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SCSI Target Emulator RaSCSII (*^..^*)
for Raspberry Pi
Powered by XM6 TypeG Technology.
Copyright (C) 2016-2020 GIMONS
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□ Regarding the functions unique to the X68000
RaSCSI is equipped with a virtual SCSI device called a bridge device,
You can bridge the host Raspberry Pi. With this bridge device
The following functions are provided by using the dedicated driver for X68000.
It provides the same Ethernet function as Neptune-X. SCSI-connected Ethernet
RaSCSI behaves like a BOX. Relay packets to the Raspberry Pi TAP device
It is realized by doing. Similar to Ether+.
・Host file system
The emulator of X68000 provides a standard function equivalent to Windrv.
Mount the file system on the Raspberry Pi as a remote drive
I can.
□ How to activate the Bridge Device
If you set the keyword "BRIDGE" as the file name when RaSCSI starts up, it will be assigned to that ID.
Generate a Buzzilli device for it.
sudo rascsi -ID0 HDIMAGE0.HDS -ID6 BRIDGE
□ Dedicated driver
Two drivers are included in RASDRIVER.XDF or RASDRIVER.HDS included in the distribution
I am. It is better to mount RASDRIVER.HDS with RaSCSI and copy it appropriately to transfer to the actual device
It will be easy.
□ Ethernet connection
Ethernet driver (RASETHER.SYS) works with bridge device to connect to Ethernet
You can send and receive packets.
Below, the IP address of the virtual adapter (TAP) of Raspberry Pi is "",
The case where the X68000 side is set to "" will be explained.
-X68000 settings
RASETHER.SYS is made by modifying the driver for Neptune-X.
Exactly the same. In order to connect the X68000 to the internet, it is necessary to set other environment settings.
I will. Please check the setting method by yourself.
Below is an excerpt of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT that are actually used.
[Excerpt from CONFIG.SYS]
PROCESS = 3 10 10
[Excerpt from AUTOEXEC.BAT]
SET temp=A:\
SET tmp=A:\
IFCONFIG.X en0 netmask up
INETDCONF.X +router -rip
・Raspberry Pi settings
I am using a TAP device, so please enable TAP. perhaps
If you're using Jessie these days, it should work from the beginning. The confirmation method is /dev/net/tun
If the file exists, it can be determined that it is valid.
The method of creating a virtual adapter is as follows.
[Set from /etc/rc.local etc.]
ip tuntap add ras0 mode tap user root
ip link set ras0 up
ifconfig ras0 inet up
route add -net netmask dev ras0
By the above, communication between Raspberry Pi ( and X68000 (
It will be possible.
When connecting to the Internet etc., bridge and routing on the Raspberry Pi side
Settings are required. Please set according to your environment. Wifi
In this case, there seem to be various problems in constructing a bridge.
NAT configuration is also recommended. The author uses it in rc.local with the following settings.
echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
□ Host file system cooperation
It provides the same functions as Windrv and WindrvXM that are often used in the X68000 emulator.
Raspberri Pi files if you include a dedicated device driver called RASDRV.SYS
It means that the system can be seen and operated as a drive on the X68000 side.
Registering a device driver is easy.
For example
In this case, mount the root directory of Raspberry Pi by default.
The drive mounted when the device driver is started is displayed.
If you want to mount other than root, please specify the directory. /home/pi etc.
To mount
Specify. If you specify multiple directories, they will be mounted as separate drives.
It is possible.
If you are using SUSIE, please install RASDRV.SYS before SUSIE. When incorporated later
There are reports that it can not be recognized correctly.
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