- Break out generate_iso() into its own class method in file_cmds
- Add form and handling of using local file to generate iso image
- Reorder index page sections to group actions that create new image files
- Introduce a dedicated Upload page and move the upload form there
- Style the utility hyperlinks on the index page with icons and bold text
- Display the cancel / dismiss downloads link, and tweak the link text to make more sense. Note: Cancelled downloads won't remove the partially uploaded file.
- Hide image preview thumbnails. Not relevant to our usecase, and mess up the layout when it happens.
- Turn on chunk retries and tweaks chunk size to be a full MiB (probably won't make a big difference)
* Improve styling support when web authentication disabled, fix issue #1017
* Fix sudo PATH issue in Docker web container (allows easyinstall.sh to call commands in sbin)
* Fix logout button icon flicker/reload on resize
- Add a label to system name, and modify the style sheet to hide it in the modern theme
- Restore the Control Page subtitle, and hide it on small screens
- Tweak some wordings and help text
* Rebrand project to PiSCSI
- rascsi ->piscsi
- rasctl -> scsictl
- rasdump -> scsidump
- ras* -> piscsi* (rasutil -> piscsi_util, etc.)
* Refined the formatting and wording of the app startup banner
* Kept some references to rascsi and rasctl where backwards compatibility is concerned
* Point to the new github repo URL
Co-authored-by: nucleogenic <nr@nucleogenic.com>
Co-authored-by: Uwe Seimet <Uwe.Seimet@seimet.de>
- Fixed ignore patterns in .dockerignore
- Added healthchecks to backend and web containers
- Reduced Docker image sizes
- Removed RaSCSI references in various areas (e.g. rascsi -> backend)
- Added compilation-only step to easyinstall.sh
- Moved apt package lists to variables
- Revert to triggering GitHub Actions runs on push
- Updated web/frontend_checks workflow to run black and flake8 against all Python sources
- Capture log files from backend/web containers
- Fix None to float conversion bug when user agent is absent or unrecognised
* Update config for black and flake8
* Auto-format Python sources with black
* Fix issues reported by flake8
* Exclude protobuf files from black
* Address formatting feedback
- counter for refreshing network status, currently set at 10 ticks (10s with the default refresh interval)
- adding a --refresh_interval option to control the overall screen refresh rate, keeping 1000ms as the default
- Restore a 'No Media' status message for RM devices that was lost with the last PR
- Display the pretty hostname as system name in header
- Move IP and hostname down to the footer
- New endpoint for setting the pretty hostname, plus form field in the Web UI
- (unrelated) Use platform.uname() instead of shell uname
- (unrelated) Better logic for fetching the Mac HD Drivers zip file in easyinstall.sh
- Bring back the shutdown splash, with the tweak that is blanks out after 700ms
- Restore the non-Latin transliteration originally from https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/pull/449 which was lost when the `common` package was introduced
- Bump to the latest libraries, while removing implicit dependencies from requirements.txt
- Shorter duration of the startup splash
- Reintroduce shell shutdown/reboot methods for use with the Web UI. This addresses https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/issues/538 (the ctrlboard client will continue to use the built-in rascsi system calls which are slightly faster)
- Remove overt references to RPi. This addresses https://github.com/akuker/RASCSI/issues/990
- Other refactorings
* Expose hardware info in env string
* Improve error handling for get_properties_by_drive_name
* Verbose uname parameters.
* Close open file in introspect method
* Add error handling for when no drive name was matched with props in the database
* Docker environment fixes
* New theme for web UI
* Apply breaking wrap to filenames only
* Reduce font sizes, whitespace and padding
* Right align action fields/buttons
* Improve mobile header, hide superfluous UI elements when logged out, drop placeholders from login labels, various other adjustments
* Force footer to bottom of screen
* Show manual link to logged out users
* Reduce header text size on desktop
* Fix incorrect selector ID
* Fix selector referencing old class name
* Fix right-aligned message when images table empty
* Add CSS linter/auto-formatter
* Run Stylelint + Prettier against modern theme CSS
* Select default theme based on browser’s user agent
* Style inputs on mobile/tablet devices
* Fixes for Safari 14 on iOS + iPad OS
* Explicitly define mobile browser support, switch to bare ua-parser without user-agent wrapper
* Add LICENSE file for modern theme icons
* Improve theme selection query string/field naming.
* Remove patch workaround from Docker build
* Update log level for UAs to info
* Move Bootstrap Reboot CSS to CDN
* Account for LUN column in attached devices table
* Prevent wrapping of config forms on small viewports
* Fix Stylelint issues
* Auto-format CSS with Prettier
- New "format as" option when creating new images; removing the image creation options from easyinstall
- Bring in HFSer as new submodule providing the driver binaries; removing the Lido driver binary from this repo
- Add SpeedTools driver option
- Point to github mirror of hfdisk, since the original git server is down
- While rearranging the easyinstall options, moved the CtrlBoard option up to the main section
- Add an easyinstall script to configure Samba, while consolidating file sharing with Netatalk
* Remove deprecated critital log level from test
* Move drive_properties back into template data sets
* Move properties data integrity checks to test code
* Streamline the drive formatting logic
- Sanitize file paths with Path: for flat file structures, always extract Path().name, and for nested file structures either look for absolute paths, or someone trying to use ".." to traverse the dir strucutre.
- Reduce redundancy in network bridge detection method, and return somewhat more informative messages
- Make all endpoints return exactly one message
- Move some warning messages to logging
- Use tempfile for iso generation temp file handling
* Dockerize Pytest
* Fix auto-delete warning in delete file test
* Allow tests to be executed with a non-default home dir
* Use hostname for Docker container only if tests executed in Docker
* Update container entrypoint to pytest
* Re-format tests with black
* Define if the execution environment is a Docker container in env fixture
* Skip unsupported host bridge attachment test in Docker
- Use Path objects for file operations
- Use urllib to sanitize URLs
- Some explicit type conversions
- Consistent regex syntax
- Add rudimentary logging when archive extraction caching fails
- Fixed two cases of the property file creation not being notified in the Flash message
- added doctype and html lang attribute to the web server 502 page
- copy/move/delete file class methods now take Path objects as arguments
- The file download endpoint in the Web UI uses the safer download from dir method
- Simplified logging
- Merged nested if statements
- Removed naked handling of unknown error states
- Added fallback empty list for drive_properties, to avoid errors when json file is missing or broken
- Move drive_properties to env[]
- Constants for common error messages
- Dummy variable for list comprehension
- Remove the Size option from the Drives page, since we offer custom sizes with Drive profiles now in the Create Image form
- Fetch size from drive props data structure rather than the web form
- Remove a range of redundant / obvious help text to reduce UI clutter and emphasize the important help text
- Remove the Size column from the CD-ROM drives table since it's always N/A
- Merge the two Logging related sections, and the two Create Image related sections (semantically associated)
Refactor and clean up code to conform to SonarCloud static analysis, improve readability and semantics.
- Add labels for each form input, and tweak placeholder text accordingly.
- Move CSS styles to the stylesheet; minor tweaks for clarity and consistency
- Use the legacy align=center attribute for centering paragraphs (backwards compatible)
- Remove all instances of using tables for layout
- Add header tags to all remaining tables, with scope parameters.
- Add descriptions to each table
- Move drive reference hyperlinks to the drive name column (addresses "same link text leads to different URL" code smell.)
- Inject lang parameters to each html tag
- Standardize on h2 tags as top header for each template
- Add 'json' to config file UI elements, to communicate actual file name/format
- Clean up indentation
- Dropbox styling: Added a colored outline, added padding to more clearly communicate its function. Hid the (X) SVG that indicates failure, since failure is already communicated by the error text. Also, the SVG always obstructed the file name or error so was quite counter-productive.
* Introduce utility method to look up drive props by drive name.
* Make /drive/create endpoint fetch file ending from properties data structure; update tests
- Have the get_scsi_ids() utility method return a dict, while adding occupied_ids. Leverage this to improve the logic for detecting which IDs are available to be reserved in the Web UI. (Which fixes a recent regression bug that's causing no IDs to be detected as available to be reserved.)
- Improve /scsi/attach endpoint logic to capture dynamic parameter fields now prefixed with "param_" (previous it scanned for any arbitrary field, which wasn't very accurate or secure)
- Added Product string to the block_size:512 CD-ROM device, so that it's obvious when it's being used.
- Tweaked test data for attach_device tests