ResKnife/Cocoa/Plug-Ins/Template Editor/Element.m

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#import "Element.h"
@implementation Element
+ (id)elementForType:(NSString *)t withLabel:(NSString *)l
return [[[self alloc] autorelease] initForType:t withLabel:l];
- (id)initForType:(NSString *)t withLabel:(NSString *)l
self = [super init];
if(!self) return nil;
label = [l copy];
type = [t copy];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[label release];
[type release];
[super dealloc];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
Element *element = [[[self class] allocWithZone:zone] initForType:type withLabel:label];
[element setParentArray:parentArray];
return element;
#pragma mark -
- (void)setIsTMPL:(BOOL)t
_isTMPL = t;
return _isTMPL;
- (void)setType:(NSString *)t
id old = type;
type = [t copy];
[old release];
- (NSString *)type
return type;
- (void)setLabel:(NSString *)l
id old = label;
label = [l copy];
[old release];
- (NSString *)label
return label;
- (void)setParentArray:(NSMutableArray *)array
// do not retain parent object
parentArray = array;
- (NSMutableArray *)parentArray
return parentArray;
- (int)subElementCount
// default implementation suitable for most element types
return 0;
- (Element *)subElementAtIndex:(int)n
// default implementation suitable for most element types
return nil;
- (void)readSubElementsFrom:(TemplateStream *)stream
// by default, items don't read any sub-elements.
// You should read whatever kind of data your template field stands for from "stream"
// and store it in an instance variable.
- (void)readDataFrom:(TemplateStream *)stream
NSLog(@"-readDataFrom:called on non-concrete class Element");
// Before writeDataTo:is called, this is called to calculate the final resource size:
// Items with sub-elements should return the sum of the sizes of all their sub-elements here as well.
- (unsigned int)sizeOnDisk
// default implementation suitable for dimentionless element types
return 0;
- (void)writeDataTo:(TemplateStream *)stream
NSLog(@"-writeDataTo:called on non-concrete class Element");
- (NSString *)stringValue
NSLog(@"-stringValue called on non-concrete class Element");
return @"<unknown>";
- (void)setStringValue:(NSString *)value
// we need this method, otherwise KVC throws an exception which screws up the table
NSLog(@"-setStringValue:@\"%@\" called on non-concrete class Element", value);
- (BOOL)editable
// override this for non-editable field types
return YES;
- (float)rowHeight
return 18.0;