John Calhoun 806b9b47db First check-in.
This project was originally compiled with THINK C for the Macintosh.
The project file is a THINK C project file. Then there is the assembly
static library (SMS) that is linked in to provide fast, 4-channel sound
(written by Patrick Buckland). Resource files, a balloon file for
“balloon help” when it was a thing…. Good luck to anyone trying to
bring this beast back to life.
2016-01-27 20:50:55 -08:00

1 line
2.1 KiB
Executable File

//== ==
//== Dynamics Header ==
//== ==
//======================================================== Defines
#define kPersonMass 4 // purely relative & arbitrary unit
#define kPersonSmallMass 2 // for colliding with ball
#define kBallMass 1
#define kPersonBallMass 5
#define kPersonPersonMass 8
#define kPersonDampening 2 // fraction subtracted when wall collided
#define kBallDampening 3 // bigger => more energy lost
#define kLoopsImpactless 6
#define kFrameToDampen 5
#define kEnergyAbsorbed 32 // fraction of velocity subtracted @ impact
#define kPBEnergyAbsorbed 4 // as above but for player/ball collisions
//======================================================== Prototypes
void DoPersonBallMerged (playerType *); // catching/dropping the ball
void DoPersonBallParted (playerType *);
void DoPersonBallCollided (playerType *); // ball/person dynamics
void DoPersonPersonCollided (void);
void CheckPersonBallCollision (playerType *); // test ball/person coll.
void CheckPersonPersonCollision (void);
void CheckPersonBallCollision (playerType *);
short GetPlaceOnArena (short, short);
void HandlePersonWallCollision (playerType *); // handle collisions with the wall
void CheckUpOnBall (void);
void HandleBallWallCollision (void);
void HandleCollisions (void); // handle non-wall collisions
//======================================================== External Variables
extern playerType theOpponent;
extern playerType thePlayer;
extern ballType theBall;
extern long oldDistSquared;
extern short whosGotBall, loopsBallHeld, leftGoalLeague, rightGoalLeague;
extern short *littleForceTable, *juniorForceTable, *varsityForceTable;
extern short *minorForceTable, *proForceTable;
extern short boardForceTable[9][2];
extern Boolean imTheMaster, netGameInSession, drawThisFrame;