MacGLide/MacGLide/Final/Build Installer.rtf

22 lines
885 B

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 How to create the Installer:\
- Open Intaller Vise\
- Select File->"Remove compressed Data"\
- Select File->"Build Installer"\
- Create new folder with the current version name in it\
( e.g. MacGLide 013.a3 Installer )\
- Save as "CD Installer", Carbon into "MacGLide current Release"\
+ This will save an Installer + folder hierarchy\
for people that have problems with the "single file"\
- Press "Save"\
- When you're satisfied with the release, copy the folder,\
rename it to match the release number and zip it.\