/* parse.c - global parser support functions */ /* (c) in 2009-2020 by Volker Barthelmann and Frank Wille */ #include "vasm.h" #include "osdep.h" int esc_sequences = 0; /* do not handle escape sequences by default */ int nocase_macros = 0; /* macro names are case-insensitive */ int maxmacparams = MAXMACPARAMS; int maxmacrecurs = MAXMACRECURS; #ifndef MACROHTABSIZE #define MACROHTABSIZE 0x800 #endif static hashtable *macrohash; #ifndef STRUCTHTABSIZE #define STRUCTHTABSIZE 0x800 #endif static hashtable *structhash; static macro *first_macro; static macro *cur_macro; static struct namelen *enddir_list; static size_t enddir_minlen; static struct namelen *macrdir_list; static struct namelen *reptdir_list; static int rept_cnt = -1; static source *rept_defsrc; static int rept_defline; static char *rept_start,*rept_name,*rept_vals; static section *cur_struct; static section *struct_prevsect; char *escape(char *s,char *code) { char dummy; int cnt; if (*s++ != '\\') ierror(0); if (code == NULL) code = &dummy; if (!esc_sequences) { *code='\\'; return s; } switch (*s) { case 'b': *code='\b'; return s+1; case 'f': *code='\f'; return s+1; case 'n': *code='\n'; return s+1; case 'r': *code='\r'; return s+1; case 't': *code='\t'; return s+1; case '\\': *code='\\'; return s+1; case '\"': *code='\"'; return s+1; case '\'': *code='\''; return s+1; case 'e': *code=27; return s+1; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': *code=0; cnt=0; while (*s>='0' && *s<='9' && ++cnt<=3) { *code = *code*8 + *s-'0'; s++; } return s; case 'x': case 'X': *code=0; s++; while ((*s>='0' && *s<='9') || (*s>='a' && *s<='f') || (*s>='A' && *s<='F')) { if (*s>='0' && *s<='9') *code = *code*16 + *s-'0'; else if (*s>='a' && *s<='f') *code = *code*16 + *s-'a' + 10; else *code = *code*16 + *s -'A' + 10; s++; } return s; default: general_error(35,*s); return s; } } char *cut_trail_blanks(char *s) { while (isspace((unsigned char)*(s-1))) /* cut trailing blanks */ s--; return s; } char *parse_name(char **start) /* parses a quoted or unquoted name-string and returns a pointer to it */ { char *s = *start; char c,*name; if (*s=='\"' || *s=='\'') { c = *s++; name = s; while (*s && *s!=c) s++; name = cnvstr(name,s-name); if (*s) s = skip(s+1); } #ifdef VASM_CPU_M68K else if (*s=='<') { s++; name = s; while (*s && *s!='>') s++; name = cnvstr(name,s-name); if (*s) s = skip(s+1); } #endif else { name = s; while (!ISEOL(s) && !isspace((unsigned char)*s) && *s!=',') s++; if (s != name) { name = cnvstr(name,s-name); s = skip(s); } else name = NULL; /* nothing read */ } *start = s; return name; } static char *skip_eol(char *s,char *e) { while (s>= 3; if (*s == delim) s++; while (*s) { if (*s == '\\') { s = escape(s,&c); } else { c = *s++; if (c == delim) { if (*s == delim) s++; /* allow """" to be recognized as " */ else break; } } setval(BIGENDIAN,p,width,(unsigned char)c); p += width; } return s; } dblock *parse_string(char **str,char delim,int width) { size_t size; dblock *db; char *p,c; char *s = *str; if (width & 7) ierror(0); /* how many bytes do we need for the string? */ skip_string(s,delim,&size); if (size == 1) return NULL; /* it's just one char, so use eval_expr() on it */ db = new_dblock(); db->size = size * (size_t)(width>>3); db->data = db->size ? mymalloc(db->size) : NULL; /* now copy the string for real into the dblock */ s = read_string(db->data,s,delim,width); *str = s; return db; } char *parse_symbol(char **s) /* return pointer to an allocated local/global symbol string, or NULL */ { char *name; name = get_local_label(s); if (name == NULL) name = parse_identifier(s); return name; } char *parse_labeldef(char **line,int needcolon) /* Parse a global or local label definition at the beginning of a line. Return pointer to its allocate buffer, when valid. A trailing colon may be required or optional, but becomes mandatory when label is not starting at first column. */ { char *s = *line; char *labname; if (isspace((unsigned char )*s)) { s = skip(s); needcolon = 1; /* colon required, when label doesn't start at 1st column */ } if (labname = parse_symbol(&s)) { s = skip(s); if (*s == ':') { s++; needcolon = 0; } if (needcolon) { myfree(labname); labname = NULL; } else *line = s; } return labname; } int check_indir(char *p,char *q) /* returns true when the whole sequence between p and q starts and ends with */ /* parentheses and there are no unbalanced parentheses within */ { char c; int n; p = skip(p); if (*p++ != '(') return 0; n = 1; while (n>0 && p=q; } void include_binary_file(char *inname,long nbskip,unsigned long nbkeep) /* locate a binary file and convert into a data atom */ { char *filename; FILE *f; filename = convert_path(inname); if (f = locate_file(filename,"rb",NULL)) { size_t size = filesize(f); if (size > 0) { if (nbskip>=0 && nbskip<=size) { dblock *db = new_dblock(); if (nbkeep > (unsigned long)(size - nbskip) || nbkeep==0) db->size = size - (size_t)nbskip; else db->size = nbkeep; db->data = mymalloc(size); if (nbskip > 0) fseek(f,nbskip,SEEK_SET); fread(db->data,1,db->size,f); add_atom(0,new_data_atom(db,1)); } else general_error(46); /* bad file-offset argument */ } fclose(f); } myfree(filename); } static struct namelen *dirlist_match(char *s,char *e,struct namelen *list) /* check if a directive from the list matches the current source location */ { char *name; size_t len; if (!ISIDSTART(*s) || (!isspace((unsigned char )*(s-1)) && *(s-1)!='\0')) return NULL; /* cannot be start of directive */ name = s++; while (slen) { if (s-name==len && !strnicmp(name,list->name,len)) return list; list++; } return NULL; } static size_t dirlist_minlen(struct namelen *list) { size_t minlen; if (list == NULL) ierror(0); for (minlen=list->len; list->len; list++) { if (list->len < minlen) minlen = list->len; } return minlen; } /* return the line number of the last real source text instance, i.e. not the line within a macro or repetition */ int real_line(void) { source *src = cur_src; int line = src->line; while (src->num_params >= 0) { line = src->parent_line; src = src->parent; if (src == NULL) ierror(0); /* macro must have a parent */ } return line; } void new_repeat(int rcnt,char *name,char *vals, struct namelen *reptlist,struct namelen *endrlist) { if (cur_macro==NULL && cur_src!=NULL && enddir_list==NULL) { enddir_list = endrlist; enddir_minlen = dirlist_minlen(endrlist); reptdir_list = reptlist; rept_start = cur_src->srcptr; rept_name = name; rept_vals = vals; rept_cnt = rcnt; /* also REPT_IRP or REPT_IRPC */ /* get start-line of repetition in the last real source text */ if (cur_src->defsrc) { rept_defsrc = cur_src->defsrc; rept_defline = cur_src->defline + cur_src->line; } else { rept_defsrc = cur_src; rept_defline = cur_src->line; } } else ierror(0); } int find_macarg_name(source *src,char *name,size_t len) { struct macarg *ma; int idx; /* named macro arguments */ if (src->macro != NULL) { for (idx=0,ma=src->argnames; ma!=NULL && idxargnext) { /* @@@ case-sensitive comparison? */ if (ma->arglen==len && strncmp(ma->argname,name,len)==0) return idx; } } /* repeat-loop iterator name */ if (src->irpname != NULL) { if (strlen(src->irpname)==len && strncmp(src->irpname,name,len)==0) { /* copy current iterator value to param[MAXMACPARAMS] */ src->param[MAXMACPARAMS] = src->irpvals->argname; src->param_len[MAXMACPARAMS] = src->irpvals->arglen; return IRPVAL; } } return -1; } /* append a macarg object at the end of the given list */ struct macarg *addmacarg(struct macarg **list,char *start,char *end) { struct macarg *lastarg,*newarg; int len = end-start; /* count arguments */ if (lastarg = *list) { while (lastarg->argnext) lastarg = lastarg->argnext; } newarg = mymalloc(sizeof(struct macarg) + len); newarg->argnext = NULL; if (start != NULL) { memcpy(newarg->argname,start,len); newarg->argname[len] = '\0'; newarg->arglen = len; } else newarg->arglen = MACARG_REQUIRED; if (lastarg) lastarg->argnext = newarg; else *list = newarg; return newarg; } macro *new_macro(char *name,struct namelen *maclist,struct namelen *endmlist, char *args) { hashdata data; macro *m = NULL; if (cur_macro==NULL && cur_src!=NULL && enddir_list==NULL) { m = mymalloc(sizeof(macro)); m->name = mystrdup(name); if (nocase_macros) strtolower(m->name); m->num_argnames = -1; m->argnames = m->defaults = NULL; m->recursions = 0; m->vararg = -1; /* remember the start-line of this macro definition in the real source */ if (cur_src->defsrc) general_error(26,cur_src->name); /* macro definition inside macro */ m->defsrc = cur_src; m->defline = cur_src->line; /* looking for name conflicts */ if (find_name_nc(mnemohash,name,&data)) { int idx; m->text = cur_src->srcptr; for (idx=data.idx; idxtext = NULL; general_error(51); /* name conflicts with mnemonic */ break; } } } else if (find_name_nc(dirhash,name,&data)) { m->text = NULL; general_error(52); /* name conflicts with directive */ } else m->text = cur_src->srcptr; cur_macro = m; enddir_list = endmlist; enddir_minlen = dirlist_minlen(endmlist); macrdir_list = maclist; rept_cnt = -1; rept_start = NULL; if (args) { /* named arguments have been given */ struct macarg *ma; char *end; int n = 0; m->num_argnames = 0; args = skip(args); while (args!=NULL && !ISEOL(args)) { end = SKIP_MACRO_ARGNAME(args); if (end!=NULL && end-args!=0 && m->vararg<0) { /* add another argument name */ ma = addmacarg(&m->argnames,args,end); m->num_argnames++; args = skip(end); if (end = MACRO_ARG_OPTS(m,n,ma->argname,args)) args = skip(end); /* got defaults and qualifiers */ else addmacarg(&m->defaults,args,args); /* default is empty */ n++; } else { general_error(42); /* illegal macro argument */ break; } args = MACRO_ARG_SEP(args); /* check for separator between names */ } } } else ierror(0); return m; } macro *find_macro(char *name,int name_len) { hashdata data; if (nocase_macros) { if (!find_namelen_nc(macrohash,name,name_len,&data)) return NULL; } else { if (!find_namelen(macrohash,name,name_len,&data)) return NULL; } return data.ptr; } /* check if 'name' is a known macro, then execute macro context */ int execute_macro(char *name,int name_len,char **q,int *q_len,int nq, char *s) { macro *m; source *src; struct macarg *ma; int n; struct namelen param,arg; #if MAX_QUALIFIERS>0 char *defq[MAX_QUALIFIERS]; int defq_len[MAX_QUALIFIERS]; #endif #ifdef NO_MACRO_QUALIFIERS char *nptr = name; /* Instruction qualifiers are ignored for macros on this architecture. So we have to determine the length of the mnemonic again. */ while (*nptr && !isspace((unsigned char)*nptr)) nptr++; name_len = nptr - name; nq = 0; #endif if (!(m = find_macro(name,name_len))) return 0; /* it's a macro: read arguments and execute it */ if (m->recursions >= maxmacrecurs) { general_error(56,maxmacrecurs); /* maximum macro recursions reached */ return 0; } m->recursions++; src = new_source(m->name,NULL,m->text,m->size); src->defsrc = m->defsrc; src->defline = m->defline; src->argnames = m->argnames; #if MAX_QUALIFIERS>0 /* remember given qualifiers, or use the cpu's default qualifiers */ for (n=0; nqual[n] = q[n]; src->qual_len[n] = q_len[n]; } nq = set_default_qualifiers(defq,defq_len); for (; nqual[n] = defq[n]; src->qual_len[n] = defq_len[n]; } src->num_quals = nq; #endif /* fill in the defaults first */ for (n=0,ma=m->defaults; nparam[n] = ma->arglen==MACARG_REQUIRED ? NULL : ma->argname; src->param_len[n] = ma->arglen==MACARG_REQUIRED ? 0 : ma->arglen; ma = ma->argnext; } else { src->param[n] = emptystr; src->param_len[n] = 0; } } /* read macro arguments from operand field */ s = skip(s); n = 0; while (!ISEOL(s) && n=0 && m->vararg==n) { /* Varargs: take rest of line as argument */ char *start = s; char *end = s; while (!ISEOL(s)) { s++; if (!isspace((unsigned char)*s)) end = s; /* remember last non-blank character */ } src->param[n] = start; src->param_len[n] = end - start; n++; break; } else if ((s = parse_macro_arg(m,s,¶m,&arg)) != NULL) { if (arg.len) { /* argument selected by keyword */ if (n <= 0) { n = find_macarg_name(src,arg.name,arg.len); if (n >= 0) { src->param[n] = param.name; src->param_len[n] = param.len; } else general_error(72); /* undefined macro argument name */ n = -1; } else general_error(71); /* cannot mix positional and keyword arguments */ } else { /* argument selected by position n */ if (n >= 0) { if (param.len > 0) { src->param[n] = param.name; src->param_len[n] = param.len; } n++; } else general_error(71); /* cannot mix positional and keyword arguments */ } } else break; s = skip(s); if (!(s = MACRO_PARAM_SEP(s))) /* check for separator between params. */ break; } if (n < 0) n = m->num_argnames>=0 ? m->num_argnames : 0; if (n > maxmacparams) { general_error(27,maxmacparams); /* number of args exceeded */ n = maxmacparams; } src->macro = m; src->num_params = n; /* >=0 indicates macro source */ for (n=0; nparam[n] == NULL) { /* required, but missing */ src->param[n] = emptystr; src->param_len[n] = 0; general_error(73,n+1); /* required macro argument was left out */ } } EXEC_MACRO(src); /* syntax-module dependant initializations */ cur_src = src; /* execute! */ return 1; } int leave_macro(void) { if (cur_src->macro != NULL) { end_source(cur_src); return 0; /* ok */ } general_error(36); /* no current macro to exit */ return -1; } /* remove an already defined macro from the hash table */ int undef_macro(char *name) { if (find_macro(name,strlen(name))) { rem_hashentry(macrohash,name,nocase_macros); return 1; } general_error(68); /* macro does not exist */ return 0; } static void start_repeat(char *rept_end) { char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; source *src; char *p,*val; int i; reptdir_list = NULL; if ((rept_cnt<0 && rept_cnt!=REPT_IRP && rept_cnt!=REPT_IRPC) || cur_src==NULL || strlen(cur_src->name) + 24 >= MAXPATHLEN) ierror(0); if (rept_cnt != 0) { sprintf(buf,"REPEAT:%s:line %d",cur_src->name,cur_src->line); src = new_source(buf,NULL,rept_start,rept_end-rept_start); src->irpname = rept_name; src->irpvals = NULL; src->defsrc = rept_defsrc; src->defline = rept_defline; #ifdef REPTNSYM src->reptn = 0; set_internal_abs(REPTNSYM,0); #endif switch (rept_cnt) { case REPT_IRP: /* iterate with comma separated values */ p = rept_vals; if (!*p) { addmacarg(&src->irpvals,p,p); src->repeat = 1; } else { src->repeat = 0; while (val = parse_name(&p)) { addmacarg(&src->irpvals,val,val+strlen(val)); myfree(val); src->repeat++; p = skip(p); if (*p == ',') p = skip(p+1); } } break; case REPT_IRPC: /* iterate with each character */ p = rept_vals; if (!*p) { addmacarg(&src->irpvals,p,p); src->repeat = 1; } else { src->repeat = 0; do { while (!isspace((unsigned char )*p) && *p!=',' && !ISEOL(p)) { addmacarg(&src->irpvals,p,p+1); src->repeat++; p++; } p = skip(p); if (*p == ',') p = skip(p+1); } while (!ISEOL(p)); } break; default: /* iterate rept_cnt times */ src->repeat = (unsigned long)rept_cnt; break; } if (cur_src->macro != NULL) { /* repetition in a macro: get parameters */ src->num_params = cur_src->num_params; for (i=0; inum_params; i++) { src->param[i] = cur_src->param[i]; src->param_len[i] = cur_src->param_len[i]; } #if MAX_QUALIFIERS > 0 src->num_quals = cur_src->num_quals; for (i=0; inum_quals; i++) { src->qual[i] = cur_src->qual[i]; src->qual_len[i] = cur_src->qual_len[i]; } #endif src->argnames = cur_src->argnames; } if (src->repeat == 0) ierror(0); cur_src = src; /* repeat it */ } } static void add_macro(void) { if (cur_macro!=NULL && cur_src!=NULL) { if (cur_macro->text != NULL) { hashdata data; cur_macro->size = cur_src->srcptr - cur_macro->text; cur_macro->next = first_macro; first_macro = cur_macro; data.ptr = cur_macro; add_hashentry(macrohash,cur_macro->name,data); } cur_macro = NULL; } else ierror(0); } /* copy macro parameter n to line buffer, return -1 when out of space */ int copy_macro_param(source *src,int n,char *d,int len) { if (n < 0) { ierror(0); } else if ((nnum_params && nparam_len[n] && len>0; i++,len--) *d++ = src->param[n][i]; return i==src->param_len[n] ? i : -1; } else return 0; } /* copy nth macro qualifier to line buffer, return -1 when out of space */ int copy_macro_qual(source *src,int n,char *d,int len) { #if MAX_QUALIFIERS > 0 int i; if (n < src->num_quals) { for (i=0; iqual_len[n] && len>0; i++,len--) *d++ = src->qual[n][i]; } return i==src->qual_len[n] ? i : -1; #else return 0; #endif } /* Switch to a named offset section which defines the structure. */ int new_structure(char *name) { hashdata data; if (cur_struct) { general_error(48); /* cannot declare structure within structure */ return 0; } struct_prevsect = current_section; switch_offset_section(name,-1); data.ptr = cur_struct = current_section; add_hashentry(structhash,cur_struct->name,data); return 1; } /* Finish the structure definition and return the previous section. */ int end_structure(section **prev) { if (cur_struct) { *prev = struct_prevsect; cur_struct = struct_prevsect = NULL; return 1; } general_error(49); /* no structure */ return 0; } section *find_structure(char *name,int name_len) { hashdata data; section *s; if (cur_struct!=NULL && !strcmp(cur_struct->name,name)) general_error(55); /* illegal structure recursion */ if (find_namelen(structhash,name,name_len,&data)) s = data.ptr; else s = NULL; return s; } /* reads the next input line */ char *read_next_line(void) { char *s,*srcend,*d; int nparam,len; char *rept_end = NULL; /* check if end of source is reached */ for (;;) { srcend = cur_src->text + cur_src->size; if (cur_src->srcptr >= srcend || *(cur_src->srcptr) == '\0') { if (--cur_src->repeat > 0) { struct macarg *irpval; cur_src->srcptr = cur_src->text; /* back to start */ cur_src->line = 0; if (cur_src->irpname!=NULL && (irpval=cur_src->irpvals)!=NULL) { /* remove and deallocate leading irpval of last iteration */ cur_src->irpvals = irpval->argnext; myfree(irpval); } #ifdef REPTNSYM set_internal_abs(REPTNSYM,++cur_src->reptn); #endif } else { if (cur_src->macro != NULL) { if (--cur_src->macro->recursions < 0) ierror(0); } myfree(cur_src->linebuf); /* linebuf is no longer needed, saves memory */ cur_src->linebuf = NULL; if (cur_src->parent == NULL) return NULL; /* no parent source means end of assembly! */ cur_src = cur_src->parent; /* return to parent source */ #ifdef CARGSYM if (cur_src->cargexp) { symbol *carg = internal_abs(CARGSYM); carg->expr = cur_src->cargexp; /* restore parent CARG */ } #endif #ifdef REPTNSYM set_internal_abs(REPTNSYM,cur_src->reptn); /* restore parent REPTN */ #endif } } else break; } cur_src->line++; s = cur_src->srcptr; d = cur_src->linebuf; len = cur_src->bufsize - 2; /* excluding \0 at start and beginning */ nparam = cur_src->num_params; /* line buffer starts with 0, to allow checks for left-hand character */ *d++ = 0; if (enddir_list!=NULL && (srcend-s)>enddir_minlen) { /* reading a definition, like a macro or a repeat-block, until an end directive is found */ struct namelen *dir; int rept_nest = 1; if (nparam>=0 && cur_macro!=NULL) /* @@@ needed? */ general_error(26,cur_src->name); /* macro definition inside macro */ while (s <= (srcend-enddir_minlen)) { if (dir = dirlist_match(s,srcend,enddir_list)) { if (cur_macro != NULL) { add_macro(); /* link macro-definition into hash-table */ enddir_list = NULL; break; } else if (--rept_nest == 0) { rept_end = s; enddir_list = NULL; break; } s += dir->len; } else if (cur_macro==NULL && reptdir_list!=NULL && (dir = dirlist_match(s,srcend,reptdir_list)) != NULL) { s += dir->len; rept_nest++; } #ifdef MACRO_IN_MACRO_CHECK /* caution: misdetection in operands possible */ else if (cur_macro!=NULL && (dir = dirlist_match(s,srcend,macrdir_list)) != NULL) { general_error(26,cur_macro->name); /* macro definition inside macro */ } #endif if (*s=='\"' || *s=='\'') { char c = *s++; while (s<=(srcend-enddir_minlen) && *s!=c && *s!='\n' && *s!='\r') { if (*s=='\\' && (*(s+1)=='\"' || *(s+1)=='\'')) s = escape(s,NULL); else s++; } } if (ISEOL(s)) s = skip_eol(s,srcend); if (*s == '\n') { cur_src->srcptr = s + 1; cur_src->line++; } else if (*s=='\r' && *(s-1)!='\n' && (s>=(srcend-1) || *(s+1)!='\n')) { cur_src->srcptr = s + 1; cur_src->line++; } s++; } if (enddir_list) { if (cur_macro) general_error(25,cur_macro->name); /* missing ENDM directive */ else general_error(32); /* missing ENDR directive */ } /* ignore rest of line, treat as comment */ s = skip_eol(s,srcend); } if (nparam<0 && cur_src->irpname!=NULL) nparam = 0; /* expand current repeat-iterator symbol into source */ /* copy next line to linebuf */ while (s= 0) nc = expand_macro(cur_src,&s,d,len); /* try macro arg. expansion */ else nc = 0; if (nc > 0) { /* expanded macro arguments */ len -= nc; d += nc; } else if (nc == 0) { /* copy next character */ if (*s == '\r') { if ((s>cur_src->srcptr && *(s-1)=='\n') || (s<(srcend-1) && *(s+1)=='\n')) { /* ignore \r in \r\n and \n\r combinations */ s++; } else { /* treat a single \r as \n */ s++; break; } } else if (*s == '\n') { s++; break; } else if (len > 0) { *d++ = *s++; len--; } else nc = -1; } if (nc < 0) { /* line buffer ran out of space, allocate a bigger one */ int offs = d - cur_src->linebuf; /* double its size */ len += cur_src->bufsize; cur_src->bufsize += cur_src->bufsize; cur_src->linebuf = myrealloc(cur_src->linebuf,cur_src->bufsize); d = cur_src->linebuf + offs; if (debug) printf("Doubled line buffer size to %lu bytes.\n",cur_src->bufsize); } } *d = '\0'; cur_src->srcptr = s; if (listena) { listing *new = mymalloc(sizeof(*new)); new->next = 0; new->line = cur_src->line; new->error = 0; new->atom = 0; new->sec = 0; new->pc = 0; new->src = cur_src; strncpy(new->txt,cur_src->linebuf+1,MAXLISTSRC); if (first_listing) { last_listing->next = new; last_listing = new; } else { first_listing = last_listing = new; } cur_listing = new; } s = cur_src->linebuf+1; if (rept_end) start_repeat(rept_end); return s; } int init_parse(void) { macrohash = new_hashtable(MACROHTABSIZE); structhash = new_hashtable(STRUCTHTABSIZE); return 1; }