module MXSE( input [23:1] A_FSB, input nAS_FSB, input nLDS_FSB, input nUDS_FSB, input nWE_FSB, output nDTACK_FSB, output nVPA_FSB, output nBERR_FSB, input CLK_FSB, input CLK2X_IOB, input CLK_IOB, input E_IOB, input nDTACK_IOB, input nVPA_IOB, output nVMA_IOB, output nAS_IOB, output nUDS_IOB, output nLDS_IOB, input nBERR_IOB, input nRES, output nROMCS, output nRAMLWE, output nRAMUWE, output nROMWE, output nRAS, output nCAS, output [11:0] RA, output nOE, output nADoutLE0, output nADoutLE1, output nAoutOE, output nDoutOE, output nDinOE, output nDinLE); /* AS cycle detection */ wire BACT; /* Refresh request/ack signals */ wire RefReq, RefUrgent, RefAck; wire IOCS, SCSICS, IOPWCS, IACS, ROMCS, RAMCS, SndRAMCSWR; CS cs( /* MC68HC000 interface */ A_FSB[23:08], CLK_FSB, nRES, nWE_FSB, /* AS cycle detection */ BACT, /* Device select outputs */ IOCS, SCSICS, IOPWCS, IACS, ROMCS, RAMCS, SndRAMCSWR); wire Ready_RAM; RAM ram( /* MC68HC000 interface */ CLK_FSB, A_FSB[21:1], nWE_FSB, nAS_FSB, nLDS_FSB, nUDS_FSB, /* AS cycle detection */ BACT, /* Select and ready signals */ RAMCS, ROMCS, Ready_RAM, /* Refresh Counter Interface */ RefReq, RefUrgent, RefAck, /* DRAM and NOR flash interface */ RA[11:0], nRAS, nCAS, nRAMLWE, nRAMUWE, nOE, nROMCS, nROMWE); wire Ready_IOBS, BERR_IOBS; wire IOREQ, IOACT, IOBERR; wire ALE0S, ALE0M, ALE1; assign nADoutLE0 = ~(ALE0S || ALE0M); assign nADoutLE1 = ~ALE1; wire IORW0, IOL0, IOU0; IOBS iobs( /* MC68HC000 interface */ CLK_FSB, nWE_FSB, nAS_FSB, nLDS_FSB, nUDS_FSB, /* AS cycle detection, FSB BERR */ BACT, /* Select and ready signals */ IOCS, IOPWCS, Ready_IOBS, BERR_IOBS, /* Read data OE control */ nDinOE, /* IOB Master Controller Interface */ IOREQ, IOACT, IOBERR, /* FIFO primary level control */ ALE0S, IORW0, IOL0, IOU0, /* FIFO secondary level control */ ALE1); IOBM iobm( /* PDS interface */ CLK2X_IOB, CLK_IOB, E_IOB, nAS_IOB, nLDS_IOB, nUDS_IOB, nVMA_IOB, nDTACK_IOB, nVPA_IOB, nBERR_IOB, nRES, /* PDS address and data latch control */ nAoutOE, nDoutOE, ALE0M, nDinLE, /* IO bus slave port interface */ IOACT, IOBERR, IOREQ, IOL0, IOU0, IORW0); wire TimeoutA, TimeoutB; CNT cnt( /* FSB clock and AS detection */ CLK_FSB, BACT, /* Refresh request */ RefReq, RefUrgent, RefAck, /* Timeout signals */ TimeoutA, TimeoutB); FSB fsb( /* MC68HC000 interface */ CLK_FSB, nAS_FSB, nDTACK_FSB, nVPA_FSB, nBERR_FSB, /* AS cycle detection */ BACT, /* Ready and IA inputs */ Ready_RAM, Ready_IOBS, ~(SndRAMCSWR && ~TimeoutA), /* BERR inputs */ (~SCSICS && TimeoutB), BERR_IOBS, /* Interrupt acknowledge select */ IACS); endmodule