/* output_xfile.h header file for the Sharp X68000 Xfile format */ /* (c) in 2018,2020 by Frank Wille */ /* Xfile program header, big endian */ typedef struct { uint8_t x_id[2]; /* 'H','U' - xfile identification */ uint8_t x_rsrvd1[2]; /* unused - always zero */ uint8_t x_baseaddr[4]; /* linker's base address */ uint8_t x_execaddr[4]; /* start address on base address */ uint8_t x_textsz[4]; /* .text size in bytes */ uint8_t x_datasz[4]; /* .data size in bytes */ uint8_t x_heapsz[4]; /* .bss and .stack size in bytes */ uint8_t x_relocsz[4]; /* relocation table size in bytes */ uint8_t x_syminfsz[4]; /* symbol info size in bytes */ uint8_t x_scdlinsz[4]; /* SCD line info size */ uint8_t x_scdsymsz[4]; /* SCD symbols size */ uint8_t x_scdstrsz[4]; /* SCD strings size */ uint8_t x_rsrvd2[20]; /* unused - always zero */ } XFILE; /* Xfile symbol table */ typedef struct { uint16_t type; uint32_t value; char name[1]; /* null-terminated symbol name, padded to even */ } Xsym; #define XSYM_ABS 0x0200 #define XSYM_TEXT 0x0201 #define XSYM_DATA 0x0202 #define XSYM_BSS 0x0203 #define XSYM_STACK 0x0204