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synced 2024-11-16 12:05:02 +00:00
339 lines
12 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
339 lines
12 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
Created: Tuesday, January 29, 1991 at 6:35 PM
Pascal Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1989-1990
All rights reserved
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT Editions;
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingEditions}
{$SETC UsingEditions := 1}
{$SETC EditionsIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingMemory}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Memory.p}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Types.p}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Files.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingAliases}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Aliases.p}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := EditionsIncludes}
{ resource types }
rSectionType = 'sect'; { ResType of saved SectionRecords }
{ section types }
stSubscriber = $01;
stPublisher = $0A;
sumAutomatic = 0; { subscriber update mode - Automatically }
sumManual = 1; { subscriber update mode - Manually }
pumOnSave = 0; { publisher update mode - OnSave }
pumManual = 1; { publisher update mode - Manually }
kPartsNotUsed = 0;
kPartNumberUnknown = -1; { misc }
kPreviewWidth = 120;
kPreviewHeight = 120;
kPublisherDocAliasFormat = 'alis';
kPreviewFormat = 'prvw';
kFormatListFormat = 'fmts';
{ bits for formatsMask }
kPICTformatMask = 1;
kTEXTformatMask = 2;
ksndFormatMask = 4;
{ Finder types for edition files }
kPICTEditionFileType = 'edtp';
kTEXTEditionFileType = 'edtt';
ksndEditionFileType = 'edts';
kUnknownEditionFileType = 'edtu';
{ pseudo-item hits for dialogHooks
the first if for NewPublisher or NewSubscriber Dialogs }
emHookRedrawPreview = 150;
{ the following are for SectionOptions Dialog }
emHookCancelSection = 160;
emHookGoToPublisher = 161;
emHookGetEditionNow = 162;
emHookSendEditionNow = 162;
emHookManualUpdateMode = 163;
emHookAutoUpdateMode = 164;
{ the refcon field of the dialog record during a modalfilter
or dialoghook contains one the following }
emOptionsDialogRefCon = 'optn';
emCancelSectionDialogRefCon = 'cncl';
emGoToPubErrDialogRefCon = 'gerr';
kFormatLengthUnknown = -1;
SectionType = SignedByte; { one byte, stSubscriber or stPublisher }
TimeStamp = LONGINT; { seconds since 1904 }
FormatType = PACKED ARRAY [1..4] OF CHAR; { similar to ResType as used by scrap mgr }
EditionRefNum = Handle; { used in Edition I/O }
{ update modes }
UpdateMode = INTEGER; { sumAutomatic, pumSuspend, etc }
SectionPtr = ^SectionRecord;
SectionHandle = ^SectionPtr;
SectionRecord = RECORD
version: SignedByte; { always 0x01 in system 7.0 }
kind: SectionType; { stSubscriber or stPublisher }
mode: UpdateMode; { auto or manual }
mdDate: TimeStamp; { last change in document }
sectionID: LONGINT; { app. specific, unique per document }
refCon: LONGINT; { application specific }
alias: AliasHandle; { handle to Alias Record }
subPart: LONGINT; { which part of container file }
nextSection: SectionHandle; { for linked list of app's Sections }
controlBlock: Handle; { used internally }
refNum: EditionRefNum; { used internally }
EditionContainerSpecPtr = ^EditionContainerSpec;
EditionContainerSpec = RECORD
theFile: FSSpec;
theFileScript: ScriptCode;
thePart: LONGINT;
thePartName: Str31;
thePartScript: ScriptCode;
EditionInfoRecord = RECORD
crDate: TimeStamp; { date EditionContainer was created }
mdDate: TimeStamp; { date of last change }
fdCreator: OSType; { file creator }
fdType: OSType; { file type }
container: EditionContainerSpec; { the Edition }
NewPublisherReply = RECORD
canceled: BOOLEAN; { O }
replacing : BOOLEAN;
usePart: BOOLEAN; { I }
preview: Handle; { I }
previewFormat: FormatType; { I }
container: EditionContainerSpec; { I/O }
NewSubscriberReply = RECORD
canceled: BOOLEAN; { O }
formatsMask: SignedByte;
container: EditionContainerSpec; {I/O}
SectionOptionsReply = RECORD
canceled: BOOLEAN; { O }
changed: BOOLEAN; { O }
sectionH: SectionHandle; { I }
action: ResType; { O }
ExpModalFilterProcPtr = ProcPtr; { FUNCTION Filter(theDialog: DialogPtr; VAR theEvent: EventRecord; itemOffset: INTEGER; VAR itemHit: INTEGER; yourDataPtr: Ptr): BOOLEAN; }
ExpDlgHookProcPtr = ProcPtr; { FUNCTION Hook(itemOffset, item: INTEGER; theDialog: DialogPtr; yourDataPtr: Ptr): INTEGER; }
FormatIOVerb = (ioHasFormat,ioReadFormat,ioNewFormat,ioWriteFormat);
FormatIOParamBlock = RECORD
ioRefNum: LONGINT;
format: FormatType;
formatIndex: LONGINT;
offset: LONGINT;
buffPtr: Ptr;
buffLen: LONGINT;
FormatIOProcPtr = ProcPtr; { FUNCTION IO(selector: FormatIOVerb; VAR PB: FormatIOParamBlock): OSErr; }
EditionOpenerVerb = (eoOpen,eoClose,eoOpenNew,eoCloseNew,eoCanSubscribe);
EditionOpenerParamBlock = RECORD
info: EditionInfoRecord;
sectionH: SectionHandle;
document: FSSpecPtr;
fdCreator: OSType;
ioRefNum: LONGINT;
ioProc: FormatIOProcPtr;
success: BOOLEAN;
formatsMask: SignedByte;
EditionOpenerProcPtr = ProcPtr; { FUNCTION Opener(selector: EditionOpenerVerb; VAR PB: EditionOpenerParamBlock): OSErr; }
Section events now arrive in the message buffer using the AppleEvent format.
The direct object parameter is an aeTemporaryIDParamType ('tid '). The temporary
ID's type is rSectionType ('sect') and the 32-bit value is a SectionHandle.
The following is a sample buffer
name offset contents
---- ------ --------
header 0 'aevt'
majorVersion 4 0x01
minorVersion 6 0x01
endOfMetaData 8 ';;;;'
directObjKey 12 '----'
paramType 16 'tid '
paramLength 20 0x0008
tempIDType 24 'sect'
tempID 28 the SectionHandle <-- this is want you want}
sectionEventMsgClass = 'sect';
sectionReadMsgID = 'read';
sectionWriteMsgID = 'writ';
sectionScrollMsgID = 'scrl';
sectionCancelMsgID = 'cncl';
FUNCTION InitEditionPack: OSErr;
INLINE $3F3C,$0011,$303C,$0100,$A82D;
FUNCTION NewSection(container: EditionContainerSpec;
sectionDocument: FSSpecPtr;
kind: SectionType;
sectionID: LONGINT;
initalMode: UpdateMode;
VAR sectionH: SectionHandle): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0A02,$A82D;
FUNCTION RegisterSection(sectionDocument: FSSpec;
sectionH: SectionHandle;
VAR aliasWasUpdated: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0604,$A82D;
FUNCTION UnRegisterSection(sectionH: SectionHandle): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0206,$A82D;
FUNCTION IsRegisteredSection(sectionH: SectionHandle): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0208,$A82D;
FUNCTION AssociateSection(sectionH: SectionHandle;
newSectionDocument: FSSpecPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$040C,$A82D;
FUNCTION CreateEditionContainerFile(editionFile: FSSpec;
fdCreator: OSType;
editionFileNameScript: ScriptCode): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$050E,$A82D;
FUNCTION DeleteEditionContainerFile(editionFile: FSSpec): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0210,$A82D;
FUNCTION OpenEdition(subscriberSectionH: SectionHandle;
VAR refNum: EditionRefNum): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0412,$A82D;
FUNCTION OpenNewEdition(publisherSectionH: SectionHandle;
fdCreator: OSType;
publisherSectionDocument: FSSpecPtr;
VAR refNum: EditionRefNum): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0814,$A82D;
FUNCTION CloseEdition(whichEdition: EditionRefNum;
successful: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0316,$A82D;
FUNCTION EditionHasFormat(whichEdition: EditionRefNum;
whichFormat: FormatType;
VAR formatSize: Size): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0618,$A82D;
FUNCTION ReadEdition(whichEdition: EditionRefNum;
whichFormat: FormatType;
buffPtr: UNIV Ptr;
VAR buffLen: Size): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$081A,$A82D;
FUNCTION WriteEdition(whichEdition: EditionRefNum;
whichFormat: FormatType;
buffPtr: UNIV Ptr;
buffLen: Size): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$081C,$A82D;
FUNCTION GetEditionFormatMark(whichEdition: EditionRefNum;
whichFormat: FormatType;
VAR currentMark: LONGINT): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$061E,$A82D;
FUNCTION SetEditionFormatMark(whichEdition: EditionRefNum;
whichFormat: FormatType;
setMarkTo: LONGINT): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0620,$A82D;
FUNCTION GetEditionInfo(sectionH: SectionHandle;
VAR editionInfo: EditionInfoRecord): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0422,$A82D;
FUNCTION GoToPublisherSection(container: EditionContainerSpec): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0224,$A82D;
FUNCTION GetLastEditionContainerUsed(VAR container: EditionContainerSpec): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0226,$A82D;
FUNCTION GetStandardFormats(container: EditionContainerSpec;
VAR previewFormat: FormatType;
preview: Handle;
publisherAlias: Handle;
formats: Handle): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0A28,$A82D;
FUNCTION GetEditionOpenerProc(VAR opener: EditionOpenerProcPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$022A,$A82D;
FUNCTION SetEditionOpenerProc(opener: EditionOpenerProcPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$022C,$A82D;
FUNCTION CallEditionOpenerProc(selector: EditionOpenerVerb;
VAR PB: EditionOpenerParamBlock;
routine: EditionOpenerProcPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$052E,$A82D;
FUNCTION CallFormatIOProc(selector: FormatIOVerb;
VAR PB: FormatIOParamBlock;
routine: FormatIOProcPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0530,$A82D;
FUNCTION NewSubscriberDialog(VAR reply: NewSubscriberReply): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0232,$A82D;
FUNCTION NewSubscriberExpDialog(VAR reply: NewSubscriberReply;
where: Point;
expansionDITLresID: INTEGER;
dlgHook: ExpDlgHookProcPtr;
filterProc: ExpModalFilterProcPtr;
yourDataPtr:UNIV Ptr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0B34,$A82D;
FUNCTION NewPublisherDialog(VAR reply: NewPublisherReply): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0236,$A82D;
FUNCTION NewPublisherExpDialog(VAR reply: NewPublisherReply;
where: Point;
expansionDITLresID: INTEGER;
dlgHook: ExpDlgHookProcPtr;
filterProc: ExpModalFilterProcPtr;
yourDataPtr: UNIV Ptr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0B38,$A82D;
FUNCTION SectionOptionsDialog(VAR reply: SectionOptionsReply): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$023A,$A82D;
FUNCTION SectionOptionsExpDialog(VAR reply: SectionOptionsReply;
where: Point;
expansionDITLresID: INTEGER;
dlgHook: ExpDlgHookProcPtr;
filterProc: ExpModalFilterProcPtr;
yourDataPtr: UNIV Ptr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C,$0B3C,$A82D;
{$ENDC} { UsingEditions }
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}