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368 lines
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// SwresExplode.swift
// SwresTools
import Foundation
struct ExplodeTask {
var printResources: Bool = false
var dumpResources: Bool = false
var overwriteExistingFiles: Bool = false
var translatorFilter: TranslatorFilter = TranslatorFilter.noTranslators
var identifierFilter: Int16?
var typeFilter: FourCharCode?
var inputURL: URL?
var outputFolder: URL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "SwresExplode")
func printUsageAndExit(status: Int32 = EXIT_SUCCESS) -> Never {
let processName = ProcessInfo.processInfo.processName
print("Extract Macintosh Toolbox resources.")
print("Usage: \(processName) [options] resourcefile")
print(" -h Show this help message")
print("Filtering Options:")
print(" -i [id] Filter by resource identifier.")
print(" -t [xxxx] Filter by resource type.")
print("Dumping Options:")
print(" -p Print resources to standard output.")
print(" -d Dump resources to files.")
print(" -o Output directory for the dumped resource.")
print(" -f Overwrite existing files when dumping.")
print(" -c Attempt to convert resources into more modern or portable formats.")
print(" -C Also use best guess conversions.")
print(" \(processName) resourcefile List all of the types.")
print(" \(processName) -d -t 'snd ' Dump all `snd ' resources.")
print(" \(processName) -d -t 'snd ' -i 1000 Dump the `snd ' resource with id 1000.")
print(" \(processName) -d -o /tmp/foo Dump all resources to the directory /tmp/foo.")
func taskForArguments() -> ExplodeTask {
var task = ExplodeTask()
let argc = CommandLine.argc
opterr = 0
while true {
let option = getopt(argc, CommandLine.unsafeArgv, "hi:t:pdfcCo:")
if option == -1 {
let optionScalar = UnicodeScalar(Int(option))!
switch optionScalar {
case UnicodeScalar("h"):
case UnicodeScalar("i"):
let identifierNumber = String(cString: optarg)
task.identifierFilter = Int16(identifierNumber)
case UnicodeScalar("t"):
do {
task.typeFilter = try FourCharCode(optarg)
} catch FourCharCodeError.invalidSequence {
print("Invalid type filter.");
printUsageAndExit(status: EXIT_FAILURE)
} catch {
print("Unexpected error parsing type filter.")
printUsageAndExit(status: EXIT_FAILURE)
case UnicodeScalar("p"):
task.printResources = true
case UnicodeScalar("d"):
task.dumpResources = true
case UnicodeScalar("o"):
task.outputFolder = URL(fileURLWithPath: String(cString: optarg))
case UnicodeScalar("f"):
task.overwriteExistingFiles = true
case UnicodeScalar("c"):
task.translatorFilter = max(task.translatorFilter, TranslatorFilter.onlyLikelyTranslators)
case UnicodeScalar("C"):
task.translatorFilter = max(task.translatorFilter, TranslatorFilter.likelyAndPossibleTranslators)
case UnicodeScalar("?"):
let unknownOption = UnicodeScalar(Int(optopt))!
if unknownOption == UnicodeScalar("i") || unknownOption == UnicodeScalar("t") {
print("Option -\(unknownOption) requires an argument.")
} else {
print("Unknown option -\(unknownOption.escaped(asASCII: true)).")
printUsageAndExit(status: EXIT_FAILURE)
printUsageAndExit(status: EXIT_FAILURE)
guard optind < argc else {
print("No input file specified.")
printUsageAndExit(status: EXIT_FAILURE)
let inputPathBytes = CommandLine.unsafeArgv[Int(optind)]!
let inputPath = String(cString:inputPathBytes)
task.inputURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: inputPath)
return task
func run(_ task: ExplodeTask) -> Int32 {
let resourcesByType = read(task)
process(task: task, resourcesByType: resourcesByType)
func read(_ task: ExplodeTask) -> ResourcesByType {
do {
return try readResourceFork(task.inputURL!)
} catch let error {
print(error.shortDescription(withUnderlyingError: true))
func process(task: ExplodeTask, resourcesByType: ResourcesByType) {
if task.dumpResources {
do {
try createOutputDirectory(task: task)
} catch let error {
print(error.shortDescription(withUnderlyingError: true))
let filteredResourcesByType = filter(resources: resourcesByType, task: task)
for (_, resources) in filteredResourcesByType {
for resource in resources {
if task.printResources {
if task.dumpResources {
dump(task: task, resource: resource)
enum OutputDirectoryError: NestingSwresError {
case directoryIsNotAFolder
case directoryExists
case couldntCreateDirectory(underlyingError: Error)
var underlyingError: Error? {
switch self {
case .couldntCreateDirectory(let underlyingError):
return underlyingError
return nil
var description: String {
switch self {
case .directoryIsNotAFolder:
return "Output directory is not a folder."
case .directoryExists:
return "Output directory already exists. Use -f to overwrite existing files."
case .couldntCreateDirectory:
return "Couldn't create output directory."
func createOutputDirectory(task: ExplodeTask) throws {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let outputDirectoryPath = task.outputFolder.path
var isDirectory: ObjCBool = false
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: outputDirectoryPath, isDirectory: &isDirectory) {
guard isDirectory.boolValue else {
throw OutputDirectoryError.directoryIsNotAFolder
guard task.overwriteExistingFiles else {
throw OutputDirectoryError.directoryExists
do {
try fileManager.createDirectory(at: task.outputFolder, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch let error {
throw OutputDirectoryError.couldntCreateDirectory(underlyingError: error)
func dump(task: ExplodeTask, resource: Resource) {
let (folderURL, fileURL) = explodedLocation(task: task, resource: resource)
let fileManager = FileManager.default
do {
try fileManager.createDirectory(at: folderURL, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
try resource.data.write(to: fileURL)
} catch let error {
print("Couldn't dump resource \(resource.type) \(resource.identifier).")
if task.translatorFilter >= TranslatorFilter.onlyLikelyTranslators {
let translatorManager = TranslatorManager.sharedInstance
let translationResults = translatorManager.translate(resource, includeTranslators: task.translatorFilter)
for translationResult in translationResults {
switch translationResult {
case .translated(let translation):
let outputURL = fileURL.appendingPathExtension(translation.suggestedFileExtension)
let data = translation.data
do {
try data.write(to: outputURL)
} catch let error {
let resourceDescription = format(resource, short: true)
print("Couldn't write translation for resource \(resourceDescription).")
print(error.shortDescription(withUnderlyingError: true))
case .error(let error):
let resourceDescription = format(resource, short: true)
print("Failed to translate resource \(resourceDescription).")
print(error.shortDescription(withUnderlyingError: true))
func filter(resources: ResourcesByType, task: ExplodeTask) -> ResourcesByType {
return resources.flatMap { (type: FourCharCode, resources: Array<Resource>) -> (FourCharCode, Array<Resource>)? in
if let typeFilter = task.typeFilter, type != typeFilter {
return nil
let filteredResources = resources.flatMap { (resource: Resource) -> Resource? in
if let identifierFilter = task.identifierFilter, resource.identifier != identifierFilter {
return nil
return resource
return (type, filteredResources)
func format(_ resource: Resource, short: Bool = false) -> String {
if short {
return "'\(resource.type.description)' \(resource.identifier)"
var string = String(format: "'%@' %7d %8d bytes", resource.type.description, resource.identifier, resource.data.count)
if let name = resource.stringName {
string += " \"\(name)\""
return string
func format(_ data: Data) -> String {
let options = MacOSRomanConversionOptions(filterControlCharacters: true, filterFilesystemUnsafeCharacters: false, filterNonASCIICharacters: true, replacementMacOSRomanByte: MacOSRomanByteFullStop)
var lines = Array<String>()
data.withUnsafeBytes { (unsafeBytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) in
offsetAndLengthStride(from: 0, to: data.count, by: 16, { (offset: Int, length: Int) in
let formattedOffset = format(asHex: offset, length: 8)
let lineBuffer = Buffer(pointer: unsafeBytes + offset, count: length)
let formattedLine = format(line: lineBuffer, lineLength: 16)
let asciiFormattedBytes = stringFromMacOSRomanBytes(lineBuffer, options: options)
let rowString = "\(formattedOffset): \(formattedLine) \(asciiFormattedBytes)"
return lines.joined(separator: "\n")
// 0-9, A-F
let asciiHexCharacters: Array<CChar> = [0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66]
let asciiSpace: CChar = 0x20
func format(asHex number: Int, length: Int) -> String {
assert(length >= 0)
var number = number
let stringBufferCapacity = length + 1
let stringBuffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>.allocate(capacity: stringBufferCapacity)
defer {
stringBuffer.deallocate(capacity: stringBufferCapacity)
var stringBufferIterator = stringBuffer + length
stringBufferIterator.pointee = 0
stringBufferIterator -= 1
while stringBufferIterator >= stringBuffer {
stringBufferIterator.pointee = asciiHexCharacters[number % 16]
number = number / 16
stringBufferIterator -= 1
return String(cString: stringBuffer, encoding: String.Encoding.ascii)!
func format(line lineBuffer: Buffer<UInt8>, lineLength: Int) -> String {
assert(lineBuffer.count <= lineLength)
let lineBytes = lineBuffer.pointer
let lineBytesCount = lineBuffer.count
let spacerCount = max(0, (lineLength - 1) / 2)
let stringBufferSize = lineLength * 2 + spacerCount + 1
let stringBuffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>.allocate(capacity: stringBufferSize)
defer {
stringBuffer.deallocate(capacity: stringBufferSize)
var stringBufferIterator = stringBuffer
@inline(__always) func writeCChar(_ char: CChar) {
stringBufferIterator.pointee = char
stringBufferIterator += 1
for byteIndex in 0..<lineLength {
if byteIndex % 2 == 0 && byteIndex > 0 {
if byteIndex < lineBytesCount {
let byte = lineBytes[byteIndex]
writeCChar(asciiHexCharacters[Int(byte / 16)])
writeCChar(asciiHexCharacters[Int(byte % 16)])
} else {
return String(cString: stringBuffer, encoding: String.Encoding.ascii)!
func explodedLocation(task: ExplodeTask, resource: Resource) -> (URL, URL) {
let outputFolder = task.outputFolder
let typeFolder = outputFolder.appendingPathComponent(filesystemSafeString(resource.type.bytes))
var filename = "\(resource.identifier)"
if let name = resource.name {
let sanitizedName = filesystemSafeString(name)
filename += " \(sanitizedName)"
let url = typeFolder.appendingPathComponent(filename)
return (typeFolder, url)
func swresExplodeMain() -> Int32 {
let task = taskForArguments()
return run(task)