JPEGView/Read Me!.TXT

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JPEGView Source Code Copyright <20>1991-2001, Aaron Giles Author contact: This archive contains the full (I think) source code to JPEGView version 3.3, which was the last version I released back in 1994. I've gone through it a bit, but not thoroughly. If there is anything missing, or anything that shouldn't be included, please don't hesitate to contact me. There are various project files and other stuff included, but the final JPEGView was built on MPW with PPCC. A lot has changed since I wrote this code. Computers got way faster and memory got way cheaper. JPEGView began as the first Mac application I ever wrote and blossomed into something way beyond what I imagined. I still feel proud of this thing, though I cringe to look at some of my old source code. Maybe someone will find it useful still. SOFTWARE LICENSE This software is UNSUPPORTED. It is provided as-is, with no warranty implied or expressed. You may use this software only at your own risk; Aaron Giles is not responsible for any damage related to the use of this software. SOURCE CODE LICENSE The source code in this package is copyright <20>1991-2001, Aaron Giles, unless otherwise attributed. It was written many years ago, so it likely will not compile as-is on much of anything. You may freely use small portions (up to 25%) of this software in your own code, as long as you acknowledge my copyright in your about box and documentation as follows: "Portions of this code <20>1991-2001, Aaron Giles". I would also like to receive a copy/license to any software that makes use of my code. Contact me at the email above. If you wish to use larger portions of this code, you MUST contact me first, explaining what you are planning to do with it, in order to obtain permission. Under no circumstances may you release a variant of this software named <20> or obviously derived from the name <20> "JPEGView" without obtaining my permission to do so.