//************************************************************** //* OpenGLide - Glide to OpenGL Wrapper //* http://openglide.sourceforge.net //* //* Sst Functions //* //* OpenGLide is OpenSource under LGPL license //* Originaly made by Fabio Barros //* Modified by Paul for Glidos (http://www.glidos.net) //* Mac version and additional features by Jens-Olaf Hemprich //************************************************************** #include "Glide.h" #include "GlideApplication.h" #include "GlideDisplay.h" #include "GlideSettings.h" #include "GLExtensions.h" #include "GLRender.h" #include "GLUtil.h" #include "OGLTables.h" #include "PGTexture.h" //************************************************* //* Returns the current Glide Version //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideGetVersion( char version[80] ) { #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grGlideGetVersion( --- )\n" ); #endif sprintf(version, "Glide 2.45 - %s %s", OpenGLideProductName, OpenGLideVersion); } //************************************************* //* Initializes what is needed //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideInit( void ) { #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grGlideInit( )\n" ); #endif if ( OpenGL.GlideInit ) { grGlideShutdown( ); } memset( &Glide, 0, sizeof( GlideStruct ) ); memset( &OpenGL, 0, sizeof( OpenGLStruct ) ); Glide.ActiveVoodoo = 0; Glide.State.VRetrace = FXTRUE; ExternErrorFunction = NULL; /* #ifdef OGL_DEBUG RDTSC( FinalTick ); RDTSC( InitialTick ); Fps = FpsAux = Frame = 0; #endif */ OpenGL.GlideInit = true; Glide.TextureMemory = UserConfig.TextureMemorySize * 1024 * 1024; Textures = new PGTexture( Glide.TextureMemory ); if ( Textures == NULL ) { GlideError( "Cannot allocate enough memory for Texture Buffer in User setting, using default" ); } Glide.TexMemoryMaxPosition = (FxU32)Glide.TextureMemory; } //************************************************* //* Finishes everything //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideShutdown( void ) { if ( !OpenGL.GlideInit ) { return; } OpenGL.GlideInit = false; #ifdef OGL_DEBUG RDTSC( FinalTick ); #endif #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grGlideShutdown()\n" ); #endif grSstWinClose( ); if (Textures) delete Textures; } //************************************************* //* Sets all Glide State Variables //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideSetState( const GrState *state ) { #ifdef OGL_PARTDONE GlideMsg( "grGlideSetState( --- )\n" ); #endif // Ensure the state size is not too large assert(sizeof(GlideState) < sizeof(GrState)); GlideState StateTemp; memcpy( &StateTemp, state, sizeof( GlideState ) ); Glide.State.ColorFormat = StateTemp.ColorFormat; grRenderBuffer( StateTemp.RenderBuffer ); grDepthBufferMode( StateTemp.DepthBufferMode ); grDepthBufferFunction( StateTemp.DepthFunction ); grDepthMask( StateTemp.DepthBufferWritting ); grDepthBiasLevel( StateTemp.DepthBiasLevel ); grDitherMode( StateTemp.DitherMode ); grChromakeyValue( StateTemp.ChromakeyValue ); grChromakeyMode( StateTemp.ChromaKeyMode ); grAlphaTestReferenceValue( StateTemp.AlphaReferenceValue ); grAlphaTestFunction( StateTemp.AlphaTestFunction ); grColorMask( StateTemp.ColorMask, StateTemp.AlphaMask ); grConstantColorValue( StateTemp.ConstantColorValue ); grFogColorValue( StateTemp.FogColorValue ); grFogMode( StateTemp.FogMode ); grCullMode( StateTemp.CullMode ); grTexClampMode( GR_TMU0, StateTemp.SClampMode, StateTemp.TClampMode ); grTexFilterMode( GR_TMU0, StateTemp.MinFilterMode, StateTemp.MagFilterMode ); grTexMipMapMode( GR_TMU0, StateTemp.MipMapMode, StateTemp.LodBlend ); grColorCombine( StateTemp.ColorCombineFunction, StateTemp.ColorCombineFactor, StateTemp.ColorCombineLocal, StateTemp.ColorCombineOther, StateTemp.ColorCombineInvert ); grAlphaCombine( StateTemp.AlphaFunction, StateTemp.AlphaFactor, StateTemp.AlphaLocal, StateTemp.AlphaOther, StateTemp.AlphaInvert ); grTexCombine( GR_TMU0, StateTemp.TextureCombineCFunction, StateTemp.TextureCombineCFactor, StateTemp.TextureCombineAFunction, StateTemp.TextureCombineAFactor, StateTemp.TextureCombineRGBInvert, StateTemp.TextureCombineAInvert ); grAlphaBlendFunction( StateTemp.AlphaBlendRgbSf, StateTemp.AlphaBlendRgbDf, StateTemp.AlphaBlendAlphaSf, StateTemp.AlphaBlendAlphaDf ); grClipWindow( StateTemp.ClipMinX, StateTemp.ClipMinY, StateTemp.ClipMaxX, StateTemp.ClipMaxY ); grSstOrigin( StateTemp.OriginInformation ); grTexSource( GR_TMU0, StateTemp.TexSource.StartAddress, StateTemp.TexSource.EvenOdd, &StateTemp.TexSource.Info ); grTexLodBiasValue(GR_TMU0, StateTemp.LodBias); } //************************************************* //* Gets all Glide State Variables //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideGetState( GrState *state ) { #ifdef OGL_PARTDONE GlideMsg( "grGlideGetState( --- )\n" ); #endif // Ensure the state size is not too large assert(sizeof(GlideState) < sizeof(GrState)); memcpy( state, &Glide.State, sizeof( GlideState ) ); } //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grGlideShamelessPlug( const FxBool on ) { #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grGlideShamelessPlug( %d )\n", on ); #endif InternalConfig.ShamelessPlug = on; } //************************************************* //* Returns the number of Voodoo Boards Instaled //************************************************* FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grSstQueryBoards( GrHwConfiguration *hwConfig ) { #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grSstQueryBoards( --- )\n" ); #endif memset(hwConfig, 0, sizeof(GrHwConfiguration)); hwConfig->num_sst = 1; return FXTRUE; } //************************************************* FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grSstWinOpen(FxU32 hwnd, GrScreenResolution_t res, GrScreenRefresh_t ref, GrColorFormat_t cformat, GrOriginLocation_t org_loc, int num_buffers, int num_aux_buffers) { if (OpenGL.WinOpen) { grSstWinClose(); } // Some games read from the buffer after the window has been closed // As a result, freeing the read buffer must be deferred until the // next call to grSstWinOpen() or unloading the library if (Glide.ReadBuffer.Address) { FreeFrameBuffer(Glide.ReadBuffer.Address); Glide.ReadBuffer.Address = NULL; } #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grSstWinOpen( %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d )\n", hwnd, res, ref, cformat, org_loc, num_buffers, num_aux_buffers ); #endif Glide.Resolution = res; #ifdef OGL_DEBUG if ( Glide.Resolution > GR_RESOLUTION_400x300 ) { GlideError( "grSstWinOpen: res = GR_RESOLUTION_NONE\n" ); return FXFALSE; } if ( Glide.Refresh > GR_REFRESH_120Hz ) { GlideError( "grSstWinOpen: Refresh Incorrect\n" ); return FXFALSE; } #endif Glide.WindowWidth = windowDimensions[Glide.Resolution].width; Glide.WindowHeight = windowDimensions[Glide.Resolution].height; // Set the size of the opengl window (might be different from Glide window size) if (UserConfig.Resolution == 0) { // Does only work if the library is loaded at startup, before the game changes the screen resolution if (!DisplayManager_GetDesktopDisplayResolution(OpenGL.WindowWidth, OpenGL.WindowHeight)) { // Use the resuolution requested by the game OpenGL.WindowWidth = Glide.WindowWidth; OpenGL.WindowHeight = Glide.WindowHeight; } } else if (UserConfig.Resolution <= 16) { // multiply the original size by the resolution factor OpenGL.WindowWidth = Glide.WindowWidth * UserConfig.Resolution; OpenGL.WindowHeight = Glide.WindowHeight * UserConfig.Resolution; } else { // override the resolution OpenGL.WindowWidth = UserConfig.Resolution; // Glide games have a fixed 4/3 aspect ratio OpenGL.WindowHeight = UserConfig.Resolution * 3 / 4; } // Limit the display size to the max allowed screen resolution if (UserConfig.ResolutionCap) { OpenGL.WindowWidth = min(OpenGL.WindowWidth, UserConfig.ResolutionCap); OpenGL.WindowHeight = min(OpenGL.WindowHeight, UserConfig.ResolutionCap * 3 / 4); } Glide.WindowTotalPixels = Glide.WindowWidth * Glide.WindowHeight; Glide.Refresh = ref; Glide.State.ColorFormat = cformat; Glide.NumBuffers = num_buffers; Glide.AuxBuffers = num_aux_buffers; OpenGL.Refresh = windowRefresh[ Glide.Refresh ]; OpenGL.WaitSignal = (FxU32)( 1000 / OpenGL.Refresh ); memset(&Glide.FrameBuffer, 0, sizeof(BufferStruct)); memset(&Glide.TempBuffer, 0, sizeof(BufferStruct)); memset(&Glide.ReadBuffer, 0, sizeof(BufferStruct)); // Initing OpenGL Window if (!InitWindow(hwnd)) { return FXFALSE; } // Note: The OpenGL resolution might have changed during the call to InitWindow(). // As a result, buffers must be allocated afterwards const unsigned long openglpixels = OpenGL.WindowWidth * OpenGL.WindowHeight; // As the lfb write format isn't known yet we must allocate a framebuffer for 32bit color formats // although most games will use 16bit corlor formats only Glide.FrameBuffer.Address = (FxU16*) AllocFrameBuffer(Glide.WindowTotalPixels + openglpixels, 4); // >> 1 as the framebuffer is allocated for 32 bit color formats but the pointer is declared as a short Glide.TempBuffer.Address = &Glide.FrameBuffer.Address[Glide.WindowTotalPixels << 1]; memset(Glide.FrameBuffer.Address, 0, Glide.WindowTotalPixels * sizeof(FxU32)); memset(Glide.TempBuffer.Address, 0, openglpixels * sizeof(FxU32)); // Prealloc readbuffer for Carmageddon, because allocating it on demand // (when moving the cursor in Movie mode) would produce an OutOfMemory error) const bool preallocateReadBuffer = s_GlideApplication.GetType() == GlideApplication::Carmageddon; if (preallocateReadBuffer) { Glide.ReadBuffer.Address = (FxU16*) AllocFrameBuffer(Glide.WindowTotalPixels, sizeof(FxU16)); #ifdef OPENGL_DEBUG GlideMsg("Allocated Readbuffer(%dx%d) at 0x%x\n", Glide.WindowWidth, Glide.WindowHeight, Glide.ReadBuffer.Address); #endif } // Initialise the frame buffer emulation RenderInitialize(); s_Framebuffer.initialise(&Glide.FrameBuffer, &Glide.TempBuffer); Textures->initOpenGL(); #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "----Start of grSstWinOpen()\n" ); #endif // All of this should be disabled: depth buffering, fog, chroma-key, alpha blending, alpha testing #ifdef OPTIMISE_GLIDE_STATE_CHANGES // When state change optimising is enabled, passing in default values of 0 // would not initialise the corresponding values in the OpenGL struct, // because the optimising code would assume that the state has already been set. // By writing values other than 0 to glide state variables which will // become 0 below, the OpenGL values are initialises as exspected. // For functions that are called by other functions during the // initialisation, like grColorCombine, explicit default values // are given, (in this case by grAlphaCombine) // grTexClampMode Glide.State.SClampMode = -1; Glide.State.TClampMode = -1; // grTexMipMapMode Glide.State.MipMapMode = -1; Glide.State.LodBlend = -1; // grCullMode Glide.State.CullMode = -1; // grDepthMask Glide.State.DepthBufferWritting = -1; // grDepthBufferMode Glide.State.DepthBufferMode = -1; // grChromakeyValue Glide.State.ChromakeyValue = -1; // grAlphaTestReferenceValue Glide.State.AlphaReferenceValue = -1.0f; // grDepthBiasLevel Glide.State.DepthBiasLevel = -1; // grFogMode Glide.State.FogMode = -1; // grFogColorValue Glide.State.FogColorValue = -1; // grHints Glide.State.STWHint = -1; // color combine Glide.State.ColorCombineFunction = GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL; Glide.State.ColorCombineFactor = GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL; Glide.State.ColorCombineLocal = GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT; Glide.State.ColorCombineOther = GR_COMBINE_OTHER_CONSTANT; Glide.State.ColorCombineInvert = FXTRUE; // alpha combine Glide.State.AlphaFunction = GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL; Glide.State.AlphaFactor = GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL; Glide.State.AlphaLocal = GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT; Glide.State.AlphaOther = GR_COMBINE_OTHER_CONSTANT; Glide.State.AlphaInvert = FXTRUE; // Blend Glide.State.AlphaBlendRgbSf = -1; Glide.State.AlphaBlendRgbDf = -1; Glide.State.AlphaBlendAlphaSf = -1; Glide.State.AlphaBlendAlphaDf = -1; // tex combine Glide.State.TextureCombineCFunction = GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_ZERO; Glide.State.TextureCombineCFactor = GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE; Glide.State.TextureCombineAFunction = GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_ZERO; Glide.State.TextureCombineAFactor = GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE; Glide.State.TextureCombineRGBInvert = FXFALSE; Glide.State.TextureCombineAInvert = FXFALSE; // Alpha function Glide.State.AlphaTestFunction = -1; Glide.State.AlphaOther = -1; // Chromakeying Glide.State.ChromaKeyMode = GR_CHROMAKEY_ENABLE; Glide.State.ChromakeyValue = 0xffffffff; // constant color value Glide.State.ConstantColorValue = 0; // lod bias Glide.State.LodBias = -1; #endif Glide.State.OriginInformation = org_loc; grClipWindow( 0, 0, Glide.WindowWidth, Glide.WindowHeight ); grSstOrigin( org_loc ); grTexClampMode( 0, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_CLAMP, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_CLAMP ); grTexMipMapMode( 0, GR_MIPMAP_DISABLE, FXFALSE ); grTexFilterMode( 0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR ); grFogMode( GR_FOG_DISABLE ); grCullMode( GR_CULL_DISABLE ); grRenderBuffer( GR_BUFFER_BACKBUFFER ); grAlphaTestFunction( GR_CMP_ALWAYS ); grDitherMode( GR_DITHER_4x4 ); // grColorCombine depends on grAlphaCombine, // so we have to call grAlphaCombine first grAlphaCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_CONSTANT, FXFALSE ); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_ITERATED, FXFALSE ); grTexCombine( GR_TMU0,GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); grAlphaControlsITRGBLighting( FXFALSE ); grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); grColorMask( FXTRUE, FXFALSE ); grDepthMask( FXFALSE ); grDepthBufferMode( GR_DEPTHBUFFER_DISABLE ); grDepthBufferFunction( GR_CMP_LESS ); // chroma-key value, alpha test reference, constant depth value, // constant alpha value, etc.) and pixel rendering statistic counters // are initialized to 0x00. grChromakeyMode( GR_CHROMAKEY_DISABLE ); grChromakeyValue( 0x00 ); grAlphaTestReferenceValue( 0x00 ); grDepthBiasLevel( 0x00 ); grFogColorValue( 0x00 ); grConstantColorValue( 0xFFFFFFFF ); grGammaCorrectionValue( 1.6f ); grHints( GR_HINT_STWHINT, 0 ); grTexLodBiasValue(GR_TMU0, 0.0f); #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "----End of grSstWinOpen()\n" ); #endif OpenGL.WinOpen = true; glFinish( ); // Show the splash screen? (code copied from the linux driver src) if (UserConfig.NoSplash == false) { // Obsolete because state is preserved in grSplash // GrState state; // grGlideGetState(&state); // @todo: There seem to be several versions of the splash screen /* #if (GLIDE_PLATFORM & GLIDE_OS_WIN32) grSstOrigin( GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT ); if (!_GlideRoot.environment.noSplash) { HMODULE newSplash; if (newSplash = LoadLibrary("3dfxsplash2.dll")) { FARPROC fxSplash; if (fxSplash = GetProcAddress(newSplash, "_fxSplash@16")) { fxSplash(hWnd, gc->state.screen_width, gc->state.screen_height, nAuxBuffers); // _GlideRoot.environment.noSplash = 1; UserConfig.NoSplash = true; } } } #endif // (GLIDE_PLATFORM & GLIDE_OS_WIN32) */ /* If it's still 0, then do the old one */ if (UserConfig.NoSplash == false) { grSplash(0.0f, 0.0f, static_cast(Glide.WindowWidth), static_cast(Glide.WindowHeight), 0); // The splash screen is displayed once, and because the // internal config is reinitialised each time grWinOpen() // is called, the value must be reset in the user config UserConfig.NoSplash = true; } // grGlideSetState(&state); } return FXTRUE; } //************************************************* //* Close the graphics display device //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grSstWinClose( void ) { #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grSstWinClose()\n" ); #endif if ( ! OpenGL.WinOpen ) { return; } OpenGL.WinOpen = false; #ifdef OGL_DEBUG GlideMsg( OGL_LOG_SEPARATE ); GlideMsg( "** Debug Information **\n" ); GlideMsg( OGL_LOG_SEPARATE ); GlideMsg( "MaxTriangles in Frame = %d\n", OGLRender.MaxTriangles ); GlideMsg( "MaxTriangles in Sequence = %d\n", OGLRender.MaxSequencedTriangles ); GlideMsg( "Mean value of Triangles in Sequence = %g\n", static_cast(OGLRender.OverallTriangles) / static_cast(OGLRender.OverallRenderTriangleCalls)); GlideMsg( "Overall triangles = %d\n", OGLRender.OverallTriangles); GlideMsg( "Overall lines = %d\n", OGLRender.OverallLines); GlideMsg( "Overall points = %d\n", OGLRender.OverallPoints); GlideMsg( OGL_LOG_SEPARATE ); GlideMsg( "MaxZ = %f\nMinZ = %f\n", OGLRender.MaxZ, OGLRender.MinZ ); GlideMsg( "MaxX = %f\nMinX = %f\nMaxY = %f\nMinY = %f\n", OGLRender.MaxX, OGLRender.MinX, OGLRender.MaxY, OGLRender.MinY ); GlideMsg( "MaxS = %f\nMinS = %f\nMaxT = %f\nMinT = %f\n", OGLRender.MaxS, OGLRender.MinS, OGLRender.MaxT, OGLRender.MinT ); GlideMsg( "MaxF = %f\nMinF = %f\n", OGLRender.MaxF, OGLRender.MinF ); GlideMsg( "MaxR = %f\nMinR = %f\n", OGLRender.MaxR, OGLRender.MinR ); GlideMsg( "MaxG = %f\nMinG = %f\n", OGLRender.MaxG, OGLRender.MinG ); GlideMsg( "MaxB = %f\nMinB = %f\n", OGLRender.MaxB, OGLRender.MinR ); GlideMsg( "MaxA = %f\nMinA = %f\n", OGLRender.MaxA, OGLRender.MinA ); GlideMsg( OGL_LOG_SEPARATE ); GlideMsg( "Texture Information:\n" ); GlideMsg( " 565 = %d\n", Textures->Num_565_Tex ); GlideMsg( " c565 = %d\n", Textures->Num_565_Chromakey_Tex ); GlideMsg( " 1555 = %d\n", Textures->Num_1555_Tex ); GlideMsg( "c1555 = %d\n", Textures->Num_1555_Chromakey_Tex ); GlideMsg( " 4444 = %d\n", Textures->Num_4444_Tex ); GlideMsg( "c4444 = %d\n", Textures->Num_4444_Chromakey_Tex ); GlideMsg( " 332 = %d\n", Textures->Num_332_Tex ); GlideMsg( " 8332 = %d\n", Textures->Num_8332_Tex ); GlideMsg( "Alpha = %d\n", Textures->Num_Alpha_Tex ); GlideMsg( " AI88 = %d\n", Textures->Num_AlphaIntensity88_Tex ); GlideMsg( " AI44 = %d\n", Textures->Num_AlphaIntensity44_Tex ); GlideMsg( " AP88 = %d\n", Textures->Num_AlphaPalette_Tex ); GlideMsg( " P8 = %d\n", Textures->Num_Palette_Tex ); GlideMsg( " cP8 = %d\n", Textures->Num_Palette_Chromakey_Tex ); GlideMsg( "Inten = %d\n", Textures->Num_Intensity_Tex ); GlideMsg( " YIQ = %d\n", Textures->Num_YIQ_Tex ); GlideMsg( " AYIQ = %d\n", Textures->Num_AYIQ_Tex ); GlideMsg( "Other = %d\n", Textures->Num_Other_Tex ); GlideMsg( OGL_LOG_SEPARATE ); #endif if (s_GlideApplication.GetType() == GlideApplication::FutureCop) { // Store the read buffer for read out after the window has been closed // (needed by FutureCop LAPD) // @todo: writemode, buffer and origin are hardwired, // so this might not work for other games #ifdef OGL_DEBUG GlideMsg("----MacGLide readbuffer copy----\n"); #endif GrLfbInfo_t lfbinfo; if (grLfbLock(GR_LFB_READ_ONLY, GR_BUFFER_FRONTBUFFER, GR_LFBWRITEMODE_ANY, GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT, FXFALSE, &lfbinfo)) { grLfbUnlock(GR_LFB_READ_ONLY, GR_BUFFER_FRONTBUFFER); } #ifdef OGL_DEBUG GlideMsg(OGL_LOG_SEPARATE); #endif } Textures->cleanupOpenGL(); GLExtensionsCleanup(); RenderFree(); FinaliseOpenGLWindow(); FreeFrameBuffer(Glide.FrameBuffer.Address); Glide.FrameBuffer.Address = NULL; Glide.TempBuffer.Address = NULL; // Freeing the readbuffer is be deferred until // reopening the window or unloading the library } //************************************************* //* Returns the Hardware Configuration //************************************************* FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grSstQueryHardware( GrHwConfiguration *hwconfig ) { #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grSstQueryHardware( --- )\n" ); #endif hwconfig->num_sst = 1; hwconfig->SSTs[0].type = UserConfig.BoardType; switch (hwconfig->SSTs[0].type) { case GR_SSTTYPE_VOODOO: hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.VoodooConfig.fbRam = UserConfig.FrameBufferMemorySize; // GR_DEPTHBUFFER_ZBUFFER_COMPARE_TO_BIAS and GR_DEPTHBUFFER_WBUFFER_COMPARE_TO_BIAS // modes are not available in revision 1 of the Pixelfx chip hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.VoodooConfig.fbiRev = 2; hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.VoodooConfig.nTexelfx = UserConfig.GlideTextureUnits; hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.VoodooConfig.sliDetect = FXFALSE; for(int tmu = 0; tmu < UserConfig.GlideTextureUnits; tmu++) { hwconfig->SSTs[tmu].sstBoard.VoodooConfig.tmuConfig[0].tmuRev = 1; hwconfig->SSTs[tmu].sstBoard.VoodooConfig.tmuConfig[0].tmuRam = UserConfig.TextureMemorySize; } break; case GR_SSTTYPE_SST96: hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.SST96Config.fbRam = UserConfig.FrameBufferMemorySize; hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.SST96Config.nTexelfx = UserConfig.GlideTextureUnits; hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.SST96Config.tmuConfig.tmuRev = 1; hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.SST96Config.tmuConfig.tmuRam = UserConfig.TextureMemorySize; break; case GR_SSTTYPE_AT3D: hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.AT3DConfig.rev = 1; // whatsoever break; case GR_SSTTYPE_Voodoo2: hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.Voodoo2Config.fbRam = UserConfig.FrameBufferMemorySize; // GR_DEPTHBUFFER_ZBUFFER_COMPARE_TO_BIAS and GR_DEPTHBUFFER_WBUFFER_COMPARE_TO_BIAS // modes are not available in revision 1 of the Pixelfx chip hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.Voodoo2Config.fbiRev = 2; hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.Voodoo2Config.nTexelfx = UserConfig.GlideTextureUnits; hwconfig->SSTs[0].sstBoard.Voodoo2Config.sliDetect = FXFALSE; for(int tmu = 0; tmu < UserConfig.GlideTextureUnits; tmu++) { hwconfig->SSTs[tmu].sstBoard.Voodoo2Config.tmuConfig[0].tmuRev = 1; hwconfig->SSTs[tmu].sstBoard.Voodoo2Config.tmuConfig[0].tmuRam = UserConfig.TextureMemorySize; } break; } return FXTRUE; } //************************************************* //* Selects which Voodoo Board is Active //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grSstSelect( int which_sst ) { #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grSstSelect( %d )\n", which_sst ); #endif // Nothing Needed Here but... Glide.ActiveVoodoo = which_sst; } //************************************************* //* Returns the Screen Height //************************************************* FX_ENTRY FxU32 FX_CALL grSstScreenHeight( void ) { #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grSstScreenHeight()\n" ); #endif return Glide.WindowHeight; } //************************************************* //* Returns the Screen Width //************************************************* FX_ENTRY FxU32 FX_CALL grSstScreenWidth( void ) { #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grSstScreenWidth()\n" ); #endif return Glide.WindowWidth; } //************************************************* //* Sets the Y Origin //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grSstOrigin( GrOriginLocation_t origin ) { #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grSstSetOrigin( %d )\n", origin ); #endif glReportErrors("grSstOrigin"); RenderDrawTriangles( ); Glide.State.OriginInformation = origin; glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); glReportError(); glLoadIdentity( ); glReportError(); switch ( origin ) { case GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT: glOrtho(Glide.State.ClipMinX, Glide.State.ClipMaxX, Glide.State.ClipMinY, Glide.State.ClipMaxY, OpenGL.ZNear, OpenGL.ZFar); glReportError(); glViewport(OpenGL.OriginX + OpenGL.ClipMinX, OpenGL.OriginY + OpenGL.ClipMinY, OpenGL.ClipMaxX - OpenGL.ClipMinX, OpenGL.ClipMaxY - OpenGL.ClipMinY); glReportError(); glScissor(OpenGL.OriginX + OpenGL.ClipMinX, OpenGL.OriginY + OpenGL.ClipMinY, OpenGL.ClipMaxX - OpenGL.ClipMinX, OpenGL.ClipMaxY - OpenGL.ClipMinY); glReportError(); break; case GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT: glOrtho(Glide.State.ClipMinX, Glide.State.ClipMaxX, Glide.State.ClipMaxY, Glide.State.ClipMinY, OpenGL.ZNear, OpenGL.ZFar); glReportError(); glViewport(OpenGL.OriginX + OpenGL.ClipMinX, OpenGL.OriginY + OpenGL.WindowHeight - OpenGL.ClipMaxY, OpenGL.ClipMaxX - OpenGL.ClipMinX, OpenGL.ClipMaxY - OpenGL.ClipMinY); glReportError(); glScissor(OpenGL.OriginX + OpenGL.ClipMinX, OpenGL.OriginY + OpenGL.WindowHeight - OpenGL.ClipMaxY, OpenGL.ClipMaxX - OpenGL.ClipMinX, OpenGL.ClipMaxY - OpenGL.ClipMinY); glReportError(); break; } glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); glReportError(); grCullMode( Glide.State.CullMode ); } //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grSstPerfStats( GrSstPerfStats_t * pStats ) { #ifdef OGL_NOTDONE GlideMsg( "grSstPerfStats\n" ); #endif } //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grSstResetPerfStats( void ) { #ifdef OGL_NOTDONE GlideMsg( "grSstResetPerfStats( )\n" ); #endif } //************************************************* FX_ENTRY FxU32 FX_CALL grSstVideoLine( void ) { #ifdef OGL_NOTDONE GlideMsg( "grSstVideoLine( )\n" ); #endif return 0; } //************************************************* FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grSstVRetraceOn( void ) { #ifdef OGL_NOTDONE GlideMsg( "grSstVRetraceOn( )\n" ); #endif return Glide.State.VRetrace; } //************************************************* FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grSstIsBusy( void ) { #ifdef OGL_NOTDONE GlideMsg( "grSstIsBusy( )\n" ); #endif return FXFALSE; } //************************************************* FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grSstControl( GrControl_t code ) { #ifdef OGL_PARTDONE GlideMsg( "grSstControl( %lu )\n", code ); #endif if (code == GR_CONTROL_ACTIVATE) { RestoreOpenGLWindow(); } else if (code == GR_CONTROL_DEACTIVATE) { HideOpenGLWindow(); } else if (code == GR_CONTROL_RESIZE) { } else if (code == GR_CONTROL_MOVE) { } return code; } //************************************************* FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL grSstControlMode( GrControl_t mode ) { #ifdef OGL_PARTDONE GlideMsg( "grSstControlMode( %d )\n", mode ); #endif switch ( mode ) { case GR_CONTROL_ACTIVATE: RestoreOpenGLWindow(); break; case GR_CONTROL_DEACTIVATE: HideOpenGLWindow(); break; case GR_CONTROL_RESIZE: case GR_CONTROL_MOVE: break; } return FXTRUE; } //************************************************* //* Return the Value of the graphics status register //************************************************* FX_ENTRY FxU32 FX_CALL grSstStatus( void ) { #ifdef OGL_PARTDONE GlideMsg( "grSstStatus( )\n" ); #endif // FxU32 Status = 0x0FFFF43F; FxU32 Status = 0x0FFFF03F; // Vertical Retrace Status |= ( ! Glide.State.VRetrace ) << 6; return Status; // Bits // 5:0 PCI FIFO free space (0x3F = free) // 6 Vertical Retrace ( 0 = active, 1 = inactive ) // 7 PixelFx engine busy ( 0 = engine idle ) // 8 TMU busy ( 0 = engine idle ) // 9 Voodoo Graphics busy ( 0 = idle ) // 11:10 Displayed buffer ( 0 = buffer 0, 1 = buffer 1, 2 = auxiliary buffer, 3 = reserved ) // 27:12 Memory FIFO ( 0xFFFF = FIFO empty ) // 30:28 Number of swap buffers commands pending // 31 PCI interrupt generated ( not implemented ) } //************************************************* //* Returns when Glides is Idle //************************************************* FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grSstIdle( void ) { #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grSetIdle( )\n" ); #endif glReportErrors("grSetIdle"); RenderDrawTriangles( ); glFlush( ); glFinish( ); glReportError(); }