
524 lines
19 KiB

; Apple //e Workstation Card
; replacement for "hard-coded" boot blocks (in ca65 format).
; By Michael Guidero
; The Apple //e Card for Macintosh LC is quite capable. It
; emulates all of the functions of the Apple //e Workstation Card
; except for one: When you boot "over the network", instead of getting
; the boot blocks over the network, it loads them from the "IIe Startup"
; resource fork, from BBLK#5120. Because the boot blocks contain both
; ProDOS and the Logon program, as shipped by Apple the LC //e Card is
; "stuck" at ProDOS 1.9 and Logon 1.3 as shipped by Apple. Updating them
; requires using ResEdit to hack the IIe Startup program.
; The real Workstation Card finds a boot server on the network and loads
; the boot blocks over the network via ATP. Updating the boot blocks
; is as simple as replacing them on the boot server.
; While I figured out how to update the boot blocks in IIe Startup, having
; to hack it with ResEdit just to make it work the same as my regular //es
; with Workstation Cards every time a new ProDOS comes out was an annoying
; prospect.
; So as a solution, here's a replacement for BBLK#5120 that makes the LC
; //e Card work like a standard Apple //e with a Workstation Card.
; Other features:
; * Puts a letter in the lower left corner indicating what part of the
; boot process is happening, in case something goes wrong.
; * On-screen spinner, spins as each block is received.
; * Displays the current AppleTalk zone.
; * Displays the boot server network, node, and socket.
; Revisions since I gave out the Gist link:
; 07/10/2017 - Fix NBPBuf to be at $xx00 instead of $00xx
; - Display boot server address/socket & object name
; - convert output to use monitor routines rather than direct write
; for messages only, spinners and status still direct write
; - If in the boot scan loop, try next slot if we fail.
; 07/11/2017 - Convert all AT calls to macro
; - Adjust retry interval/tries in GetMyZone call.
; - Display zone if possible, when ca/option held.
; - Added missing init type flags byte to AT Init call. No harm no foul.
.macro ATcall PList
jsr GoCard
.byte $42
.addr PList
NBPBufSz = $0100 ; NBP buffer size
DispTmp = $02 ; temp var for display routines
ch = $24 ; cursor horizontal pos
CardPtr = $fe ; ZP loc of card pointer
IRQvect = $03fe ; ROM calls here on IRQ
BootStart = $0800 ; where we load boot blocks
NotifyLoc = $07d0 ; process notify screen loc
SpinLoc = $428+19 ; spinner screen loc
DeathLoc = $4A8+19
mli = $bf00 ; ProDOS entry pt
init = $fb2f ; init text screen
tabv = $fb5b ; vtab to a-reg
title = $fb60 ; clear screen, display "Apple //e"
bell1 = $fbdd ; beep
wait = $fca8 ; waste time
cout = $fded ; character out
setkbd = $fe89 ; set keyboard as input
setvid = $fe93 ; set text screen as output
.org BootStart ; code gets loaded here
; Main routine
.proc NetBootLC
jsr init ; init text screen
jsr setkbd
jsr setvid
jsr HelloMsg ; Greeting message
lda #'F'+$80
sta NotifyLoc ; tell user we are finding the card
jsr FindCard
bcc :+
errend: jsr ErrorMsg ; whoopsie doodles
die: jmp Death ; Try next slot or hang.
: lda #'R'+$80
sta NotifyLoc ; tell user we are moving boot code
jsr ReloBoot ; move $0300 code
lda #'I'+$80
sta NotifyLoc ; tell user we are initing the card
jsr InitCard
bcs errend ; Init failed... sorry
jsr GetInfo
bcs errend
; local zone lookup doesn't always work when we don't have a bridge
; so if we don't have a bridge yet, don't do zone lookup unless ca/option is
; pressed
lda ATbridge
bne :+ ; if we have a bridge
sec ; flag no zone info
lda $c062 ; check closed-apple/option
bpl :++ ; skip if not pressed
: lda #'Z'+$80
sta NotifyLoc ; tell user we are getting our zone
jsr GetZone
: jsr DispInfo ; carry set = do not try to display zone from NBPBuf
lda #'L'+$80
sta NotifyLoc ; tell user we are looking for server
jsr FindSrv
bcc :+ ; found it
jsr NoServer ; didn't find one... sorry
bra die
: jsr DispServ ; give user boot network location
lda #'B'+$80
sta NotifyLoc ; tell user we are gonna boot
ldx #3 ; copy boot server addr to ATP req
: lda NBPBuf,x
sta ATPaddr,x
stz mli,x ; and zero out ProDOS MLI entry point, too,
; because the Logon program might check this and
; avoid initializing the card.
bpl :-
; brk ; DEBUG
jmp ATPBoot ; go to $300 code
; Find workstation card, since the //e Card is flexible about its
; placement. Also we can run on a regular //e with a Workstation Card
; for no particular reason.
.proc FindCard
lda #$f9 ; offset to ID bytes
sta CardPtr
lda #$c7 ; start at slot 7
sta CardPtr+1
nextslot: ldy #3 ; check ID bytes
: lda (CardPtr),y
cmp idtbl,y
bne nomatch
bpl :-
ldy #4 ; This is card type byte offset
; 0 = IIgs
; 1 = Workstation Card
; 2 = unseen Server(!) Card
; $F0 = card diags in progress
: lda (CardPtr),y
sta NotifyLoc ; a little visual info
cmp #$f0 ; Shouldn't happen on LC Card, but...
beq :- ; wait for it all the same
cmp #1 ; Because it's proper to make sure it's a working WS Card
beq gotcard ; found it!
nomatch: dec CardPtr+1 ; next slot
lda CardPtr+1 ; get it
cmp #$c0 ; hit slot 0?
bne nextslot ; nope
sec ; no card found
gotcard: clc ; card found
idtbl: .byte "ATLK"
; Initialize the WorkStation Card
.proc InitCard
sei ; disable interrupts for now
lda #<CardInt ; set up IRQ vector
sta IRQvect ; for card
lda #>CardInt
sta IRQvect+1
lda CardPtr+1
sta GoCard+2 ; init card MLI call addr
sta CardInt+2 ; init card interrupt addr
ATcall iniparms
done: cli ; re-enable interrupts
; AppleTalk init call parms. Undocumented for the most part.
iniparms: .byte 0,1 ; synchronous init
.word $0000 ; result code, most likely
.byte $00 ; init type. Known types & users:
; $00 - partial init, no MLI global page update
; used by: ETalk (ethernet NetBoot)
; $80 - full init, no MLI global page update
; used by: ETalk (no NetBoot), Fizzy
; Possibly not usable on WS Card.
; $40 - full init, MLI global page update
; used by: ATInit, Logon (boot block version)
.dword $00000000 ; "ProDOS" entry point - zero seems to work
; if not using global page update
.byte $00 ; node num preference, 0 = any node number
.word $0000 ; unknown or reserved
; do GetInfo call
.proc GetInfo
ATcall inforeq
bcs done
lda abridge
sta ATbridge
lda thisnet
sta ATnet
lda thisnet+1
sta ATnet+1
lda nodenum
sta ATnode
done: rts
inforeq: .byte 0,2 ; sync GetInfo
.word $0000 ; result code
.dword $00000000 ; completion address
thisnet: .word $0000 ; this network #
abridge: .byte $00 ; local bridge
.byte $00 ; hardware ID
.word $00 ; ROM version
nodenum: .byte $00 ; node number
; Display our info. If carry is clear, try to display zone name
; from results of GetMyZone in NBPBuf
; i.e. call GetInfo, then call GetMyZone, then call this.
.proc DispInfo
lda #17 ; line 18
jsr tabv
stz ch ; col 0
; display our address
lda ATnet ; network is 16-bit
ldx ATnet+1
jsr PrintU16
lda #'.'+$80 ; standard separator
jsr cout
lda #$00
ldx ATnode ; node number
jsr PrintU16
; display bridge node if present
lda ATbridge
beq :+ ; skip if 0
ldx #msg4-msg1 ; " bridge ."
jsr Disp
lda #$00
ldx ATbridge
jsr PrintU16
: plp ; see if we should display zone
bcs done ; nope
; display zone
ldx #msg5-msg1 ; " zone "
jsr Disp
jsr DispZone ; display it
done: rts
; Get our zone - for information
.proc GetZone
ATcall zonereq
bcs done ; error, bail
lda NBPBuf ; check pascal str count
bne done ; if nonzero, done
sec ; otherwise signal error
done: rts
zonereq: .byte 0,$1a ; sync GetMyZone
.word $0000 ; result
.dword $00000000 ; completion
.dword NBPBuf ; we'll use the NBP buffer since zone is just FYI
.byte 4,4 ; 4 times every 1 sec
.word $0000 ; reserved
.proc DispZone
; below commented out because we assume we are called from DispInfo
;lda #17 ; line 19
;jsr tabv
;stz ch ; col 0
ldx #$00
: cpx NBPBuf ; did we display all of them?
beq done ; yes, done
lda NBPBuf+1,x ; get char
ora #$80
jsr cout ; display
inx ; next
bra :-
done: rts
; Find a boot server in our zone
.proc FindSrv
ATcall lookup
bcs done ; error, bail
lda matches ; check # matches
bne done ; OK if not zero
done: rts
; parameter list for NBPLookup
lookup: .byte 0,16 ; sync NBPLookup
.word $0000 ; result
.dword $00000000 ; completion
.dword srvname ; pointer to name to find
.byte 8,16 ; 16 times, every 2 secs
.word $0000 ; reserved
.word NBPBufSz ; buffer size
.dword NBPBuf ; buffer loc
.byte 1 ; matches wanted
matches: .byte $00 ; matches found
srvname: .byte 1,"=" ; object
.byte 14,"Apple //e Boot" ; type
.byte 1,"*" ; zone
; Display found boot server address and object name
.proc DispServ
lda #18 ; line 19
jsr tabv
stz ch ; col 0
; display the server address
lda NBPBuf ; network is 16-bit
ldx NBPBuf+1
jsr PrintU16
lda #'.'+$80 ; standard separator
jsr cout
lda #$00
ldx NBPBuf+2 ; node number
jsr PrintU16
lda #'/'+$80 ; standard separator
jsr cout
lda #$00
ldx NBPBuf+3 ; socket number
jsr PrintU16
lda #' '+$80
; now display server object name
jsr cout
ldx #$00
: cpx NBPBuf+5 ; did we display all of them?
beq done ; yes, done
lda NBPBuf+6,x ; get char
ora #$80
jsr cout ; display
inx ; next
bra :-
done: rts
; Print unsigned 16-bit integer
; adapted from
.proc PrintU16
stx DispTmp
sta DispTmp+1
lda #$00
: pha
lda #$00
ldy #$10
: cmp #$05
bcc :+
sbc #$85
: rol DispTmp
rol DispTmp+1
rol a
bne :--
ora #$b0
bvs :---
: jsr cout
bne :-
; we are dead and can't even start downloading boot blocks
; so go to next slot if we are booting, or hang otherwise
; can't be used after we go to $300 code
.proc Death
lda $00 ; $00 must be 0
bne :+ ; or we are not booting
lda $01
and #$f0
cmp #$c0 ; $01 must be $Cx
bne :+
lda #$ff
jsr wait ; wait a bit so user can see message
jmp $faba
: lda #$58 ; flashing (red) X
sta DeathLoc ; on screen
hang: bra hang ; hang
; display the "no boot server" message
.proc NoServer
ldx #msg3-msg1
bra Disp
; display the "something went wrong" message
.proc ErrorMsg
ldx #msg2-msg1
bra Disp
; display the greeting
.proc HelloMsg
jsr title ; apple ii title screen (card boot clears screen)
ldx #msg1-msg1 ; better be zero!
; fall-through
; Display one of the messages, can't be used after we go to $300 code
.proc Disp
lda msg1,x
bne :+
: inx ; set up for next message byte
cmp #$18 ; last line + 1
bcc repos
eor #$80
jsr cout ; not supposed to change anything
bra Disp
repos: jsr tabv ; destroys a and y, but not x
lda msg1,x ; get horizontal
sta ch ; and write
inx ; next message byte
bra Disp
msg1: .byte 05,08,"NetBoot LC v1.0 by M.G."
.byte 06,05,"Starting up over the network...",$00
msg2: .byte 08,09,"Something went wrong!",$00
msg3: .byte 08,12,"No boot server!",$00
msg4: .byte ", bridge .",$00
msg5: .byte ", zone ", $00
; move $300 code into position
.proc ReloBoot
ldx #BootOSize+1
: lda BootRStrt-1,x
sta $0300-1,x
bne :-
; Code to be moved to $300 follows
BootRStrt = *
.org $0300
BootOBgn = *
; Call the card's MLI
.proc GoCard
jmp $C714 ; For slot 7, modify in InitCard
; Provide an interrupt handler for the card
.proc CardInt
jsr $C719 ; For slot 7, modify in InitCard
; Boot using ATP requests to retrieve boot blocks.
.proc ATPBoot
fetch: lda #1
sta ATPbmap ; want only block 0 (ATP-wise)
ATcall ATPparms
bcs error ; oops
lda Status ; is EOF?
beq :+ ; keep reading if not EOF
sei ; otherwise, no more interrupts
jmp BootStart ; and execute next boot stage
: inc BlkNum ; implicitly limited, below
lda BlkNum ; get it for spinner
and #$03 ; mask in low bits
lda spinner,y ; get spinner char
sta SpinLoc ; put on middle of screen
lda BlkPtr+1 ; block pointer (load addr)
adc #$02 ; $200 bytes
sta BlkPtr+1 ; inc address
cmp #$c0 ; Reading too far?
bcc fetch ; read next block if not
error: jsr bell1 ; beep speaker
lda #$58 ; flashing (red) X
sta SpinLoc ; on screen
hang: bra hang
spinner: .byte '|'+$80
.byte '/'+$80
.byte '-'+$80
.byte '\'+$80
ATbridge: .byte $00 ; local bridge
ATnet: .word $0000 ; local net
ATnode: .byte $00 ; our node number
ATPparms: .byte 0,18 ; sync SendATPReq
.word $0000 ; result
.dword $00000000 ; compl. addr
.byte $00 ; socket #
ATPaddr: .dword $00000000 ; destination address
.word $0000 ; TID
.word $0000 ; req buffer size
.dword $00000000 ; req buffer addr
.byte $02 ; boot type
; $01 = IIgs stage 1
; $02 = //e
; $03 = IIgs boot image
BlkNum: .word $0000 ; block number to req
.byte $00 ; unused
.byte $01 ; one response buffer
.dword BDS ; pointer to response BDS
.byte $00 ; ATP flags
.byte 8,32 ; try 32 times every 2 seconds
ATPbmap: .byte $00 ; bitmap of blocks to recieve
.byte $00 ; number of responses
.res 6 ; 6 bytes reserved
BDS: .word $0200 ; length of buffer
BlkPtr: .dword BootStart ; block pointer
Status: .dword $00000000 ; returned user bytes, first byte = 1 if EOF
.word $0000 ; actual length
BootOEnd = *
.assert BootOEnd < $3d0, warning, "Page 3 code too big"
BootOSize = BootOEnd - BootOBgn
; end of $300 code, fix up origin
.org BootRStrt + BootOSize
NBPBuf = (* >> 8 + 1)*$100 ; put this on next page boundary
.out .sprintf("NBP Buffer at $%x", NBPBuf)