2018-10-31 23:04:45 +10:00

201 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable File

* \file Bootloadable_1.c
* \version 1.60
* \brief
* Provides an API for the Bootloadable application. The API includes a
* single function for starting the Bootloader.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2008-2015, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#ifndef CY_BOOTLOADABLE_Bootloadable_1_H
#define CY_BOOTLOADABLE_Bootloadable_1_H
#include "cydevice_trm.h"
#include "CyFlash.h"
/* Check to see if required defines such as CY_PSOC5LP are available */
/* They are defined starting with cy_boot v3.0 */
#if !defined (CY_PSOC5LP)
#error Component Bootloadable_v1_60 requires cy_boot v3.0 or later
#endif /* !defined (CY_PSOC5LP) */
#endif /* CYDEV_FLASH_BASE */
#define Bootloadable_1_GET_CODE_DATA(idx) (*((uint8 CYCODE *) (idx)))
#define Bootloadable_1_GET_CODE_DATA(idx) (*((uint8 *)(CYDEV_FLASH_BASE + (idx))))
#endif /* (CY_PSOC3) */
* This variable is used by the Bootloader/Bootloadable components to schedule which
* application will be started after a software reset.
#if (CY_PSOC4)
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
__attribute__ ((section(".bootloaderruntype"), zero_init))
#elif defined (__GNUC__)
__attribute__ ((section(".bootloaderruntype")))
#elif defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma location=".bootloaderruntype"
#endif /* defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) */
extern volatile uint32 cyBtldrRunType;
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4) */
* Gets the reason for a device reset
#define Bootloadable_1_RES_CAUSE_RESET_SOFT (0x10u)
#define Bootloadable_1_GET_RUN_TYPE \
(((CY_GET_REG32(CYREG_RES_CAUSE) & Bootloadable_1_RES_CAUSE_RESET_SOFT) > 0u) \
? (cyBtldrRunType) \
: 0u)
#define Bootloadable_1_GET_RUN_TYPE (CY_GET_REG8(CYREG_RESET_SR0) & \
(Bootloadable_1_START_BTLDR | Bootloadable_1_START_APP))
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4) */
* Schedule the Bootloader/Bootloadable to be run after a software reset.
#define Bootloadable_1_SET_RUN_TYPE(x) (cyBtldrRunType = (x))
#define Bootloadable_1_SET_RUN_TYPE(x) CY_SET_REG8(CYREG_RESET_SR0, (x))
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4) */
* Function Prototypes
extern void Bootloadable_1_Load(void) ;
* The following code is OBSOLETE and must not be used starting from version 1.10.
#define CYBTDLR_SET_RUN_TYPE(x) Bootloadable_1_SET_RUN_TYPE(x)
* Bootloadable's declarations for in-app bootloading.
#define Bootloadable_1_MD_BTLDB_ACTIVE_0 (0x00u)
#define Bootloadable_1_MAX_NUM_OF_BTLDB (0x02u)
#define Bootloadable_1_MD_BTLDB_ACTIVE_1 (0x01u)
#define Bootloadable_1_MD_BTLDB_ACTIVE_NONE (0x02u)
#define Bootloadable_1_MD_SIZEOF (64u)
#define Bootloadable_1_MD_BASE_ADDR(appId) (CYDEV_FLASH_BASE + (CYDEV_FLASH_SIZE - ((uint32)(appId) * CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE) - \
#define Bootloadable_1_MD_BTLDB_ACTIVE_OFFSET(appId) (Bootloadable_1_MD_BASE_ADDR(appId) + 16u)
#define Bootloadable_1_MAX_NUM_OF_BTLDB (0x01u)
/* Mask used to indicate starting application */
#define Bootloadable_1_SCHEDULE_BTLDB (0x80u)
#define Bootloadable_1_SCHEDULE_BTLDR (0x40u)
#define Bootloadable_1_SCHEDULE_MASK (0xC0u)
* API prototypes
uint8 Bootloadable_1_GetActiveApplication(void) CYSMALL \
cystatus Bootloadable_1_SetActiveApplication(uint8 appId) CYSMALL \
* The following code is OBSOLETE and must not be used starting from version 1.20
#define Bootloadable_1_START_APP (0x80u)
#define Bootloadable_1_START_BTLDR (0x40u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_DATA_SIZE (64u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_CHECKSUM_OFFSET (0u)
#define Bootloadable_1_APP_ADDRESS uint16
#define Bootloadable_1_GET_CODE_WORD(idx) (*((uint32 CYCODE *) (idx)))
/* Offset by 2 from 32 bit start because only 16 bits are needed */
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_ADDR_OFFSET (3u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_BL_LAST_ROW_OFFSET (7u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_BYTE_LEN_OFFSET (11u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_RUN_TYPE_OFFSET (15u)
#define Bootloadable_1_APP_ADDRESS uint32
#define Bootloadable_1_GET_CODE_WORD(idx) (*((uint32 *)(CYDEV_FLASH_BASE + (idx))))
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_ADDR_OFFSET (1u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_BL_LAST_ROW_OFFSET (5u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_BYTE_LEN_OFFSET (9u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_RUN_TYPE_OFFSET (13u)
#endif /* (CY_PSOC3) */
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_ACTIVE_OFFSET (16u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_VERIFIED_OFFSET (17u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_BL_BUILD_VER_OFFSET (18u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_ID_OFFSET (20u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_VER_OFFSET (22u)
#define Bootloadable_1_META_APP_CUST_ID_OFFSET (24u)
#define Bootloadable_1_SetFlashRunType(runType) \
Bootloadable_1_SetFlashByte(Bootloadable_1_MD_APP_RUN_ADDR(0), (runType))
* The following code is OBSOLETE and must not be used.
* If the obsoleted macro definitions are intended for the application, use the
* following scheme, redefine your own versions of these definitions:
* #define <OBSOLETED_DEFINE> (<New Value>)
* #endif
* NOTE Redefine obsoleted macro definitions with caution. They might still be
* used in the application and their modification might lead to unexpected
* consequences.
void Bootloadable_1_SetFlashByte(uint32 address, uint8 runType) ;
#define Bootloadable_1_SOFTWARE_RESET CySoftwareReset()
#define Bootloadable_1_SOFTWARE_RESET CySoftwareReset()
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4) */
extern uint8 appRunType;
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4) */
#endif /* CY_BOOTLOADABLE_Bootloadable_1_H */
/* [] END OF FILE */