//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // SCSI Target Emulator PiSCSI // for Raspberry Pi // // Copyright (C) 2022 akuker // // [ High resolution timer for the Allwinner series of SoC's] // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "hal/systimer_allwinner.h" #include <sys/mman.h> #include "hal/gpiobus.h" #include "shared/log.h" const std::string SysTimer_AllWinner::dev_mem_filename = "/dev/mem"; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Initialize the system timer // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SysTimer_AllWinner::Init() { LOGTRACE("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__) int fd; if ((fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC)) < 0) { LOGERROR("I can't open /dev/mem. Are you running as root?") exit(-1); } hsitimer_regs = (sun8i_hsitimer_registers *)mmap(nullptr, 4096, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, hs_timer_base_address); if (hsitimer_regs == MAP_FAILED) { LOGERROR("Unable to map high speed timer registers. Are you running as root?") } sysbus_regs = (struct sun8i_sysbus_registers *)mmap(nullptr, 4096, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, system_bus_base_address); if (sysbus_regs == MAP_FAILED) { LOGERROR("Unable to map system bus registers. Are you running as root?") } enable_hs_timer(); } void SysTimer_AllWinner::enable_hs_timer() { // By default, the HSTimer clock gating is masked. When it is necessary to use // the HSTimer, its clock gating should be opened in BUS Clock Gating Register 0 // and then de-assert the software reset in BUS Software Reset Register 0 on the // CCU module. If it is not needed to use the HSTimer, both the gating bit and // the software reset bit should be set 0. LOGTRACE("%s [Before Enable] CLK GATE: %08X SOFT RST: %08X", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, sysbus_regs->bus_clk_gating_reg0, sysbus_regs->bus_soft_rst_reg0) sysbus_regs->bus_clk_gating_reg0 = sysbus_regs->bus_clk_gating_reg0 | (1 << BUS_CLK_GATING_REG0_HSTMR); sysbus_regs->bus_soft_rst_reg0 = sysbus_regs->bus_soft_rst_reg0 | (1 << BUS_SOFT_RST_REG0_HSTMR); LOGTRACE("%s [After Enable] CLK GATE: %08X SOFT RST: %08X", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, sysbus_regs->bus_clk_gating_reg0, sysbus_regs->bus_soft_rst_reg0) // Set interval value to the maximum value. (its a 52 bit register) hsitimer_regs->hs_tmr_intv_hi_reg = (1 << 20) - 1; //(0xFFFFF) hsitimer_regs->hs_tmr_intv_lo_reg = UINT32_MAX; // Select prescale value of 1, continuouse mode hsitimer_regs->hs_tmr_ctrl_reg = HS_TMR_CLK_PRE_SCALE_1; // Set reload bit hsitimer_regs->hs_tmr_ctrl_reg |= HS_TMR_RELOAD; // Enable HSTimer hsitimer_regs->hs_tmr_ctrl_reg |= HS_TMR_EN; } // TODO: According to the data sheet, we should turn off the HS timer when we're done with it. But, its just going to // eat up a little extra power if we leave it running. void SysTimer_AllWinner::disable_hs_timer() { LOGTRACE("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__) LOGINFO("[Before Disable] CLK GATE: %08X SOFT RST: %08X", sysbus_regs->bus_clk_gating_reg0, sysbus_regs->bus_soft_rst_reg0) sysbus_regs->bus_clk_gating_reg0 = sysbus_regs->bus_clk_gating_reg0 & ~(1 << BUS_CLK_GATING_REG0_HSTMR); sysbus_regs->bus_soft_rst_reg0 = sysbus_regs->bus_soft_rst_reg0 & ~(1 << BUS_SOFT_RST_REG0_HSTMR); LOGINFO("[After Disable] CLK GATE: %08X SOFT RST: %08X", sysbus_regs->bus_clk_gating_reg0, sysbus_regs->bus_soft_rst_reg0) } uint32_t SysTimer_AllWinner::GetTimerLow() { // PiSCSI expects the timer to count UP, but the Allwinner HS timer counts // down. So, we subtract the current timer value from UINT32_MAX return UINT32_MAX - (hsitimer_regs->hs_tmr_curnt_lo_reg / 200); } uint32_t SysTimer_AllWinner::GetTimerHigh() { return (uint32_t)0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sleep in nanoseconds // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SysTimer_AllWinner::SleepNsec(uint32_t nsec) { // If time is less than one HS timer clock tick, don't do anything if (nsec < 20) { return; } // The HS timer receives a 200MHz clock input, which equates to // one clock tick every 5 ns. auto clockticks = (uint32_t)std::ceil(nsec / 5); uint32_t enter_time = hsitimer_regs->hs_tmr_curnt_lo_reg; // TODO: NEED TO HANDLE COUNTER OVERFLOW LOGTRACE("%s entertime: %08X ns: %d clockticks: %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, enter_time, nsec, clockticks) while ((enter_time - hsitimer_regs->hs_tmr_curnt_lo_reg) < clockticks) ; return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sleep in microseconds // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SysTimer_AllWinner::SleepUsec(uint32_t usec) { LOGTRACE("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__) // If time is 0, don't do anything if (usec == 0) { return; } uint32_t enter_time = GetTimerLow(); while ((GetTimerLow() - enter_time) < usec) ; }