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#import "HexEditorDelegate.h"
#import "HexWindowController.h"
/* Ideas, method names, and occasionally code stolen from HexEditor by Raphael Sebbe http://raphaelsebbe.multimania.com/ */
@implementation HexEditorDelegate
/* data re-representation methods */
- (NSString *)offsetRepresentation:(NSData *)data;
int row, dataLength = [data length], bytesPerRow = [controller bytesPerRow];
int rows = (dataLength / bytesPerRow) + ((dataLength % bytesPerRow)? 1:0);
NSMutableString *representation = [NSMutableString string];
for( row = 0; row < rows; row++ )
[representation appendFormat:@"%08lX:", row * bytesPerRow];
return representation;
- (NSString *)hexRepresentation:(NSData *)data;
int row, addr, currentByte = 0, dataLength = [data length], bytesPerRow = [controller bytesPerRow];
int rows = (dataLength / bytesPerRow) + ((dataLength % bytesPerRow)? 1:0);
char buffer[bytesPerRow*3 +1], hex1, hex2;
char *bytes = (char *) [data bytes];
NSMutableString *representation = [NSMutableString string];
// calculate bytes
for( row = 0; row < rows; row++ )
for( addr = 0; addr < bytesPerRow; addr++ )
if( currentByte < dataLength )
hex1 = bytes[currentByte];
hex2 = bytes[currentByte];
hex1 >>= 4;
hex1 &= 0x0F;
hex2 &= 0x0F;
hex1 += (hex1 < 10)? 0x30 : 0x37;
hex2 += (hex2 < 10)? 0x30 : 0x37;
buffer[addr*3] = hex1;
buffer[addr*3 +1] = hex2;
buffer[addr*3 +2] = 0x20;
// advance current byte
buffer[addr*3] = 0x00;
// clear last byte on line
buffer[bytesPerRow*3] = 0x00;
// append buffer to representation
[representation appendString:[NSString stringWithCString:buffer]];
return representation;
- (NSString *)asciiRepresentation:(NSData *)data;
int row, addr, currentByte = 0, dataLength = [data length], bytesPerRow = [controller bytesPerRow];
int rows = (dataLength / bytesPerRow) + ((dataLength % bytesPerRow)? 1:0);
char buffer[bytesPerRow +1];
char *bytes = (char *) [data bytes];
NSMutableString *representation = [NSMutableString string];
// calculate bytes
for( row = 0; row < rows; row++ )
for( addr = 0; addr < bytesPerRow; addr++ )
if( currentByte < dataLength )
if( bytes[currentByte] > 0x20 && bytes[currentByte] < 0x7F )
buffer[addr] = bytes[currentByte];
else if( bytes[currentByte] == 0x20 )
buffer[addr] = 0xCA; // nbsp to stop maligned wraps
else buffer[addr] = 0x2E; // full stop
// advance current byte
buffer[addr] = 0x00;
// clear last byte on line
buffer[bytesPerRow] = 0x00;
// append buffer to representation
[representation appendString:[NSString stringWithCString:buffer]];
return representation;
/* delegation methods */
// I'm going to try a lower level approach overriding NSResponder methods in the HexTextView class.
/*- (BOOL)textView:(NSTextView *)textView shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)affectedCharRange replacementString:(NSString *)replacementString;
#warning Every time a character is typed or string pasted, the entire resource is duplicated, operated on and disposed of! Perhaps I could do this in a better way?
NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData dataWithData:[controller data]];
NSMutableData *newData = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:[replacementString cString] length:[replacementString cStringLength]];
NSRange range;
NSLog( @"Delegate received:\ntextView: shouldChangeTextInRange:%@ replacementString:%@", NSStringFromRange(affectedCharRange), replacementString );
if( textView == hex ) range = [self byteRangeFromHexRange:affectedCharRange];
else if( textView == ascii ) range = [self byteRangeFromAsciiRange:affectedCharRange];
else return YES;
#warning Does not cater for delete, forward delete, etc.
[data replaceBytesInRange:range withBytes:[newData bytes] length:[newData length]];
// update resource data - this causes a notification to be sent out, which the plug receives and acts upon to update the text views
[[controller resource] setData:data];
return NO;
- (NSRange)textView:(NSTextView *)textView willChangeSelectionFromCharacterRange:(NSRange)oldSelectedCharRange toCharacterRange:(NSRange)newSelectedCharRange
NSRange hexRange, asciiRange, byteRange = NSMakeRange(0,0);
// temporarilly removing the delegate stops this function being called recursivly!
id oldDelegate = [hex delegate];
[hex setDelegate:nil];
[ascii setDelegate:nil];
if( textView == hex ) // we're selecting hexadecimal
byteRange = [self byteRangeFromHexRange:newSelectedCharRange];
asciiRange = [self asciiRangeFromByteRange:byteRange];
[ascii setSelectedRange:asciiRange];
else if( textView == ascii ) // we're selecting ASCII
byteRange = [self byteRangeFromAsciiRange:newSelectedCharRange];
hexRange = [self hexRangeFromByteRange:byteRange];
if( hexRange.length > 0 )
hexRange.length -= 1;
[hex setSelectedRange:hexRange];
// put the new selection into the message bar
[message setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Current selection: %@", NSStringFromRange(byteRange)]];
// restore delegates
[hex setDelegate:oldDelegate];
[ascii setDelegate:oldDelegate];
return newSelectedCharRange;
/* range conversion methods */
- (NSRange)byteRangeFromHexRange:(NSRange)hexRange;
// valid for all window widths
NSRange byteRange = NSMakeRange(0,0);
byteRange.location = (hexRange.location / 3);
byteRange.length = (hexRange.length / 3) + ((hexRange.length % 3)? 1:0);
return byteRange;
- (NSRange)hexRangeFromByteRange:(NSRange)byteRange;
// valid for all window widths
NSRange hexRange = NSMakeRange(0,0);
hexRange.location = (byteRange.location * 3);
hexRange.length = (byteRange.length * 3);
return hexRange;
- (NSRange)byteRangeFromAsciiRange:(NSRange)asciiRange;
// one-to-one mapping
return asciiRange;
- (NSRange)asciiRangeFromByteRange:(NSRange)byteRange;
// one-to-one mapping
return byteRange;
- (NSTextView *)hex
return hex;
- (NSTextView *)ascii
return ascii;
@end |