John Calhoun 806b9b47db First check-in.
This project was originally compiled with THINK C for the Macintosh.
The project file is a THINK C project file. Then there is the assembly
static library (SMS) that is linked in to provide fast, 4-channel sound
(written by Patrick Buckland). Resource files, a balloon file for
“balloon help” when it was a thing…. Good luck to anyone trying to
bring this beast back to life.
2016-01-27 20:50:55 -08:00

1 line
1.7 KiB
Executable File

/*== ==*/
/*== Menu Header ==*/
/*== ==*/
/*======================================================== Defines */
/* Menu Constants */
#define iNoItem 0
#define rAppleMenuID 128 /* Apple */
#define iAboutItem 1
#define rFileMenuID 129 /* File */
#define iNewGame 1
#define iResumeGame 2
#define iEndGame 3
#define iQuit 5
#define rGameMenuID 130 /* Game */
#define iTeamsSetUp 1
#define iChooseLeague 2
#define iPracticeBoardin 4
#define iPracticeScoring 5
#define iStandardGame 6
#define iTournament 7
#define rOptionsMenuID 131 /* Options */
#define iInstantReplay 1
#define iSound 2
#define iNames 3
#define iPreferences 4
#define iPlayersStats 6
#define iRecords 7
#define iMemory 9
#define iConvert 10
#define iHelp 11
/*======================================================== Routines */
void CheckGameMenu (void);
void SetMBarToPlaying (void);
void SetMBarToIdle (void);
void ValidateMenuBar (void);
void DoAppleMenu (short);
void DoFileMenu (short);
void DoGameMenu (short);
void DoOptionsMenu (short);
void DoMenuChoice (long);
void MenuBarInit (void);
/*======================================================== Globals */
extern macEnvironment thisMac;
extern short primaryMode, whichGame, leftPlayerNumber, rightPlayerNumber;
extern short system7HelpItem;
extern Boolean quitting, menuBarIsHidden, pausing, netOnly;