NewtonKeyboardEnabler/Newton Keyboard Enabler/Serial Enabler Read Me
2017-06-11 19:22:10 +02:00

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Newton Keyboard Enabler 1.0
©1996 ·-Soft, Markus Fritze
The Newton Keyboard Enabler (NKE) allows you to connect the Newton keyboard to any Macintosh and use it as a replacement for the big ADB keyboards. Very nice for presentations where space is rare.
The NKE is a system extension, but it does not do any trap patching. To be exact: the NKE is a FBA (faceless background application), that works like a normal application, but without any human interface. The NKE should work on any Macintosh with MacOS 7 and at least one free serial port. NKE will grab the serial port, so it is not possible for any other application to use the port.
You may quit the NKE with a ÒQuitÓ AppleEvent or with the hotkey Control-Option-^. Hold the three keys for about 2 seconds down, if it doesn't work: retry. If you are lucky, you hear three beeps, then you have to press a key on the Newton keyboard. After that, the NKE has quit.
The Newton Keyboard Enabler is freeware. You may use it as you wish, but need written permission for any commercial distribution!
Configuring the NKE
The configuration is a bit tricky, you have to use ResEdit or Resorcerer!
1. Choose the serial port
Open NKE with ResEdit and open the STR# 128 Resource. For the modem port (the default) enter ".AIn" and ".AOut"; for the printer port enter ".BIn" and ".BOut". Pay attention to internal modems on PowerBooks etc.
2. Choose the keyboard layout and language
Open the PREF 128 resource (attention: only a Resorcerer template is available, ResEdit users have to use the hex-editor). The resource is 4 bytes long:
¥ The last byte is the keyboard language. 3 is default (Germany), you may want to change it to 0 (US-English).
¥ The first byte (default: 0 = off) allows you to send different codes for the shift keys of the Newton keyboard (set the value to 1). You should leave this value unchanged.
After installing NKE (dragging it onto the system folder) and connecting the keyboard to the right serial port, restart your Macintosh. If NKE can't recognize the keyboard, you may have to check the serial port. If the keyboard layout is wrong, you have to change the keyboard language.
Hint: You may change the Filetype of NKE from ÒappeÓ to ÒAPPLÓ and launch NKE directly from your desktop - no restart necessary!
How to contact the author
Send e-mail to:
MausNet: Markus Fritze @ HH2
CompuServe: 100074,3560
2400-28800 bps, V.34, V.FC, ISDN X.75