/* ** THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AND IS OFFERED ONLY ** PURSUANT TO THE 3DFX GLIDE GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. THERE IS NO RIGHT ** TO USE THE GLIDE TRADEMARK WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF 3DFX ** INTERACTIVE, INC. A COPY OF THIS LICENSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ** DISTRIBUTOR OR BY CONTACTING 3DFX INTERACTIVE INC(info@3dfx.com). ** THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER ** EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. SEE THE 3DFX GLIDE GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE FOR A ** FULL TEXT OF THE NON-WARRANTY PROVISIONS. ** ** USE, DUPLICATION OR DISCLOSURE BY THE GOVERNMENT IS SUBJECT TO ** RESTRICTIONS AS SET FORTH IN SUBDIVISION (C)(1)(II) OF THE RIGHTS IN ** TECHNICAL DATA AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE CLAUSE AT DFARS 252.227-7013, ** AND/OR IN SIMILAR OR SUCCESSOR CLAUSES IN THE FAR, DOD OR NASA FAR ** SUPPLEMENT. UNPUBLISHED RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER THE COPYRIGHT LAWS OF ** THE UNITED STATES. ** ** COPYRIGHT 3DFX INTERACTIVE, INC. 1999, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ** ** $Header: /cvsroot/macglide/MacGLide/glide2x/sst1/glide/src/gsplash.c,v 1.6 2006/05/18 20:50:17 jens-olaf Exp $ ** $Log: gsplash.c,v $ ** Revision 1.6 2006/05/18 20:50:17 jens-olaf ** No subtexturing/gapfix in splash anim ** ** Revision 1.5 2005/11/05 14:50:49 jens-olaf ** Fixed endian-issues in grLfbWriteRegion() (fixes the menu backgrunds in Carmageddon 2) ** ** Revision 1.4 2005/08/17 20:16:57 jens-olaf ** Fixed color of "3dfx" texture ** ** Revision 1.3 2005/07/14 18:54:34 jens-olaf ** Fixed clearing the screen after the last frame ** ** Revision 1.2 2005/07/11 18:59:44 jens-olaf ** Fixed buffer swap interval, added clear buffer command at the end of the animation because the last frame was displayed during game load ** ** Revision 1.1 2005/07/09 21:28:54 jens-olaf ** Added splash screen and shameless plug ** ** Revision 1999/12/07 21:48:52 joseph ** Initial checkin into SourceForge. ** * * 14 12/19/97 8:09a Peter * fog table propogation * * 13 7/07/97 3:05p Dow * Moved fouled clears * * 12 3/18/97 9:07p Dow * Got rid of #$#%#$ // comments * * 11 3/16/97 12:42a Jdt * Removed watcom warning * * 10 3/13/97 10:53p Jdt * Rewrote with simple optimizations. Changed prototype for * multi-resolution, and running as a better shameless plug. * * 9 3/13/97 2:52a Jdt * Added arguments to splash. * * 8 3/09/97 10:31a Dow * Added GR_DIENTRY for di glide functions * * 7 3/01/97 6:24p Jdt * Made splash force yorigin. * * 6 1/02/97 1:06p Dow * Fixed state bug * * 3 11/17/96 11:16p Garymct * Updated grSplash code to set all of the necessary state itself rather * than expecting the caller to do so. */ /* #include <3dfx.h> #define FX_DLL_DEFINITION #include #include #include "fxglide.h" */ #include "fxinline.h" // OpenGLide specific #include "../../../driversrc_defines.h" #include "Glide.h" #include /*----------------------------- Constants -----------------------------*/ #define MAX_NUM_VERTS 2556 #define FADEIN_END_PERCENT ( 0.3f ) #define FADEOUT_BEGIN_PERCENT ( 0.8f ) #define SPIN_FRAMES 25 #define SPIN_START 26 #define NO_TABLE ((GrTexTable_t)(~0)) /*----------------------------- Macros -----------------------------*/ #define SNAP_BIAS ((float)(3<<18)) #define SNAP_COORD(X) ((X)+SNAP_BIAS) /*----------------------------- Types -----------------------------*/ typedef struct { float x, y, z; /* object space coordinates */ float nx, ny, nz; /* object space vertex normal for lighting */ float s, t; /* pre-glide-ified texture coordinates */ } Vert; typedef struct { int v[3]; /* vertex indices into array of vertes for face */ int mat_index; /* material index */ int aa_edge_flags; } Face; typedef float Vector[3]; typedef float Matrix[16]; // typedef FxU32 Palette[256]; typedef struct { FxU8 yRGB[16]; FxI16 iRGB[4][3]; FxI16 qRGB[4][3]; FxU32 packed_data[12]; } NCCTable; typedef union { // Palette palette; FxU32 palette[256]; NCCTable nccTable; } TextureTable; /*----------------------------- Globals -----------------------------*/ /* xScale, xOffset, yScale, yOffset */ static float viewPort[4] = { 480.0f, 320.0f, 480.0f, 240.0f }; typedef struct { GrTexInfo info; FxU32 addr; GrTexTable_t tableType; TextureTable tableData; } Texture; static int do_phong = 0; static int pass; static int fog; static int useTextures; static Vector light = { -0.57735f, -0.57735f, -0.57735f }; static Vector transformed_verts[MAX_NUM_VERTS]; static Vector transformed_norms[MAX_NUM_VERTS]; #include "splshdat.inc" static Texture textImage; static Texture hiliteImage; static Texture shadowImage; static FxU32 nextFreeBase; /*----------------------------- Privates -----------------------------*/ static void sourceTexture( Texture *texture ) { static Texture *lastTexture; if ( texture != lastTexture && useTextures ) { grTexSource( GR_TMU0, texture->addr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texture->info ); if ( texture->tableType != NO_TABLE ) { grTexDownloadTable( GR_TMU0, texture->tableType, &texture->tableData ); } lastTexture = texture; } } static GrTexTable_t texTableType( GrTextureFormat_t format ) { GrTexTable_t rv = (GrTexTable_t)NO_TABLE; switch( format ) { case GR_TEXFMT_YIQ_422: case GR_TEXFMT_AYIQ_8422: rv = GR_TEXTABLE_NCC0; break; case GR_TEXFMT_P_8: case GR_TEXFMT_AP_88: rv = GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE; break; } return rv; } static void downloadTexture( Texture *texture, Gu3dfInfo *info ) { texture->info.data = info->data; texture->info.smallLod = info->header.small_lod; texture->info.largeLod = info->header.large_lod; texture->info.aspectRatio = info->header.aspect_ratio; texture->info.format = info->header.format; texture->addr = nextFreeBase; nextFreeBase += grTexTextureMemRequired( GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texture->info ); grTexDownloadMipMap( GR_TMU0, texture->addr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texture->info ); texture->tableType = texTableType( info->header.format ); switch( texture->tableType ) { case GR_TEXTABLE_NCC0: case GR_TEXTABLE_NCC1: case GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE: texture->tableData = *(TextureTable*)(&info->table); break; default: break; } return; } #ifdef OPENGLIDE_HOST_MAC void ConvertGu3dfInfoLSB2MSB(Gu3dfInfo* gu3dinfo) { // Swap endianess fro LSB to MSB: // Less optimal than supplying the correct data, // but on the other hand it works with the original splash.inc if (gu3dinfo->header.width > 0xffff) { // Convert the first time only... swaplong(&gu3dinfo->header.width); swaplong(&gu3dinfo->header.height); swaplong(&gu3dinfo->header.small_lod); swaplong(&gu3dinfo->header.large_lod); swaplong(&gu3dinfo->header.aspect_ratio); swaplong(&gu3dinfo->header.format); // palette tables aren't swapped // simply because they're not used /* for(FxU32 i = 0; i < 256; i++) { swaplong(&gu3dinfo->table.palette.data[i]); } */ GuNccTable* ncc = &gu3dinfo->table.nccTable; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { swapshort(&ncc->iRGB[i][0]); swapshort(&ncc->iRGB[i][1]); swapshort(&ncc->iRGB[i][2]); } for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { swapshort(&ncc->qRGB[i][0]); swapshort(&ncc->qRGB[i][1]); swapshort(&ncc->qRGB[i][2]); } swaplong(&gu3dinfo->mem_required); } } #else void ConvertGu3dfInfoLSB2MSB(Gu3dfInfo* gu3dinfo) { } #endif static void createTextures( void ) { Gu3dfInfo *info; /* * Download the texture for the "3D" part of the model. */ info = ( Gu3dfInfo * )text_3dfinfo_raw; info->data = ( void * )text_3dfinfo_image; ConvertGu3dfInfoLSB2MSB(info); downloadTexture( &textImage, info ); /* * Download the texture for the specular highlight. */ info = ( Gu3dfInfo * )hilite_3dfinfo_raw; info->data = ( void * )hilite_3dfinfo_image; ConvertGu3dfInfoLSB2MSB(info); downloadTexture( &hiliteImage, info ); /* * Download the texture for the shadow. */ info = ( Gu3dfInfo * )shadow_3dfinfo_raw; info->data = ( void * )shadow_3dfinfo_image; ConvertGu3dfInfoLSB2MSB(info); downloadTexture( &shadowImage, info ); return; } static void vecMatMult( float *dstVec, float *srcVec, float *matrix ) { dstVec[0] = srcVec[0] * matrix[0] + srcVec[1] * matrix[4] + srcVec[2] * matrix[8] + matrix[12]; dstVec[1] = srcVec[0] * matrix[1] + srcVec[1] * matrix[5] + srcVec[2] * matrix[9] + matrix[13]; dstVec[2] = srcVec[0] * matrix[2] + srcVec[1] * matrix[6] + srcVec[2] * matrix[10] + matrix[14]; } static void normMatMult( float *dstVec, float *srcVec, float *matrix ) { dstVec[0] = srcVec[0] * matrix[0] + srcVec[1] * matrix[4] + srcVec[2] * matrix[8]; dstVec[1] = srcVec[0] * matrix[1] + srcVec[1] * matrix[5] + srcVec[2] * matrix[9]; dstVec[2] = srcVec[0] * matrix[2] + srcVec[1] * matrix[6] + srcVec[2] * matrix[10]; } static void xfAndProj( int frame, int obj ) { int vertex; float *matrix; matrix = &mat[frame][obj][0]; for( vertex = 0; vertex < num_verts[obj]; vertex++ ) { float *srcVec; float *dstVec; float oow; /* transform point */ srcVec = (float*)&(vert[obj][vertex].x); dstVec = (float*)transformed_verts[vertex]; vecMatMult( dstVec, srcVec, matrix ); /* project point */ oow = 1.0f / dstVec[2]; dstVec[0] = dstVec[0] * oow * viewPort[0] + viewPort[1] + SNAP_BIAS; dstVec[1] = dstVec[1] * oow * viewPort[2] + viewPort[3] + SNAP_BIAS; /* transform normal */ srcVec = (float*)&(vert[obj][vertex].nx); dstVec = (float*)transformed_norms[vertex]; normMatMult( dstVec, srcVec, matrix ); } } static void setupMaterial( int material_index ) { switch( material_index ) { case 0: /* 3d */ if( pass == 1 ) { sourceTexture( &textImage ); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); do_phong = 1; } else if ( pass == 0xbeef ) { /* Pantone 320C - 3D Green */ grConstantColorValue( 0x00989100 ); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_ITERATED, FXFALSE ); } else { sourceTexture( &hiliteImage ); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); } break; case 1: /* fx */ if ( pass == 0xbeef ) { /* Black - fx */ grConstantColorValue( 0x00 ); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_ITERATED, FXFALSE ); do_phong = 1; } else { sourceTexture( &hiliteImage ); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); do_phong = 1; } break; case 2: case 3: case 4: grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_NONE, FXFALSE ); do_phong = 0; break; } return; } static void calculateIntensity( int material_index, Vector intensity_factor, int frame ) { switch( material_index ) { case 0: /* 3d */ intensity_factor[0] = 1.0f; intensity_factor[1] = 1.0f; intensity_factor[2] = 1.0f; break; case 1: /* fx */ intensity_factor[0] = 0.125f; intensity_factor[1] = 0.125f; intensity_factor[2] = 0.125f; break; case 2: /* cyan */ intensity_factor[0] = ( 10.0f / 255.0f ); intensity_factor[1] = ( 75.0f / 255.0f ); intensity_factor[2] = ( 120.0f / 255.0f ); break; case 3: /* white */ intensity_factor[0] = 1.0f; intensity_factor[1] = 1.0f; intensity_factor[2] = 1.0f; break; case 4: /* yellow */ intensity_factor[0] = ( 248.0f / 255.0f ); intensity_factor[1] = ( 204.0f / 255.0f ); intensity_factor[2] = 0.0f; break; } } static void drawFaces( int frame, int objnum ) { int facenum; int material_index; float intensity_factor[3]; GrVertex gvert[3]; static int prev_mat_index = 0xffff; int i; FxBool aa_a, aa_b, aa_c; for( facenum = 0; facenum < num_faces[objnum]; facenum++ ) { material_index = face[objnum][facenum].mat_index; if( material_index != prev_mat_index ) { setupMaterial( material_index ); calculateIntensity( material_index, intensity_factor, frame ); prev_mat_index = material_index; } if( ( material_index != 0 ) && ( pass == 2 ) ) continue; aa_a = aa_b = aa_c = FXFALSE; if( face[objnum][facenum].aa_edge_flags & 4 ) aa_a = FXTRUE; if( face[objnum][facenum].aa_edge_flags & 2 ) aa_b = FXTRUE; if( face[objnum][facenum].aa_edge_flags & 1 ) aa_c = FXTRUE; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { float *transformed_vert, *transformed_norm; Vert *v; int vertnum; float factor; vertnum = face[objnum][facenum].v[i]; transformed_vert = transformed_verts[vertnum]; transformed_norm = transformed_norms[vertnum]; v = &vert[objnum][vertnum]; gvert[i].x = transformed_vert[0]; gvert[i].y = transformed_vert[1]; gvert[i].oow = 1.0f / transformed_vert[2]; gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].oow = gvert[i].oow; gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].sow = v->s * gvert[i].oow; gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].tow = v->t * gvert[i].oow; factor = ( ( light[0] * transformed_norm[0] + light[1] * transformed_norm[1] + light[2] * transformed_norm[2] ) + 1.0f ) * 127.5f; gvert[i].r = factor * intensity_factor[0]; gvert[i].g = factor * intensity_factor[1]; gvert[i].b = factor * intensity_factor[2]; gvert[i].a = 255.0f; } if( pass == 2 ) { for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { float *transformed_norm; transformed_norm = transformed_norms[face[objnum][facenum].v[i]]; gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].sow = gvert[i].oow * ( 128.0f + transformed_norm[0] * 128.0f ); gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].tow = gvert[i].oow * ( 128.0f + transformed_norm[1] * 128.0f ); gvert[i].r = intensity_factor[0] * 255.0f; gvert[i].g = intensity_factor[1] * 255.0f; gvert[i].b = intensity_factor[2] * 255.0f; } grDrawTriangle( &gvert[0], &gvert[1], &gvert[2] ); continue; } grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, GR_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); /* Do this if 3D. */ if( material_index == 0 ) { /* * Draw the textured 3D without specular. */ sourceTexture( &textImage ); #if 0 grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); #endif grAADrawTriangle( &gvert[0], &gvert[1], &gvert[2], aa_a, aa_b, aa_c ); } else if( material_index != 1 ) { /* * Just go ahead and draw for things that don't * have specular highlights. */ grAADrawTriangle( &gvert[0], &gvert[1], &gvert[2], aa_a, aa_b, aa_c ); } if( do_phong && ( material_index != 0 ) ) { /* * figure out texture coords in [0..255.0f] based on the normal * the specular highlight. */ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { float *transformed_norm; transformed_norm = transformed_norms[face[objnum][facenum].v[i]]; gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].sow = gvert[i].oow * ( 128.0f + transformed_norm[0] * 128.0f ); gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].tow = gvert[i].oow * ( 128.0f + transformed_norm[1] * 128.0f ); gvert[i].r = intensity_factor[0] * 255.0f; gvert[i].g = intensity_factor[1] * 255.0f; gvert[i].b = intensity_factor[2] * 255.0f; } grAADrawTriangle( &gvert[0], &gvert[1], &gvert[2], aa_a, aa_b, aa_c ); } } } static void intersectLineWithZPlane( Vector result, Vector p1, Vector p2, float z ) { float t; t = ( z - p1[2] ) / ( p2[2] - p1[2] ); result[0] = p1[0] + ( p2[0] - p1[0] ) * t; result[1] = p1[1] + ( p2[1] - p1[1] ) * t; result[2] = z; } static float vectorMag( float *v ) { return ( float )sqrt( v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2] ); } static void drawShadow( int frame, int shadow_object_index, int receiver_object_index, Vector light_position ) { float *shadow_object_matrix; float *receiver_object_matrix; Vector view_verts[4]; Vector projected_view_verts[4]; int i; Vector local_verts[4] = { { -280.0f, 0.0f, -160.0f }, { -280.0f, 0.0f, 150.0f }, { 280.0f, 0.0f, 150.0f }, { 280.0f, 0.0f, -160.0f } }; float texcoords[4][2] = { { 10.5f, 127.5f }, { 10.5f, 0.5f }, { 255.0f, 0.5f }, { 255.0f, 127.5f } }; GrVertex gvert[4]; GrVertex projected_gvert[4]; GrVertex light_gvert; /* * The point relative to the back part of the shield that * the shadow is going to be projected onto. */ Vector shadow_light; shadow_light[0] = light_position[0]; shadow_light[1] = light_position[1]; shadow_light[2] = light_position[2]; shadow_object_matrix = &mat[frame][shadow_object_index][0]; receiver_object_matrix = &mat[frame][receiver_object_index][0]; /* * Offset the light by the Z position of * the backplane that we are projected * onto. */ shadow_light[2] += receiver_object_matrix[14]; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { vecMatMult( view_verts[i], local_verts[i], shadow_object_matrix ); /* * project . . . */ gvert[i].oow = 1.0f / view_verts[i][2]; gvert[i].x = view_verts[i][0] * gvert[i].oow * viewPort[0] + viewPort[1] + SNAP_BIAS; gvert[i].y = view_verts[i][1] * gvert[i].oow * viewPort[2] + viewPort[3] + SNAP_BIAS; /* * Set up texture coordinates. */ gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].sow = texcoords[i][0] * gvert[i].oow; gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].tow = texcoords[i][1] * gvert[i].oow; } /* * Intersect each line formed by the light source and a * particular corner of the shadow object with the * plane which the texture is to be projected onto. */ for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { Vector tmpvect; float q; intersectLineWithZPlane( projected_view_verts[i], shadow_light, view_verts[i], receiver_object_matrix[14] - 26.0f ); projected_gvert[i].oow = 1.0f / projected_view_verts[i][2]; projected_gvert[i].x = projected_view_verts[i][0] * projected_gvert[i].oow * viewPort[0] + viewPort[1] + SNAP_BIAS; projected_gvert[i].y = projected_view_verts[i][1] * projected_gvert[i].oow * viewPort[2] + viewPort[3] + SNAP_BIAS; tmpvect[0] = projected_view_verts[i][0] - shadow_light[0]; tmpvect[1] = projected_view_verts[i][1] - shadow_light[1]; tmpvect[2] = projected_view_verts[i][2] - shadow_light[2]; q = vectorMag( tmpvect ); /* * Set up texture coordinates. */ projected_gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].oow = projected_gvert[i].oow * q; projected_gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].sow = texcoords[i][0] * projected_gvert[i].oow; projected_gvert[i].tmuvtx[0].tow = texcoords[i][1] * projected_gvert[i].oow; } light_gvert.oow = 1.0f / shadow_light[2]; light_gvert.x = shadow_light[0] * light_gvert.oow * viewPort[0] + viewPort[1] + SNAP_BIAS; light_gvert.y = shadow_light[1] * light_gvert.oow * viewPort[2] + viewPort[3] + SNAP_BIAS; /* * Draw a segment between the light and the point which hits * the surface that the light is being projected onto. */ grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); sourceTexture( &shadowImage ); grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_DST_COLOR, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); grDrawTriangle( &projected_gvert[0], &projected_gvert[1], &projected_gvert[2] ); grDrawTriangle( &projected_gvert[0], &projected_gvert[2], &projected_gvert[3] ); grDrawTriangle( &projected_gvert[0], &projected_gvert[2], &projected_gvert[1] ); grDrawTriangle( &projected_gvert[0], &projected_gvert[3], &projected_gvert[2] ); grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: grSplash Date: 3/13 Implementor(s): GaryMcT Library: Glide Description: Render the opening splash screen animation, or render a single frame of the splash screen. Arguments: x, y - upper left hand coord of window w, h - width and height of window to render _frame - frame number to render ( ~0 to render all frames ) Return: none -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ GR_DIENTRY(grSplash,void,(float x,float y,float w,float h,FxU32 _frame)) { // OpenGLide addition #ifdef OGL_DONE GlideMsg( "grSplash( %-4.2f, %-4.2f, %-4.2f, %-4.2f, %lu )\n", x, y, w, h, _frame ); #endif GrState oldState; int frame; Vector lights[] = { { 5.0f, 300.0f, -1500.0f }, { 5.0f, 150.0f, -1000.0f }, { -30.0f, 150.0f, -1000.0f }, { -30.0f, 100.0f, -1000.0f }, { 30.0f, 70.0f, -1000.0f }, }; GrFog_t fogTable[kInternalFogTableEntryCount]; int fadeInFrames, fadeOutFrames; GR_BEGIN_NOFIFOCHECK( "grSplash", 85 ); GDBG_INFO_MORE((gc->myLevel,"(%f,%f,%f,%f,%d)\n", x, y, w, h, _frame )); /* Check Screen Dimensions and Check Avail of Depth Buffer */ // The emulation offers virtually unlimited buffers, so we don't have to check /* if ( (x > gc->state.screen_width) || ((x+w) > gc->state.screen_width) || ( y > gc->state.screen_height ) || ((y+h) > gc->state.screen_height ) ) return; if ( gc->state.screen_height == 640 ) { if ( gc->fbuf_size == 1 ) { return; } } else if ( gc->state.screen_width == 800 ) { if ( ( gc->fbuf_size == 1 ) || ( gc->fbuf_size == 2 ) ) { return; } } */ // subtexturing doesn't work with the splash animation // so we're going to turn it off temporarily const unsigned long generatesubtextures = InternalConfig.GenerateSubTextures; InternalConfig.GenerateSubTextures = 0; // Gapfix decreases the framerate but doesn't improve the rendering quality of the animation const OpenGLideGapFixFlags gapfix = InternalConfig.GapFix; InternalConfig.GapFix = OpenGLideGapFixFlag_Disabled; // if ( !(gc->state.fbi_config.fbzMode & SST_YORIGIN) if (Glide.State.OriginInformation == GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT) // @todo: correct? { y = (( Glide.WindowHeight - 1.0f ) - (h-1.0f) ) - y; } viewPort[0] = w * ( 480.0f / 640.0f ); viewPort[1] = x + ( w / 2.0f ); viewPort[2] = h; viewPort[3] = y + ( h / 2.0f ); grGlideGetState(&oldState); grSstOrigin( GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT ); if ( _frame == 0 ) { createTextures(); useTextures = 1; } else { useTextures = 0; } grAlphaTestFunction( GR_CMP_ALWAYS ); grChromakeyMode( GR_CHROMAKEY_DISABLE ); grConstantColorValue( 0xffffffff ); grDepthBufferMode( GR_DEPTHBUFFER_WBUFFER ); grDepthMask( FXTRUE ); grAlphaCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_NONE, FXFALSE ); grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); if ( useTextures ) grTexCombine( GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); else grTexCombine( GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_ZERO, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXTRUE, FXFALSE ); grTexMipMapMode( GR_TMU0, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXFALSE ); grTexFilterMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR ); grDepthBufferFunction( GR_CMP_LEQUAL ); grCullMode( GR_CULL_NEGATIVE ); // grClipWindow( (int)x, (int)y, (int)(x+w), (int)(y+h) ); grFogColorValue( 0x0 ); fadeInFrames = (int)(((float)total_num_frames) * FADEIN_END_PERCENT); fadeOutFrames = (int)(((float)total_num_frames) * (1.0f - FADEOUT_BEGIN_PERCENT)); if ( _frame == 0 ) { /* Render Whole Animation */ for( frame = 1; frame < total_num_frames; frame++ ) { int i; /* Set Fog Value For This Frame */ if( frame < fadeInFrames ) { unsigned char fval = ((unsigned char)255) - ((unsigned char)( 255.0f * (float)(frame+1) / (float)fadeInFrames )); for( i = 0; i < kInternalFogTableEntryCount; i++ ) fogTable[i] = fval; grFogMode( GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE ); grFogTable( fogTable ); fog = 1; } else if( frame > total_num_frames-fadeOutFrames ) { unsigned char fval = ((unsigned char)255) - (unsigned char)(255.0f* ((float)(total_num_frames-frame))/ ((float)fadeOutFrames)); for( i = 0; i < kInternalFogTableEntryCount; i++ ) fogTable[i] = fval; grFogMode( GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE ); grFogTable( fogTable ); fog = 1; } else { grFogMode( GR_FOG_DISABLE ); fog = 0; } grBufferClear( 0x00000000, 0, GR_WDEPTHVALUE_FARTHEST ); pass = 1; /* * Avoid Z-aliasing between the shield and the 3dfx by * not writing Z for the shield. */ grDepthMask( FXFALSE ); /* cyan part of shield */ xfAndProj( frame, 2 ); drawFaces( frame, 2 ); /* yellow and white part of shield. */ xfAndProj( frame, 0 ); drawFaces( frame, 0 ); /* * Reanable writes to the depth-buffer. */ grDepthMask( FXTRUE ); /* * Draw the shadow projected from the 3Dfx logo onto * the rest of the powershield. */ grDepthBufferFunction( GR_CMP_ALWAYS ); grFogMode( GR_FOG_DISABLE ); drawShadow( frame, 1, 0, lights[0] ); if ( fog ) grFogMode( GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE ); /* hack around mp fog */ grDepthBufferFunction( GR_CMP_LEQUAL ); /* 3Dfx logo */ xfAndProj( frame, 1 ); drawFaces( frame, 1 ); grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); pass = 2; drawFaces( frame, 1 ); pass = 1; grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); grBufferSwap( 2 ); } } else { /* Render One Frame */ frame = ((_frame>>1) % SPIN_FRAMES)+SPIN_START; grColorMask( FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); grBufferClear( 0x00000000, 0, GR_WDEPTHVALUE_FARTHEST ); grColorMask( FXTRUE, FXFALSE ); pass = 0xbeef; /* 3Dfx logo */ xfAndProj( frame, 1 ); drawFaces( frame, 1 ); } // Added by Jenz: Clear the buffer after the last frame to avoid // the last image be displayed while the game is loading // (May be a problem of MacGLide since the 3dfx hardware if (_frame == 0) { grColorMask(FXTRUE, FXTRUE); grBufferClear(0x00000000, 0, GR_WDEPTHVALUE_FARTHEST); grColorMask(FXTRUE, FXFALSE); grBufferSwap( 2 ); } /* * Clean up after yourself! */ grGlideSetState(&oldState); // Reenable temporarily disabled settings InternalConfig.GenerateSubTextures = generatesubtextures; InternalConfig.GapFix = gapfix; }