var tmpStr = ""; var waitWin; function openWait() { waitWin ="wait.htm", "wait", "toolbar=no,location=no,"+ "directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,"+ "resizable=no,width=300,height=50" ); } function closeWait() { if (waitWin) waitWin.close(); } function setMsg(msg){ parent.leftnav.setAppletMsg( msg ); // now send it reload forces // call to applet paint location.reload(); } function getMsg(){ return( parent.leftnav.getAppletMsg() ); } function resetMsg(){ parent.leftnav.setAppletMsg(""); } function printAppletPkg() { if( isNS() ){ setMsg("cmd printPkg "); } else{ document.ChipViewerApplet.PrintPkg(); } } function showAppletGraphicMC(mc) { if( isNS() ){ setMsg("cmd showMac " + mc); } else{ document.ChipViewerApplet.ShowMac(mc); } } function ShowMC() { showAppletGraphicMC(tmpStr); } function showAppletGraphicFB(fb) { if( isNS() ){ setMsg("cmd showFB " + fb); } else{ document.ChipViewerApplet.ShowFB(fb); } } function showAppletGraphicPin(pin) { if( isNS() ){ setMsg("cmd showPin " + pin); } else{ document.ChipViewerApplet.ShowPin(pin); } } function ShowFB() { showAppletGraphicFB(tmpStr); } function isNS() { return ((navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0) && (parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) < 5) ) ? true : false; } function isIE(){ var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return( ( (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (agt.indexOf("opera") == -1) ) ? true: false ); } function waitUntilOK() { if (!waitWin) openWait(); if (isNS()) { if (document.ChipViewerApplet.isActive()) closeWait(); else settimeout("waitUntilOK()",100); } else { if (document.ChipViewerApplet.readyState == 4) closeWait(); else settimeout("waitUntilOK()",100); } } // check that the applet if file has been generated // this can only be done if the applets been loaded. function fileExists(fileName){ if( document.ChipViewerApplet.readyState != 4 ) { window.alert("Navigation disabled until the applet is loaded." ); } if( isIE() ){ if( parent.leftnav.getAppletPermission() == 1 ){ if( document.ChipViewerApplet.TestFileExists(fileName) == 1 ){ window.alert("file exist tests true" ); return( true ); } } else{ window.alert("file exist returns true no permission" ); return( true ); } } else{ return( true ); } window.alert("file exist returns false" ); return( false ); } function setPermission(){ if( isIE() ){ if( document.ChipViewerApplet.granted() ){ parent.leftnav.setAppletPermission(); } } else{ return( true ); } }