RaSCSI Reloaded is a virtual SCSI device emulator that runs on a Raspberry Pi. It runs in userspace, and can emulate several SCSI devices at one time. There is a control interface to attach / detach drives during runtime, as well as insert and eject removable media. This project is aimed at users of vintage Macintosh and Atari computers and more (see [compatibility list](https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/wiki/Compatibility)) from the 1980's and 1990's.
- A tag will be created for each "release". The releases will be named <year>.<month>.<releasenumber> where the release number is incremented for each subsequent release tagged in the same calendar month. The first release of the month of January 2021 is called "21.01.01", the second one in the same month "21.01.02" and so on.
When you are ready to contribute code to RaSCSI Reloaded, follow the <ahref="https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/contributing-to-projects">GitHub Forking and Pull Request workflow</a> to create your own fork where you can make changes, and then contribute it back to the project. Please remember to always make Pull Requests against the *develop* branch.
If you want to add a new translation, or improve upon an existing one, please follow the <ahref="https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/blob/develop/python/web/README.md#localizing-the-web-interface">instructions in the Web Interface README</a>. Once the translation is complete, please use the same workflow as above to contribute it to the project.
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