#!/bin/bash # BSD 3-Clause License # Author @sonique6784 # Copyright (c) 2020, sonique6784 function showRaSCSILogo(){ logo="""     .~~.   .~~.\n   '. \ ' ' / .'\n    .╔═══════╗.\n   : ║|¯¯¯¯¯|║ :\n  ~ (║|_____|║) ~\n ( : ║ .  __ ║ : )\n  ~ .╚╦═════╦╝. ~\n   (  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  ) RaSCSI Assistant\n    '~ .~~~. ~'\n        '~'\n """ echo -e $logo } VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH=/home/pi/images HFS_FORMAT=/usr/bin/hformat HFDISK_BIN=/usr/bin/hfdisk LIDO_DRIVER=~/RASCSI/lido-driver.img function initialChecks() { currentUser=$(whoami) if [ "pi" != "$currentUser" ]; then echo "You must use 'pi' user (current: $currentUser)" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d ~/RASCSI ]; then echo "You must checkout RASCSI repo into /home/pi/RASCSI" echo "$ git clone git@github.com:akuker/RASCSI.git" exit 2 fi } function installPackages() { sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install git libspdlog-dev genisoimage python3 python3-venv nginx libpcap-dev -y } # install all dependency packages for RaSCSI Service # compile and install RaSCSI Service function installRaScsi() { installPackages sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --yes git libspdlog-dev cd ~/RASCSI/src/raspberrypi make all CONNECT_TYPE=FULLSPEC sudo make install CONNECT_TYPE=FULLSPEC sudoIsReady=$(sudo grep -c "rascsi" /etc/sudoers) if [ $sudoIsReady = "0" ]; then sudo bash -c 'echo " # Allow the web server to restart the rascsi service www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl restart rascsi.service www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl stop rascsi.service # Allow the web server to reboot the raspberry pi www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/reboot " >> /etc/sudoers' fi sudo systemctl restart rsyslog sudo systemctl enable rascsi # optional - start rascsi at boot sudo systemctl start rascsi } function stopOldWebInterface() { APACHE_STATUS=$(sudo systemctl status apache2 &> /dev/null; echo $?) if [ "$APACHE_STATUS" -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Stopping old Apache2 RaSCSI Web..." sudo systemctl disable apache2 sudo systemctl stop apache2 fi } # install everything required to run an HTTP server (Nginx + Python Flask App) function installRaScsiWebInterface() { stopOldWebInterface installPackages sudo cp -f ~/RASCSI/src/web/service-infra/nginx-default.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/default sudo cp -f ~/RASCSI/src/web/service-infra/502.html /var/www/html/502.html mkdir -p $VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH chmod -R 775 $VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH groups www-data sudo usermod -a -G pi www-data groups www-data sudo systemctl reload nginx sudo cp ~/RASCSI/src/web/service-infra/rascsi-web.service /etc/systemd/system/rascsi-web.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable rascsi-web sudo systemctl start rascsi-web } function updateRaScsiGit() { cd ~/RASCSI git fetch git stash git rebase origin/master git stash apply } function updateRaScsi() { updateRaScsiGit installPackages sudo systemctl stop rascsi cd ~/RASCSI/src/raspberrypi make clean make all CONNECT_TYPE=FULLSPEC sudo make install CONNECT_TYPE=FULLSPEC sudo systemctl start rascsi } function updateRaScsiWebInterface() { stopOldWebInterface updateRaScsiGit sudo cp -f ~/RASCSI/src/web/service-infra/nginx-default.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/default sudo cp -f ~/RASCSI/src/web/service-infra/502.html /var/www/html/502.html sudo systemctl restart rascsi-web sudo systemctl restart nginx } function showRaScsiStatus() { sudo systemctl status rascsi } function createDrive600MB() { createDrive 600 "HD600" } function createDriveCustom() { driveSize=-1 until [ $driveSize -ge "10" ] && [ $driveSize -le "4000" ]; do echo "What drive size would you like (in MB) (10-4000)" read driveSize echo "How would you like to name that drive?" read driveName done createDrive $driveSize "$driveName" } function formatDrive() { diskPath="$1" volumeName="$2" if [ ! -x $HFS_FORMAT ]; then # Install hfsutils to have hformat to format HFS sudo apt-get install hfsutils fi if [ ! -x $HFDISK_BIN ]; then # Clone, compile and install 'hfdisk', partition tool git clone git://www.codesrc.com/git/hfdisk.git cd hfdisk make sudo cp hfdisk /usr/bin/hfdisk fi # Inject hfdisk commands to create Drive with correct partitions (echo i; echo ; echo C; echo ; echo 32; echo "Driver_Partition"; echo "Apple_Driver"; echo C; echo ; echo ; echo "${volumeName}"; echo "Apple_HFS"; echo w; echo y; echo p;) | $HFDISK_BIN "$diskPath" partitionOk=$? if [ $partitionOk -eq 0 ]; then if [ ! -f $LIDO_DRIVER ];then echo "Lido driver couldn't be found. Make sure RASCSI is up-to-date with git pull" return 1 fi # Burn Lido driver to the disk dd if=$LIDO_DRIVER of="$diskPath" seek=64 count=32 bs=512 conv=notrunc driverInstalled=$? if [ $driverInstalled -eq 0 ]; then # Format the partition with HFS file system $HFS_FORMAT -l "${volumeName}" "$diskPath" 1 hfsFormattedOk=$? if [ $hfsFormattedOk -eq 0 ]; then echo "Disk created with success." else echo "Unable to format HFS partition." return 4 fi else echo "Unable to install Lido Driver." return 3 fi else echo "Unable to create the partition." return 2 fi } function createDrive() { if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "To create a Drive, volume size and volume name must be provided" echo "$ createDrive 600 \"RaSCSI Drive\"" echo "Drive wasn't created." return fi driveSize=$1 driveName=$2 mkdir -p $VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH drivePath="${VIRTUAL_DRIVER_PATH}/${driveSize}MB.hda" if [ ! -f $drivePath ]; then echo "Creating a ${driveSize}MB Drive" dd if=/dev/zero of=$drivePath bs=1M count=$driveSize echo "Formatting drive with HFS" formatDrive "$drivePath" "$driveName" else echo "Error: drive already exists" fi } function showMenu() { echo "" echo "Choose among the following options:" echo "INSTALL" echo " 0) install RaSCSI Service + web interface + 600MB Drive (recommended)" echo " 1) install RaSCSI Service (initial)" echo " 2) install RaSCSI Web interface" echo "UPDATE" echo " 3) update RaSCSI Service + web interface (recommended)" echo " 4) update RaSCSI Service" echo " 5) update RaSCSI Web interface" echo "CREATE EMPTY DRIVE" echo " 6) 600MB drive (recommended)" echo " 7) custom drive size (up to 4000MB)" choice=-1 until [ $choice -ge "0" ] && [ $choice -le "7" ]; do echo -n "Enter your choice (0-7) or CTRL-C to exit: " read -r choice done case $choice in 0) echo "Installing RaSCSI Service + Web interface" installRaScsi installRaScsiWebInterface createDrive600MB showRaScsiStatus ;; 1) echo "Installing RaSCSI Service" installRaScsi showRaScsiStatus ;; 2) echo "Installing RaSCSI Web interface" installRaScsiWebInterface ;; 3) echo "Updating RaSCSI Service + Web interface" updateRaScsi updateRaScsiWebInterface showRaScsiStatus ;; 4) echo "Updating RaSCSI Service" updateRaScsi showRaScsiStatus ;; 5) echo "Updating RaSCSI Web interface" updateRaScsiWebInterface ;; 6) echo "Creating a 600MB drive" createDrive600MB ;; 7) echo "Creating a custom drive" createDriveCustom ;; esac } showRaSCSILogo initialChecks showMenu