dstpix->rowBytes; bt->debug = srcv.top; bt->debug = srcv.left; bt->debug = height; bt->debug = width; bt->debug = dstv.top; bt->debug = dstv.left; bt->debug = (long)dstpix->baseAddr; bt->debug = (long)srcpix->baseAddr; return 0; #else WAIT_FOR_HW_LE(accel_le); accel_le->reg_width = (width); // pixels accel_le->reg_height = (height); accel_le->reg_bitblt_dst_x = (dstv.left); // pixels accel_le->reg_bitblt_dst_y = (dstv.top); if (dstpix->baseAddr != p_fb_base) accel_le->reg_dst_ptr = (unsigned long)(dstpix->baseAddr); else accel_le->reg_dst_ptr = 0; // let the HW pick its internal address accel_le->reg_dst_stride = (dstpix->rowBytes); // bytes // we should strip the high-order bit, but the HW ignore that for us anyway if (mode == 0) { accel_le->reg_bitblt_src_x = (srcv.left); // pixels accel_le->reg_bitblt_src_y = (srcv.top); if (srcpix->baseAddr != p_fb_base) accel_le->reg_src_ptr = (unsigned long)(srcpix->baseAddr); else accel_le->reg_src_ptr = 0; // let the HW pick its internal address accel_le->reg_src_stride = (srcpix->rowBytes); // bytes // we should strip the high-order bit, but the HW ignore that for us anyway accel_le->reg_cmd = (1<reg_fgcolor = (qdstack->EXPAT[0]); accel_le->reg_cmd = (1<debug = 0xDEADBEEF; bt->debug = (unsigned long)fb_base; bt->debug = (unsigned long)bt_base; bt->debug = (unsigned long)accel_base; h = Get1Resource('INIT', kINITid); if (h) { DetachResource(h); } else { DebugStr("\pargh"); } oldBitBlt = (BitBltProc)GetToolTrapAddress(_BitBlt); //*debug_ptr = (unsigned long)oldBitBlt; SetToolTrapAddress((UniversalProcPtr)myBitBlt, _BitBlt); /* restore the a4 world */ SetA4(oldA4); // *debug_ptr = 0xBEEFDEAD; }