2007-06-04 11:13:28 +00:00

241 lines
8.1 KiB

//* OpenGLide - Glide to OpenGL Wrapper
//* Main Header
//* OpenGLide is OpenSource under LGPL license
//* Originaly made by Fabio Barros
//* Modified by Paul for Glidos (
//* Mac version and additional features by Jens-Olaf Hemprich
#ifndef __GLOGL_H__
#define __GLOGL_H__
// #define __WIN32__
#include "sdk2_glide.h"
#define RDTSC(v) __asm _emit 0x0f \
__asm _emit 0x31 \
__asm mov FxU32 ptr v, eax \
__asm mov FxU32 ptr v+4, edx
#define RDTSC(v)
#define OGL_LOG_SEPARATE "--------------------------------------------------------\n"
#define OPENGLFOGTABLESIZE 64 * 1024
#define D1OVER255 0.003921568627451f // 1 / 255
#define D1OVER65536 0.0000152587890625f // 1 / 65536
#define D1OVER65535 0.000015259021896696421759365224689097f // 1 / 65535
#define D1OVER256 0.00390625f // 1 / 256
#define D2OVER256 0.0078125f // 2 / 256
#define D4OVER256 0.015625f // 4 / 256
#define D8OVER256 0.03125f // 8 / 256
#define WBUFFERNEAR -1.0f
#define WBUFFERFAR 0.0f
#define ZBUFFERNEAR 0.0f
#define ZBUFFERFAR -1.0f
// Class declarations
struct BufferStruct
bool Lock;
GrLock_t Type;
GrLfbWriteMode_t WriteMode;
GrBuffer_t Buffer;
FxBool PixelPipeline;
FxU16 *Address;
struct TexSourceStruct
FxU32 StartAddress;
FxU32 EvenOdd;
GrTexInfo Info;
union OGLByteColor
FxU8 B;
FxU8 G;
FxU8 R;
FxU8 A;
FxU32 C;
struct CombineFunction;
struct CombineArgument;
// The current glide state, valid anytime
struct GlideState
GrBuffer_t RenderBuffer;
GrDepthBufferMode_t DepthBufferMode;
GrCmpFnc_t DepthFunction;
FxBool DepthBufferWritting;
FxI16 DepthBiasLevel;
GrDitherMode_t DitherMode;
GrColor_t ChromakeyValue;
GrChromakeyMode_t ChromaKeyMode;
GrAlpha_t AlphaReferenceValue;
GrCmpFnc_t AlphaTestFunction;
FxBool AlphaMask;
FxBool ColorMask;
GrColor_t ConstantColorValue;
GrColor_t FogColorValue;
GrFogMode_t FogMode;
GrCullMode_t CullMode;
GrTextureClampMode_t SClampMode;
GrTextureClampMode_t TClampMode;
GrTextureFilterMode_t MinFilterMode;
GrTextureFilterMode_t MagFilterMode;
GrMipMapMode_t MipMapMode;
FxBool LodBlend;
GrCombineFunction_t ColorCombineFunction;
GrCombineFactor_t ColorCombineFactor;
GrCombineLocal_t ColorCombineLocal;
GrCombineOther_t ColorCombineOther;
FxBool ColorCombineInvert;
GrCombineFunction_t AlphaFunction;
GrCombineFactor_t AlphaFactor;
GrCombineLocal_t AlphaLocal;
GrCombineOther_t AlphaOther;
FxBool AlphaInvert;
GrCombineFunction_t TextureCombineCFunction;
GrCombineFactor_t TextureCombineCFactor;
GrCombineFunction_t TextureCombineAFunction;
GrCombineFactor_t TextureCombineAFactor;
FxBool TextureCombineRGBInvert;
FxBool TextureCombineAInvert;
GrOriginLocation_t OriginInformation;
TexSourceStruct TexSource;
GrAlphaBlendFnc_t AlphaBlendRgbSf;
GrAlphaBlendFnc_t AlphaBlendRgbDf;
GrAlphaBlendFnc_t AlphaBlendAlphaSf;
GrAlphaBlendFnc_t AlphaBlendAlphaDf;
FxU32 ClipMinX;
FxU32 ClipMaxX;
FxU32 ClipMinY;
FxU32 ClipMaxY;
GrColorFormat_t ColorFormat;
FxU32 STWHint;
FxBool VRetrace;
FxFloat LodBias;
bool Delta0Mode;
FxFloat Delta0ModeColor[4];
FxFloat Gamma;
// Additional internal Glide state information
struct GlideStruct
int ActiveVoodoo;
// Frame Buffer Stuff
int WindowWidth;
int WindowHeight;
int WindowTotalPixels;
GrScreenResolution_t Resolution;
GrScreenRefresh_t Refresh;
int NumBuffers;
int AuxBuffers;
// States and Constants
FxU8 FogTable[ GR_FOG_TABLE_SIZE + 1 ];
FxU32 TexMemoryMaxPosition;
bool CLocal;
bool COther;
bool ALocal;
bool AOther;
GlideState State;
BufferStruct TempBuffer;
BufferStruct FrameBuffer;
BufferStruct ReadBuffer;
FxU32 TextureMemory;
// The current OpenGL state
// Vadility of members:
// - session static - these don't change during the lifetime of the OpenGL context
// - up to date - they are always up to date
// - forthcoming up to date on the next call to RenderUpdateState()
// @todo: Some state variables are considered not until the next call to RenderUpdateState
// while the others reflect the actual state
struct OpenGLStruct
// Session static
bool GlideInit;
bool WinOpen;
FxU32 OriginX;
FxU32 OriginY;
unsigned long WindowWidth;
unsigned long WindowHeight;
GLint ColorAlphaUnit1;
GLint ColorAlphaUnit2;
GLuint DummyTextureName;
GLint FogTextureUnit;
int MultiTextureTMUs;
GLuint Refresh;
FxU32 WaitSignal;
// up to date on the next call to RenderUpdateState()
bool Blend;
bool ChromaKey;
bool ClipVerticesEnabledState;
bool Fog;
GLfloat FogColor[4];
const CombineFunction* ColorCombineFunctions;
const CombineFunction* AlphaCombineFunctions;
const CombineArgument* ColorCombineArguments[5];
const CombineArgument* AlphaCombineArguments[5];
GLenum SrcBlend;
GLenum DstBlend;
GLenum SrcAlphaBlend;
GLenum DstAlphaBlend;
// always up to date
FxU32 ClipMinX;
FxU32 ClipMaxX;
FxU32 ClipMinY;
FxU32 ClipMaxY;
bool Clipping;
GLfloat AlphaReferenceValue;
GLenum AlphaTestFunction;
GLboolean DepthBufferWritting;
GLfloat DepthBiasLevel;
GLenum DepthFunction;
int DepthBufferType;
GLfloat ZNear;
GLfloat ZFar;
GLenum RenderBuffer;
GLenum SClampMode;
GLenum TClampMode;
GLenum MinFilterMode;
GLenum MagFilterMode;
GLfloat Gamma;
GLfloat ConstantColor[4];
GLfloat Delta0Color[4];
bool ColorAlphaUnitColorEnabledState[2];
bool ColorAlphaUnitAlphaEnabledState[2];
OGLByteColor ChromaColor;
bool ColorTexture;
bool AlphaTexture;
bool Texture;
bool FogTextureUnitEnabledState; // @todo: currently not used