/* With thanks to: For: Jim Luther MoreFiles Bryan K. Ressler & Bradley D. Mohr Asynchronous SoundHelper John Montbriand & Pete Gontier FinderDragPro */ // interesting function I found: CFBundleOpenBundleResourceMap() #if defined(__MWERKS__) // compiling with CodeWarrior #if __profile__ #include #endif #else // compiling with ProjectBuilder, use frameworks #define NO_DATA_BROWSER_TWEAKS 0 #define USE_OLD_DATA_BROWSER_STRUCTS 0 #include #endif #ifndef _ResKnife_ #define _ResKnife_ /*! * @header ResKnife Global Header * Imported by all ResKnife's C++ source files, this defines various structures and constants which have an application-wide domain. */ // compile options #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON #define USE_NIBS 0 // toggle this #else #define USE_NIBS 0 // leave this set to zero #endif // include my generic API abbreviations #include "Generic.h" /*** STRUCTURES ***/ // type definitions typedef class ResourceObject ResourceObject, *ResourceObjectPtr; typedef class PlugObject PlugObject, *PlugObjectPtr; typedef class WindowObject WindowObject, *WindowObjectPtr; typedef class FileWindow FileWindow, *FileWindowPtr; typedef class PlugWindow PlugWindow, *PlugWindowPtr; typedef class PickerWindow PickerWindow, *PickerWindowPtr; typedef class EditorWindow EditorWindow, *EditorWindowPtr; typedef class InspectorWindow InspectorWindow, *InspectorWindowPtr; /* Global Variables */ struct globals { // application Str255 appName; Str255 prefsName; Boolean quitting; Boolean cancelQuit; Boolean frontApp; Boolean asyncSound; // async sound initalised Boolean callSH; // call sound idle short appResFile; Handle emergencyMemory; EventLoopTimerRef idleTimer; // for SHIdle() // system info SInt32 systemVersion; SInt32 carbonVersion; Boolean dragAvailable; Boolean translucentDrag; Boolean navAvailable; Boolean appearanceAvailable; Boolean windowMgrAvailable; Boolean extendedWindowAttr; // files UInt16 tempCount; // number of temporary files opened, so names don't clash // dialogs DialogPtr prefsDialog; Boolean protectPrefs; // if newer version of prefs file exists, will not overwrite InspectorWindowPtr inspector; // colours RGBColor white; // 0xFFFF, 65535 RGBColor bgColour; // 0xEEEE, 61166 RGBColor sortColour; // 0xDDDD, 56797 RGBColor bevelColour; // 0xAAAA, 43690 RGBColor textColour; // 0x7777, 30583 RGBColor frameColour; // 0x5555, 21845 RGBColor black; // 0x0000, 0 // debugging Boolean debug; Boolean surpressErrors; Boolean useAppleEvents; Boolean useAppearance; Boolean useNavServices; Boolean useSheets; // OS X only }; /*! * @struct prefs * @abstract Appplication-wide user preferences * @discussion Stores all user preferences in memory to avoid needless disk access. This structure is simply written straight to disk when the preferences are saved. * @field version Identifies which version of ResKnife saved the prefs file (allowing future versions to parse the data contained). */ struct prefs { UInt32 version; // == kResKnifeCurrentVersion, when saved to disk allows older prefs to be read in Boolean quitIfNoWindowsAreOpen; // silly name! - perhaps grandmaMode ? Boolean autoSave; UInt32 autoSaveInterval; // should be in units of time Boolean warnOnDelete; // "Are you sure?" dialog, © Microsoft 1986-2003 }; /*** CONSTANTS ***/ // Mac OS versions const SInt32 kMacOS607 = 0x00000607; const SInt32 kMacOS7 = 0x00000710; const SInt32 kMacOS71 = 0x00000710; const SInt32 kMacOS755 = 0x00000755; const SInt32 kMacOS8 = 0x00000800; const SInt32 kMacOS85 = 0x00000850; const SInt32 kMacOS86 = 0x00000860; const SInt32 kMacOS9 = 0x00000900; const SInt32 kMacOS904 = 0x00000904; const SInt32 kMacOS91 = 0x00000910; const SInt32 kMacOS921 = 0x00000921; const SInt32 kMacOS10 = 0x00001000; const SInt32 kMacOS101 = 0x00001010; const SInt32 kMacOS102 = 0x00001020; const SInt32 kMacOSX = kMacOS10; // CarbonLib versions const SInt32 kCarbonLib104 = 0x00000104; const SInt32 kCarbonLib11 = 0x00000110; const SInt32 kCarbonLib12 = 0x00000120; const SInt32 kCarbonLib125 = 0x00000125; const SInt32 kCarbonLib131 = 0x00000131; const SInt32 kCarbonLib14 = 0x00000140; const SInt32 kCarbonLib145 = 0x00000145; const SInt32 kCarbonLib15 = 0x00000150; const SInt32 kCarbonLib16 = 0x00000160; // ResKnife version & file types const UInt32 kCurrentVersion = 0x00040001; const UInt32 kResKnifeCreator = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ResK'); const UInt32 kResourceFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rsrc'); const UInt32 kResourceTransferType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rsrc'); // for copy/paste and drags // memory const UInt16 kMinimumFreeMemory = 20 * 1024; // if we have over 20 KB we're alright const UInt16 kEmergencyMemory = 40 * 1024; // 40 KB are put aside for emergencies // window kinds enum WindowKind { kFileWindowKind = 1, kPickerWindowKind, kEditorWindowKind, kInspectorWindowKind }; // control sizes const UInt16 kScrollBarWidth = 16; /* RESOURCES */ /*! * @enum Menu Resources * @discussion Contains all resource IDs for menu items and all ascociated item numbers. */ enum // menus { kClassicMenuBar = 128, kAppleMenu = 128, kAppleMenuAboutItem = 1, kFileMenu = 129, kFileMenuNewFileItem = 1, kFileMenuOpenFileItem, kFileMenuCloseWindowItem, kFileMenuQuitItem = 12, kEditMenu = 130, kEditMenuClearItem = 7, kEditMenuPreferencesItem = 13, kResourceMenu = 131, kResourceMenuNewResource = 1, kWindowMenu = 132, kDebugMenu = 200, kDebugMenuDebugItem = 1, kDebugMenuSurpressErrorsItem = 3, kDebugMenuAppleEventsItem, kDebugMenuAppearanceItem, kDebugMenuNavServicesItem, kDebugMenuSheetsItem }; enum // application menu { kMenuCommandAbout = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('abou') }; enum // file menu { kMenuCommandNewFile = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('new '), kMenuCommandOpenFile = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('open'), kMenuCommandCloseWindow = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('clos'), kMenuCommandCloseFile = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('clsf'), kMenuCommandSaveFile = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('save'), kMenuCommandSaveFileAs = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('svas'), kMenuCommandRevertFile = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rvtf'), kMenuCommandPageSetup = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('setu'), kMenuCommandPrint = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('prin') }; enum // edit menu { kMenuCommandFind = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('find'), kMenuCommandFindAgain = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('agin') }; enum // resource menu { kMenuCommandNewResource = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('newr'), kMenuCommandOpenHex = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hex '), kMenuCommandOpenDefault = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('edit'), kMenuCommandOpenTemplate = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tmpl'), kMenuCommandOpenSpecific = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tmp '), kMenuCommandRevertResource = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rvtr'), kMenuCommandPlaySound = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('play') }; enum // debug menu { kMenuCommandDebug = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dbug'), kMenuCommandSurpressErrors = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('surp'), kMenuCommandAppleEvents = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('appl'), kMenuCommandAppearance = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('appr'), kMenuCommandNavServices = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('nav '), kMenuCommandSheets = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('shet') }; enum // windows { kFileWindow7 = 128, kFileWindow8 = 129 }; enum // dialogs { kErrorDialog = 128, kNewResourceDialog = 129 }; enum // controls { kSystem7ScrollBarControl = 128, kAppearanceScrollBarControl = 129, kNormalHeaderControl = 130, kFileHeaderControl = 131, kEditTextControl = 132 }; enum // icons { kSortUpIcon = 921, kSortDownIcon = 922, kDefaultResourceIcon = 1000 }; enum // strings { kErrorStrings = 128, kStringUnknownError = 1, kExplanationUnknownError, kStringOSNotGoodEnough, kExplanationOSNotGoodEnough, kStringMinimumCarbonLib, kExplanationMinimumCarbonLib, kStringRecommendedCarbonLib, kExplanationRecommendedCarbonLib, kDebugStrings = 129, kStringRFNotFound = 1, kExplanationRFNotFound, kStringDFNotFound, kExplanationDFNotFound, kFileNameStrings = 130, kStringResKnifeName = 1, kStringPrefsFileName, kStringNewDragFileName, kWindowNameStrings = 131, kStringNewFile = 1, kStringPrefsWindowName, kStringInspectorWindowName, kStringNewResourceDialogName, kResourceNameStrings = 132, kStringDataFork = 1, kStringUntitledResource, kStringCustomIcon }; #endif