ResKnife/Uli's Template Editor/TEMPLATES.txt
Eric Gallager 3306fb2256 Un-gitignore the Uli's Template Editor folder
Note: The stuff in this folder doesn't actually work
2012-05-06 13:14:09 -04:00

131 lines
5.7 KiB

For AngelTemplate, a Template is a file that describes a (binary) file format.
AngelTemplate uses template files to find out how to best display certain
kinds of binary files to you.
A template is basically a property list file. So, just use Property List
Editor to create your template, and when you're finished change its file
name extension from ".plist" to ".fileTemplate" and drop it in your ~/Library/Application Support/AngelTemplate/Templates/ folder.
A template file's root is a dictionary. It contains a "templateType" key that
must currently always be set to the string "fieldList", and a "templateVersion"
key that must currently always be set to the number "1".
A field list template consists of a list of "fields", which are the individual
pieces of data present in the file. An example of a field would be an integer,
a string, or a boolean. In addition, some fields can contain other fields, for
example the Array field can in turn contain integers, strings etc.
In addition to the keys mentioned above, fieldList Templates of type 1 (the only
type of template at this time) also contain the following keys:
fieldDefaults - A dictionary containing fallback key-value pairs for certain
field types. For example, if a field's value can be stored
as big-endian or little-endian, and you want all fields to
be big-endian, you can specify the "endianness" key with
value "big" in this dictionary instead of for each field,
and thus make the entire file big-endian.
fieldList - An array of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains
key-value pairs describing a certain field. All fields
have at least the following two key-value pairs:
type - A string identifying the type of field. See
below for a list of supported field types.
label - A label to display to the left of this field.
This is a bit of description whose text you
can choose arbitrarily to tell people using
this template what a particular field
Some field types also understand the following (optional)
key-value pairs:
description - A piece of (longer) descriptional text that
you can choose arbitrarily to provide
additional information about a field.
endianness - This is a string cintaining either "big" or
"little" and decides whether multi-byte data
types like integers and array counters will
be stored with least-significant byte first
(Intel) or last (PowerPC, M68000). If you
do not specify this key, the little-endian
format used on today's Intel-Chip-Based Macs
is used.
defaultValue - This is a value that will be used for new
fields to fill them with an initial value.
You can for example use this to fill in the
newest version number into a data structure.
Depending on what type a field has, the
defaultValue will adopt an appropriate
data type, generally a string or a number.
fieldList - Some fields can contain other fields. For
example, array fields contain a list of
fields that make up one array item. The
fieldList key is used in the array field and
other fields with sub-fields to hold an
Array listing these fields. Such a fieldList
has the exact same format as the fieldList
at the root level of the file.
Generally, if a field type understands the
fieldList field, it is /not/ optional.
setVariable - This is a string used as a variable name in
which this field's value will be stored. You
can then later take the saved value and
specify it to another field to use as its
value. This is e.g. useful with arrays where
the number of elements doesn't immediately
precede the array items.
The following field types are currently available in AngelTemplate:
Integer - A 4-byte signed integer.
UnsignedInteger - A 4-byte unsigned integer.
TwoByteInteger - A 2-byte signed integer.
TwoByteUnsignedInteger - A 2-byte unsigned integer.
UnsignedTwoByteInteger - A 2-byte unsigned integer.
Boolean - A 1-byte boolean value that is either 1 or 0
(YES or NO).
Comment - This is a field that only exists in the template. It
does not read or write any data from/to the file,
but rather simply displays its label in the template.
You can use this to group together certain fields
and add descriptions.
CString - A C string is a bunch of characters followed by a zero byte.
You can specify an "encoding" key for this field containing
a string like "MacOSRoman", "UTF8", "ISOLatin1" or "ASCII"
(See NSStringEncoding for other encoding names you can use.
Simply take the xxx part of the "NSxxxStringEncoding"
constants). If no encoding is specified, AngelTemplate will
assume an encoding of "UTF8".
PString - A Pascal String. Pascal Strings start with one byte
indicating their length in bytes, and up to 255 characters
after that.
Like for C strings, you can specify the "encoding" key. Note
that most Pascal strings out there won't be in the default
encoding of UTF8, so you'd better explicitly specify
MacRoman or ISOLatin1.
Array - An array of other fields. The array starts off with a 4-byte
integer containing the number of array elements, followed
by that many array items. Each array item's field layout is
defined by the fieldList contained in the array field.
TwoByteArray - Like Array, but the counter is a two-byte integer instead of
a 4-byte integer.