; ; File: Hyperbolic.a ; ; Contains: Routines to emulate hyperbolic functions ; ; Originally Written by: Motorola Inc. ; Adapted to Apple/MPW: Jon Okada ; ; Copyright: © 1990, 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; This file is used in these builds: Mac32 ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <2> 3/30/91 BG Rolling in Jon Okada's latest changes. ; <1> 12/14/90 BG First checked into TERROR/BBS. ; hyperbolic.a ; Based upon Motorola files 'satanh.sa', 'scosh.sa', 'ssinh.sa', and 'stanh.sa'. ; CHANGE LOG: ; 04 Jan 91 JPO Moved constants T1, T2, and TWO16380 (used in scosh/ssinh) ; to file 'constants.a'. Renamed constant BOUNDS1 (used ; in stanh) to BNDTANH. ; ; satanh * * satanh.sa 3.1 12/10/90 * * The entry point satanh computes the inverse * hyperbolic tangent of * an input argument; satanhd does the same except for denormalized * input. * * Input: Double-extended number X in location pointed to * by address register a0. * * Output: The value arctanh(X) returned in floating-point register Fp0. * * Accuracy and Monotonicity: The returned result is within 3 ulps in * 64 significant bit, i.e. within 0.5001 ulp to 53 bits if the * result is subsequently rounded to double precision. The * result is provably monotonic in double precision. * * Speed: The program satanh takes approximately 270 cycles. * * Algorithm: * * ATANH * 1. If |X| >= 1, go to 3. * * 2. (|X| < 1) Calculate atanh(X) by * sgn := sign(X) * y := |X| * z := 2y/(1-y) * atanh(X) := sgn * (1/2) * logp1(z) * Exit. * * 3. If |X| > 1, go to 5. * * 4. (|X| = 1) Generate infinity with an appropriate sign and * divide-by-zero by * sgn := sign(X) * atan(X) := sgn / (+0). * Exit. * * 5. (|X| > 1) Generate an invalid operation by 0 * infinity. * Exit. * * Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990 * All Rights Reserved * * THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF MOTOROLA * The copyright notice above does not evidence any * actual or intended publication of such source code. * satanh IDNT 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package satanhd: *--ATANH(X) = X FOR DENORMALIZED X bra t_extdnrm satanh: move.l (a0),d0 move.w 4(a0),d0 ANDI.L #$7FFFFFFF,D0 CMPI.L #$3FFF8000,D0 BGE.B ATANHBIG *--THIS IS THE USUAL CASE, |X| < 1 *--Y = |X|, Z = 2Y/(1-Y), ATANH(X) = SIGN(X) * (1/2) * LOG1P(Z). FABS.X (a0),FP0 ;...Y = |X| FMOVE.X FP0,FP1 FNEG.X FP1 ;...-Y FADD.X FP0,FP0 ;...2Y FADD.S #"$3F800000",FP1 ;...1-Y FDIV.X FP1,FP0 ;...2Y/(1-Y) move.l (a0),d0 ANDI.L #$80000000,D0 ORI.L #$3F000000,D0 ;...SIGN(X)*HALF move.l d0,-(sp) fmovem.x fp0,(a0) ;...overwrite input move.l d1,-(sp) clr.l d1 bsr slognp1 ;...LOG1P(Z) fmove.l (sp)+,fpcr FMUL.S (sp)+,FP0 bra t_frcinx ATANHBIG: FABS.X (a0),FP0 ;...|X| FCMP.S #"$3F800000",FP0 fbgt t_operr bra t_dz ; scosh * * scosh.sa 3.1 12/10/90 * * The entry point sCosh computes the hyperbolic cosine of * an input argument; sCoshd does the same except for denormalized * input. * * Input: Double-extended number X in location pointed to * by address register a0. * * Output: The value cosh(X) returned in floating-point register Fp0. * * Accuracy and Monotonicity: The returned result is within 3 ulps in * 64 significant bit, i.e. within 0.5001 ulp to 53 bits if the * result is subsequently rounded to double precision. The * result is provably monotonic in double precision. * * Speed: The program sCOSH takes approximately 250 cycles. * * Algorithm: * * COSH * 1. If |X| > 16380 log2, go to 3. * * 2. (|X| <= 16380 log2) Cosh(X) is obtained by the formulae * y = |X|, z = exp(Y), and * cosh(X) = (1/2)*( z + 1/z ). * Exit. * * 3. (|X| > 16380 log2). If |X| > 16480 log2, go to 5. * * 4. (16380 log2 < |X| <= 16480 log2) * cosh(X) = sign(X) * exp(|X|)/2. * However, invoking exp(|X|) may cause premature overflow. * Thus, we calculate sinh(X) as follows: * Y := |X| * Fact := 2**(16380) * Y' := Y - 16381 log2 * cosh(X) := Fact * exp(Y'). * Exit. * * 5. (|X| > 16480 log2) sinh(X) must overflow. Return * Huge*Huge to generate overflow and an infinity with * the appropriate sign. Huge is the largest finite number in * extended format. Exit. * * * Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990 * All Rights Reserved * * THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF MOTOROLA * The copyright notice above does not evidence any * actual or intended publication of such source code. * SCOSH IDNT 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package scoshd: *--COSH(X) = 1 FOR DENORMALIZED X FMOVE.S #"$3F800000",FP0 FMOVE.L d1,FPCR FADD.S #"$00800000",FP0 bra t_frcinx scosh: FMOVE.X (a0),FP0 ;...LOAD INPUT move.l (a0),d0 move.w 4(a0),d0 ANDI.L #$7FFFFFFF,d0 CMPI.L #$400CB167,d0 BGT.B COSHBIG *--THIS IS THE USUAL CASE, |X| < 16380 LOG2 *--COSH(X) = (1/2) * ( EXP(X) + 1/EXP(X) ) FABS.X FP0 ;...|X| move.l d1,-(sp) clr.l d1 fmovem.x fp0,(a0) ;pass parameter to setox bsr setox ;...FP0 IS EXP(|X|) FMUL.S #"$3F000000",FP0 ;...(1/2)EXP(|X|) move.l (sp)+,d1 FMOVE.S #"$3E800000",FP1 ;...(1/4) FDIV.X FP0,FP1 ;...1/(2 EXP(|X|)) FMOVE.L d1,FPCR FADD.X fp1,FP0 bra t_frcinx COSHBIG: CMPI.L #$400CB2B3,d0 BGT.B COSHHUGE FABS.X FP0 FSUB.D T1(pc),FP0 ; ...(|X|-16381LOG2_LEAD) FSUB.D T2(pc),FP0 ; ...|X| - 16381 LOG2, ACCURATE move.l d1,-(sp) clr.l d1 fmovem.x fp0,(a0) bsr setox fmove.l (sp)+,fpcr FMUL.X TWO16380(pc),FP0 bra t_frcinx COSHHUGE: fmove.l #0,fpsr ;clr N bit if set by source bclr.b #7,(a0) ;always return positive value fmovem.x (a0),fp0 bra t_ovfl ; ssinh * * ssinh.sa 3.1 12/10/90 * * The entry point sSinh computes the hyperbolic sine of * an input argument; sSinhd does the same except for denormalized * input. * * Input: Double-extended number X in location pointed to * by address register a0. * * Output: The value sinh(X) returned in floating-point register Fp0. * * Accuracy and Monotonicity: The returned result is within 3 ulps in * 64 significant bit, i.e. within 0.5001 ulp to 53 bits if the * result is subsequently rounded to double precision. The * result is provably monotonic in double precision. * * Speed: The program sSINH takes approximately 280 cycles. * * Algorithm: * * SINH * 1. If |X| > 16380 log2, go to 3. * * 2. (|X| <= 16380 log2) Sinh(X) is obtained by the formulae * y = |X|, sgn = sign(X), and z = expm1(Y), * sinh(X) = sgn*(1/2)*( z + z/(1+z) ). * Exit. * * 3. If |X| > 16480 log2, go to 5. * * 4. (16380 log2 < |X| <= 16480 log2) * sinh(X) = sign(X) * exp(|X|)/2. * However, invoking exp(|X|) may cause premature overflow. * Thus, we calculate sinh(X) as follows: * Y := |X| * sgn := sign(X) * sgnFact := sgn * 2**(16380) * Y' := Y - 16381 log2 * sinh(X) := sgnFact * exp(Y'). * Exit. * * 5. (|X| > 16480 log2) sinh(X) must overflow. Return * sign(X)*Huge*Huge to generate overflow and an infinity with * the appropriate sign. Huge is the largest finite number in * extended format. Exit. * * Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990 * All Rights Reserved * * THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF MOTOROLA * The copyright notice above does not evidence any * actual or intended publication of such source code. * SSINH IDNT 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package ssinhd: *--SINH(X) = X FOR DENORMALIZED X bra t_extdnrm ssinh: FMOVE.x (a0),FP0 ...LOAD INPUT move.l (a0),d0 move.w 4(a0),d0 move.l d0,a1 ;save a copy of original (compacted) operand AND.L #$7FFFFFFF,D0 CMP.L #$400CB167,D0 BGT.B SINHBIG *--THIS IS THE USUAL CASE, |X| < 16380 LOG2 *--Y = |X|, Z = EXPM1(Y), SINH(X) = SIGN(X)*(1/2)*( Z + Z/(1+Z) ) FABS.X FP0 ...Y = |X| movem.l a1/d1,-(sp) fmovem.x fp0,(a0) clr.l d1 bsr setoxm1 ...FP0 IS Z = EXPM1(Y) fmove.l #0,fpcr movem.l (sp)+,a1/d1 FMOVE.X FP0,FP1 FADD.S #"$3F800000",FP1 ...1+Z FMOVE.X FP0,-(sp) FDIV.X FP1,FP0 ...Z/(1+Z) MOVE.L a1,d0 AND.L #$80000000,D0 OR.L #$3F000000,D0 FADD.X (sp)+,FP0 MOVE.L D0,-(sp) fmove.l d1,fpcr fmul.s (sp)+,fp0 ;last fp inst - possible exceptions set bra t_frcinx SINHBIG: cmp.l #$400CB2B3,D0 bgt t_ovfl FABS.X FP0 FSUB.D T1(pc),FP0 ...(|X|-16381LOG2_LEAD) move.l #0,-(sp) move.l #$80000000,-(sp) move.l a1,d0 AND.L #$80000000,D0 OR.L #$7FFB0000,D0 MOVE.L D0,-(sp) ...EXTENDED FMT FSUB.D T2(pc),FP0 ...|X| - 16381 LOG2, ACCURATE move.l d1,-(sp) clr.l d1 fmovem.x fp0,(a0) bsr setox fmove.l (sp)+,fpcr fmul.x (sp)+,fp0 ;possible exception bra t_frcinx ; stanh * * stanh.sa 3.1 12/10/90 * * The entry point sTanh computes the hyperbolic tangent of * an input argument; sTanhd does the same except for denormalized * input. * * Input: Double-extended number X in location pointed to * by address register a0. * * Output: The value tanh(X) returned in floating-point register Fp0. * * Accuracy and Monotonicity: The returned result is within 3 ulps in * 64 significant bit, i.e. within 0.5001 ulp to 53 bits if the * result is subsequently rounded to double precision. The * result is provably monotonic in double precision. * * Speed: The program stanh takes approximately 270 cycles. * * Algorithm: * * TANH * 1. If |X| >= (5/2) log2 or |X| <= 2**(-40), go to 3. * * 2. (2**(-40) < |X| < (5/2) log2) Calculate tanh(X) by * sgn := sign(X), y := 2|X|, z := expm1(Y), and * tanh(X) = sgn*( z/(2+z) ). * Exit. * * 3. (|X| <= 2**(-40) or |X| >= (5/2) log2). If |X| < 1, * go to 7. * * 4. (|X| >= (5/2) log2) If |X| >= 50 log2, go to 6. * * 5. ((5/2) log2 <= |X| < 50 log2) Calculate tanh(X) by * sgn := sign(X), y := 2|X|, z := exp(Y), * tanh(X) = sgn - [ sgn*2/(1+z) ]. * Exit. * * 6. (|X| >= 50 log2) Tanh(X) = +-1 (round to nearest). Thus, we * calculate Tanh(X) by * sgn := sign(X), Tiny := 2**(-126), * tanh(X) := sgn - sgn*Tiny. * Exit. * * 7. (|X| < 2**(-40)). Tanh(X) = X. Exit. * * Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990 * All Rights Reserved * * THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF MOTOROLA * The copyright notice above does not evidence any * actual or intended publication of such source code. * STANH IDNT 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package X equ FP_SCR5 XDCARE equ X+2 XFRAC equ X+4 SGN equ L_SCR3 V equ FP_SCR6 BNDTANH DC.L $3FD78000,$3FFFDDCE ; 2^(-40), (5/2)LOG2 - label changed <1/4/91, JPO> stanhd: *--TANH(X) = X FOR DENORMALIZED X bra t_extdnrm stanh: FMOVE.X (a0),FP0 ...LOAD INPUT FMOVE.X FP0,X(a6) move.l (a0),d0 move.w 4(a0),d0 MOVE.L D0,X(a6) AND.L #$7FFFFFFF,D0 CMP2.L BNDTANH(pc),D0 ...2**(-40) < |X| < (5/2)LOG2 ? BCS.B TANHBORS *--THIS IS THE USUAL CASE *--Y = 2|X|, Z = EXPM1(Y), TANH(X) = SIGN(X) * Z / (Z+2). MOVE.L X(a6),D0 MOVE.L D0,SGN(a6) AND.L #$7FFF0000,D0 ADD.L #$00010000,D0 ...EXPONENT OF 2|X| MOVE.L D0,X(a6) AND.L #$80000000,SGN(a6) FMOVE.X X(a6),FP0 ...FP0 IS Y = 2|X| move.l d1,-(a7) clr.l d1 fmovem.x fp0,(a0) bsr setoxm1 ...FP0 IS Z = EXPM1(Y) move.l (a7)+,d1 FMOVE.X FP0,FP1 FADD.S #"$40000000",FP1 ...Z+2 MOVE.L SGN(a6),D0 FMOVE.X FP1,V(a6) EOR.L D0,V(a6) FMOVE.L d1,FPCR ;restore users exceptions FDIV.X V(a6),FP0 bra t_frcinx TANHBORS: CMP.L #$3FFF8000,D0 BLT.B TANHSM CMP.L #$40048AA1,D0 BGT.W TANHHUGE *-- (5/2) LOG2 < |X| < 50 LOG2, *--TANH(X) = 1 - (2/[EXP(2X)+1]). LET Y = 2|X|, SGN = SIGN(X), *--TANH(X) = SGN - SGN*2/[EXP(Y)+1]. MOVE.L X(a6),D0 MOVE.L D0,SGN(a6) AND.L #$7FFF0000,D0 ADD.L #$00010000,D0 ...EXPO OF 2|X| MOVE.L D0,X(a6) ...Y = 2|X| AND.L #$80000000,SGN(a6) MOVE.L SGN(a6),D0 FMOVE.X X(a6),FP0 ...Y = 2|X| move.l d1,-(a7) clr.l d1 fmovem.x fp0,(a0) bsr setox ...FP0 IS EXP(Y) move.l (a7)+,d1 move.l SGN(a6),d0 FADD.S #"$3F800000",FP0 ...EXP(Y)+1 EOR.L #$C0000000,D0 ...-SIGN(X)*2 FMOVE.S d0,FP1 ...-SIGN(X)*2 IN SGL FMT FDIV.X FP0,FP1 ...-SIGN(X)2 / [EXP(Y)+1 ] MOVE.L SGN(a6),D0 OR.L #$3F800000,D0 ...SGN FMOVE.S d0,FP0 ...SGN IN SGL FMT FMOVE.L d1,FPCR ;restore users exceptions FADD.X fp1,FP0 bra t_frcinx TANHSM: MOVE.W #$0000,XDCARE(a6) FMOVE.L d1,FPCR ;restore users exceptions FMOVE.X X(a6),FP0 ;last inst - possible exception set bra t_frcinx TANHHUGE: *---RETURN SGN(X) - SGN(X)EPS MOVE.L X(a6),D0 AND.L #$80000000,D0 OR.L #$3F800000,D0 FMOVE.S d0,FP0 AND.L #$80000000,D0 EOR.L #$80800000,D0 ...-SIGN(X)*EPS FMOVE.L d1,FPCR ;restore users exceptions FADD.S d0,FP0 bra t_frcinx