.TH rasdump 1 .SH NAME rasdump \- SCSI disk dumping tool for RaSCSI .SH SYNOPSIS .B rasdump \fB\-t\fR \fIID[:LUN]\fR [\fB\-i\fR \fIBID\fR] \fB\-f\fR \fIFILE\fR [\fB\-s\fR \fIBUFFER_SIZE\fR] [\fB\-r\fR] [\fB\-v\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .B rasdump samples the data on physical SCSI storage media, including hard drives and MO drives, and stores it to an image file. It can also restore from a dumped file onto physical SCSI storage media. Can be connected directly, through a STANDARD RaSCSI board, or a FULLSPEC RaSCSI board. Set its own ID with the BID option. Defaults to 7 if ommitted. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-t\fI " "\fIID[:LUN] SCSI ID and optional LUN of the target device. .TP .BR \-i\fI " "\fIBID SCSI ID of the RaSCSI device. .TP .BR \-f\fI " "\fIFILE Path to the dump file. .TP .BR \-s\fI " "\fIBUFFER_SIZE The transfer buffer size, at least 64 KiB. Default is 64 KiB. .TP .BR \-r\fI Run in restore mode. .TP .BR \-v\fI Enable verbose logging. .SH SEE ALSO rasctl(1), rascsi(1), scsimon(1) Full documentation is available at: