2019-01-13 15:57:32 +08:00

115 lines
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Created: Sunday, January 6, 1991 at 10:13 PM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1990
All rights reserved
#ifndef __TOOLUTILS__
#define __TOOLUTILS__
#ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
#include <Quickdraw.h>
enum {
sysPatListID = 0,
iBeamCursor = 1,
crossCursor = 2,
plusCursor = 3,
watchCursor = 4
struct Int64Bit {
long hiLong;
long loLong;
typedef struct Int64Bit Int64Bit;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
pascal Fixed FixRatio(short numer,short denom)
= 0xA869;
pascal Fixed FixMul(Fixed a,Fixed b)
= 0xA868;
pascal short FixRound(Fixed x)
= 0xA86C;
pascal StringHandle GetString(short stringID)
= 0xA9BA;
pascal long Munger(Handle h,long offset,const void *ptr1,long len1,const void *ptr2,
long len2)
= 0xA9E0;
pascal void PackBits(Ptr *srcPtr,Ptr *dstPtr,short srcBytes)
= 0xA8CF;
pascal void UnpackBits(Ptr *srcPtr,Ptr *dstPtr,short dstBytes)
= 0xA8D0;
pascal Boolean BitTst(const void *bytePtr,long bitNum)
= 0xA85D;
pascal void BitSet(void *bytePtr,long bitNum)
= 0xA85E;
pascal void BitClr(void *bytePtr,long bitNum)
= 0xA85F;
pascal long BitAnd(long value1,long value2)
= 0xA858;
pascal long BitOr(long value1,long value2)
= 0xA85B;
pascal long BitXor(long value1,long value2)
= 0xA859;
pascal long BitNot(long value)
= 0xA85A;
pascal long BitShift(long value,short count)
= 0xA85C;
pascal short HiWord(long x)
= 0xA86A;
pascal short LoWord(long x)
= 0xA86B;
pascal void LongMul(long a,long b,Int64Bit *result)
= 0xA867;
pascal Handle GetIcon(short iconID)
= 0xA9BB;
pascal void PlotIcon(const Rect *theRect,Handle theIcon)
= 0xA94B;
pascal PatHandle GetPattern(short patternID)
= 0xA9B8;
pascal CursHandle GetCursor(short cursorID)
= 0xA9B9;
pascal PicHandle GetPicture(short pictureID)
= 0xA9BC;
pascal Fixed SlopeFromAngle(short angle)
= 0xA8BC;
pascal short AngleFromSlope(Fixed slope)
= 0xA8C4;
StringHandle newstring(char *theString);
pascal void SetString(StringHandle theString,ConstStr255Param strNew)
= 0xA907;
pascal long DeltaPoint(Point ptA,Point ptB)
= 0xA94F;
pascal StringHandle NewString(ConstStr255Param theString)
= 0xA906;
pascal void ShieldCursor(const Rect *shieldRect,Point offsetPt)
= 0xA855;
pascal void GetIndString(Str255 theString,short strListID,short index);
void getindstring(char *theString,short strListID,short index);
pascal void ScreenRes(short *scrnHRes,short *scrnVRes)
= {0x225F,0x32B8,0x0102,0x225F,0x32B8,0x0104};
pascal void GetIndPattern(Pattern thePat,short patternListID,short index);
void setstring(StringHandle theString,char *strNew);
void shieldcursor(const Rect *shieldRect,Point *offsetPt);
long deltapoint(Point *ptA,Point *ptB);
#ifdef __cplusplus