/* Floppy Emu, copyright 2013 Steve Chamberlin, "Big Mess o' Wires". All rights reserved. Floppy Emu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported license. (CC BY-NC 3.0) The terms of the license may be viewed at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ Based on a work at http://www.bigmessowires.com/macintosh-floppy-emu/ Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.bigmessowires.com or from mailto:steve@bigmessowires.com. */ #ifndef DISKMENU_H_ #define DISKMENU_H_ #include typedef enum { DISK_IMAGE_NONE = 0, DISK_IMAGE_DIRECTORY, DISK_IMAGE_UP_DIRECTORY, DISK_IMAGE_400K, DISK_IMAGE_800K, DISK_IMAGE_1440K, DISK_IMAGE_DISKCOPY_400K, DISK_IMAGE_DISKCOPY_800K, DISK_IMAGE_DISKCOPY_1440K } eImageType; #define FILENAME_LEN 21 #define SHORTFILENAME_LEN 12 // 8.3 extern uint16_t diskMenuSelection; extern char selectedFile[]; extern char selectedLongFile[]; extern eImageType selectedFileType; extern uint8_t subdirDepth; class SdFat; void InitDiskMenu(SdFat& sd); void DrawDiskMenu(SdFat& sd); #endif /* DISKMENU_H_ */