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synced 2025-01-03 05:29:36 +00:00
Written in C for the Macintosh in the 1990’s, this is a shareware arcade-style game. There is both a 68K and Power-PC project file (I forget what IDE they were for) and the resource file for both (.rsrc).
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Executable File
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Executable File
// Enemy.c
// This file contains all enemy related functions (enemy "AI"). It handlesÉ
// the enemy decision making proccess, moves the enemies, etc.
#include "Externs.h"
#define kEnemyImpulse 8
#define kOwlMaxHVel 96
#define kOwlMaxVVel 320
#define kOwlHeightSmell 96
#define kOwlFlapImpulse 32
#define kWolfMaxHVel 128
#define kWolfMaxVVel 400
#define kWolfHeightSmell 160
#define kWolfFlapImpulse 48
#define kJackalMaxHVel 192
#define kJackalMaxVVel 512
#define kJackalHeightSmell 240
#define kJackalFlapImpulse 72
Boolean SetEnemyInitialLocation (Rect *);
void SetEnemyAttributes (short);
short AssignNewAltitude (void);
void InitEnemy (short, Boolean);
void CheckEnemyPlatformHit (short);
void CheckEnemyRoofCollision (short);
void HandleIdleEnemies (short);
void HandleFlyingEnemies (short);
void HandleWalkingEnemy (short);
void HandleSpawningEnemy (short);
void HandleFallingEnemy (short);
void HandleEggEnemy (short);
void ResolveEnemyPlayerHit (short);
handInfo theHand;
eyeInfo theEye;
Rect grabZone;
short deadEnemies, spawnedEnemies, numEnemiesThisLevel, numOwls;
extern playerType thePlayer;
extern enemyType theEnemies[kMaxEnemies];
extern Rect platformRects[6], enemyInitRects[5];
extern long theScore;
extern short numLedges, lightningCount, numEnemies, countDownTimer;
extern short levelOn, lightH, lightV;
extern Boolean evenFrame, doEnemyFlapSound, doEnemyScrapeSound;
//============================================================== Functions
//-------------------------------------------------------------- SetEnemyInitialLocation
// When a new enemy is about to be "born", this function is called to determineÉ
// the enemies starting location. The only thing important here is that the enemyÉ
// appears on a valid platform for the particular level we're on. As well, whichÉ
// platform he (it) appears on should be random.
Boolean SetEnemyInitialLocation (Rect *theRect)
short where, possibilities;
Boolean facing;
possibilities = numLedges - 1; // Determine number of valid platforms.
where = RandomInt(possibilities); // Choose one at random.
*theRect = enemyInitRects[where]; // Initially place enemy at default location.
switch (where) // Determine if enemy facing left or right.
{ // It depends upon which platform they're on.
case 0: // These are the left-most platforms.
case 2:
facing = TRUE; // Enemy will face right.
case 3: // Special case for the center platform.
if (RandomInt(2) == 0) // Enemy randomly faces either left or right.
facing = TRUE;
facing = FALSE;
default: // Catch remaining (right-most) platforms.
facing = FALSE; // Enemy will face left.
if ((levelOn % 5) == 4) // Handle special case for Egg Wave
{ // Re-define enemy bounds.
theRect->left += 12 + RandomInt(48) - 24;
theRect->right = theRect->left + 24;
theRect->top = theRect->bottom - 24;
return (facing);
//-------------------------------------------------------------- SetEnemyAttributes
// Depending upon the type of enemy this function is passed (there are threeÉ
// types of sphinx enemies), this function sets up that enemies variousÉ
// attributes - such as maximum vertical velocity, etc.
void SetEnemyAttributes (short i)
short h;
// Point enemy toward center of screen.
h = (theEnemies[i].dest.left + theEnemies[i].dest.right) >> 1;
if (h < 320) // If enemy in left half of screenÉ
theEnemies[i].facingRight = TRUE; // the enemy will face to the right.
else // Otherwise, if in right half of screenÉ
theEnemies[i].facingRight = FALSE; // face to the left.
switch (theEnemies[i].kind) // Okay, depending upon what "kind" of enemyÉ
{ // we're dealing with....
case kOwl: // The owl is the simplest (wimpiest) enemy.
if (theEnemies[i].facingRight) // Choose which graphic to use.
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 0;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 2;
// Set owl's velocity limitations.
theEnemies[i].maxHVel = kOwlMaxHVel;
theEnemies[i].maxVVel = kOwlMaxVVel;
// This is the distance within which he willÉ
// pursue the player (it's strictly Y distance).
theEnemies[i].heightSmell = kOwlHeightSmell;
// This is how powerful the owl's "flap" is.
theEnemies[i].flapImpulse = kOwlFlapImpulse;
case kWolf: // The wolf sphinx is of medium difficulty.
if (theEnemies[i].facingRight) // Choose which graphic to use.
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 4;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 6;
// Set wolf's velocity limitations.
theEnemies[i].maxHVel = kWolfMaxHVel;
theEnemies[i].maxVVel = kWolfMaxVVel;
// This is the distance within which he willÉ
// pursue the player (it's strictly Y distance).
theEnemies[i].heightSmell = kWolfHeightSmell;
// This is how powerful the wolf's "flap" is.
theEnemies[i].flapImpulse = kWolfFlapImpulse;
case kJackal: // The jackal is the swiftest, toughest enemy.
if (theEnemies[i].facingRight) // Choose which graphic to use.
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 8;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 10;
// Set jackal's velocity limitations.
theEnemies[i].maxHVel = kJackalMaxHVel;
theEnemies[i].maxVVel = kJackalMaxVVel;
// This is the distance within which he willÉ
// pursue the player (it's strictly Y distance).
theEnemies[i].heightSmell = kJackalHeightSmell;
// This is how powerful the jackal's "flap" is.
theEnemies[i].flapImpulse = kJackalFlapImpulse;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- AssignNewAltitude
// The sphinxes "patrol" specific altitudes in the arena. After wrapping aroundÉ
// the screen a few times, they randomly select a new altitude to patrol (thisÉ
// keeps the player from finding a "safe" place to stand. This function choosesÉ
// a new altitude for the enemy to patrol.
short AssignNewAltitude (void)
short which, altitude;
which = RandomInt(4); // There are only 4 "patrol altitudes".
switch (which) // Depending on which random number came upÉ
case 0: // This is just below the ceiling.
altitude = 65 << 4;
case 1: // This is below the top platforms but above theÉ
altitude = 150 << 4; // center platform.
case 2: // This is just below the center platform.
altitude = 245 << 4;
case 3: // This is striahgt across the lava pit.
altitude = 384 << 4;
return (altitude);
//-------------------------------------------------------------- InitEnemy
// This resets an enemies info. It is called when a new enemy is to be born.
// It is called if an egg is about to hatch, if a new level has begun, or ifÉ
// if it is simply time to add a new enemy.
void InitEnemy (short i, Boolean reincarnated)
Boolean facing;
if (spawnedEnemies < numEnemiesThisLevel) // New enemy to appear (in other wordsÉ
{ // this enemy is not hatched).
// Call function to set new location.
facing = SetEnemyInitialLocation(&theEnemies[i].dest);
theEnemies[i].wasDest = theEnemies[i].dest;
theEnemies[i].h = theEnemies[i].dest.left << 4;
theEnemies[i].v = theEnemies[i].dest.top << 4;
theEnemies[i].wasH = theEnemies[i].h; // Reset "old locations" variables.
theEnemies[i].wasV = theEnemies[i].v;
// Assign the "patrol altitude".
theEnemies[i].targetAlt = theEnemies[i].v - (40 << 4);
theEnemies[i].hVel = 0; // Zero velocity vraiables.
theEnemies[i].vVel = 0;
theEnemies[i].pass = 0; // Zero number of times wrapped around.
if ((levelOn % 5) == 4) // If this is an Egg WaveÉ
theEnemies[i].mode = kEggTimer; // set enemy in "wait to hatch" mode.
else // Otherwise, just sut enemy inÉ
theEnemies[i].mode = kIdle; // idle mode.
if (i < numOwls) // Determine what kind of enemy.
theEnemies[i].kind = kOwl;
else if (i > (numOwls + 6))
theEnemies[i].kind = kJackal;
theEnemies[i].kind = kWolf;
theEnemies[i].facingRight = facing;
SetEnemyAttributes(i); // Initialize enemy attributes.
if (reincarnated) // If this is an egg that will hatchÉ
theEnemies[i].frame = RandomInt(48) + 8 + (numOwls * 32);
theEnemies[i].frame = RandomInt(48) + 32 + (64 * i) + (numOwls * 32);
if ((levelOn % 5) == 4) // If this is an Egg Wave
theEnemies[i].kind--; // Decrement "kind" (since it's incrementedÉ
// when they hatch).
spawnedEnemies++; // Keep track of number of enemies active.
//-------------------------------------------------------------- GenerateEnemies
// This function is called only for a new level. It goes through andÉ
// intializes a whole host of enemies in one go.
void GenerateEnemies (void)
short i;
if ((levelOn % 5) == 4) // If this is an Egg WaveÉ
numEnemies = kMaxEnemies; // we insist upon the maximum number of enemies.
numEnemiesThisLevel = numEnemies;
else // If not an egg wave, use a formula to determineÉ
{ // the max number of enemies that are to be active.
numEnemies = ((levelOn / 5) + 2) * 2;
if (numEnemies > kMaxEnemies)
numEnemies = kMaxEnemies;
numEnemiesThisLevel = numEnemies * 2;
deadEnemies = 0; // No dead enemies yet.
// Use formula to determine the number of owlsÉ
// to appear. This number goes down as the levelsÉ
// increase. It is used not merely to determineÉ
// how many owls are to appear, but also how manyÉ
// of the more advanced enemies. For example, whenÉ
// numOwls goes down to zero, all the enemies willÉ
// be of the more advanced breed (wolves and jackals).
numOwls = 4 - ((levelOn + 2) / 5);
if (numOwls < 0)
numOwls = 0;
spawnedEnemies = 0; // No enemies have been "born" yet.
// Go through and set up all the enemies.
for (i = 0; i < numEnemies; i++)
InitEnemy(i, FALSE);
//-------------------------------------------------------------- CheckEnemyPlatformHit
// This is the enemy counterpart to a similarly named function that tests forÉ
// player collsions with the platforms.
void CheckEnemyPlatformHit (short h)
Rect hRect, vRect, whoCares;
short i, offset;
for (i = 0; i < numLedges; i++) // Test all platforms.
{ // Do a simple bounds test.
if (SectRect(&theEnemies[h].dest, &platformRects[i], &whoCares))
{ // If the enemy has hit the platformÉ
hRect.left = theEnemies[h].dest.left; // Determine if enemy hit platform sides.
hRect.right = theEnemies[h].dest.right;
hRect.top = theEnemies[h].wasDest.top;
hRect.bottom = theEnemies[h].wasDest.bottom;
// Test this new special rect to see ifÉ
// the enemy hit on of the platform sides.
if (SectRect(&hRect, &platformRects[i], &whoCares))
{ // If enemy hit from side, see which side.
// We handle left and right seperatrelyÉ
// so that there's no ambiguity as toÉ
// what the new velocity and locationÉ
// of the enemy is. If we did not do itÉ
// this way, there is the chance that anÉ
// enemy get's "stuck" on the edge ofÉ
// a platform (due to round-off errors).
if (theEnemies[h].h > theEnemies[h].wasH)
{ // Enemy was moving right (hit left side).
offset = theEnemies[h].dest.right - platformRects[i].left;
// Slide enemy "off" platform.
theEnemies[h].dest.left -= offset;
theEnemies[h].dest.right -= offset;
theEnemies[h].h = theEnemies[h].dest.left << 4;
theEnemies[h].wasH = theEnemies[h].h;
// Bounce enemy (negate velocity).
if (theEnemies[h].hVel > 0)
theEnemies[h].hVel = -(theEnemies[h].hVel >> 1);
theEnemies[h].hVel = theEnemies[h].hVel >> 1;
if (theEnemies[h].h < theEnemies[h].wasH)
{ // Enemy was moving left (hit right side).
offset = platformRects[i].right - theEnemies[h].dest.left;
// Slide enemy "off" platform.
theEnemies[h].dest.left += offset;
theEnemies[h].dest.right += offset;
theEnemies[h].h = theEnemies[h].dest.left << 4;
theEnemies[h].wasH = theEnemies[h].h;
// Bounce enemy (negate velocity).
if (theEnemies[h].hVel < 0)
theEnemies[h].hVel = -(theEnemies[h].hVel >> 1);
theEnemies[h].hVel = theEnemies[h].hVel >> 1;
doEnemyScrapeSound = TRUE; // Play a collision sound.
// Flip enemy to face opposite direction.
theEnemies[h].facingRight = !theEnemies[h].facingRight;
else // Enemy didn't hit from side.
{ // See if enemy hit top/bottom.
vRect.left = theEnemies[h].wasDest.left;
vRect.right = theEnemies[h].wasDest.right;
vRect.top = theEnemies[h].dest.top;
vRect.bottom = theEnemies[h].dest.bottom;
// Special "test rect" for top/bottom hit.
if (SectRect(&vRect, &platformRects[i], &whoCares))
{ // If hit the top/bottom of platformÉ
if (theEnemies[h].mode == kFalling)
{ // Was the enemy a falling egg?
// Bounce egg (with some inelasticity).
theEnemies[i].hVel -= (theEnemies[i].hVel >> 3);
// When the eggs velocity is betweenÉ
// +/- 8, consider the egg at rest.
if ((theEnemies[i].hVel < 8) && (theEnemies[i].hVel > -8))
if (theEnemies[i].hVel > 0)
else if (theEnemies[i].hVel < 0)
// Specifically, did enemy hit the top?
if (theEnemies[h].v > theEnemies[h].wasV)
{ // Enemy heading down (hit platform top).
offset = theEnemies[h].dest.bottom - platformRects[i].top;
// Move enemy up off platform.
theEnemies[h].dest.top -= offset;
theEnemies[h].dest.bottom -= offset;
theEnemies[h].v = theEnemies[h].dest.top << 4;
theEnemies[h].wasV = theEnemies[h].v;
if (theEnemies[h].vVel > kDontFlapVel)
doEnemyScrapeSound = TRUE;
// "Bounce" enemy.
if (theEnemies[h].vVel > 0)
theEnemies[h].vVel = -(theEnemies[h].vVel >> 1);
theEnemies[h].vVel = theEnemies[h].vVel >> 1;
if ((theEnemies[h].vVel < 8) && (theEnemies[h].vVel > -8) &&
(theEnemies[h].hVel == 0) && (theEnemies[h].mode == kFalling))
{ // Here we handle an egg come to rest.
if (((theEnemies[h].dest.right - 8) > platformRects[i].right) &&
(theEnemies[h].hVel == 0))
{ // Special case where egg right on edge.
theEnemies[h].hVel = 32;
else if (((theEnemies[h].dest.left + 8) < platformRects[i].left) &&
(theEnemies[h].hVel == 0))
{ // Special case where egg right on edge.
theEnemies[h].hVel = -32;
else // If egg not on the edge of platformÉ
{ // switch to "timer" mode.
theEnemies[h].mode = kEggTimer;
theEnemies[h].frame = (numOwls * 96) + 128;
theEnemies[h].vVel = 0;
if (theEnemies[h].v < theEnemies[h].wasV)
{ // Enemy was rising - hit bottom of platform.
offset = theEnemies[h].dest.top - platformRects[i].bottom;
// Slide enemy off platform.
theEnemies[h].dest.top -= offset;
theEnemies[h].dest.bottom -= offset;
theEnemies[h].v = theEnemies[h].dest.top << 4;
theEnemies[h].wasV = theEnemies[h].v;
// Play collision sound.
doEnemyScrapeSound = TRUE;
// "Bounce" enemy downward from platform.
if (theEnemies[h].vVel < 0)
theEnemies[h].vVel = -(theEnemies[h].vVel >> 2);
theEnemies[h].vVel = theEnemies[h].vVel >> 2;
if ((theEnemies[h].vVel < 8) && (theEnemies[h].vVel > -8) &&
(theEnemies[h].hVel == 0) && (theEnemies[h].mode == kFalling))
theEnemies[h].mode = kEggTimer;
theEnemies[h].frame = (numOwls * 96) + 128;
theEnemies[h].vVel = 0;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- CheckEnemyRoofCollision
// Like the player counterpart, this function checks to see if an enemy has hitÉ
// the ceiling or the lava. It handles the consequences of both cases.
void CheckEnemyRoofCollision (short i)
short offset;
if (theEnemies[i].dest.top < (kRoofHeight - 2))
{ // If enemy has hit the ceilingÉ
offset = kRoofHeight - theEnemies[i].dest.top;
// Move enemy down to a "legal" altitude.
theEnemies[i].dest.top += offset;
theEnemies[i].dest.bottom += offset;
theEnemies[i].v = theEnemies[i].dest.top << 4;
// Play a collision sound.
doEnemyScrapeSound = TRUE;
// Bounce enemy downward.
theEnemies[i].vVel = -(theEnemies[i].vVel >> 2);
else if (theEnemies[i].dest.top > kLavaHeight)
{ // If enemy has fallen into lavaÉ
// kill that enemy.
theEnemies[i].mode = kDeadAndGone;
// Play a splash sound.
PlayExternalSound(kSplashSound, kSplashPriority);
// Call up another from the ranks.
InitEnemy(i, TRUE);
//-------------------------------------------------------------- HandleIdleEnemies
// The following functions handle the various enemy modes. Enemies areÉ
// considered to be in a specific mode and each mode is handled differently.
// Idle enemies are ones who are "invisible" - not yet born. While idle, aÉ
// timer is ticking down - when it reaches zero, the enemy appears.
void HandleIdleEnemies (short i)
theEnemies[i].frame--; // Decrement timer.
if (theEnemies[i].frame <= 0) // If timer is zero or lessÉ
theEnemies[i].mode = kSpawning; // enemy is "born".
theEnemies[i].wasH = theEnemies[i].h;
theEnemies[i].wasV = theEnemies[i].v;
theEnemies[i].hVel = 0;
theEnemies[i].vVel = 0;
theEnemies[i].frame = 0;
SetEnemyAttributes(i); // Initialize enemy attributes.
PlayExternalSound(kSpawnSound, kSpawnPriority);
//-------------------------------------------------------------- HandleFlyingEnemies
// Once an enemy takes off from a platform, they will always be in flying modeÉ
// unless they should be killed. This function handles the flying mode.
void HandleFlyingEnemies (short i)
short dist;
Boolean shouldFlap;
// Take into account gravity pulling enemy down.
theEnemies[i].vVel += kGravity;
// Get absolute difference in enemy/player altitude.
dist = thePlayer.dest.top - theEnemies[i].dest.top;
if (dist < 0)
dist = -dist;
// See if the player is within the enemy's "seek" range.
if ((dist < theEnemies[i].heightSmell) &&
((thePlayer.mode == kFlying) || (thePlayer.mode == kWalking)))
{ // Enemy will actively seek the player.
if (thePlayer.dest.left < theEnemies[i].dest.left)
{ // Determine if quicker to go left or right to get player.
dist = theEnemies[i].dest.left - thePlayer.dest.left;
if (dist < 320) // Closest route is to the left.
theEnemies[i].facingRight = FALSE;
else // Closest route is to the right.
theEnemies[i].facingRight = TRUE;
else if (thePlayer.dest.left > theEnemies[i].dest.left)
{ // Determine if quicker to go left or right to get player.
dist = thePlayer.dest.left - theEnemies[i].dest.left;
if (dist < 320) // Closest route is to the right.
theEnemies[i].facingRight = TRUE;
else // Closest route is to the left.
theEnemies[i].facingRight = FALSE;
// Seek an altitude 16 pixels above player.
if (((theEnemies[i].v + 16) > thePlayer.v) && (evenFrame))
shouldFlap = TRUE;
shouldFlap = FALSE;
else // Else, player not within enemy's "seek" altitude.
{ // Flap if necessary to maintain "patrol altitude".
if ((theEnemies[i].v > theEnemies[i].targetAlt) && (evenFrame))
shouldFlap = TRUE;
shouldFlap = FALSE;
if (shouldFlap) // If the enemy has determined that it needs to flapÉ
{ // Give the enemy lift & play the flap sound.
theEnemies[i].vVel -= theEnemies[i].flapImpulse;
doEnemyFlapSound = TRUE;
// Enemy never hovers - must move right or left.
if (theEnemies[i].facingRight)
{ // If enemy facing right - move enemy to the right.
theEnemies[i].hVel += kEnemyImpulse;
if (theEnemies[i].hVel > theEnemies[i].maxHVel)
theEnemies[i].hVel = theEnemies[i].maxHVel;
// Determine correct graphic for enemy.
switch (theEnemies[i].kind)
case kOwl:
if (shouldFlap)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 12;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 13;
case kWolf:
if (shouldFlap)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 16;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 17;
case kJackal:
if (shouldFlap)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 20;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 21;
else // If enemy not facing right (left) move to the left.
theEnemies[i].hVel -= kEnemyImpulse;
if (theEnemies[i].hVel < -theEnemies[i].maxHVel)
theEnemies[i].hVel = -theEnemies[i].maxHVel;
// Determine correct graphic for enemy.
switch (theEnemies[i].kind)
case kOwl:
if (shouldFlap)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 14;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 15;
case kWolf:
if (shouldFlap)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 18;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 19;
case kJackal:
if (shouldFlap)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 22;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 23;
// Move enemy horizontally based on hori velocity.
theEnemies[i].h += theEnemies[i].hVel;
theEnemies[i].dest.left = theEnemies[i].h >> 4;
theEnemies[i].dest.right = theEnemies[i].dest.left + 64;
// Move enemy vertically based on vertical velocity.
theEnemies[i].v += theEnemies[i].vVel;
theEnemies[i].dest.top = theEnemies[i].v >> 4;
theEnemies[i].dest.bottom = theEnemies[i].dest.top + 40;
// Check for wrap-around.
if (theEnemies[i].dest.left > 640)
{ // If off right edge, wrap around to left side.
OffsetRect(&theEnemies[i].dest, -640, 0);
theEnemies[i].h = theEnemies[i].dest.left << 4;
OffsetRect(&theEnemies[i].wasDest, -640, 0);
theEnemies[i].pass++; // Increment number of "wrap-arounds" for this enemy.
if (theEnemies[i].pass > 2) // After two screen passes (wrap arounds)É
{ // enemy patrols a new altitude.
theEnemies[i].targetAlt = AssignNewAltitude();
theEnemies[i].pass = 0;
else if (theEnemies[i].dest.right < 0)
{ // If off left edge, wrap around to right side.
OffsetRect(&theEnemies[i].dest, 640, 0);
theEnemies[i].h = theEnemies[i].dest.left << 4;
OffsetRect(&theEnemies[i].wasDest, 640, 0);
if (theEnemies[i].pass > 2)
theEnemies[i].targetAlt = AssignNewAltitude();
theEnemies[i].pass = 0;
// Throw a touch of friction into the mix.
theEnemies[i].vVel -= theEnemies[i].vVel >> 4;
// Keep enemies from moving excessively fast.
if (theEnemies[i].vVel > theEnemies[i].maxVVel)
theEnemies[i].vVel = theEnemies[i].maxVVel;
else if (theEnemies[i].vVel < -theEnemies[i].maxVVel)
theEnemies[i].vVel = -theEnemies[i].maxVVel;
CheckEnemyRoofCollision(i); // Check for lava/celing collisions.
CheckEnemyPlatformHit(i); // Check for platform collisions.
//-------------------------------------------------------------- HandleWalkingEnemy
// This is a brief mode for an enemy. When an enemy has hatched from an egg, itÉ
// walks only for 8 game frames at which point it takes off and flies for the restÉ
// of its life.
void HandleWalkingEnemy (short i)
if (theEnemies[i].facingRight) // If enemy facing right, walk to the right.
theEnemies[i].dest.left += 6; // Move enemy to right.
theEnemies[i].dest.right += 6;
switch (theEnemies[i].kind) // Determine correct graphic for walking enemy.
case kOwl:
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 1 - theEnemies[i].srcNum;
case kWolf:
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 9 - theEnemies[i].srcNum;
case kJackal:
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 17 - theEnemies[i].srcNum;
theEnemies[i].hVel = 6 << 4;
else // If enemy not facing right (left), walk to the left.
theEnemies[i].dest.left -= 6; // Move enemy to left.
theEnemies[i].dest.right -= 6;
switch (theEnemies[i].kind) // Determine correct graphic for walking enemy.
case kOwl:
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 5 - theEnemies[i].srcNum;
case kWolf:
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 13 - theEnemies[i].srcNum;
case kJackal:
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 21 - theEnemies[i].srcNum;
theEnemies[i].hVel = -6 << 4;
theEnemies[i].frame++; // Increment number of frames it has walked for.
if (theEnemies[i].frame >= 8) // If over 8, enemy takes off an flies.
theEnemies[i].mode = kFlying; // Switch to flying mode.
theEnemies[i].frame = 0; // Reset "frame" variable.
switch (theEnemies[i].kind) // Determine correct graphic for flying enemy.
case kOwl:
if (theEnemies[i].facingRight)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 12;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 14;
case kWolf:
if (theEnemies[i].facingRight)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 16;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 18;
case kJackal:
if (theEnemies[i].facingRight)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 20;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 22;
// Re-size enemy bounds to a "flying" size.
theEnemies[i].dest.left -= 8;
theEnemies[i].dest.right += 8;
theEnemies[i].dest.bottom = theEnemies[i].dest.top + 40;
theEnemies[i].h = theEnemies[i].dest.left * 16;
theEnemies[i].v = theEnemies[i].dest.top * 16;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- HandleSpawningEnemy
// This is an enemy "rising out of a platform". Either an egg has just hatchedÉ
// or a brand new enemy has been introduced. Irregardless, the sphinx is born.
// When the enemy is at its full height, it will begin to walk.
void HandleSpawningEnemy (short i)
theEnemies[i].frame++; // Advance timer.
if (theEnemies[i].frame >= 48) // If timer >= 48, enemy begins to walk.
theEnemies[i].mode = kWalking;
theEnemies[i].frame = 0;
switch (theEnemies[i].kind) // Determine appropriate graphic.
case kOwl:
if (theEnemies[i].facingRight)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 0;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 2;
case kWolf:
if (theEnemies[i].facingRight)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 4;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 6;
case kJackal:
if (theEnemies[i].facingRight)
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 8;
theEnemies[i].srcNum = 10;
else // If not full height, use "timer" to determine height.
theEnemies[i].dest.top = theEnemies[i].dest.bottom - theEnemies[i].frame;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- HandleFallingEnemy
// A "falling" enemy is an air borne egg. The enemy was killed, turned into an egg, É
// and the egg is in freefall. If the egg comes to rest, it will begin a countdownÉ
// until it is hatched.
void HandleFallingEnemy (short i)
{ // Take into account gravity - accelerate egg down.
theEnemies[i].vVel += kGravity;
// Don't allow velocities to skyrocket.
if (theEnemies[i].vVel > theEnemies[i].maxVVel)
theEnemies[i].vVel = theEnemies[i].maxVVel;
else if (theEnemies[i].vVel < -theEnemies[i].maxVVel)
theEnemies[i].vVel = -theEnemies[i].maxVVel;
if (evenFrame) // Apply friction on even frames (who knows).
{ // "Friction" is 1/32nd of the velocity.
theEnemies[i].hVel -= (theEnemies[i].hVel >> 5);
if ((theEnemies[i].hVel < 32) && (theEnemies[i].hVel > -32))
if (theEnemies[i].hVel > 0)
else if (theEnemies[i].hVel < 0)
// Move egg horizontally.
theEnemies[i].h += theEnemies[i].hVel;
theEnemies[i].dest.left = theEnemies[i].h >> 4;
theEnemies[i].dest.right = theEnemies[i].dest.left + 24;
// Move egg vertically.
theEnemies[i].v += theEnemies[i].vVel;
theEnemies[i].dest.top = theEnemies[i].v >> 4;
theEnemies[i].dest.bottom = theEnemies[i].dest.top + 24;
// Check for wrap around.
if (theEnemies[i].dest.left > 640)
OffsetRect(&theEnemies[i].dest, -640, 0);
theEnemies[i].h = theEnemies[i].dest.left << 4;
OffsetRect(&theEnemies[i].wasDest, -640, 0);
else if (theEnemies[i].dest.right < 0)
OffsetRect(&theEnemies[i].dest, 640, 0);
theEnemies[i].h = theEnemies[i].dest.left << 4;
OffsetRect(&theEnemies[i].wasDest, 640, 0);
CheckEnemyRoofCollision(i); // See if egg hit ceiling or lava.
CheckEnemyPlatformHit(i); // Handle platform hit (it is here it determines ifÉ
// egg has come to rest and should begin countdown).
//-------------------------------------------------------------- HandleEggEnemy
// This is the "idle" egg mode. This is a static egg, sitting peacefully onÉ
// a platform. Waiting patiently so it might hatch into a death-sphinx andÉ
// slaughter the player.
void HandleEggEnemy (short i)
short center;
theEnemies[i].frame--; // Decrement the egg timer!
if (theEnemies[i].frame < 24) // When it falls below 24, egg starts shrinking.
{ // Use "frame" to determine height of egg.
theEnemies[i].dest.top = theEnemies[i].dest.bottom - theEnemies[i].frame;
if (theEnemies[i].frame <= 0) // When the egg is completely flat (gone)É
{ // then BOOM! a sphinx is spawned!
theEnemies[i].frame = 0;
PlayExternalSound(kSpawnSound, kSpawnPriority);
center = (theEnemies[i].dest.left + theEnemies[i].dest.right) >> 1;
// Resize enemy bounds to new "walking enemy" size.
theEnemies[i].dest.left = center - 24;
theEnemies[i].dest.right = center + 24;
theEnemies[i].wasDest = theEnemies[i].dest;
theEnemies[i].h = theEnemies[i].dest.left << 4;
theEnemies[i].v = theEnemies[i].dest.top << 4;
// Set up all other enemy variables.
theEnemies[i].wasH = theEnemies[i].h;
theEnemies[i].wasV = theEnemies[i].v;
theEnemies[i].hVel = 0;
theEnemies[i].vVel = 0;
theEnemies[i].mode = kSpawning;
if (theEnemies[i].kind > kJackal)
theEnemies[i].kind = kJackal;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- MoveEnemies
// This is the "master" enemy function. It goes through all the enemiesÉ
// and calls the above functions depending upon an enemy's mode.
void MoveEnemies (void)
short i;
doEnemyFlapSound = FALSE; // Intially, assume no flap or scrape sounds.
doEnemyScrapeSound = FALSE;
// Go through each enemy.
for (i = 0; i < numEnemies; i++)
switch (theEnemies[i].mode)
{ // Handle enemy according to mode it is in.
case kIdle: // Enemy not born yet.
case kFlying: // Enemy air borne.
case kWalking: // Enemy just born, walking off platform.
case kSpawning: // Enemy growing from a platform.
case kFalling: // Enemy is an egg in flight.
case kEggTimer: // Enemy is a patient, idle, silent egg.
case kDeadAndGone: // Enemy no more - gone for good this level.
// If any sounds were flagged, play them.
if (doEnemyFlapSound)
PlayExternalSound(kFlap2Sound, kFlap2Priority);
if (doEnemyScrapeSound)
PlayExternalSound(kScrape2Sound, kScrape2Priority);
// See if enough enemies were killed to advance toÉ
// next level (wave).
if ((deadEnemies >= numEnemiesThisLevel) && (countDownTimer == 0))
countDownTimer = 30;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- InitHandLocation
// This simply sets up the hand. Puts it deep in the lava (off bottom of screen).
void InitHandLocation (void)
SetRect(&theHand.dest, 0, 0, 56, 57);
OffsetRect(&theHand.dest, 48, 460);
//-------------------------------------------------------------- HandleHand
// This is the hand "AI". The hand, like the sphinx enemies, has modes.
void HandleHand (void)
Rect whoCares;
short hDiff, vDiff, pull, speed;
switch (theHand.mode)
case kLurking: // Hand is down, waiting for player to stray near.
if ((thePlayer.mode == kFlying) && (SectRect(&thePlayer.dest, &grabZone, &whoCares)))
{ // If player flies near, hand begins to reach out.
theHand.mode = kOutGrabeth;
case kOutGrabeth: // Hand is either coming after or has a hold of player.
case kClutching:
if (SectRect(&thePlayer.dest, &grabZone, &whoCares))
{ // See if player in the "grab/clutch zone".
hDiff = theHand.dest.left - thePlayer.dest.left;
vDiff = theHand.dest.top - thePlayer.dest.top;
// Ah! Player caught. Move player to correctÉ
// location relative to the hand (so the playerÉ
// appears to, in fact, be held).
if (thePlayer.facingRight)
hDiff -= 3;
hDiff -= 21;
vDiff -= 29;
// How hard/fast the hand moves depends on level.
speed = (levelOn >> 3) + 1;
if (hDiff < 0)
theHand.dest.left += speed;
theHand.dest.right += speed;
else if (hDiff > 0)
theHand.dest.left -= speed;
theHand.dest.right -= speed;
if (vDiff < 0)
theHand.dest.top += speed;
theHand.dest.bottom += speed;
else if (vDiff > 0)
theHand.dest.top -= speed;
theHand.dest.bottom -= speed;
// Determine absolute distance player is from hand.
if (hDiff < 0)
hDiff = -hDiff;
if (vDiff < 0)
vDiff = -vDiff;
if ((hDiff < 8) && (vDiff < 8))
{ // If player in the "hot zone", player is nabbed!
theHand.mode = kClutching;
thePlayer.clutched = TRUE;
// Player's movement is severely dampened.
thePlayer.hVel = thePlayer.hVel >> 3;
thePlayer.vVel = thePlayer.vVel >> 3;
// Hand pulls player down (strength is greater onÉ
// higher levels).
pull = levelOn << 2;
if (pull > 48) // Set an absolute limit on hand strength.
pull = 48;
// Pull player donw!
thePlayer.vVel += pull;
theHand.dest.top = thePlayer.dest.top + 29;
theHand.dest.bottom = theHand.dest.top + 57;
if (thePlayer.facingRight)
theHand.dest.left = thePlayer.dest.left + 3;
theHand.dest.left = thePlayer.dest.left + 21;
theHand.dest.right = theHand.dest.left + 58;
else // If player not in "sweet spot", hand is seeking.
thePlayer.clutched = FALSE;
theHand.mode = kOutGrabeth;
else // Player not even close to handÉ
{ // Hand sinks back down into lava.
// When hand is off screen, hand resumes lurking.
if (theHand.dest.top > 460)
theHand.mode = kLurking;
theHand.mode = kOutGrabeth;
thePlayer.clutched = FALSE;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- InitEye
// This initializes all the eye's variables.
void InitEye (void)
SetRect(&theEye.dest, 0, 0, 48, 31);
OffsetRect(&theEye.dest, 296, 97);
theEye.mode = kWaiting;
theEye.frame = (numOwls + 2) * 720;
theEye.srcNum = 0;
theEye.opening = 1;
theEye.killed = FALSE;
theEye.entering = FALSE;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- KillOffEye
// This function handles a "slain" eye!
void KillOffEye (void)
if (theEye.mode == kStalking)
theEye.killed = TRUE;
theEye.opening = 1;
theEye.entering = FALSE;
if (theEye.srcNum == 0)
theEye.srcNum = 1;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- HandleEye
// But of course, the eye has modes as well. This function handles the eyeÉ
// depending upon the mode it is in.
void HandleEye (void)
short diffH, diffV, speed;
if (theEye.mode == kStalking) // Eye is alive!
speed = (levelOn >> 4) + 1; // How fast it moves depends on level.
if (speed > 3)
speed = 3;
// When eye appears or dies, it is stationary.
if ((theEye.killed) || (theEye.entering))
speed = 0;
else if ((thePlayer.mode != kFlying) && (thePlayer.mode != kWalking))
diffH = theEye.dest.left - 296;
diffV = theEye.dest.bottom - 128;
diffH = theEye.dest.left - thePlayer.dest.left;
diffV = theEye.dest.bottom - thePlayer.dest.bottom;
// Find direction to player (no wrap-around for eye).
if (diffH > 0)
if (diffH < speed)
theEye.dest.left -= diffH;
theEye.dest.left -= speed;
theEye.dest.right = theEye.dest.left + 48;
else if (diffH < 0)
if (-diffH < speed)
theEye.dest.left -= diffH;
theEye.dest.left += speed;
theEye.dest.right = theEye.dest.left + 48;
if (diffV > 0)
if (diffV < speed)
theEye.dest.bottom -= diffV;
theEye.dest.bottom -= speed;
theEye.dest.top = theEye.dest.bottom - 31;
else if (diffV < 0)
if (-diffV < speed)
theEye.dest.bottom -= diffV;
theEye.dest.bottom += speed;
theEye.dest.top = theEye.dest.bottom - 31;
theEye.frame++; // Increment eye frame (timer).
// Determine correct graphic for eye.
if (theEye.srcNum != 0)
if (theEye.frame > 3) // "Eye-closing frame" holds for 3 frames.
theEye.frame = 0;
theEye.srcNum += theEye.opening;
if (theEye.srcNum > 3)
theEye.srcNum = 3;
theEye.opening = -1;
if (theEye.killed)
else if (theEye.srcNum <= 0)
theEye.srcNum = 0;
theEye.opening = 1;
theEye.frame = 0;
theEye.entering = FALSE;
else if (theEye.frame > 256)
theEye.srcNum = 1;
theEye.opening = 1;
theEye.frame = 0;
// Get absolute distance from eye to player.
diffH = theEye.dest.left - thePlayer.dest.left;
diffV = theEye.dest.bottom - thePlayer.dest.bottom;
if (diffH < 0)
diffH = -diffH;
if (diffV < 0)
diffV = -diffV;
// See if player close enough to be killed!
if ((diffH < 16) && (diffV < 16) && (!theEye.entering) &&
(!theEye.killed)) // Close enough to call it a kill.
if (theEye.srcNum == 0) // If eye was open, player is killed.
{ // Strike lightning (hit the player).
if (lightningCount == 0)
lightH = thePlayer.dest.left + 24;
lightV = thePlayer.dest.bottom - 24;
lightningCount = 6; // Strike 6 times!
// Player is smokin' bones!
thePlayer.mode = kFalling;
if (thePlayer.facingRight)
thePlayer.srcNum = 8;
thePlayer.srcNum = 9;
thePlayer.dest.bottom = thePlayer.dest.top + 37;
PlayExternalSound(kBoom2Sound, kBoom2Priority);
else // If the eye was "blinking", IT was killed!
{ // Player killed the eye!
if (lightningCount == 0)
{ // Strike the eye with lightning!
lightH = theEye.dest.left + 24;
lightV = theEye.dest.top + 16;
// Hit 'er with 15 bolts!
lightningCount = 15;
theScore += 2000L; // A big 2000 points for killing the eye!
UpdateScoreNumbers(); // Refresh score display.
PlayExternalSound(kBonusSound, kBonusPriority);
KillOffEye(); // Slay eye!
} // Hey, anyone remember that giant eye fromÉ
} // Johnny Socko and his Flying Robot?
} // As a kid, I thought that was cool!
else if (theEye.frame > 0) // Eye has not yet appeared, but waits, lurking!
theEye.frame--; // Decrement eye timer.
if (theEye.frame <= 0) // When timer hits zero, eye appears!
theEye.mode = kStalking; // The eye is after the player!
if (lightningCount == 0) // Strike lightning at eye!
lightH = theEye.dest.left + 24;
lightV = theEye.dest.top + 16;
lightningCount = 6;
theEye.srcNum = 3;
theEye.opening = 1;
theEye.entering = TRUE;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- ResolveEnemyPlayerHit
// Okay, a bounds test determined that the player and an enemy have collided.
// This function looks at the two and determines who wins or if it's a draw.
void ResolveEnemyPlayerHit (short i)
short wasVel, diff, h, v;
if ((theEnemies[i].mode == kFalling) || (theEnemies[i].mode == kEggTimer))
{ // Okay, if the enemy is an eggÉ
deadEnemies++; // simple - the enemy dies.
theEnemies[i].mode = kDeadAndGone;
theScore += 500L; // Add that to our score!
PlayExternalSound(kBonusSound, kBonusPriority);
InitEnemy(i, TRUE); // Reset the enemy (I guess you could say they're reincarnated.
else // Now, here's a real, live sphinx enemy.
{ // Get their difference in altitude.
diff = (theEnemies[i].dest.top + 25) - (thePlayer.dest.top + 19);
if (diff < -2) // Player is bested. :(
{ // Strike player with lightning.
if (lightningCount == 0)
lightH = thePlayer.dest.left + 24;
lightV = thePlayer.dest.bottom - 24;
lightningCount = 6;
// Player is bones.
thePlayer.mode = kFalling;
if (thePlayer.facingRight)
thePlayer.srcNum = 8;
thePlayer.srcNum = 9;
thePlayer.dest.bottom = thePlayer.dest.top + 37;
PlayExternalSound(kBoom2Sound, kBoom2Priority);
else if (diff > 2) // Yes! Enemy is killed!
{ // Well ... we can't kill an enemy who is spawning.
if ((theEnemies[i].mode == kSpawning) && (theEnemies[i].frame < 16))
// Resize enemy bounds (use an egg bounds).
h = (theEnemies[i].dest.left + theEnemies[i].dest.right) >> 1;
if (theEnemies[i].mode == kSpawning)
v = theEnemies[i].dest.bottom - 2;
v = (theEnemies[i].dest.top + theEnemies[i].dest.bottom) >> 1;
theEnemies[i].dest.left = h - 12;
theEnemies[i].dest.right = h + 12;
if (theEnemies[i].mode == kSpawning)
theEnemies[i].dest.top = v - 24;
theEnemies[i].dest.top = v - 12;
theEnemies[i].dest.bottom = theEnemies[i].dest.top + 24;
theEnemies[i].h = theEnemies[i].dest.left << 4;
theEnemies[i].v = theEnemies[i].dest.top << 4;
// Enemy is a falling egg!
theEnemies[i].mode = kFalling;
theEnemies[i].wasDest = theEnemies[i].dest;
theEnemies[i].wasH = theEnemies[i].h;
theEnemies[i].wasV = theEnemies[i].v;
// Give player points based on enemy kind.
switch (theEnemies[i].kind)
case kOwl:
theScore += 500L;
case kWolf:
theScore += 1000L;
case kJackal:
theScore += 1500L;
PlayExternalSound(kBoom2Sound, kBoom2Priority);
else // Rare case - neither the player nor the enemy get killed.
{ // They'll bounce off one another.
if (theEnemies[i].hVel > 0)
theEnemies[i].facingRight = TRUE;
theEnemies[i].facingRight = FALSE;
PlayExternalSound(kScreechSound, kScreechPriority);
wasVel = thePlayer.hVel;
thePlayer.hVel = theEnemies[i].hVel;
theEnemies[i].hVel = wasVel;
wasVel = thePlayer.vVel;
thePlayer.vVel = theEnemies[i].vVel;
theEnemies[i].vVel = wasVel;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- CheckPlayerEnemyCollision
// This is a simple "bounds test" for determining player/enemy collisions.
void CheckPlayerEnemyCollision (void)
Rect whoCares, playTest, wrapTest;
short i;
playTest = thePlayer.dest; // Make a copy of player's bounds.
InsetRect(&playTest, 8, 8); // Shrink it by 8 pixels all 'round.
if (thePlayer.wrapping) // Need to test 2 players if "wraparounding".
wrapTest = thePlayer.wrap;
InsetRect(&wrapTest, 8, 8);
// Test all enemies.
for (i = 0; i < numEnemies; i++)
{ // Ignore non-existant enemies.
if ((theEnemies[i].mode != kIdle) && (theEnemies[i].mode != kDeadAndGone))
{ // Simple bounds test.
if (SectRect(&playTest, &theEnemies[i].dest, &whoCares))
{ // Call function to determine who wins (or tie).
} // If "wrap-arounding", test other rect.
else if (thePlayer.wrapping)
if (SectRect(&wrapTest, &theEnemies[i].dest, &whoCares))