Code ; The ROM issued a _Read call that eventually reached here. ; We need to handle this _Read trap directly, without the intervening .netBOOT and .ATBOOT drivers. ; We do this by rewinding the Device Manager's return address by 2 bytes. ; Why? ; The ROM network boot mechanism is complicated and buggy. ; The workarounds are difficult. ; Therefore this big hack obviates many little hacks. ; First problem: this is not a safe place to keep code. Jump away. ; (Using the heap while all the netBOOT junk is there would cause fragmentation.) lea ResumeAfterCopy,A0 move.l #CodeEnd-ResumeAfterCopy,D0 lea 4096(A5),A1 dc.w $A02E ; _BlockMove jmp 4096(A5) ResumeAfterCopy ; Salvage some possibly useful information from ATBOOT, while it is still running: ; Server address move.l 8(SP),A0 ; global pointer move.l 24(A0),D0 ; AddrBlock lea gSaveAddr,A0 move.b #10,15(A0) ; hardcode DDP protocol ID move.b D0,13(A0) ; socket lsr.w #4,D0 lsr.w #4,D0 move.b D0,11(A0) ; node swap D0 move.w D0,7(A0) ; network ; User record lea gUserRec,A1 move.l 8(SP),A0 ; global pointer move.l 40(A0),A0 move.l #574,D0 dc.w $A02E ; _BlockMove ; Currently the call stack looks like this: ; ROM _Read to get boot blocks ; .netBOOT Read routine ; .ATBOOT Control routine ; direct call to this block of code ; But we want to close and remove .netBOOT & .ATBOOT, so we need to return ; from their Device Manager calls, and steal control from the ROM. ; We do this by scanning the stack for the return address of the original _Read. move.l $2AE,A0 ; A0 = ROMBase (lower limit) lea $4000(A0),A1 ; A1 = ROMBase + a bit (upper limit) lea -2(SP),A2 .loop subq.l #2,A2 ; A2 = where we search the stack move.l (A2),A3 ; A3 = potential return address cmp.l A0,A3 ; lower limit check bls.s .loop cmp.l A1,A3 ; upper limit check bhi.s .loop cmp.w #$A002,-2(A3) ; _Read trap check bne.s .loop pea GoHereFromReadTrap ; take over move.l (SP)+,(A2) lea ROMAfterReadTrap,A2 ; save original for later move.l A3,(A2) moveq.l #-1,D0 ; .netBOOT/.ATBOOT don't do any more damage if an error is returned rts ROMAfterReadTrap dc.l 0 GoHereFromReadTrap ; Now we are outside .netBOOT/.ATBOOT. We can shut them down, and set up our driver in a clean environment. move.l ROMAfterReadTrap,-(SP) ; our return address is to ROM sub.l #2,-(SP) ; repeating the _Read trap movem.l A0-A6/D0-D7,-(SP) ; save registers conservatively (especially A0) ; A4 = param block to the .netBOOT _Read call, because we will use it a lot move.l A0,A4 ; Close and delete .netBOOT (which will close .ATBOOT) lea -$32(SP),SP move.l SP,A0 move.w $18(A4),$18(A0) ; ioRefNum dc.w $A001 ; _Close lea $32(SP),SP move.w $18(A4),D0 ; ioRefNum dc.w $A03E ; _DrvrRemove move.w #-52,D0 ; ioRefNum ; also delete .ATBOOT for neatness dc.w $A03E ; _DrvrRemove ; A3 = our driver in sysheap (plus 574 bytes for the user record) move.l #DrvrEnd-DrvrBase+574,D0 dc.w $A51E ; NewPtrSys move.l A0,A1 lea DrvrBase,A0 move.l #DrvrEnd-DrvrBase+574,D0 dc.w $A02E ; BlockMove move.l A1,A3 ; Install the driver in the unit table. Take over netBOOT's old unit number. move.w $18(A4),D0 ; ioRefNum dc.w $A43D ; _DrvrInstall ReserveMem ; That call created a driver control entry (DCE). Find and lock. move.l $11C,A0 ; UTableBase move.w $18(A4),D0 ; ioRefNum not.w D0 lsl.w #2,D0 add.w D0,A0 move.l (A0),A0 dc.w $A029 ; _HLock move.l (A0),A0 ; Populate the empty DCE that DrvrInstall left us (forget fields related desk accessories) move.l A3,(A0) ; dCtlDriver = driver pointer (not handle) move.w (A3),4(A0) ; dCtlFlags = drvrFlags ; Open our driver lea -$32(SP),SP move.l SP,A0 bsr clearblock lea DrvrName,A1 move.l A1,$12(A0) ; IOFileName dc.w $A000 ; _Open lea $32(SP),SP ; Create & add a drive queue entry (DQE). move.l #$16,D0 dc.w $A71E ; _NewPtrSysClear add.l #4,A0 ; has some cheeky flags at negative offset move.l #$00080000,-4(A0) ; secret flags, see move.w #1,4(A0) ; qType ;move.w #0,$A(A0) ; dQFSID should be for a native fs ;move.l #0,$C(A0) ; dQDrvSz/dQDrvSz2 ; whoa, better fix this! move.l $16(A4),D0 ; scoop drivenum & driver refnum from _Read PB dc.w $A04E ; _AddDrive (A0=DQE, D0=drvnum/drefnum) ; Open .MPP (still open?) & our DDP socket lea -$32(SP),SP move.l SP,A0 bsr clearblock pea MPPName move.l (SP)+,$12(A0) ; ioNamePtr dc.w $A000 ; _Open move.w #248,$1A(A0) ; csCode = openSkt move.b #10,$1C(A0) ; socket = 10, same as ATBOOT uses pea DrvrSockListener-DrvrBase(A3) move.l (SP)+,$1E(A0) ; listener dc.w $A004 ; _Control lea $32(SP),SP ; Re-execute the _Read trap in ROM movem.l (SP)+,A0-A6/D0-D7 rts MPPName dc.b 4, '.MPP', 0 clearblock move.w #$32/2-1,D0 .loop clr.w (A0)+ dbra D0,.loop lea -$32(A0),A0 rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DrvrBase dc.w $4F00 ; dReadEnable dWritEnable dCtlEnable dStatEnable dNeedLock dc.w 0 ; delay dc.w 0 ; evt mask dc.w 0 ; menu dc.w DrvrOpen-DrvrBase dc.w DrvrPrime-DrvrBase dc.w DrvrControl-DrvrBase dc.w DrvrStatus-DrvrBase dc.w DrvrClose-DrvrBase DrvrName dc.b 8, ".netBOOT", 0 g gNumBlks dc.l 0 ; the source of all truth gMyDCE dc.l 0 gExpectHdr dc.l 0 gProgress dc.l 0 gQuery dcb.b 20 ; really need to consider the length of this! gWDS dcb.b 2+4+2+4+2+4+2 ; room for an address and two data chunks gMyPB dcb.b $32+2 ; allow us to clear it with move.l's odd gSaveAddr dcb.b 16 gAddr dcb.b 16 even ; a0=iopb, a1=dce on entry to all of these... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DrvrOpen move.l A0,-(SP) lea gMyDCE,A0 ; dodgy, need this for IODone move.l A1,(A0) move.l (SP)+,A0 move.w #0,$10(A0) ; ioResult rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DrvrPrime ; Convert the ioPosOffset in the parameter block to a block offset (allows large vol support). btst.b #0,$2C(A0) ; test ioPosMode & kUseWidePositioning bne.s .wide .notwide move.l $10(A1),D0 bra.s .gotD0 .wide move.l $2E(A0),D0 ; the block offset can only be up to 32 bits or.l $32(A0),D0 .gotD0 ror.l #4,D0 ; now D0 = (LS 23 bits) followed by (MS 9 bits) ror.l #5,D0 move.l D0,$2E(A0) ; ioPosOffset = D0 = byte_offset/512 ; Return with a "pending" ioResult. move.w #1,$10(A0) ; ioResult = pending. We will return without an answer. ; Wang the state machine! cmp.b #2,7(A0) ; ioTrap == _Read? bne DrvrSendWrite ; transition from "Idle" to "Await Comp Send Write Packet" bra DrvrSendRead ; transition from "Idle" to "Await Comp Send Read Packet" ; Some wrappers for the routines below... DrvrSendRead ; Called from Prime routine or socket listener: PB/DCE in A0/A1 must be preserved (but we only require A0) lea gExpectHdr,A2 clr.w (A2)+ addq.w #1,(A2) ; packet filter sequence word lea gProgress,A2 clr.l (A2) lea gSaveAddr,A2 lea gAddr,A3 move.b (A2)+,(A3)+ ; copy the address struct, dang it! move.l (A2)+,(A3)+ move.l (A2)+,(A3)+ move.l (A2)+,(A3)+ move.w (A2)+,(A3)+ move.b (A2)+,(A3)+ lea gQuery,A2 move.w #$8000,(A2)+ ; Means a polite request move.w gExpectHdr+2,(A2)+ move.l $28(A0),D0 ; [ioActCount (in bytes) lsr.l #4,D0 lsr.l #5,D0 ; / 512] add.l $2E(A0),D0 ; + ioPosOffset (in blocks) move.l D0,(A2)+ ; -> "offset" field of request move.l $24(A0),D0 ; [ioReqCount (in bytes) sub.l $28(A0),D0 ; - ioActCount (in bytes)] lsr.l #4,D0 lsr.l #5,D0 ; / 512 move.l D0,(A2)+ ; -> "length" field of request lea gWDS,A2 clr.w (A2)+ ; WDS+0: reserved field pea gAddr move.l (SP)+,(A2)+ ; WDS+2: pointer to address struct move.w #12,(A2)+ ; WDS: push pointer/length pea gQuery move.l (SP)+,(A2)+ clr.w (A2)+ ; WDS: end with zero move.l A0,-(SP) lea gMyPB,A0 bsr DrvrClearBlock pea DrvrDidSendRead move.l (SP)+,$C(A0) ; ioCompletion move.w #-10,$18(A0) ; ioRefNum = .MPP move.w #246,$1A(A0) ; csCode = writeDDP move.b #10,$1C(A0) ; socket = 10 (hardcoded) move.b #1,$1D(A0) ; set checksumFlag pea gWDS move.l (SP)+,$1E(A0) ; wdsPointer to our WriteDataStructure dc.w $A404 ; _Control ,async move.l (SP)+,A0 rts DrvrDidSendRead ; Called as completion routine: PB/result in A0/D0, must preserve all registers other than A0/A1/D0-D2 lea gExpectHdr,A2 move.w #$8100,(A2) ; Enable packet reception rts ; TODO: set up a timeout/retry task DrvrSendWrite ; Called from Prime routine or socket listener: PB/DCE in A0/A1 must be preserved (but we only require A0) ; D1 = block index within chunk move.l $28(A0),D1 lsr.l #5,D1 lsr.l #4,D1 move.l D1,D0 and.l #32-1,D1 move.l $28(A0),D2 add.l #512,D2 cmp.l $24(A0),D2 bne.s .notLastBlock bset #7,D1 .notLastBlock ; D0 = first block of chunk and.l #-32,D0 add.l $2E(A0),D0 tst.l D1 bne.s .notFirstBlockOfChunk lea gExpectHdr,A2 clr.w (A2)+ addq.w #1,(A2) ; packet filter sequence word .notFirstBlockOfChunk lea gSaveAddr,A2 lea gAddr,A3 move.b (A2)+,(A3)+ ; copy the address struct, dang it! move.l (A2)+,(A3)+ move.l (A2)+,(A3)+ move.l (A2)+,(A3)+ move.w (A2)+,(A3)+ move.b (A2)+,(A3)+ lea gQuery,A2 move.b #$82,(A2)+ ; Means a polite request move.b D1,(A2)+ ; nth block of this chunk follows move.w gExpectHdr+2,(A2)+ move.l D0,(A2)+ ; first block of this chunk lea gWDS,A2 clr.w (A2)+ ; WDS+0: reserved field pea gAddr move.l (SP)+,(A2)+ ; WDS+2: pointer to address struct move.w #8,(A2)+ ; WDS: push length/ptr of header pea gQuery move.l (SP)+,(A2)+ move.w #512,(A2)+ ; WDS: push length/ptr of body move.l $20(A0),D0 ; ptr = ioBuffer add.l $28(A0),D0 ; + ioActCount move.l D0,(A2)+ clr.w (A2)+ ; WDS: end with zero move.l A0,-(SP) lea gMyPB,A0 bsr DrvrClearBlock pea DrvrDidSendWrite move.l (SP)+,$C(A0) ; ioCompletion move.w #-10,$18(A0) ; ioRefNum = .MPP move.w #246,$1A(A0) ; csCode = writeDDP move.b #10,$1C(A0) ; socket = 10 (hardcoded) move.b #1,$1D(A0) ; set checksumFlag pea gWDS move.l (SP)+,$1E(A0) ; wdsPointer to our WriteDataStructure dc.w $A404 ; _Control ,async move.l (SP)+,A0 rts DrvrDidSendWrite ; completion routine for the above control call.. ; need to test whether to send another, or switch to wait mode... move.l gMyDCE,A0 move.l 6+2(A0),A0 ; A3 = dCtlQHdr.qHead = ParamBlk movem.l $24(A0),D0/D1 ; D0=ioReqCount, D1=ioActCount add.l #512,D1 move.l D1,$28(A0) cmp.l D0,D1 beq.s .sentAllOfChunk and.l #(32-1)*512,D0 beq.s .sentAllOfChunk bra DrvrSendWrite .sentAllOfChunk rts ; TODO: set up a timeout/retry task DrvrClearBlock move.w #$32/2-1,D0 .loop clr.w (A0)+ dbra D0,.loop lea -$32(A0),A0 rts DrvrSockListener ; Registers on call to DDP socket listener: ; A0 Reserved for internal use by the .MPP driver. You must preserve this register ; until after the ReadRest routine has completed execution. ; A1 Reserved for internal use by the .MPP driver. You must preserve this register ; until after the ReadRest routine has completed execution. ; A2 Pointer to the .MPP driver's local variables. Elliot says: the frame and packet ; header ("RHA") are at offset 1 from A2 (keeps the 2-byte fields aligned) ; A3 Pointer to the first byte in the RHA past the DDP header bytes (the first byte ; after the DDP protocol type field). ; A4 Pointer to the ReadPacket routine. The ReadRest routine starts 2 bytes after the ; start of the ReadPacket routine. ; A5 Free for your use before and until your socket listener calls the ReadRest routine. ; D0 Lower byte is the destination socket number of the packet. ; D1 Word indicating the number of bytes in the DDP packet left to be read (that is, ; the number of bytes following the DDP header). ; D2 Free for your use. ; D3 Free for your use. ; Registers on entry to the ReadPacket routine ; A3 Pointer to a buffer to hold the data you want to read ; D3 Number of bytes to read; must be nonzero ; Registers on exit from the ReadPacket routine ; A0 Unchanged ; A1 Unchanged ; A2 Unchanged ; A3 Address of the first byte after the last byte read into buffer ; A4 Unchanged ; D0 Changed ; D1 Number of bytes left to be read ; D2 Unchanged ; D3 Equals 0 if requested number of bytes were read, nonzero if error ; Registers on entry to the ReadRest routine ; A3 Pointer to a buffer to hold the data you want to read ; D3 Size of the buffer (word length); may be 0 ; Registers on exit from the ReadRest routine ; A0 Unchanged ; A1 Unchanged ; A2 Unchanged ; A3 Pointer to first byte after the last byte read into buffer ; D0 Changed ; D1 Changed ; D2 Unchanged ; D3 Equals 0 if requested number of bytes exactly equaled the size of the buffer; ; less than 0 if more data was left than would fit in buffer (extra data equals ; -D3 bytes); greater than 0 if less data was left than the size of the buffer ; (extra buffer space equals D3 bytes) ; cmp.b #10,-1(A3) ; DDP protocol type better be ATBOOT ; bne.s DrvrTrashPacket moveq.l #4,D3 jsr (A4) ; Read the nice short packet header bne DrvrTrashPacket move.l -4(A3),D2 move.l gExpectHdr,D3 ; Check the packet header eor.l D2,D3 swap D3 clr.b D3 bne DrvrTrashPacket btst #25,D2 bne.s DrvrDidReceiveWrite DrvrDidReceiveRead swap D2 and.l #32-1,D2 ; D2.L = block offset within 32blk chunk move.l gMyDCE,A3 move.l 6+2(A3),A3 ; A3 = dCtlQHdr.qHead move.l $28(A3),D3 ; D3 = .ioActCount... lsr.l #5,D3 lsr.l #4,D3 ; in number of blocks and.l #-32,D3 ; ...rounded down to a block chunk add.l D2,D3 ; ...added back the received block asl.l #8,D3 add.l D3,D3 ; ... = byte offset within buffer move.l $20(A3),A3 ; .ioBuffer add.l D3,A3 ; A3 = ioBuffer + offset move.l #512,D3 ; D3 = size jsr 2(A4) ; ReadRest (A3=dest, D3=length) bne DrvrTrashPacket lea gProgress,A1 ; Skip the next step if this packet is a repeat move.l (A1),D1 bset.l D2,D1 ; (we saved blkidx in D2 before ReadRest) bne.s DrvrTrashPacket move.l D1,(A1) move.l gMyDCE,A0 move.l 6+2(A0),A0 ; dCtlQHdr.qHead move.l $28(A0),D0 ; Increment ioActCount and cmp with ioReqCount add.l #512,D0 move.l D0,$28(A0) cmp.l $24(A0),D0 beq.s DrvrIODone addq.l #1,D1 ; If bitmap=$FFFFFFFF then get the next chunk of 32 beq DrvrSendRead ; A0 must be the PB rts ; Just return to await more packets. DrvrDidReceiveWrite moveq.l #0,D3 jsr 2(A4) ; ReadRest (D3=0 i.e. discard) move.l gMyDCE,A0 move.l 6+2(A0),A0 ; A3 = dCtlQHdr.qHead = ParamBlk movem.l $24(A0),D0/D1 ; D0=ioReqCount, D1=ioActCount cmp.l D0,D1 blo DrvrSendWrite bra.s DrvrIODone DrvrIODone lea gExpectHdr,A1 ; Disable this socket listener clr.w (A1) move.l gMyDCE,A1 moveq.l #0,D0 move.l $8FC,A0 ; jIODone (D0 = result, A1 = DCE) jmp (A0) DrvrTrashPacket moveq.l #0,D3 jmp 2(A4) ; ReadRest nothing ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DrvrControl cmp.w #21,$1A(A0) beq.s control_kDriveIcon cmp.w #22,$1A(A0) beq.s control_kMediaIcon bra.s control_unknown control_kDriveIcon control_kMediaIcon lea DrvrIcon,A2 move.l A2,$1C(A0) clr.w $10(A0) ; ioResult = noErr bra DrvrFinish control_unknown move.w #-17,$10(A0) ; ioResult = controlErr bra DrvrFinish ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DrvrStatus cmp.w #6,$1A(A0) beq.s status_fmtLstCode cmp.w #8,$1A(A0) beq.s status_drvStsCode bra.s status_unknown status_fmtLstCode ; tell them about our size movem.l A2/A3,-(SP) lea gNumBlks,A3 move.l (A3),D0 lsl.l #5,D0 ; convert from blocks to bytes lsl.l #4,D0 move.w #1,$1C(A0) move.l $1C+2(A0),A2 move.l D0,0(A2) move.l #$40000000,4(A2) movem.l (SP)+,A2/A3 move.w #0,$10(A0) ; ioResult = noErr bra DrvrFinish status_drvStsCode ; tell them about some of our flags move.w #0,$1C(A0) ; csParam[0..1] = track no (0) move.l #$00080000,$1C+2(A0) ; csParam[2..5] = same flags as dqe move.w #0,$10(A0) ; ioResult = noErr bra DrvrFinish status_unknown move.w $1A(A0),D0 ; dodgy, for debugging add.w #$3000,D0 dc.w $A9C9 move.w #-18,$10(A0) ; ioResult bra DrvrFinish ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DrvrClose move.w #$4444,D0 dc.w $A9C9 move.w #0,$10(A0) ; ioResult rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DrvrFinish move.w 6(A0),D1 ; iopb.ioTrap btst #9,D1 ; noQueueBit bne.s DrvrNoIoDone move.l $8FC,-(SP) ; jIODone DrvrNoIoDone rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DrvrIcon dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %10000000000000000000000000000001 dc.l %10000000000000001000000000000001 dc.l %10101010101010011001010101010101 dc.l %10101010101010000001010101010101 dc.l %10101010101010000001010101010101 dc.l %10101010101010000101010101010101 dc.l %10101010101010000001010101010101 dc.l %10101010101010100101010101010101 dc.l %10101010101010000001010101010101 dc.l %10101010101010100101010101010101 dc.l %10000000000000000000000000000001 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %00000000000000000000000000000000 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.l %11111111111111111111111111111111 dc.b 22, "AppleTalk NetBoot Disk", 0 gUserRec ; append some 574 zeroes here later on DrvrEnd CodeEnd