/* atom.h - atomic objects from source */ /* (c) in 2010-2020 by Volker Barthelmann and Frank Wille */ #ifndef ATOM_H #define ATOM_H /* types of atoms */ #define VASMDEBUG 0 #define LABEL 1 #define DATA 2 #define INSTRUCTION 3 #define SPACE 4 #define DATADEF 5 #define LINE 6 #define OPTS 7 #define PRINTTEXT 8 #define PRINTEXPR 9 #define ROFFS 10 #define RORG 11 #define RORGEND 12 #define ASSERT 13 #define NLIST 14 /* a machine instruction */ typedef struct instruction { int code; #if MAX_QUALIFIERS!=0 char *qualifiers[MAX_QUALIFIERS]; #endif #if MAX_OPERANDS!=0 operand *op[MAX_OPERANDS]; #endif #if HAVE_INSTRUCTION_EXTENSION instruction_ext ext; #endif } instruction; typedef struct defblock { size_t bitsize; operand *op; } defblock; struct dblock { size_t size; unsigned char *data; rlist *relocs; }; struct sblock { size_t space; expr *space_exp; /* copied to space, when evaluated as constant */ size_t size; uint8_t fill[MAXPADBYTES]; expr *fill_exp; /* copied to fill, when evaluated - may be NULL */ rlist *relocs; taddr maxalignbytes; uint32_t flags; }; #define SPC_DATABSS 1 /* make sure no to allocate space in a data section */ typedef struct reloffs { expr *offset; expr *fillval; } reloffs; typedef struct printexpr { expr *print_exp; short type; /* hex, signed, unsigned */ short size; /* precision in bits */ } printexpr; #define PEXP_HEX 0 #define PEXP_SDEC 1 #define PEXP_UDEC 2 #define PEXP_BIN 3 #define PEXP_ASC 4 typedef struct assertion { expr *assert_exp; char *expstr; char *msgstr; } assertion; typedef struct aoutnlist { char *name; int type; int other; int desc; expr *value; } aoutnlist; /* an atomic element of data */ typedef struct atom { struct atom *next; int type; taddr align; size_t lastsize; unsigned changes; source *src; int line; listing *list; union { instruction *inst; dblock *db; symbol *label; sblock *sb; defblock *defb; void *opts; int srcline; char *ptext; printexpr *pexpr; reloffs *roffs; taddr *rorg; assertion *assert; aoutnlist *nlist; } content; } atom; #define MAXSIZECHANGES 5 /* warning, when atom changed size so many times */ instruction *new_inst(char *inst,int len,int op_cnt,char **op,int *op_len); dblock *new_dblock(); sblock *new_sblock(expr *,size_t,expr *); atom *new_atom(int,taddr); void add_atom(section *,atom *); size_t atom_size(atom *,section *,taddr); void print_atom(FILE *,atom *); void atom_printexpr(printexpr *,section *,taddr); atom *clone_atom(atom *); atom *add_data_atom(section *,size_t,taddr,taddr); void add_leb128_atom(section *,taddr); void add_sleb128_atom(section *,taddr); atom *add_bytes_atom(section *,void *,size_t); #define add_string_atom(s,p) add_bytes_atom(s,p,strlen(p)+1) atom *new_inst_atom(instruction *); atom *new_data_atom(dblock *,taddr); atom *new_label_atom(symbol *); atom *new_space_atom(expr *,size_t,expr *); atom *new_datadef_atom(size_t,operand *); atom *new_srcline_atom(int); atom *new_opts_atom(void *); atom *new_text_atom(char *); atom *new_expr_atom(expr *,int,int); atom *new_roffs_atom(expr *,expr *); atom *new_rorg_atom(taddr); atom *new_rorgend_atom(void); atom *new_assert_atom(expr *,char *,char *); atom *new_nlist_atom(char *,int,int,int,expr *); #endif