ResKnife/Cocoa/Plug-Ins/Hex Editor/HexTextView.m
2002-06-04 13:57:55 +00:00

282 lines
8.7 KiB

#import "HexTextView.h"
@implementation HexTextView
- (id)init
self = [super init];
[[[NSCursor alloc] initWithImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"Show Info"] hotSpot:NSMakePoint(0,0)] set];
return self;
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
[super drawRect:rect];
/* if( [[self window] isKeyWindow] && [[self window] firstResponder] == self )
NSSetFocusRingStyle( NSFocusRingOnly );
[self setKeyboardFocusRingNeedsDisplayInRect:rect];
/* [super drawRect:rect];
if( [[self window] isKeyWindow] )
NSResponder *responder = [[self window] firstResponder];
if( [responder isKindOfClass:[NSView class]] && [(NSView *)responder isDescendantOf:self])
NSSetFocusRingStyle( NSFocusRingOnly );
NSRectFill( rect );
[self setKeyboardFocusRingNeedsDisplayInRect:rect];*/
- (void)setSelectedRange:(NSRange)charRange affinity:(NSSelectionAffinity)affinity stillSelecting:(BOOL)flag
NSRange newRange = charRange;
// select whole bytes at a time (only if selecting in hex!)
if( self == (id) [[self delegate] hex] )
// move selection offset to beginning of byte
newRange.location -= (charRange.location % 3);
newRange.length += (charRange.location % 3);
// set selection length to whole number of bytes
if( charRange.length != 0 )
newRange.length -= (newRange.length % 3) -2;
else newRange.length = 0;
// move insertion point to next byte if needs be
if( newRange.location == charRange.location -1 && newRange.length == 0 )
newRange.location += 3;
// select return character if selecting ascii - no longer necessary as there's a one-to-one for ascii
/* else if( self == (id) [[self delegate] ascii] )
// if ascii selection goes up to sixteenth byte on last line, select return character too
if( (charRange.length + charRange.location) % 17 == 16)
// if selection is zero bytes long, move insertion point to character after return
if( charRange.length == 0 )
// if moving back from first byte of line to previous line, skip return char
NSRange selected = [self selectedRange];
if( (selected.length + selected.location) % 17 == 0 )
newRange.location -= 1;
else newRange.location += 1;
else newRange.length += 1;
// call the superclass to update the selection
[super setSelectedRange:newRange affinity:affinity stillSelecting:NO];
/* NSText overrides */
- (void)paste:(id)sender
NSLog( @"paste:" );
// be 'smart' - determine if the pasted text is in hex format, such as "5F 3E 04 8E" or ascii.
// what about unicode? should I paste "00 63 00 64" as "63 64" ("Paste As ASCII" submenu item)?
[super paste:sender];
- (void)clear:(id)sender
NSRange selection = [self rangeForUserTextChange];
if( selection.length > 0 )
[self delete:sender];
- (void)delete:(id)sender
[self deleteBackward:sender];
/* NSResponder overrides */
- (void)insertText:(NSString *)string
NSRange selection = [self rangeForUserTextChange], byteSelection;
NSMutableData *data = [[[[self window] windowController] data] mutableCopy];
NSData *replaceData = [NSData dataWithBytes:[string cString] length:[string cStringLength]];
NSLog( @"insertText:" );
// get selection range
if( self == (id) [[self delegate] hex] )
byteSelection = [[self delegate] byteRangeFromHexRange:selection];
else if( self == (id) [[self delegate] ascii] )
byteSelection = [[self delegate] byteRangeFromAsciiRange:selection];
NSLog( @"Inserting text into illegal object: %@", self );
if( self == (id) [[self delegate] hex] )
// bug: iteration through each character in string is broken, paste not yet mapped to this function
int i;
for( i= 0; i < [string cStringLength]; i++ )
char typedChar = [string characterAtIndex:i];
if( typedChar >= 0x30 && typedChar <= 0x39 ) typedChar -= 0x30; // 0 to 9
else if( typedChar >= 0x41 && typedChar <= 0x46 ) typedChar -= 0x37; // A to F
else if( typedChar >= 0x61 && typedChar <= 0x66 ) typedChar -= 0x57; // a to f
else return;
if( [[self delegate] editedLow] ) // edited low bits already
// select & retrieve old byte so it gets replaced
char prevByte;
byteSelection = NSMakeRange(byteSelection.location -1, 1);
[data getBytes:&prevByte range:byteSelection];
// shift typed char into high bits and add new low char
prevByte <<= 4; // store high bit
prevByte += typedChar & 0x0F; // add low bit
replaceData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&prevByte length:1];
[[self delegate] setEditedLow:NO];
else // editing low bits
// put typed char into low bits
typedChar &= 0x0F;
replaceData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&typedChar length:1];
[[self delegate] setEditedLow:YES];
// replace bytes (updates views implicitly, records an undo)
[self editData:data replaceBytesInRange:byteSelection withData:replaceData];
[data release];
// set the new selection/insertion point
byteSelection.length = 0;
if( self == (id) [[self delegate] hex] )
selection = [[self delegate] hexRangeFromByteRange:byteSelection];
else if( self == (id) [[self delegate] ascii] )
selection = [[self delegate] asciiRangeFromByteRange:byteSelection];
[self setSelectedRange:selection];
- (IBAction)deleteBackward:(id)sender
NSRange selection = [self rangeForUserTextChange], byteSelection;
NSMutableData *data = [[[[self window] windowController] data] mutableCopy];
NSLog( @"deleteBackward:" );
// get selection range
if( self == (id) [[self delegate] hex] )
byteSelection = [[self delegate] byteRangeFromHexRange:selection];
else if( self == (id) [[self delegate] ascii] )
byteSelection = [[self delegate] byteRangeFromAsciiRange:selection];
NSLog( @"Inserting text into illegal object: %@", self );
// adjust selection if is insertion point
if( byteSelection.length == 0 && selection.location > 0 )
byteSelection.location -= 1;
byteSelection.length = 1;
// replace bytes (updates views implicitly)
[self editData:data replaceBytesInRange:byteSelection withData:[NSData data]];
[data release];
// set the new selection/insertion point
if( selection.length == 0 )
selection.location -= 1;
else selection.length = 0;
[self setSelectedRange:selection];
- (IBAction)deleteForward:(id)sender
NSRange selection = [self rangeForUserTextChange], byteSelection;
NSMutableData *data = [[[[self window] windowController] data] mutableCopy];
NSLog( @"deleteForward:" );
// get selection range
if( self == (id) [[self delegate] hex] )
byteSelection = [[self delegate] byteRangeFromHexRange:selection];
else if( self == (id) [[self delegate] ascii] )
byteSelection = [[self delegate] byteRangeFromAsciiRange:selection];
NSLog( @"Inserting text into illegal object: %@", self );
// adjust selection if is insertion point
if( byteSelection.length == 0 && selection.location < [[self string] length] -1 )
byteSelection.length = 1;
// replace bytes (updates views implicitly)
[self editData:data replaceBytesInRange:byteSelection withData:[NSData data]];
[data release];
// set the new selection/insertion point
selection.length = 0;
[self setSelectedRange:selection];
- (IBAction)transpose:(id)sender
- (IBAction)deleteWordBackward:(id)sender
[self deleteBackward:sender];
- (IBAction)deleteWordForward:(id)sender
[self deleteForward:sender];
- (IBAction)transposeWords:(id)sender
[self transpose:sender];
- (void)editData:(NSMutableData *)data replaceBytesInRange:(NSRange)range withData:(NSData *)newData
// record an undo
NSRange newRange = NSMakeRange( range.location, [newData length] );
NSData *oldData = [[data subdataWithRange:range] retain]; // bug: memory leak, need to release somewhere
[[[[self window] undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] editData:data replaceBytesInRange:newRange withData:oldData];
[[[self window] undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedString(@"Typing", nil)];
NSLog( @"Edit Called: replaceBytesInRange: %@ withData: %@", NSStringFromRange(range), [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:newData encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding] autorelease] );
NSLog( @"Edit Saved: replaceBytesInRange: %@ withData: %@", NSStringFromRange(newRange), [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:oldData encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding] autorelease] );
// replace bytes (updates views implicitly)
[data replaceBytesInRange:range withBytes:[newData bytes] length:[newData length]];
[[(HexWindowController *)[[self window] windowController] resource] setData:data];
[self setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(range.location, [newData length])];
[[self window] setDocumentEdited:YES];
@implementation NSTextView (HexTextView)
- (void)swapForHexTextView
isa = [HexTextView class];