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CAP note: last revision July 26, 1986
UNIX Printer Access Protocol (PAP) Programmer and implementation notes
Protocol specification: Inside Appletalk, June 1986.
The document briefly describes implementation specific aspect of PAP.
PAPOpen, PAPRead, PAPWrite, PAPClose, PAPStatus, GetNextJob,
PAPRegName, PAPRemName work as documented. SLInit and HeresStatus
differ in that they record the pointer to the buffer which contains
the status message, thus allowing the user to modify the status
message. SLClose differs in that it does not deregister names
submitted via SLInit or PAPRegName. PAPUnload is unimplemented at
present. Note: SLClose as implemented probably should be renamed to
SLShutdown (to correspond to PAPShutdown as below) and SLClose should
be implemented to work as documented by Apple.
One additional call has been added. PAPHalfClose closes a pap socket
for further writes. PAPShutdown closes a pap socket without notifying
the remote. These were added to allow PAP connections to be used in a
multi-fork environment.
Note on forks.
After a PAP connection has been opened via PAPOpen or GetNextJob, it
is possible to have one fork reading and another writing. It is not
possible to have more than one fork reading or writing. This is an
implementation restriction caused by the fact that the PAP and ATP
protocols are carried by each fork instead of some system process.
Any fork except the one which is to do the writing (via PAPWrite) must
issue a PAPHalfClose call after a connection has been opened. The
write fork listens for remote close and tickle requests (and thus,
also carries the timeout which prevents half-open connections from
sticking around). All processes forked off after the connection has
been established run the tickle functions. Note: you should fork
after the open and before any reads or writes or you may well get
unexpected results.
Doing forks for the server environment is a little more involved.
Assuming you want the server to stick around, you must do a SLClose on
the server refnum in the child after the fork call. The server must
do a PAPShutdown on the opened PAP socket. [This assumes that any
getnextjob has completed].
General implementation notes:
Each PAP connection has a private ATP responding socket used to
receive data from the remote. Each fork has one ATP requesting
socket. The responding socket is only used by PAPWrite.
Note: two pap connections and one server connection is allowed at
present. To change this, modify the parameters in abpap.h.
ABPP.C routines. These are synchronous, unix-style calls which
provide access to PAPOpen, PAPRead and PAPWrite. See the module or
any of the sample programs for examples of how to call them.