from migen import * from migen.genlib.fifo import * from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import * from litex.soc.interconnect import stream from litex.soc.interconnect import wishbone from litex.soc.cores.code_tmds import TMDSEncoder from import SDROutput, DDROutput from migen.genlib.cdc import MultiReg from import * from fb_video import * from math import ceil cmap_layout = [ ("color", 2), ("address", 8), ("data", 8), ] omap_layout = [ ("color", 2), ("address", 2), ("data", 8), ] def goblin_rounded_size(hres, vres): mib = int(ceil(((hres * vres) + 0) / 1048576)) if (mib > 0 and mib < 8): # FIXME : NuBus mib = 8 #if (mib > 0 and mib < 16): # FIXME : SBus # mib = 16 if (mib > 16 or mib < 1): print(f"{mib} mebibytes framebuffer not supported") assert(False) return int(1048576 * mib) class VideoFrameBufferMultiDepth(Module, AutoCSR): """Video FrameBufferMultiDepth""" def __init__(self, dram_port, upd_clut_fifo = None, hres=800, vres=600, base=0x00000000, fifo_depth=65536, clock_domain="sys", clock_faster_than_sys=False, hwcursor=False, upd_overlay_fifo=False, upd_omap_fifo=False, truecolor=True): print(f"FRAMEBUFFER: dram_port.data_width = {dram_port.data_width}, {hres}x{vres}, 0x{base:x}, in {clock_domain}, clock_faster_than_sys={clock_faster_than_sys}") vga_sync = getattr(self.sync, clock_domain) npixels = hres * vres # if 0, 32-bits mode # should only be changed while in reset self.use_indexed = Signal(1, reset = 0x1) # mode, as x in 2^x (so 1, 2, 4, 8 bits) # should only be changed while in reset self.indexed_mode = Signal(2, reset = 0x3) self.vblping = Signal(reset = 0) if (hwcursor): self.vtg_sink = vtg_sink = stream.Endpoint(video_timing_hwcursor_layout) upd_omap_fifo_dout = Record(omap_layout) self.comb += upd_omap_fifo_dout.raw_bits().eq(upd_omap_fifo.dout) overlay = Array(Array(Array(Signal(1) for x in range(0,32)) for y in range(0,32)) for i in range(0, 2)) omap = Array(Array(Signal(8, reset = (255-i)) for i in range(0, 4)) for j in range(0, 3)) vga_sync += [ If(upd_overlay_fifo.readable,, [ overlay[upd_overlay_fifo.dout[0]][upd_overlay_fifo.dout[1:6]][x].eq(upd_overlay_fifo.dout[6+x]) for x in range(0, 32)], ).Else(, ) ] vga_sync += [ If(upd_omap_fifo.readable,, omap[upd_omap_fifo_dout.color][upd_omap_fifo_dout.address].eq(, ).Else(, ) ] else: self.vtg_sink = vtg_sink = stream.Endpoint(video_timing_layout) self.source = source = stream.Endpoint(video_data_layout) self.underflow = Signal() #source_buf_ready = Signal() source_buf_valid = Signal() source_buf_de = Signal() source_buf_hsync = Signal() source_buf_vsync = Signal() data_buf_index = Signal(8) data_buf_direct = Array(Signal(8) for x in range(3)) if (hwcursor): hwcursor_buf = Signal() hwcursorx_buf = Signal(5) hwcursory_buf = Signal(5) source_buf_b_valid = Signal() source_buf_b_de = Signal() source_buf_b_hsync = Signal() source_buf_b_vsync = Signal() data_buf_b_index = Signal(8) if (truecolor): data_buf_b_direct = Array(Signal(8) for x in range(3)) if (hwcursor): hwcursor_color_idx = Signal(2) #source_out_ready = Signal() source_out_valid = Signal() source_out_de = Signal() source_out_hsync = Signal() source_out_vsync = Signal() source_out_r = Signal(8) source_out_g = Signal(8) source_out_b = Signal(8) # # # # First the Color Look-up Table (for all but 1 bit & 32 bits) # updated from the FIFO # 8-and-less-than-8-bits mode used the 2^x first entries ### clut = Array(Array(Signal(8, reset = (255-i)) for i in range(0, 256)) for j in range(0, 3)) clut = Array(Array(Signal(8, reset = (255-i)) for j in range(0, 3)) for i in range(0, 256)) upd_clut_fifo_dout = Record(cmap_layout) self.comb += upd_clut_fifo_dout.raw_bits().eq(upd_clut_fifo.dout) vga_sync += [ If(upd_clut_fifo.readable,, clut[upd_clut_fifo_dout.address][upd_clut_fifo_dout.color].eq(, ).Else(, ) ] # # # # Video DMA. from fb_dma import LiteDRAMFBDMAReader # length should be changed to match mode self.submodules.fb_dma = LiteDRAMFBDMAReader(dram_port, fifo_depth = fifo_depth//(dram_port.data_width//8), default_base = base, default_length = npixels) ##self.submodules.fb_dma = ResetInserter()(self._fb_dma) ##self.fb_dma_reset = Signal(reset = 0) ##self.comb += self.fb_dma.reset.eq(self.fb_dma_reset) # If DRAM Data Width > 8-bit and Video clock is faster than sys_clk: # actually always use that case to simplify the design # if (dram_port.data_width > 8) and clock_faster_than_sys: # Do Clock Domain Crossing first... self.submodules.cdc = stream.ClockDomainCrossing([("data", dram_port.data_width)], cd_from="sys", cd_to=clock_domain) self.comb += self.fb_dma.source.connect(self.cdc.sink) # ... and then Data-Width Conversion. # we have 5 possible conversion and mux/connect the appropriate one if (truecolor): self.submodules.conv32 = ClockDomainsRenamer({"sys": clock_domain})(stream.Converter(dram_port.data_width, 32)) handle_truecolor_sink = [ self.cdc.source.connect(self.conv32.sink) ] handle_truecolor_source = [ source_buf_valid.eq(self.conv32.source.valid), self.conv32.source.connect(source, keep={"ready"}), ] handle_truecolor_databuf = [ data_buf_direct[0].eq([24:32]), data_buf_direct[1].eq([16:24]), data_buf_direct[2].eq([8:16]), ] handle_truecolor_databuf_b = [ data_buf_b_direct[0].eq(data_buf_direct[0]), data_buf_b_direct[1].eq(data_buf_direct[1]), data_buf_b_direct[2].eq(data_buf_direct[2]), ] handle_truecolor_source = [ source_out_r.eq(data_buf_b_direct[2]), source_out_g.eq(data_buf_b_direct[1]), source_out_b.eq(data_buf_b_direct[0]), ] else: handle_truecolor_sink = [ ] handle_truecolor_source = [ ] handle_truecolor_databuf = [ ] handle_truecolor_databuf_b = [ ] handle_truecolor_source = [ ] self.submodules.conv8 = ClockDomainsRenamer({"sys": clock_domain})(stream.Converter(dram_port.data_width, 8)) self.submodules.conv4 = ClockDomainsRenamer({"sys": clock_domain})(stream.Converter(dram_port.data_width, 4)) self.submodules.conv2 = ClockDomainsRenamer({"sys": clock_domain})(stream.Converter(dram_port.data_width, 2)) self.submodules.conv1 = ClockDomainsRenamer({"sys": clock_domain})(stream.Converter(dram_port.data_width, 1)) self.comb += [ If(self.use_indexed, Case(self.indexed_mode, { 0x3: self.cdc.source.connect(self.conv8.sink), 0x2: self.cdc.source.connect(self.conv4.sink), 0x1: self.cdc.source.connect(self.conv2.sink), 0x0: self.cdc.source.connect(self.conv1.sink), }) ).Else( *handle_truecolor_sink ) ] # Video Generation. self.comb += [ vtg_sink.ready.eq(1), If(vtg_sink.valid &, If(self.use_indexed, Case(self.indexed_mode, { 0x3: [ source_buf_valid.eq(self.conv8.source.valid), self.conv8.source.connect(source, keep={"ready"}), ], 0x2: [ source_buf_valid.eq(self.conv4.source.valid), self.conv4.source.connect(source, keep={"ready"}), ], 0x1: [ source_buf_valid.eq(self.conv2.source.valid), self.conv2.source.connect(source, keep={"ready"}), ], 0x0: [ source_buf_valid.eq(self.conv1.source.valid), self.conv1.source.connect(source, keep={"ready"}), ], }), ).Else( *handle_truecolor_source, ), vtg_sink.ready.eq(source_buf_valid & source.ready), ), source_buf_de.eq(, source_buf_hsync.eq(vtg_sink.hsync), source_buf_vsync.eq(vtg_sink.vsync), Case(self.indexed_mode, { 0x3: [ data_buf_index.eq(, ], 0x2: [ data_buf_index.eq(Cat(, Signal(4, reset = 0))), ], 0x1: [ data_buf_index.eq(Cat(, Signal(6, reset = 0))), ], 0x0: [ data_buf_index.eq(Replicate(, 8)), ], }), *handle_truecolor_databuf, ] if (hwcursor): self.comb += [ hwcursor_buf.eq(vtg_sink.hwcursor), hwcursorx_buf.eq(vtg_sink.hwcursorx), hwcursory_buf.eq(vtg_sink.hwcursory), ] vga_sync += [ source_buf_b_de.eq(source_buf_de), source_buf_b_hsync.eq(source_buf_hsync), source_buf_b_vsync.eq(source_buf_vsync), source_buf_b_valid.eq(source_buf_valid), data_buf_b_index.eq(data_buf_index), *handle_truecolor_databuf_b, ] if (hwcursor): vga_sync += [ If(hwcursor_buf, hwcursor_color_idx.eq(Cat(overlay[0][hwcursory_buf][hwcursorx_buf], overlay[1][hwcursory_buf][hwcursorx_buf])), ).Else( hwcursor_color_idx.eq(0), ) ] vga_sync += [ source_out_de.eq(source_buf_b_de), source_out_hsync.eq(source_buf_b_hsync), source_out_vsync.eq(source_buf_b_vsync), source_out_valid.eq(source_buf_b_valid), #source_buf_ready.eq(source_out_ready), # ready flow the other way ] if (hwcursor): vga_sync += [ If(hwcursor_color_idx != 0, source_out_r.eq(omap[0][hwcursor_color_idx]), source_out_g.eq(omap[1][hwcursor_color_idx]), source_out_b.eq(omap[2][hwcursor_color_idx]), ).Elif(source_buf_b_de, If(self.use_indexed, source_out_r.eq(clut[data_buf_b_index][2]), source_out_g.eq(clut[data_buf_b_index][1]), source_out_b.eq(clut[data_buf_b_index][0]) ).Else( *handle_truecolor_source, ), ).Else(source_out_r.eq(0), source_out_g.eq(0), source_out_b.eq(0) ) ] else: vga_sync += [ If(source_buf_b_de, If(self.use_indexed, source_out_r.eq(clut[data_buf_b_index][2]), source_out_g.eq(clut[data_buf_b_index][1]), source_out_b.eq(clut[data_buf_b_index][0]) ).Else( *handle_truecolor_source, ), ).Else(source_out_r.eq(0), source_out_g.eq(0), source_out_b.eq(0) ) ] self.comb += [, source.hsync.eq(source_out_hsync), source.vsync.eq(source_out_vsync), source.valid.eq(source_out_valid), #source_out_ready.eq(source.ready), # ready flow the other way source.r.eq(source_out_r), source.g.eq(source_out_g), source.b.eq(source_out_b), ] # Underflow. self.comb += self.underflow.eq(~source.valid & # VBL handling # create a pulse in self.vlbping in sys at the end of the frame from migen.genlib.cdc import PulseSynchronizer old_last = Signal() vga_vblping = Signal() vga_sync += [ old_last.eq(vtg_sink.last), If((vtg_sink.last == 1) & (old_last == 0), vga_vblping.eq(1), ).Else( vga_vblping.eq(0) ) ] self.submodules.vbl_ps = PulseSynchronizer(idomain = clock_domain, odomain = "sys") self.comb += self.vbl_ps.i.eq(vga_vblping) self.comb += self.vblping.eq(self.vbl_ps.o) class goblin(Module, AutoCSR): def __init__(self, soc=None, phy=None, timings=None, clock_domain="sys", irq_line=None, endian="big", truecolor=True): # 2 bits for color (0/r, 1/g, 2/b), 8 for @ and 8 for value self.submodules.upd_cmap_fifo = upd_cmap_fifo = ClockDomainsRenamer({"read": clock_domain, "write": "sys"})(AsyncFIFOBuffered(width=layout_len(cmap_layout), depth=8)) upd_cmap_fifo_din = Record(cmap_layout) self.comb += self.upd_cmap_fifo.din.eq(upd_cmap_fifo_din.raw_bits()) # hw cursor support self.submodules.upd_overlay_fifo = upd_overlay_fifo = ClockDomainsRenamer({"read": clock_domain, "write": "sys"})(AsyncFIFOBuffered(width=1+5+32, depth=8)) self.submodules.upd_omap_fifo = upd_omap_fifo = ClockDomainsRenamer({"read": clock_domain, "write": "sys"})(AsyncFIFOBuffered(width=layout_len(omap_layout), depth=8)) upd_omap_fifo_din = Record(omap_layout) self.comb += self.upd_omap_fifo.din.eq(upd_omap_fifo_din.raw_bits()) name = "video_framebuffer" # near duplicate of plaform.add_video_framebuffer # Video Timing Generator. vtg = FBVideoTimingGenerator(default_video_timings=timings if isinstance(timings, str) else timings[1], hwcursor=True) vtg = ClockDomainsRenamer(clock_domain)(vtg) setattr(self.submodules, f"{name}_vtg", vtg) vtg_enable = Signal(reset = 0) #self.specials += MultiReg(vtg_enable, vtg.enable, clock_domain) self.comb += [ vtg.enable.eq(vtg_enable) ] # Video FrameBuffer. timings = timings if isinstance(timings, str) else timings[0] base = soc.mem_map.get(name) print(f"goblin: visible memory at {base:x}") hres = int(timings.split("@")[0].split("x")[0]) vres = int(timings.split("@")[0].split("x")[1]) freq = vtg.video_timings["pix_clk"] print(f"goblin: using {hres} x {vres}, {freq/1e6} MHz pixclk") vfb = VideoFrameBufferMultiDepth(dram_port = soc.sdram.crossbar.get_port(), upd_clut_fifo = upd_cmap_fifo, hres = hres, vres = vres, base = base, fifo_depth=(64*1024), clock_domain = clock_domain, clock_faster_than_sys = (vtg.video_timings["pix_clk"] > soc.sys_clk_freq), hwcursor = True, upd_overlay_fifo = upd_overlay_fifo, upd_omap_fifo = upd_omap_fifo, truecolor = truecolor, ) setattr(self.submodules, name, vfb) ##dma_reset = Signal(reset = 0) ##self.comb += self.video_framebuffer.fb_dma_reset.eq(dma_reset) # Connect Video Timing Generator to Video FrameBuffer. self.comb += vtg.source.connect(vfb.vtg_sink) # Connect Video FrameBuffer to Video PHY. self.comb += vfb.source.connect(phy if isinstance(phy, stream.Endpoint) else phy.sink) # Constants. soc.add_constant("VIDEO_FRAMEBUFFER_BASE", base) soc.add_constant("VIDEO_FRAMEBUFFER_HRES", hres) soc.add_constant("VIDEO_FRAMEBUFFER_VRES", vres) # HW Cursor hwcursor_x = Signal(12) hwcursor_y = Signal(12) self.comb += vtg.hwcursor_x.eq(hwcursor_x) self.comb += vtg.hwcursor_y.eq(hwcursor_y) self.bus = bus = wishbone.Interface() # current cmap logic for the goblin, similar to the cg6, minus the HW cursor bt_mode = Signal(8, reset = 0x3) # bit depth is 2^x ; 0x10 is direct mode (32 bits) bt_addr = Signal(8, reset = 0) bt_cmap_state = Signal(2, reset = 0) m_vbl_disable = Signal(reset = 1) videoctrl = Signal() vbl_signal = Signal(reset = 0) self.comb += irq_line.eq(~vbl_signal | m_vbl_disable) # active low if (endian == "big"): low_byte = slice(0, 8) low_bit = slice(0, 1) else: low_byte = slice(24, 32) low_bit = slice(24, 25) self.submodules.wishbone_fsm = wishbone_fsm = FSM(reset_state = "Reset") wishbone_fsm.act("Reset", NextValue(bus.ack, 0), NextState("Idle")) wishbone_fsm.act("Idle", If(bus.cyc & bus.stb & bus.we & ~bus.ack & upd_cmap_fifo.writable, #write # FIXME: should check for prefix? Case(bus.adr[0:18], { "default": [], # gobofb_mode 0x0: [ NextValue(bt_mode, bus.dat_w[low_byte]), ], # set vbl 0x1: [ NextValue(m_vbl_disable, ~bus.dat_w[low_bit]), ], # gobofb on/off 0x2: [ NextValue(videoctrl, bus.dat_w[low_bit]), ], # clear irq 0x3: [ NextValue(vbl_signal, 0), ], # 0x4: rest in SW # gobofb_lut_addr 0x5: [ NextValue(bt_addr, bus.dat_w[low_byte]), NextValue(bt_cmap_state, 0), ], # gobofb_lut 0x6: [ upd_cmap_fifo.we.eq(1), upd_cmap_fifo_din.color.eq(bt_cmap_state), upd_cmap_fifo_din.address.eq(bt_addr),[low_byte]), Case(bt_cmap_state, { 0: [ NextValue(bt_cmap_state, 1), ], 1: [ NextValue(bt_cmap_state, 2), ], 2: [ NextValue(bt_cmap_state, 0), NextValue(bt_addr, (bt_addr+1) & 0xFF), ], "default": NextValue(bt_cmap_state, 0), }), ], # 0x7: debug in SW # cursor lut 0x8: [ upd_omap_fifo.we.eq(1), upd_omap_fifo_din.color.eq(bt_cmap_state), upd_omap_fifo_din.address.eq(bt_addr[0:2]),[low_byte]), Case(bt_cmap_state, { 0: [ NextValue(bt_cmap_state, 1), ], 1: [ NextValue(bt_cmap_state, 2), ], 2: [ NextValue(bt_cmap_state, 0), NextValue(bt_addr, (bt_addr+1) & 0xFF), ], "default": NextValue(bt_cmap_state, 0), }), ], # hw cursor x/y 0x9: [ NextValue(hwcursor_x, bus.dat_w[16:28]), # FIXME: endianess NextValue(hwcursor_y, bus.dat_w[ 0:12]), # FIXME: endianess ], }), Case(bus.adr[5:18], { "default": [], 0x1 : [ upd_overlay_fifo.we.eq(1), # 1*32 = 32..63 / 0x20..0x3F upd_overlay_fifo.din.eq(Cat(Signal(1, reset = 0), 31-bus.adr[0:5], bus.dat_w)) # FIXME: endianess ], 0x2 : [ upd_overlay_fifo.we.eq(1), # 2*32 = 64..95 / 0x40..0x5F upd_overlay_fifo.din.eq(Cat(Signal(1, reset = 1), 31-bus.adr[0:5], bus.dat_w)) # FIXME: endianess ], }), NextValue(bus.ack, 1), ).Elif(bus.cyc & bus.stb & ~bus.we & ~bus.ack, #read Case(bus.adr[0:18], { # bt_addr 0x0: [ NextValue(bus.dat_r[low_byte], bt_mode), ], 0x2: [ NextValue(bus.dat_r[low_byte], videoctrl), ], "default": [ NextValue(bus.dat_r, 0xDEADBEEF)], }), NextValue(bus.ack, 1), ).Else( NextValue(bus.ack, 0), ), ) # mode switch logic npixels = hres * vres old_bt_mode = Signal(8) # different from bt_mode in_reset = Signal() post_reset_ctr = Signal(3) previous_videoctrl = Signal() if (truecolor): handle_truecolor_bit = [ self.video_framebuffer.use_indexed.eq(~bt_mode[4:5]) ] else: handle_truecolor_bit = [ ] # this has grown complicated and should be a FSM... self.sync += [ old_bt_mode.eq(bt_mode), If(old_bt_mode != bt_mode, in_reset.eq(1), videoctrl.eq(0), # start a disabling cycle, or stay disabled previous_videoctrl.eq(videoctrl), # preserve old state for restoration later ), If(in_reset & ~vtg_enable, # we asked for a reset and by now, the VTG has been turned off (or was off) so we reset the DMA and change the parameters ##dma_reset.eq(1), # hpefully this will clear the FIFO as well self.video_framebuffer.indexed_mode.eq(bt_mode[0:2] & ~(Replicate(bt_mode[4:5], 2))), *handle_truecolor_bit, in_reset.eq(0), post_reset_ctr.eq(7), ), ##If(post_reset_ctr == 5, # take DMA out of reset ## dma_reset.eq(0), ##), If(post_reset_ctr == 4, # now reconfigure the DMA If(bt_mode[4:5], self.video_framebuffer.fb_dma.length.eq(npixels * 4), ).Else( Case(bt_mode[0:2], { 3: self.video_framebuffer.fb_dma.length.eq(npixels ), 2: self.video_framebuffer.fb_dma.length.eq(npixels//2), 1: self.video_framebuffer.fb_dma.length.eq(npixels//4), 0: self.video_framebuffer.fb_dma.length.eq(npixels//8), }), ), ), If(post_reset_ctr == 1, # we've waited for the mode switch so restore video mode videoctrl.eq(previous_videoctrl), ), If(post_reset_ctr != 0, post_reset_ctr.eq(post_reset_ctr - 1), ), ] # videoctrl logic old_videoctrl = Signal() videoctrl_starting = Signal() videoctrl_stopping = Signal() self.sync += [ If(~videoctrl_starting & ~videoctrl_stopping, # while we're changing state, delay any new request for change old_videoctrl.eq(videoctrl), ), # turn on If(videoctrl & ~old_videoctrl, # pos edge self.video_framebuffer.fb_dma.enable.eq(1), # enable DMA videoctrl_starting.eq(1), ), If(videoctrl & (self.video_framebuffer.fb_dma.rsv_level != 0), vtg_enable.eq(1), # there's some data requested, good to go videoctrl_starting.eq(0), ), # turn off If(~videoctrl & old_videoctrl, # neg edge self.video_framebuffer.fb_dma.enable.eq(0), # disable DMA videoctrl_stopping.eq(1), ), If(~videoctrl & (self.video_framebuffer.fb_dma.rsv_level == 0) & (self.video_framebuffer.underflow), vtg_enable.eq(0), # the DMA FIFO is purged, stop vtg videoctrl_stopping.eq(0), ), ] # VBL logic self.sync += [ If(self.video_framebuffer.vblping == 1, vbl_signal.eq(1), ),]