Make BootPicker suitable for direct source-inclusion

Using local labels
This commit is contained in:
Elliot Nunn 2020-11-02 13:39:28 +08:00
parent cf83ba0095
commit 36c5a9914b

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@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
; Inputs: append 1 or more Pascal strings, followed by zero byte
; Outputs: D0 = index of selected string, Ao = pointer to selected string
; Aesthetic parameters
kMinWid equ 70 ; min width to leave for button label
kBtnHt equ 20 ; should always be 20 because text won't move
kBtnGap equ 13
kPadX equ 5+26 ; due to border, padding=6 would leave 1 white pixel
kPadY equ 5+13
.kMinWid equ 70 ; min width to leave for button label
.kBtnHt equ 20 ; should always be 20 because text won't move
.kBtnGap equ 13
.kPadX equ 5+26 ; due to border, padding=6 would leave 1 white pixel
.kPadY equ 5+13
; Save all the stuff that we whack
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ kPadY equ 5+13
move.l A0,$9CE+4 ; Save in ToolScratch+4 to enable head-patch
move.w #$A8AD,D0 ; _PtInRect
lea MyPtInRect,A0
lea .MyPtInRect,A0
dc.w $A047 ; _SetTrapAddress
@ -43,19 +44,19 @@ kPadY equ 5+13
; Copy a stub alert table to the stack
move.l #MyDSAlertTabEnd-MyDSAlertTabStart,D0
move.l #.MyDSAlertTabEnd-.MyDSAlertTabStart,D0
sub.l D0,SP
move.l SP,A1
lea MyDSAlertTabStart,A0
lea .MyDSAlertTabStart,A0
dc.w $A22E ; _BlockMoveData
; First pass: calculate box width, putting shortest string width into D5
moveq.l #kMinWid,D5
lea TrailingList,A0 ; A0 = current pstring ptr
moveq.l #.kMinWid,D5
lea .TrailingList,A0 ; A0 = current pstring ptr
tst.b (A0)
beq.s dswDone
beq.s .dswDone
move.l A0,-(SP)
clr.w -(SP)
@ -72,21 +73,21 @@ dswLoop
moveq.l #1,D0 ; increment the pstring ptr
add.b (A0),D0
add.l D0,A0
bra.s dswLoop
bra.s .dswLoop
; Second pass: create a button list object in the DS alert table
move.w (SP)+,D7 ; pop NumEntries from DS table
move.l #((kPadY)<<16)|(kPadX),D2 ; D2 = current button's topleft
move.l #((kPadY+kBtnHt)<<16)|(kPadX+4+4),D3; D3 = current button's botright
move.l #((.kPadY)<<16)|(.kPadX),D2 ; D2 = current button's topleft
move.l #((.kPadY+.kBtnHt)<<16)|(.kPadX+4+4),D3; D3 = current button's botright
add.w D5,D3 ; ...including width of the text
moveq.l #0,D6 ; D6 = button counter
lea TrailingList,A0 ; A0 = current pstring ptr
lea .TrailingList,A0 ; A0 = current pstring ptr
tst.b (A0)
beq.s dsbDone
beq.s .dsbDone
move.w D6,-(SP) ; push procedure object ID (base $8000)
add.w #$8000,(SP)
@ -95,15 +96,15 @@ dsbLoop
move.w D6,-(SP) ; push string object ID (base $C000)
add.w #$C000,(SP)
; increment...
add.l #(kBtnHt+kBtnGap)<<16,D2 ; the button's top edge
add.l #(kBtnHt+kBtnGap)<<16,D3 ; the button's bottom edge
add.l #(.kBtnHt+.kBtnGap)<<16,D2 ; the button's top edge
add.l #(.kBtnHt+.kBtnGap)<<16,D3 ; the button's bottom edge
addq.w #1,D6 ; the button counter
moveq.l #1,D0 ; the pstring ptr
add.b (A0),D0
add.l D0,A0
bra.s dsbLoop
bra.s .dsbLoop
dsbDone ; done looping, push a header for this object...
.dsbDone ; done looping, push a header for this object...
move.w D6,-(SP) ; the number of buttons
mulu #12,D6 ; the size in bytes = 12n+2
add.w #2,D6
@ -119,42 +120,42 @@ dsbDone ; done looping, push a header for this object...
move.l (A5),A0 ; From QD globals
move.l -122+6+4(A0),D0 ; D0 = screenBits.bounds.botRight, so D0.W = screen width
add.w #kPadX,D3 ; D3 = box width
add.w #.kPadX,D3 ; D3 = box width
sub.w D3,D0
bgt.s .nottoowide
clr.w D0
asr.w #1,D0
move.w D0,2(A1) ; set DSAlertRect left
move.w D0,$9CE+2 ; & stash in ToolScratch for MyPtInRect
move.w D0,$9CE+2 ; & stash in ToolScratch for .MyPtInRect
add.w D3,D0
move.w D0,6(A1) ; set DSAlertRect right
swap D0 ; D0 = screen height
swap D2 ; D2 = box height ("top" of next button)
add.w #kPadY-kBtnGap,D2 ; adjust box height
add.w #.kPadY-.kBtnGap,D2 ; adjust box height
sub.w D2,D0
bgt.s .nottoohigh
clr.w D0
asr.w #1,D0
move.w D0,(A1) ; set DSAlertRect top
move.w D0,$9CE ; & stash in ToolScratch for MyPtInRect
move.w D0,$9CE ; & stash in ToolScratch for .MyPtInRect
add.w D2,D0
move.w D0,4(A1) ; set DSAlertRect bottom
; Fourth pass: create a string offset for each button
moveq.l #0,D6 ; D6 = button counter
lea TrailingList,A0 ; A0 = current pstring ptr
lea .TrailingList,A0 ; A0 = current pstring ptr
tst.b (A0)
beq.s dssDone
beq.s .dssDone
move.w (SP)+,D7 ; pop NumEntries from DS table
; push the struct fields...
bsr PushPaddedString ; even-length string with 2-byte length
bsr .PushPaddedString ; even-length string with 2-byte length
move.w D6,-(SP) ; the unique ID (C000+n)
add.w #$C000,(SP)
@ -166,21 +167,21 @@ dssLoop
moveq.l #1,D0 ; the pstring ptr
add.b (A0),D0
add.l D0,A0
bra.s dssLoop
bra.s .dssLoop
; Fifth pass: generate code for each button
moveq.l #0,D6 ; D6 = button counter
lea TrailingList,A0 ; A0 = current pstring ptr
lea .TrailingList,A0 ; A0 = current pstring ptr
tst.b (A0)
beq.s dspDone
beq.s .dspDone
move.w (SP)+,D7 ; pop NumEntries from DS table
pea ReturnToCaller ; craft the code for this button...
move.w #$4EF9,-(SP) ; jmp ReturnToCaller (absolute addr)
pea .ReturnToCaller ; craft the code for this button...
move.w #$4EF9,-(SP) ; jmp .ReturnToCaller (absolute addr)
move.l A6,-(SP)
move.w #$2C7C,-(SP) ; move.l #CorrectA6,A6 ; frame ptr
move.l A0,-(SP)
@ -201,9 +202,9 @@ dspLoop
moveq.l #1,D0 ; the pstring ptr
add.b (A0),D0
add.l D0,A0
bra.s dspLoop
bra.s .dspLoop
dspDone ; Must clear the instruction cache on 030/040
.dspDone ; Must clear the instruction cache on 030/040
move.l A6,D0
sub.l SP,D0
move.l SP,A0
@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ dspDone ; Must clear the instruction cache on 030/040
; The selected procedure will jump to here after setting A6,A0,D0
move.w #$A8AD,D0 ; Unpatch _PtInRect
move.l $9CE+4,A0 ; We saved it in ToolScratch
dc.w $A047 ; _SetTrapAddress
@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ ReturnToCaller
PushPaddedString ; trashes A1-A2,D0-D2, but must preserve A0
.PushPaddedString ; trashes A1-A2,D0-D2, but must preserve A0
move.l (SP)+,A2
move.l A0,-(SP) ; backup
@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ PushPaddedString ; trashes A1-A2,D0-D2, but must preserve A0
jmp (A2)
move.l $9CE,D0
sub.w D0,10(SP)
swap D0
@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ MyPtInRect
jmp (A0)
dc.w 1 ; NumEntries
; Our only alert definition
@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ MyDSAlertTabStart
dc.w 0 ; icon definition ID
dc.w 0 ; procedure definition ID
dc.w $1993 ; button definition ID