2015-03-18 22:05:00 +01:00

36 lines
1.0 KiB

# lwsrv-relay - relay PostScript jobs received by lwsrv to other hosts
# This Perl script is an example of what you can do with the -C option for
# lwsrv. It invokes rcp to copy the received file to a directory on another
# host, renaming it as a cleaned up version of the job name with the process
# id attached to prevent collisions. We use it here to feed jobs to a
# (non-lpr) typesetter.
# John J. Chew <>
# 1991 12 10
$dest = 'desire1:/tmp'; # change this to send the file elsewhere
require '';
$opt_s = '-';
do Getopts('J:P:rs:');
$dest .= '/' unless $dest =~ m!/$!;
($job = $opt_J) =~ tr/-.A-Za-z0-9//dc;
$in = $opt_s;
$out = "$dest$job'.'$$";
print STDERR "lwsrv-relay: invoked as ", join(' ', $0, @ARGV), "\n";
sub system {
print STDERR "lwsrv-relay: ", join(' ', @_), "\n";
print STDERR "lwsrv-relay: returned ", system(@_), "\n";
# change these two lines to do something else with the job
&system('/usr/ucb/rcp', $in, $out);
&system('/bin/rm', $in);
exit 0;