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synced 2025-03-12 00:08:13 +00:00
336 lines
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336 lines
11 KiB
FCode DeTokenizer in pure Python.
Author: Max Poliakovski 2019-2021
import struct
0x10 : ('b(lit)', ['num32']),
0x11 : ("b(')", ['fcode_num']),
0x12 : ('b(")', ['p_string']),
0x13 : ('bbranch', ['offset']),
0x14 : ('b?branch', ['offset']),
0x15 : ('b(loop)', ['offset']),
0x16 : ('b(+loop)', ['offset']),
0x17 : ('b(do)', ['offset']),
0x18 : ('b(?do)', ['offset']),
0x19 : ('i', []),
0x1A : ('j', []),
0x1B : ('b(leave)', []),
0x1C : ('b(of)', ['offset']),
0x1D : ('execute', []),
0x1E : ('+', []),
0x1F : ('-', []),
0x20 : ('*', []),
0x21 : ('/', []),
0x22 : ('mod', []),
0x23 : ('and', []),
0x24 : ('or', []),
0x25 : ('xor', []),
0x26 : ('invert', []),
0x27 : ('lshift', []),
0x28 : ('rshift', []),
0x29 : ('>>a', []),
0x2A : ('/mod', []),
0x2B : ('u/mod', []),
0x2C : ('negate', []),
0x2D : ('abs', []),
0x2E : ('min', []),
0x2F : ('max', []),
0x30 : ('>r', []),
0x31 : ('r>', []),
0x32 : ('r@', []),
0x33 : ('exit', []),
0x34 : ('0=', []),
0x35 : ('0<>', []),
0x36 : ('0<', []),
0x37 : ('0<=', []),
0x38 : ('0>', []),
0x39 : ('0>=', []),
0x3A : ('<', []),
0x3B : ('>', []),
0x3C : ('=', []),
0x3D : ('<>', []),
0x3E : ('u>', []),
0x3F : ('u<=', []),
0x40 : ('u<', []),
0x41 : ('u>=', []),
0x42 : ('>=', []),
0x43 : ('<=', []),
0x44 : ('between', []),
0x45 : ('within', []),
0x46 : ('drop', []),
0x47 : ('dup', []),
0x48 : ('over', []),
0x49 : ('swap', []),
0x4A : ('rot', []),
0x4B : ('-rot', []),
0x4C : ('tuck', []),
0x4D : ('nip', []),
0x4E : ('pick', []),
0x4F : ('roll', []),
0x50 : ('?dup', []),
0x51 : ('depth', []),
0x52 : ('2drop', []),
0x53 : ('2dup', []),
0x54 : ('2over', []),
0x55 : ('2swap', []),
0x57 : ('2/', []),
0x59 : ('2*', []),
0x5C : ('/l', []),
0x5E : ('ca+', []),
0x5F : ('wa+', []),
0x60 : ('la+', []),
0x61 : ('na+', []),
0x62 : ('char+', []),
0x63 : ('wa1+', []),
0x64 : ('la1+', []),
0x65 : ('cell+', []),
0x68 : ('/l*', []),
0x69 : ('cells', []),
0x6A : ('on', []),
0x6B : ('off', []),
0x6C : ('+!', []),
0x6D : ('@', []),
0x6E : ('l@', []),
0x6F : ('w@', []),
0x71 : ('c@', []),
0x72 : ('!', []),
0x73 : ('l!', []),
0x74 : ('w!', []),
0x75 : ('c!', []),
0x76 : ('2@', []),
0x77 : ('2!', []),
0x78 : ('move', []),
0x79 : ('fill', []),
0x7A : ('comp', []),
0x7C : ('lwsplit', []),
0x7D : ('wljoin', []),
0x7E : ('lbsplit', []),
0x7F : ('bljoin', []),
0x80 : ('wbflip', []),
0x83 : ('pack', []),
0x84 : ('count', []),
0x85 : ('body>', []),
0x86 : ('>body', []),
0x89 : ('unloop', []),
0x8B : ('alloc-mem', []),
0x8C : ('free-mem', []),
0x8D : ('key?', []),
0x8E : ('key', []),
0x90 : ('type', []),
0x92 : ('cr', []),
0x9D : ('.', []),
0xA0 : ('base', []),
0xA4 : ('-1', []),
0xA5 : ('0', []),
0xA6 : ('1', []),
0xA7 : ('2', []),
0xA8 : ('3', []),
0xA9 : ('bl', []),
0xAA : ('bs', []),
0xAB : ('bell', []),
0xAC : ('bounds', []),
0xAD : ('here', []),
0xAE : ('aligned', []),
0xAF : ('wbsplit', []),
0xB0 : ('bwjoin', []),
0xB1 : ('b(<mark)', []),
0xB2 : ('b(>resolve)', []),
0xB5 : ('new-token', ['unnamed_tok']),
0xB7 : ('b(:)', []),
0xB8 : ('b(value)', ['line_break']),
0xB9 : ('b(variable)', ['line_break']),
0xBA : ('b(constant)', ['line_break']),
0xBB : ('b(create)', ['line_break']),
0xBC : ('b(defer)', ['line_break']),
0xBD : ('b(buffer:)', ['line_break']),
0xBE : ('b(field)', ['line_break']),
0xC0 : ('instance', []),
0xC2 : ('b(;)', ['line_break']),
0xC3 : ('b(to)', ['fcode_num']),
0xC4 : ('b(case)', []),
0xC5 : ('b(endcase)', []),
0xC6 : ('b(endof)', ['offset']),
0xCA : ('external-token', ['named_tok']),
0xD0 : ('c,', []),
0xD1 : ('w,', []),
0xD2 : ('l,', []),
0xD3 : (',', []),
0xD4 : ('um*', []),
0xD5 : ('um/mod', []),
0xD8 : ('d+', []),
0xD9 : ('d-', []),
0xDA : ('get-token', []),
0xDB : ('set-token', []),
0xDC : ('state', []),
0xF1 : ('start1', ['fcode_hdr', 'offset16']),
0xFD : ('version1', ['fcode_hdr', 'offset8']),
0x102 : ('my-address', []),
0x103 : ('my-space', []),
0x110 : ('property', []),
0x111 : ('encode-int', []),
0x112 : ('encode+', []),
0x113 : ('encode-phys', []),
0x114 : ('encode-string', []),
0x115 : ('encode-bytes', []),
0x119 : ('model', []),
0x11A : ('device-type', []),
0x11C : ('is-install', []),
0x11D : ('is-remove', []),
0x125 : ('get-msecs', []),
0x126 : ('ms', []),
0x128 : ('decode-phys', []),
0x150 : ('#lines', []),
0x15A : ('erase-screen', []),
0x166 : ('window-left', []),
0x16A : ('default-font', []),
0x16B : ('set-font', []),
0x16C : ('char-height', []),
0x16D : ('char-width', []),
0x18B : ('fb8-install', []),
0x201 : ('device-name', []),
0x203 : ('my-self', []),
0x207 : ('find-method', []),
0x209 : ('$call-parent', []),
0x20A : ('my-parent', []),
0x20B : ('ihandle>phandle', []),
0x216 : ('abort', []),
0x21A : ('get-my-property', []),
0x21B : ('decode-int', []),
0x21D : ('get-inherited-property', []),
0x21E : ('delete-property', []),
0x226 : ('lwflip', []),
0x227 : ('lbflip', []),
0x230 : ('rb@', []),
0x231 : ('rb!', []),
0x232 : ('rw@', []),
0x233 : ('rw!', []),
0x234 : ('rl@', []),
0x235 : ('rl!', [])
class DeTokenizer():
def __init__(self, code_stream, code_len, pos = 0):
self.pos = pos
self.code_stream = code_stream
self.code_length = code_len
self.offset_bits = 8
self.builtin_dict = FORTH_WORDS
self.user_dict = {}
self.new_line = False
def reinit(self, code_stream, code_len, pos = 0):
self.pos = pos
self.code_stream = code_stream
self.code_length = code_len
self.offset_bits = 8
self.new_line = False
def next_toknum(self):
tok_num = self.code_stream[self.pos]
self.pos += 1
if tok_num > 0 and tok_num <= 0xF:
tok_num = (tok_num << 8) | self.code_stream[self.pos]
self.pos += 1
return tok_num
def fcode_hdr(self):
fcode_hdr = struct.unpack('>BHL', self.code_stream[self.pos:self.pos+7])
self.pos += 7
print("FCode header:")
print("- format = 0x%X" % fcode_hdr[0])
print("- checksum = 0x%X" % fcode_hdr[1])
print("- prog_len = 0x%X\n" % fcode_hdr[2])
def offset8(self):
self.offset_bits = 8
def offset16(self):
self.offset_bits = 16
def offset(self):
if self.offset_bits == 8:
val = self.code_stream[self.pos]
self.pos += 1
elif self.offset_bits == 16:
val = (self.code_stream[self.pos] << 8) | (self.code_stream[self.pos+1])
self.pos += 2
sign = 1 << (self.offset_bits - 1)
offset = (val & (sign - 1)) - (val & sign)
print("- offset: %d" % offset)
def num32(self):
num = (self.code_stream[self.pos] << 24) | \
(self.code_stream[self.pos+1] << 16) | \
(self.code_stream[self.pos+2] << 8) | \
self.pos += 4
print("- number: 0x%X" % num)
def fcode_num(self):
num = self.next_toknum()
print("- FCode #: 0x%X" % num)
return num
def unnamed_tok(self):
tok_num = self.fcode_num()
tok_name = 'unnamed_' + format(tok_num, 'x')
#if tok_num not in self.user_dict:
self.user_dict[tok_num] = tok_name
def named_tok(self):
tok_name = self.p_string()
tok_num = self.fcode_num()
#if tok_num not in self.user_dict:
self.user_dict[tok_num] = tok_name
def p_string(self):
len = self.code_stream[self.pos]
self.pos += 1
str = struct.unpack('%ds' % len, \
self.pos += len
print('- String: " %s"' % str)
return str
except UnicodeDecodeError: # Forth string may contain non-printable chars!
bytes = struct.unpack('%dB' % len, \
self.pos += len
print(' '.join(format(x, '02x') for x in bytes))
return bytes
def line_break(self):
self.new_line = True
def insert_newline(self, tok_num):
if tok_num == 0xCA or tok_num == 0xB5:
if not self.new_line:
self.new_line = False
def decode_stream(self):
while self.pos < self.code_length:
tok_num = self.next_toknum()
if tok_num == 0:
print('0x00 ; end0')
if tok_num in self.builtin_dict:
dict_entry = self.builtin_dict[tok_num]
print("0x%X ; %s" % (tok_num, dict_entry[0]))
for fun in dict_entry[1]:
fun_obj = getattr(self, fun)
elif tok_num in self.user_dict: # check user dictionary
print("0x%X ; %s" % (tok_num, self.user_dict[tok_num]))
print("Token %X not found at offset 0x%X!" % (tok_num, self.pos))