//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // SCSI Target Emulator RaSCSI Reloaded // for Raspberry Pi // // Powered by XM6 TypeG Technology. // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 GIMONS // Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Contributors to the RaSCSI project // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "shared/config.h" #include "shared/log.h" #include "shared/rasutil.h" #include "shared/protobuf_serializer.h" #include "shared/protobuf_util.h" #include "shared/rascsi_exceptions.h" #include "shared/rascsi_version.h" #include "controllers/controller_manager.h" #include "controllers/scsi_controller.h" #include "devices/device_factory.h" #include "devices/storage_device.h" #include "hal/gpiobus_factory.h" #include "hal/gpiobus.h" #include "hal/systimer.h" #include "rascsi/rascsi_executor.h" #include "rascsi/rascsi_core.h" #include "spdlog/sinks/stdout_color_sinks.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace filesystem; using namespace spdlog; using namespace rascsi_interface; using namespace ras_util; using namespace protobuf_util; void Rascsi::Banner(const vector& args) const { cout << ras_util::Banner("Reloaded"); cout << "Connect type: " << CONNECT_DESC << '\n' << flush; if ((args.size() > 1 && strcmp(args[1], "-h") == 0) || (args.size() > 1 && strcmp(args[1], "--help") == 0)){ cout << "\nUsage: " << args[0] << " [-idID[:LUN] FILE] ...\n\n"; cout << " ID is SCSI device ID (0-7).\n"; cout << " LUN is the optional logical unit (0-31).\n"; cout << " FILE is a disk image file, \"daynaport\", \"bridge\", \"printer\" or \"services\".\n\n"; cout << " Image type is detected based on file extension if no explicit type is specified.\n"; cout << " hd1 : SCSI-1 HD image (Non-removable generic SCSI-1 HD image)\n"; cout << " hds : SCSI HD image (Non-removable generic SCSI HD image)\n"; cout << " hdr : SCSI HD image (Removable generic HD image)\n"; cout << " hda : SCSI HD image (Apple compatible image)\n"; cout << " hdn : SCSI HD image (NEC compatible image)\n"; cout << " hdi : SCSI HD image (Anex86 HD image)\n"; cout << " nhd : SCSI HD image (T98Next HD image)\n"; cout << " mos : SCSI MO image (MO image)\n"; cout << " iso : SCSI CD image (ISO 9660 image)\n" << flush; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } bool Rascsi::InitBus() const { bus = GPIOBUS_Factory::Create(BUS::mode_e::TARGET); if (bus == nullptr) { return false; } auto b = bus; controller_manager = make_shared(*b); auto c = controller_manager; executor = make_shared(rascsi_image, *c); return true; } void Rascsi::Cleanup() { executor->DetachAll(); service.Cleanup(); bus->Cleanup(); } void Rascsi::ReadAccessToken(const string& filename) const { struct stat st; if (stat(filename.c_str(), &st) || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { throw parser_exception("Can't access token file '" + filename + "'"); } if (st.st_uid || st.st_gid) { throw parser_exception("Access token file '" + filename + "' must be owned by root"); } if (const auto perms = filesystem::status(filename).permissions(); (perms & perms::group_read) != perms::none || (perms & perms::others_read) != perms::none || (perms & perms::group_write) != perms::none || (perms & perms::others_write) != perms::none) { throw parser_exception("Access token file '" + filename + "' must be readable by root only"); } ifstream token_file(filename); if (token_file.fail()) { throw parser_exception("Can't open access token file '" + filename + "'"); } getline(token_file, access_token); if (token_file.fail()) { throw parser_exception("Can't read access token file '" + filename + "'"); } if (access_token.empty()) { throw parser_exception("Access token file '" + filename + "' must not be empty"); } } void Rascsi::LogDevices(string_view devices) const { stringstream ss(devices.data()); string line; while (getline(ss, line, '\n')) { LOGINFO("%s", line.c_str()) } } void Rascsi::TerminationHandler(int signum) { Cleanup(); exit(signum); } Rascsi::optargs_type Rascsi::ParseArguments(const vector& args, int& port) const { optargs_type optargs; int block_size = 0; string name; opterr = 1; int opt; while ((opt = getopt(static_cast(args.size()), args.data(), "-Iib:d:n:p:r:t:z:D:F:L:P:R:C:v")) != -1) { switch (opt) { // The following options can not be processed until AFTER // the 'bus' object is created and configured case 'i': case 'I': case 'd': case 'D': case 'R': case 'n': case 'r': case 't': case 'F': case 'z': { const string optarg_str = optarg == nullptr ? "" : optarg; optargs.emplace_back(opt, optarg_str); continue; } case 'b': { if (!GetAsUnsignedInt(optarg, block_size)) { throw parser_exception("Invalid block size " + string(optarg)); } continue; } case 'L': current_log_level = optarg; continue; case 'p': if (!GetAsUnsignedInt(optarg, port) || port <= 0 || port > 65535) { throw parser_exception("Invalid port " + string(optarg) + ", port must be between 1 and 65535"); } continue; case 'P': ReadAccessToken(optarg); continue; case 'v': cout << rascsi_get_version_string() << endl; exit(0); case 1: { // Encountered filename const string optarg_str = (optarg == nullptr) ? "" : string(optarg); optargs.emplace_back(opt, optarg_str); continue; } default: throw parser_exception("Parser error"); } if (optopt) { throw parser_exception("Praser error"); } } return optargs; } void Rascsi::CreateInitialDevices(const optargs_type& optargs) const { PbCommand command; int id = -1; int lun = -1; PbDeviceType type = UNDEFINED; int block_size = 0; string name; string log_level; const char *locale = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, ""); if (locale == nullptr || !strcmp(locale, "C")) { locale = "en"; } opterr = 1; for (const auto& [option, value] : optargs) { switch (option) { case 'i': case 'I': id = -1; lun = -1; continue; case 'd': case 'D': { ProcessId(value, ScsiController::LUN_MAX, id, lun); continue; } case 'z': locale = value.c_str(); continue; case 'F': if (const string error = rascsi_image.SetDefaultFolder(value); !error.empty()) { throw parser_exception(error); } continue; case 'R': int depth; if (!GetAsUnsignedInt(value, depth)) { throw parser_exception("Invalid image file scan depth " + value); } rascsi_image.SetDepth(depth); continue; case 'n': name = value; continue; case 'r': if (const string error = executor->SetReservedIds(value); !error.empty()) { throw parser_exception(error); } continue; case 't': { string t = value; transform(t.begin(), t.end(), t.begin(), ::toupper); if (!PbDeviceType_Parse(t, &type)) { throw parser_exception("Illegal device type '" + value + "'"); } } continue; case 1: // Encountered filename break; default: throw parser_exception("Parser error"); } // Set up the device data PbDeviceDefinition *device = command.add_devices(); device->set_id(id); device->set_unit(lun); device->set_type(type); device->set_block_size(block_size); ParseParameters(*device, value); if (size_t separator_pos = name.find(COMPONENT_SEPARATOR); separator_pos != string::npos) { device->set_vendor(name.substr(0, separator_pos)); name = name.substr(separator_pos + 1); separator_pos = name.find(COMPONENT_SEPARATOR); if (separator_pos != string::npos) { device->set_product(name.substr(0, separator_pos)); device->set_revision(name.substr(separator_pos + 1)); } else { device->set_product(name); } } else { device->set_vendor(name); } id = -1; type = UNDEFINED; block_size = 0; name = ""; } // Attach all specified devices command.set_operation(ATTACH); if (CommandContext context(locale); !executor->ProcessCmd(context, command)) { throw parser_exception("Can't execute " + PbOperation_Name(command.operation())); } // Display and log the device list PbServerInfo server_info; rascsi_response.GetDevices(controller_manager->GetAllDevices(), server_info, rascsi_image.GetDefaultFolder()); const list& devices = { server_info.devices_info().devices().begin(), server_info.devices_info().devices().end() }; const string device_list = ListDevices(devices); LogDevices(device_list); cout << device_list << flush; } bool Rascsi::ExecuteCommand(const CommandContext& context, const PbCommand& command) { if (!access_token.empty() && access_token != GetParam(command, "token")) { return context.ReturnLocalizedError(LocalizationKey::ERROR_AUTHENTICATION, UNAUTHORIZED); } if (!PbOperation_IsValid(command.operation())) { LOGERROR("Received unknown command with operation opcode %d", command.operation()) return context.ReturnLocalizedError(LocalizationKey::ERROR_OPERATION, UNKNOWN_OPERATION); } LOGTRACE("Received %s command", PbOperation_Name(command.operation()).c_str()) PbResult result; ProtobufSerializer serializer; switch(command.operation()) { case LOG_LEVEL: { const string log_level = GetParam(command, "level"); if (const bool status = executor->SetLogLevel(log_level); !status) { context.ReturnLocalizedError(LocalizationKey::ERROR_LOG_LEVEL, log_level); } else { current_log_level = log_level; context.ReturnStatus(); } break; } case DEFAULT_FOLDER: { if (const string status = rascsi_image.SetDefaultFolder(GetParam(command, "folder")); !status.empty()) { context.ReturnStatus(false, status); } else { context.ReturnStatus(); } break; } case DEVICES_INFO: { rascsi_response.GetDevicesInfo(controller_manager->GetAllDevices(), result, command, rascsi_image.GetDefaultFolder()); serializer.SerializeMessage(context.GetFd(), result); break; } case DEVICE_TYPES_INFO: { result.set_allocated_device_types_info(rascsi_response.GetDeviceTypesInfo(result).release()); serializer.SerializeMessage(context.GetFd(), result); break; } case SERVER_INFO: { result.set_allocated_server_info(rascsi_response.GetServerInfo(controller_manager->GetAllDevices(), result, executor->GetReservedIds(), current_log_level, rascsi_image.GetDefaultFolder(), GetParam(command, "folder_pattern"), GetParam(command, "file_pattern"), rascsi_image.GetDepth()).release()); serializer.SerializeMessage(context.GetFd(), result); break; } case VERSION_INFO: { result.set_allocated_version_info(rascsi_response.GetVersionInfo(result).release()); serializer.SerializeMessage(context.GetFd(), result); break; } case LOG_LEVEL_INFO: { result.set_allocated_log_level_info(rascsi_response.GetLogLevelInfo(result, current_log_level).release()); serializer.SerializeMessage(context.GetFd(), result); break; } case DEFAULT_IMAGE_FILES_INFO: { result.set_allocated_image_files_info(rascsi_response.GetAvailableImages(result, rascsi_image.GetDefaultFolder(), GetParam(command, "folder_pattern"), GetParam(command, "file_pattern"), rascsi_image.GetDepth()).release()); serializer.SerializeMessage(context.GetFd(), result); break; } case IMAGE_FILE_INFO: { if (string filename = GetParam(command, "file"); filename.empty()) { context.ReturnLocalizedError( LocalizationKey::ERROR_MISSING_FILENAME); } else { auto image_file = make_unique(); const bool status = rascsi_response.GetImageFile(*image_file.get(), rascsi_image.GetDefaultFolder(), filename); if (status) { result.set_status(true); result.set_allocated_image_file_info(image_file.get()); serializer.SerializeMessage(context.GetFd(), result); } else { context.ReturnLocalizedError(LocalizationKey::ERROR_IMAGE_FILE_INFO); } } break; } case NETWORK_INTERFACES_INFO: { result.set_allocated_network_interfaces_info(rascsi_response.GetNetworkInterfacesInfo(result).release()); serializer.SerializeMessage(context.GetFd(), result); break; } case MAPPING_INFO: { result.set_allocated_mapping_info(rascsi_response.GetMappingInfo(result).release()); serializer.SerializeMessage(context.GetFd(), result); break; } case OPERATION_INFO: { result.set_allocated_operation_info(rascsi_response.GetOperationInfo(result, rascsi_image.GetDepth()).release()); serializer.SerializeMessage(context.GetFd(), result); break; } case RESERVED_IDS_INFO: { result.set_allocated_reserved_ids_info(rascsi_response.GetReservedIds(result, executor->GetReservedIds()).release()); serializer.SerializeMessage(context.GetFd(), result); break; } case SHUT_DOWN: { if (executor->ShutDown(context, GetParam(command, "mode"))) { TerminationHandler(0); } break; } default: { // Wait until we become idle const timespec ts = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 500'000'000}; while (active) { nanosleep(&ts, nullptr); } executor->ProcessCmd(context, command); break; } } return true; } int Rascsi::run(const vector& args) const { GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERIFY_VERSION; Banner(args); int port = DEFAULT_PORT; optargs_type optargs; try { optargs = ParseArguments(args, port); } catch(const parser_exception& e) { cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // current_log_level may have been updated by ParseArguments() executor->SetLogLevel(current_log_level); // Create a thread-safe stdout logger to process the log messages const auto logger = stdout_color_mt("rascsi stdout logger"); if (!InitBus()) { cerr << "Error: Can't initialize bus" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // We need to wait to create the devices until after the bus/controller/etc objects have been created // TODO Try to resolve dependencies so that this work-around can be removed try { CreateInitialDevices(optargs); } catch(const parser_exception& e) { cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << endl; Cleanup(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!service.Init(&ExecuteCommand, port)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Signal handler to detach all devices on a KILL or TERM signal struct sigaction termination_handler; termination_handler.sa_handler = TerminationHandler; sigemptyset(&termination_handler.sa_mask); termination_handler.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGINT, &termination_handler, nullptr); sigaction(SIGTERM, &termination_handler, nullptr); // Set the affinity to a specific processor core FixCpu(3); sched_param schparam; #ifdef USE_SEL_EVENT_ENABLE // Scheduling policy setting (highest priority) schparam.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO); sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &schparam); #else cout << "Note: No RaSCSI hardware support, only client interface calls are supported" << endl; #endif // Start execution service.SetRunning(true); // Main Loop while (service.IsRunning()) { #ifdef USE_SEL_EVENT_ENABLE // SEL signal polling if (!bus->PollSelectEvent()) { // Stop on interrupt if (errno == EINTR) { break; } continue; } // Get the bus bus->Acquire(); #else bus->Acquire(); if (!bus->GetSEL()) { const timespec ts = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0}; nanosleep(&ts, nullptr); continue; } #endif // Wait until BSY is released as there is a possibility for the // initiator to assert it while setting the ID (for up to 3 seconds) if (bus->GetBSY()) { const uint32_t now = SysTimer::GetTimerLow(); while ((SysTimer::GetTimerLow() - now) < 3'000'000) { bus->Acquire(); if (!bus->GetBSY()) { break; } } } // Stop because the bus is busy or another device responded if (bus->GetBSY() || !bus->GetSEL()) { continue; } int initiator_id = -1; // The initiator and target ID const uint8_t id_data = bus->GetDAT(); BUS::phase_t phase = BUS::phase_t::busfree; // Identify the responsible controller auto controller = controller_manager->IdentifyController(id_data); if (controller != nullptr) { initiator_id = controller->ExtractInitiatorId(id_data); if (controller->Process(initiator_id) == BUS::phase_t::selection) { phase = BUS::phase_t::selection; } } // Return to bus monitoring if the selection phase has not started if (phase != BUS::phase_t::selection) { continue; } // Start target device active = true; #if !defined(USE_SEL_EVENT_ENABLE) && defined(__linux__) // Scheduling policy setting (highest priority) schparam.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO); sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &schparam); #endif // Loop until the bus is free while (service.IsRunning()) { // Target drive phase = controller->Process(initiator_id); // End when the bus is free if (phase == BUS::phase_t::busfree) { break; } } #if !defined(USE_SEL_EVENT_ENABLE) && defined(__linux__) // Set the scheduling priority back to normal schparam.sched_priority = 0; sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_OTHER, &schparam); #endif // End the target travel active = false; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }